Not supporting the war BUT supporting our troops

xen said:
Serously, I would like to know what makes me socialist? Any takers?

did you read her statement it said you were not a capitalist....for fucks sake dude drop the attitude
manu1959 said:
did you read her statement it said you were not a capitalist....for fucks sake dude drop the attitude
Why would I not be capitalist?
xen said:
Serously, I would like to know what makes me socialist? Any takers?

Anyway, it can be attributed mostly to a habit of exaggeration. When you mean 'increased regulation' you say 'elimination of the free market system' which is a communist ideation and certainly not capitalism. Mostly it is the semantics of what you say, the 'how' of your statements not what you actually mean. It is why I kept telling you it is vital in order to communicate accurately to use the words you mean or if you are exaggerating for effect tell people so.

I would do something like this:

[exaggerating for effect]

I think we should eliminate government and adopt anarchy...


Then people will know that you are exaggerating.

Use smilies for effect as well, if you are joking add a j/k or a :D . This can go a long way toward minimizing that type of reaction.
Hmm, ya I need to work on my exaggeration. :eek:

Are we confusing the free market term?
I always considered this 'free to commerce' area of the market to be the 'open market'. The other extreme would be having too many rules.

Freemarket to me, means less rules, allowing monopolies, predatory businesses, no obligation to the american people. A NEW term.
They shouldnt be allowed to make mountains of money at our dispense.
They need to have an interest in the american people, not just the bottom line.

We let them use our legal system, emergency systems, market, currency, roads, utilities, and more. We pay for all of it.

Hehehe, they certainly get alot more welfare than our poorest. And we complain about people getting the welfare?...argh!!
xen said:
Why would I not be capitalist?

Let's try this again xen.....

Do you advocate this?

An economic system in which the means of production and distribution are privately or corporately owned and development is proportionate to the accumulation and reinvestment of profits gained in a free market.

or do you advocate this?

Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.

You pick!
kurtsprincess said:
An economic system in which the means of production and distribution are privately or corporately owned and development is proportionate to the accumulation and reinvestment of profits gained in a free market.
I think any man should be able to make his own personal forture, without others taking it away, because it is 'too much' or others need it more. Its freedom.

Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.
I don't even know how to approach this, just makes no could you make money in this system?
entrepreneurs(if existent) would probly be slowed to the rate of a complicated bureaucracy.
Not to mention the fact that everyone would be a government employees. eww!
I think this is why we are confused about where you stand xen....

xen said:
I think any man should be able to make his own personal forture, without others taking it away, because it is 'too much' or others need it more. Its freedom.

Sounds like you are a capitalist.

However, when you say this:

Freemarket to me, means less rules, allowing monopolies, predatory businesses, no obligation to the american people. A NEW term.
They shouldnt be allowed to make mountains of money at our dispense.
They need to have an interest in the american people, not just the bottom line.

Makes you sound like a socialist. Wanting the government to impose endless regulations.

So........which one of the above statements is what you really support?
this thread is still going? Well since its way off topic now, who do you think is going to win the world series? I mean hey everything else has been discussed in here. I can't keep track anymore.
Freemarket to me, means less rules, allowing monopolies, predatory businesses, no obligation to the american people. A NEW term.
They shouldnt be allowed to make mountains of money at our dispense.
They need to have an interest in the american people, not just the bottom line.
kurtsprincess said:
Makes you sound like a socialist. Wanting the government to impose endless regulations.
....which one of the above statements is what you really support?

LOL, getting rid of predatory monopolies and obligating businesses to have an interest in the american peoples future makes me a socialist? I don't thinks o.
And no, I don't advocate endless regulations. I don't believe i have ever said anything like that.
Dear xen,

In a desperate attempt to restore what little faith I had in the world, I am writing you this very important letter. I do not want to offend or confuse you, but I only really have control over the former, as the latter is clearly an integral part of what you makes you… well, you.

You should thank RWA for bringing this situation to my attention. You should know that he and I often disagree, but his vigilant monitoring of the board for new lows in stupidity should be applauded. Without him, I would not have known that you, xen, were reaching for a new bottom. I realize I may already be too late, but I have to try to help.

I am not sure how this thread came to a discussion of economics, market structure and formation, and government regulation, and after careful consideration… I do not care. xen, there is no easy way to put this – you are retarded. I entered your posts into my “Economics IQ Tester” and the results are irrefutable. If you knew any less about economics you would actually create a black hole of knowledge, likely only consuming your intellectually feeble ideas; this is not why I was compelled to write to you, though. Your stupidity is on a level that I have never encountered before – it simply dwarfs the proverbial “bag of hammers”. According to my very precise calculations, when you think, you may actually make other people dumber. Knowing the possibility exists that your black hole of anti-thought could consume the reasonable thoughts of your colleagues and neighbors and render them retarded as well, I could not sleep with a clean conscience.

The first thing you must do is to stop talking. This will greatly reduce the spread of your imbecility to others. And second, although the challenge will be great, the reward is beyond your current, limited imagination, trust me – you should read a book. Please read “in your head”, not by moving your lips and whispering, as this will greatly reduce the effectiveness of my first suggestion. The book I suggest you read is Principles of Economics by Gregory Mankiw. I do not suggest this book because I think it is a good introduction to economics, but because it is the heaviest, by mass, of the introductory texts with which I am familiar. So if all else fails you can use it to beat yourself from your current semi-comatose state into a state of complete vegetation.

I hope that my letter finds you well and good luck.

The ClayTaurus said:
Sheesh. A simple "you're an idiot" would have done just as good a job...
No, no, would not have been. That was really good.

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