Not supporting the war BUT supporting our troops

xen said:
No they are not complicit, they are TRYING to protect us. There is much honor in that.
The troops are not getting illegal orders. "Go sweep this town for enemy insurgents" Is not an unlawful statement.

Guess what, stain, the bush administration and congressional supporters are trying to protect us too, and there is much honor in that as well.

Your debate skills are sucking.
xen said:
No they are not complicit, they are TRYING to protect us. There is much honor in that.
The troops are not getting illegal orders. "Go sweep this town for enemy insurgents" Is not an unlawful statement.

If the war is illegal/immoral, so is "sweeping this town for insurgents".
rtwngAvngr said:
Guess what, stain, the bush administration and congressional supporters are trying to protect us too, and there is much honor in that as well.

Your debate skills are sucking.

They're reasons for going to war may or may not be candid, but the road they took to get there, was highly illegal.
Said1 said:
If the war is illegal/immoral, so is "sweeping this town for insurgents".
No its not! those are ENEMY insurgents, they could launch many attacks from that city. We must sweep to protect our troops.
Don't even talk to me Shattered, i just cant believe you did that.

-edit- oops
xen said:
Don't even talk to me Said1, i just cant believe you did that.

OMG, NO! What did she do? We'll have her drawn and quartered, for sure.

xen said:
No its not! those are ENEMY insurgents, they could launch many attacks from that city. We must sweep to protect our troops.

Oh, so they're there to smoke out large amounts of terrorists condensed in one area. I get it. Ticky. Is that legal? :D

Also, if the US tries to mess with our oil, they answer to China, since they own most of it. :gross2:
I meant shattered, gimme time to correct myself before you drop a steamy one on my lap.
xen said:
No its not! those are ENEMY insurgents, they could launch many attacks from that city. We must sweep to protect our troops.

And we must dominate the middleast to stop terrorism and protect non muslims around the world. Don't mention it, knob.
xen said:
No its not! those are ENEMY insurgents, they could launch many attacks from that city. We must sweep to protect our troops.

Straining that 8th grade education, are you? And the left side of your slip is showing calling murdering fanatical religious nutcases "insurgents."

Insurgents wage war against ARMIES. Murdering scumbag terrorists wage war against their own populations.
xen said:
I meant shattered, gimme time to correct myself before you drop a steamy one on my lap.

Oh, hell. Now we have to have ME drawn and quartered? Damn. Whatever will I do.. :fifty:

<i>**hides behind Gunny**</i>
Shattered said:
Oh, hell. Now we have to have ME drawn and quartered? Damn. Whatever will I do.. :fifty:

<i>**hides behind Gunny**</i>

You took points from Yahoo Serious?
Are the kids done playing?!?!? the adults need to talk!
Shattered said:
Why? Did you want them?

His points? No thanks. ANy that he had were from partisan hacks, not for any point HE made. I'm STILL waiting for that to happen.

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