Not Sure Where We (My Fiancée and I) Went Wrong

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Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
Okay first before I tell you guys this story, please no comments from the peanut gallery alright? Neither me or my fiancée drive right now even though we're in our early thirties. I don't feel comfortable behind the wheel right now, (and neither does my family and for the record we both have disabilities) and he's just starting to feel safe with it and currently working on his license. Anyways, currently we both need to depend on other ways for transportation.

So on Monday we went to go to the movie theater to go see the I Can movie. We got another means of transportation to the theater and his mother said that she was going to be out anyways at the nearby mall so (by her own free will) she told us that she would go ahead and pick us up and to let us know when the movie was going to be over. My fiancée texted her once the movie was ending while I went to the restroom so that she could ahead and pick us up. (The mall is only a few minutes away)

So after I come out of the restroom and rejoin my fiancée, we go outside and she hasn't shown up yet. He gives her a call and it goes straight to voicemail. So we don't have a clue what's going on and if she's still going to pick us up so he calls her again and finds out what's going on and she said that she's sorry that she lost track of the time. He says that's alright but she should have gotten her priorities straight with her commitment and had been watching the time, (I said this) or at least text one of us to say that she couldn't make it and is it possible for us to make other arrangements and that was very irresponsible of her.

We wound up getting another ride but she totally went off on us and hasn't spoken to either one of us since. Although we both have apologized for upsetting her, (not sorry for what we said though) and the ball is currently in her court. It still beats the heck out of me of why she's the one mad at us when she kept us waiting. We get that she made a mistake and she's sorry for it, but she's still the one at fault not us as she could have always said at any point that she might not be able to get us after all.
so just what kind of response are you expecting RR?


Comments about the incident not about my fiancée and I not driving. I'm just curious what people have to say about the incident. She's also the one planning to take us to the adult Halloween party on the 21st of October btw, so we're just hoping that she won't bail on us then.
Comments about the incident not about my fiancée and I not driving. I'm just curious what people have to say about the incident. She's also the one planning to take us to the adult Halloween party on the 21st of October btw, so we're just hoping that she won't bail on us then.

In the future either plan to take an Uber or make sure the person who is driving you guys is going to the movie with you would be my advice. Expecting others to act the way you want them to usually ends in disappointment
Disabilities. Mental kind.
Oksurefine RR

I'm not exactly in lockstep with the rest of humanity, so i understand

Fact is, most sorts can't put up with me for very long, due to my lifestyle and views

We aren't so different , in said respect you see

But i would advise you to not bare your soul on this soul s*cking device , because humanity has little heart and will stab at your soul for their own twisted pleasure

Comments about the incident not about my fiancée and I not driving. I'm just curious what people have to say about the incident. She's also the one planning to take us to the adult Halloween party on the 21st of October btw, so we're just hoping that she won't bail on us then.
I would find a confidant here to ask questions like this instead of general populace
Comments about the incident not about my fiancée and I not driving. I'm just curious what people have to say about the incident. She's also the one planning to take us to the adult Halloween party on the 21st of October btw, so we're just hoping that she won't bail on us then.
I think you should have cut her a break. Shit happens. If she can never be counted on then don’t count on her… and if it was just a mistake, remember she simply agreed to do you a favor and at the end of the day you were just inconvenienced.
I think you should have cut her a break. Shit happens. If she can never be counted on then don’t count on her… and if it was just a mistake, remember she simply agreed to do you a favor.

For once I agree with you and as I said in my OP we already have apologized for accidentally upsetting her and now the ball is in her court.
Okay first before I tell you guys this story, please no comments from the peanut gallery alright? Neither me or my fiancée drive right now even though we're in our early thirties. I don't feel comfortable behind the wheel right now, (and neither does my family and for the record we both have disabilities) and he's just starting to feel safe with it and currently working on his license. Anyways, currently we both need to depend on other ways for transportation.

So on Monday we went to go to the movie theater to go see the I Can movie. We got another means of transportation to the theater and his mother said that she was going to be out anyways at the nearby mall so (by her own free will) she told us that she would go ahead and pick us up and to let us know when the movie was going to be over. My fiancée texted her once the movie was ending while I went to the restroom so that she could ahead and pick us up. (The mall is only a few minutes away)

So after I come out of the restroom and rejoin my fiancée, we go outside and she hasn't shown up yet. He gives her a call and it goes straight to voicemail. So we don't have a clue what's going on and if she's still going to pick us up so he calls her again and finds out what's going on and she said that she's sorry that she lost track of the time. He says that's alright but she should have gotten her priorities straight with her commitment and had been watching the time, (I said this) or at least text one of us to say that she couldn't make it and is it possible for us to make other arrangements and that was very irresponsible of her.

We wound up getting another ride but she totally went off on us and hasn't spoken to either one of us since. Although we both have apologized for upsetting her, (not sorry for what we said though) and the ball is currently in her court. It still beats the heck out of me of why she's the one mad at us when she kept us waiting. We get that she made a mistake and she's sorry for it, but she's still the one at fault not us as she could have always said at any point that she might not be able to get us after all.

If you are relying on someone else to pick you up as an adult I dont see how you can be pissed at her.
Could you have gotten an uber ride?
If you are relying on someone else to pick you up as an adult I dont see how you can be pissed at her.
Could you have gotten an uber ride?

I'm not pissed at her, she's pissed at us and isn't Uber expensive?
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