Not too late to save yourself and your country

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011

Republicans for Obama

The Republican party isn't what it used to be. Our leaders and our most vocal activists have written moderates out of the party and have refused to work with the other side, to the detriment of the nation. Center-right presidents such as Reagan, Bush Sr., Ford, Nixon and Eisenhower would have no chance being nominated today.

Unfortunately, Mitt Romney has not proven to be able to stand up to our party's most extreme elements. Instead, he has fallen for the "one-size-fits-all" mentality that tax cuts for the already-wealthy will solve all of our problems, and has no workable plans to solve the challenges we face.

President Obama has shown himself to be a common-sense centrist. He has cut taxes when necessary, has taken steps to protect the environment, and has aggressively pursued Islamic extremists who threaten America. Most notably, he has reformed our healthcare system by signing a Republican-inspired healthcare plan into law. In most other points in our party's history, Obama would fit in well as a Republican.
Recent Blog Posts:
Republican for 30 Years, But Voting for Obama

As a registered Republican for over 30 years now, I thought I’d share my thoughts.



Come away from the dark side ...
Some days they like corporations and some days they think corporations are the enemy. Ever wonder why the radical left seems bi-polar?
i bet luddly actually believes that dems don't take the same amount of money by corporations as pubs....

pretty sad...i hope he can't vote

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