Not the Gateway Pundit II

You're trying, but you keep Failing.

Can you post that evidence of Fraud....... Please.
I'd like to see what you claim as proof.

If there's proof, then post it.
It's NOT that hard to copy and paste your proof.
Why haven't you?
You don't accept evidence or proof. You lie about everything.
More fraud or more mistakes. Does it matter when all of this undoubtedly shows our elections have 0 integrity. This is not a question anymore it is a reality and corrupt authorities refuse to do a fucking thing about it.

Additionally, VoterGA reported poll books in three Georgia counties “mysteriously added hundreds more voters who voted than the number of votes cast by the machines.”

The group presented “flaws in the recently completed 2022 Risk Limiting Audit (RLA)”:

The organization asserts that Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger “ignored basic RLA audit principles by selecting batches for all counties instead of having counties randomly select ballots.”

VoterGA explains further the lack of proper methodology in the audit:

“Despite the flaws, Raffensperger claimed the 2022 audit confirmed the election results,” VoterGA states, noting how its own analysis revealed “fatal flaws” in the 2020 audit that ultimately led to Governor Brian Kemp’s study that was sent to the State Election Board.

The group notes the 2020 flaws in Fulton County were shown to include a “60% batch error rate, falsified tally sheets with 850 to 0 Biden votes, 6,000 duplicate reported ballots and about 350 duplicate scanned ballots.”

VoterGA has now filed a lawsuit against several counties that alleges “unlawful destruction of original ballot images from the November 2020 General Election.”

These are facts. Not conspiracies and it is high time the assholes calling them conspiracies actually prove that they are. Denying it means SHIT.


Another fail – more rightwing fake news.

“Overall, we rate The Tennessee Star Right biased based on story selection and editorial content that favors the Right. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting based on deceptive publishing of political information without disclosure of ownership and funding.”


Another fail – more rightwing fake news.

“Overall, we rate The Tennessee Star Right biased based on story selection and editorial content that favors the Right. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting based on deceptive publishing of political information without disclosure of ownership and funding.”

Anytime vote counting drags out, you vermin are cheating. Fact.

Another fail – more rightwing fake news.

“Overall, we rate The Tennessee Star Right biased based on story selection and editorial content that favors the Right. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting based on deceptive publishing of political information without disclosure of ownership and funding.”

Stick the source checkers. They only check opinions. You are a fool.
More fraud or more mistakes. Does it matter when all of this undoubtedly shows our elections have 0 integrity. This is not a question anymore it is a reality and corrupt authorities refuse to do a fucking thing about it.

Additionally, VoterGA reported poll books in three Georgia counties “mysteriously added hundreds more voters who voted than the number of votes cast by the machines.”

The group presented “flaws in the recently completed 2022 Risk Limiting Audit (RLA)”:

The organization asserts that Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger “ignored basic RLA audit principles by selecting batches for all counties instead of having counties randomly select ballots.”

VoterGA explains further the lack of proper methodology in the audit:

“Despite the flaws, Raffensperger claimed the 2022 audit confirmed the election results,” VoterGA states, noting how its own analysis revealed “fatal flaws” in the 2020 audit that ultimately led to Governor Brian Kemp’s study that was sent to the State Election Board.

The group notes the 2020 flaws in Fulton County were shown to include a “60% batch error rate, falsified tally sheets with 850 to 0 Biden votes, 6,000 duplicate reported ballots and about 350 duplicate scanned ballots.”

VoterGA has now filed a lawsuit against several counties that alleges “unlawful destruction of original ballot images from the November 2020 General Election.”

These are facts. Not conspiracies and it is high time the assholes calling them conspiracies actually prove that they are. Denying it means SHIT.

More right wing nuts making false claims.
Don't stop lying though, you're very entertaining. There is NO valid excuse for vote count delays. Fact!
The excuse is that it takes time to cheat and cover your tracks. They have fraud down to a science. Too bad for them the machine failures cannot be covered up.
You clearly have no idea what you are talking about. You have to provide evidence.
That evidence is not heard until there is an evidentiary hearing.'? The term itself is self explanatory. Again you are so dumb it boggles the mind. Do you have a Shamwow to catch the dribble on your keyboard?
That evidence is not heard until there is an evidentiary hearing.'? The term itself is self explanatory. Again you are so dumb it boggles the mind. Do you have a Shamwow to catch the dribble on your keyboard?
Sorry to disagree, but that trash is just lying to waste your time. It's what they do, hence I NEVER give them anything.

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