Not Tired Yet: 878,000 Millionaires Added in Last 12 Months

Have you studied the French Revolution? Have you studies anything?

Obviously, you haven't "studies" much.

Are you going to cut our heads off? I'm very well read on the French Revolution. Are you threatening to cut my head off because I have my own opinion?

Keyboard Robespierre.

Has anyone else noticed the stock market? It had ups and downs, reaching a low on October 29th. It started rising again until the day after the midterms, now it's sinking. If it continues its trend downward, we'll know it has something to do with the Dems taking the House...


It has been stagnant since Jan and now you want to blame it on something that took place a week ago?

Typical Trump sheep

From your link and CS PDF:

Most of this happened under Obama.

""“Total wealth and wealth per adult in the United States have grown every year since 2008, even when total global wealth suffered a reversal in 2014 and 2015. The United States has accounted for 40 percent of all increments to world wealth since 2008, and 58 percent of the rise since 2013. """
The 878,000 is spin from the Washington Examiner, a far right wing mullet wrapper.
LOL....the wife and I reached that status and neither of us went to college.
If you have any drive at all becoming a millionaire isn't that difficult.
In fact it's pretty easy if you apply yourself.
Best way to become a millionaire?

Start with a billion and donate to The Democrat Party. That'll help them whittle you down to size.
From the source in the OP:

“Total wealth and wealth per adult in the United States have grown every year since 2008, even when total global wealth suffered a reversal in 2014 and 2015.

Thank you President Obama.

And this has what , exactly , to do with the working / middle class whose wages have been stagnant ? MAGA my fucking ass’

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Pisses you off that 878,000 middle class people are now millionaires.
It pisses me off that this country is becoming an oligarchy at the expense of ordinary people .It pisses me off that while Trump supports policies that allows the elite to make millions , he is trying to take health care away from working people, opposes a living minimum wage, and supports a tax structure that screws the middle class. Let me ask you, are you wealthy ? Are you making millions? Or, do you just enjoy taking it up the ass out of adoration for the Orange Ogre because your a pathetic and gullible masochist?
Are you upset that Nancy Pelosi is part of the oligarchy?
And this has what , exactly , to do with the working / middle class whose wages have been stagnant ? MAGA my fucking ass’

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Pisses you off that 878,000 middle class people are now millionaires.
It pisses me off that this country is becoming an oligarchy at the expense of ordinary people .It pisses me off that while Trump supports policies that allows the elite to make millions , he is trying to take health care away from working people, opposes a living minimum wage, and supports a tax structure that screws the middle class. Let me ask you, are you wealthy ? Are you making millions? Or, do you just enjoy taking it up the ass out of adoration for the Orange Ogre because your a pathetic and gullible masochist?
Pisses you off that hard working Americans can succeed.
That's your pathetic response? And here is another. Answer my questions! Do you still believe in the debunked trickle down supply side economic theory?
From the freak all pissed that 878,000 middle class Americans became millionaires this year.

Number Of U.S. Millionaires Soared In 2009: Spectrem Group
Number Of U.S. Millionaires Soared In 2009: Spectrem Group | HuffPost

Seems that for 7 years you conservatives were pretty pissed about Obama creating millionaires.
From the freak all pissed that 878,000 middle class Americans became millionaires this year.
You are pathetically avoiding the real questions that I asked. Can you do anything besides keep bleating about all of the new millionaires-? Here is a few more questions that I'm sure that you'll blow off because you haven't even thought about it....I an extreme income and wealth disparity good for America? Is it good for democracy? Is it good for any country? Have you studied the French Revolution? Have you studies anything?
A normal human being says yeah for those 878,000 people, now let’s make it even more!

But you Leftards are not normal. Demonic pawns foaming st the mouth wishing to tear down those 878,000 successful people.
Don't you even wonder how many have been added to the working poor rolls? The HARD WORKING poor, that is? You figure the thousands losing jobs over store closings will be impressed?

Promises made, promises kept. Since Trump took office, four and a half million new American jobs, 4.3 million Americans off food stamps, 4 million Americans out of poverty.
And 20 million that don't make enough to purchase healthcare. Quality should Trump quantity.

There is no "right" to healthcare. Just as there is no "right" to a free college education, a home, a car, or a cell phone.

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