Not supporting the war BUT supporting our troops

Kathianne said:
This pertains to what?
Biggest load of slander bullshit ive EVER seen...maybe he should just tell me to read a friggin book instead of slandering me. Or maybe he/she could enlighten me on why i am wrong instead of just insulting me. DIDNT even argue a single point. just retarded politician style bullcrap.
If you all knew me you would NOT talk to me that way, you woulnt even consider it. If you did, you would be running in the other direction by the time you were finished.
And because YOU, dont do anything about it. CANT EVEN RECOGNIZE bullcrap when you see it. You are just as bad.
xen said:
Biggest load of slander bullshit ive EVER seen...maybe he should just tell me to read a friggin book instead of slandering me. Or maybe he/she could enlighten me on why i am wrong instead of just insulting me. DIDNT even argue a single point. just retarded politician style bullcrap.
If you all knew me you would NOT talk to me that way, you woulnt even consider it. If you did, you would be running in the other direction by the time you were finished.
And because YOU, dont do anything about it. CANT EVEN RECOGNIZE bullcrap when you see it. You are just as bad.

Once again you are not 'quoting' what you are raving about. Sorry, but no credance here. As one democrat said about some GOP'r, you have no 'gravitas.'
Kathianne said:
Once again you are not 'quoting' what you are raving about. Sorry, but no credance here. As one democrat said about some GOP'r, you have no 'gravitas.'
You are pathetic.
Everyone is just making me SO angry with this slander. must be trying to get me banned.
I would LOVE to debate, but no..i only get insults for replies.
xen said:
You are pathetic.
Let's see, I've posted in the most popular forum for you to clear your pm's.

I've responded to each of your posts.

You still flame.

1st warning.

Why am I feeling like a cop dealing with a perp that wants the cops to kill him? :eek:
xen said:
Everyone is just making me SO angry with this slander. must be trying to get me banned.
I would LOVE to debate, but no..i only get insults for replies.
No one is slandering you, YOU have responsibility for what you post. Perhaps now would be a good time for a break? :cool:
xen said:
Biggest load of slander bullshit ive EVER seen...maybe he should just tell me to read a friggin book instead of slandering me.

Again with this slander crap in another thread? Please educate yourself to what you're actually accusing people of.
Main Entry: 2slander
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English sclaundre, slaundre, from Old French esclandre, from Late Latin scandalum stumbling block, offense -- more at SCANDAL
1 : the utterance of false charges or misrepresentations which defame and damage another's reputation
2 : a false and defamatory oral statement about a person -- compare LIBEL
- slan·der·ous /-d(&-)r&s/ adjective
- slan·der·ous·ly adverb
- slan·der·ous·ness noun

Please, show us this slander.
elephant said:
Dear xen,

In a desperate attempt to restore what little faith I had in the world, I am writing you this very important letter. I do not want to offend or confuse you, but I only really have control over the former, as the latter is clearly an integral part of what you makes you… well, you.

You should thank RWA for bringing this situation to my attention. You should know that he and I often disagree, but his vigilant monitoring of the board for new lows in stupidity should be applauded. Without him, I would not have known that you, xen, were reaching for a new bottom. I realize I may already be too late, but I have to try to help.

I am not sure how this thread came to a discussion of economics, market structure and formation, and government regulation, and after careful consideration… I do not care. xen, there is no easy way to put this – you are retarded. I entered your posts into my “Economics IQ Tester” and the results are irrefutable. If you knew any less about economics you would actually create a black hole of knowledge, likely only consuming your intellectually feeble ideas; this is not why I was compelled to write to you, though. Your stupidity is on a level that I have never encountered before – it simply dwarfs the proverbial “bag of hammers”. According to my very precise calculations, when you think, you may actually make other people dumber. Knowing the possibility exists that your black hole of anti-thought could consume the reasonable thoughts of your colleagues and neighbors and render them retarded as well, I could not sleep with a clean conscience.

The first thing you must do is to stop talking. This will greatly reduce the spread of your imbecility to others. And second, although the challenge will be great, the reward is beyond your current, limited imagination, trust me – you should read a book. Please read “in your head”, not by moving your lips and whispering, as this will greatly reduce the effectiveness of my first suggestion. The book I suggest you read is Principles of Economics by Gregory Mankiw. I do not suggest this book because I think it is a good introduction to economics, but because it is the heaviest, by mass, of the introductory texts with which I am familiar. So if all else fails you can use it to beat yourself from your current semi-comatose state into a state of complete vegetation.

I hope that my letter finds you well and good luck.


That is the funniest, polite, insult I've ever read! Bravo!

Xen, seriously, whoever is right or wrong, I think the solution to all this shit is just to stop posting for a while and do what Kathianne said, just take a break. All you're doing is pissing yourself off more and more.
If he knew me, he would not talk that way. But since he has, he should hope never to meet me.
That's three posts now where you (xen) have told us that if we "knew who you were", we wouldn't talk to you this way.

You seem to be begging for this question, so here you go:

"So, tell us, who are you, Xen?"
Hobbit said:
Main Entry: 2slander
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English sclaundre, slaundre, from Old French esclandre, from Late Latin scandalum stumbling block, offense -- more at SCANDAL
1 : the utterance of false charges or misrepresentations which defame and damage another's reputation
2 : a false and defamatory oral statement about a person -- compare LIBEL
- slan·der·ous /-d(&-)r&s/ adjective
- slan·der·ous·ly adverb
- slan·der·ous·ness noun

Please, show us this slander.

Also, and I wasn't going to ruin the surprise, but slander and/or libel would require physical damages. Without physical damages there is no case. It's simply name calling and opinions, which are protected speech under the first amendment. Slander/libel would require proof that the words were a lie, not an opinion, and must be proven that the 'speaker' purposely lied. These words must be 'spoken' to a crowd and damages suffered. Since no one really even knows who 'xen' is it is virtually impossible for slander to occur.

Anyway, this thread has went way off track. Maybe xen will forget the accusations and stay on track with those who wish to debate with him.
xen said:
Biggest load of slander bullshit ive EVER seen...maybe he should just tell me to read a friggin book instead of slandering me. Or maybe he/she could enlighten me on why i am wrong instead of just insulting me. DIDNT even argue a single point. just retarded politician style bullcrap.
If you all knew me you would NOT talk to me that way, you woulnt even consider it. If you did, you would be running in the other direction by the time you were finished.And because YOU, dont do anything about it. CANT EVEN RECOGNIZE bullcrap when you see it. You are just as bad.

Here we go with the e-balls. Come to this, has it? Just because you terrify little old ladies and toddlers on the park on your bicycle in the park doesn't make you about shit. Those playing cards in the spokes realy DON'T make you bad, dude.

But if you have your little heart set on arranging a meet to terrify someone with your presence, I want to be first.
xen said:
If he knew me, he would not talk that way. But since he has, he should hope never to meet me.

He won't tell us anything. Idle threats. Mine's bigger..blah blah blah.

If he "was someone" who we should respect for one reason or another, his ego wouldn't have let him gone this far without telling us.


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