Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy

Absurdly high? Compared to when? Does MW today buy as much as in the past?

We're clearly dealing with a real Mensa candidate here (insert face palm). Do you know why the value of a dollar continues to decrease? Because the idiots, like you, who keep insisting a hike in minimum wage. Every time you increase labor costs on a business, they have to make that up. Which means the prices for goods and services increases. Which means the minimum wage worker is no further ahead after the increase than they were before the increase.

This is basic economics genius.

The value of the dollar is higher than it has been in decades
Absurdly high? Compared to when? Does MW today buy as much as in the past?

We're clearly dealing with a real Mensa candidate here (insert face palm). Do you know why the value of a dollar continues to decrease? Because the idiots, like you, who keep insisting a hike in minimum wage. Every time you increase labor costs on a business, they have to make that up. Which means the prices for goods and services increases. Which means the minimum wage worker is no further ahead after the increase than they were before the increase.

This is basic economics genius.

The value of the dollar is higher than it has been in decades
Then clearly Starskey was lying and clearly there is no need to raise minimum wage. If the dollar buys more today than it has in decades, then a person making the current minimum wage can buy more than others on minimum wage have been able to for decades.
Absurdly high? Compared to when? Does MW today buy as much as in the past?

We're clearly dealing with a real Mensa candidate here (insert face palm). Do you know why the value of a dollar continues to decrease? Because the idiots, like you, who keep insisting a hike in minimum wage. Every time you increase labor costs on a business, they have to make that up. Which means the prices for goods and services increases. Which means the minimum wage worker is no further ahead after the increase than they were before the increase.

This is basic economics genius.

It's not basic economics at all. We have 80 years of data to compare your theory to and it fails. Your claims are ridiculous.
Yeah - and the 80 years of data proves exactly what I said genius.
Working people make "too much" is what's killing this economy.

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"

Conservatives always blame the poor and low income among us for their problems. That's a big part of what being conservative is all about.
Sadly....liberals always blame the wealthy and high income among us for their problems. Greed and Envy - that's what being a liberal is all about.

Most of our economic problems are caused by the wealthy

They control the money and have the power and influence

What a load of garbage. Yeah sure, the wealth is the problem (as you don't have it), not the 50 % tax rates.

You should freaking bow to the wealthy, they overwhelmingly pay for your welfare benefits. Your gratitude? You blame them for your economic voes. Classic liberal regressive. No shame... no shame... Perhaps the problem is that you spent your life at public school and have no productive skills. Just a thought...

If you want to blame the wealthy, you better show in detail HOW exactly they are preventing you from gaining a job.

This is where the money is...


Note that if there are problems in our economy, it is not because the 40% of Americans who have 2/10ths of a percent of the wealth have too much
The minute you post something that says "Distribution of Wealth" you lose all credibility because that term is pure propaganda.

Wealth is not "distributed". It is earned.
Hey Job Creators!
Where's all that trickle down?

Trickling up of course.

View attachment 72494
Thank you for proving the failure of the Obama Administration and left-wing policies.

Savings have plummeted under the Obama reign of terror (because left-wing policies have caused the prices of everything to skyrocket - such as healthcare and energy).

Wages and employment have plummeted under the Obama reign of terror (because left-wing policies have created costly regulations on business - forcing them to cut employee hours)
Conservatives always blame the poor and low income among us for their problems. That's a big part of what being conservative is all about.
Sadly....liberals always blame the wealthy and high income among us for their problems. Greed and Envy - that's what being a liberal is all about.

Most of our economic problems are caused by the wealthy

They control the money and have the power and influence

What a load of garbage. Yeah sure, the wealth is the problem (as you don't have it), not the 50 % tax rates.

You should freaking bow to the wealthy, they overwhelmingly pay for your welfare benefits. Your gratitude? You blame them for your economic voes. Classic liberal regressive. No shame... no shame... Perhaps the problem is that you spent your life at public school and have no productive skills. Just a thought...

If you want to blame the wealthy, you better show in detail HOW exactly they are preventing you from gaining a job.

This is where the money is...


Note that if there are problems in our economy, it is not because the 40% of Americans who have 2/10ths of a percent of the wealth have too much
The minute you post something that says "Distribution of Wealth" you lose all credibility because that term is pure propaganda.

Wealth is not "distributed". It is earned.

Too funny

That is where the money it gets into the hands of the wealthy has more to do with economic and political clout than being earned

The Golden Rule.....He who has the gold makes the rules
Hey Job Creators!
Where's all that trickle down?

Trickling up of course.

View attachment 72494
Thank you for proving the failure of the Obama Administration and left-wing policies.

Savings have plummeted under the Obama reign of terror (because left-wing policies have caused the prices of everything to skyrocket - such as healthcare and energy).

Wages and employment have plummeted under the Obama reign of terror (because left-wing policies have created costly regulations on business - forcing them to cut employee hours)

You are just making shit up to support your crazy theories

How have savings "plummeted" under Obama when the stock market has more than doubled and Household wealth is up over $30 trillion?

Employment and full time work has also increased by 10 million jobs under Obama
Sadly....liberals always blame the wealthy and high income among us for their problems. Greed and Envy - that's what being a liberal is all about.

Most of our economic problems are caused by the wealthy

They control the money and have the power and influence

What a load of garbage. Yeah sure, the wealth is the problem (as you don't have it), not the 50 % tax rates.

You should freaking bow to the wealthy, they overwhelmingly pay for your welfare benefits. Your gratitude? You blame them for your economic voes. Classic liberal regressive. No shame... no shame... Perhaps the problem is that you spent your life at public school and have no productive skills. Just a thought...

If you want to blame the wealthy, you better show in detail HOW exactly they are preventing you from gaining a job.

This is where the money is...


Note that if there are problems in our economy, it is not because the 40% of Americans who have 2/10ths of a percent of the wealth have too much
The minute you post something that says "Distribution of Wealth" you lose all credibility because that term is pure propaganda.

Wealth is not "distributed". It is earned.

Too funny

That is where the money it gets into the hands of the wealthy has more to do with economic and political clout than being earned

The Golden Rule.....He who has the gold makes the rules
Nobody is "distributing" wealth genius. Bill Gates does not stop in Washington weekly and receive his "distributed" stipend from the government.

Many years ago, Bill Gates was a middle-class person like most of America. Nobody did anything for him. He didn't make any rules. He was an unknown. Then he created a product and became unimaginably wealthy.

Walt Disney actually came from poverty. He then created a product and became unimaginably wealthy. He wasn't stopping in Washington to receive his "distributed" stipend from the government.

The same with Steve Jobs. Michael Dell. Mark Zuckerberg. William Hewlett & David Packard. William S. Harley and Arthur Davidson.

And want to know something else? Everyone I just listed either built their wealth out of their garage (Steve Jobs, Harley & Davidson, Walt Disney, Hewlett & Packard) or out of their dorm room (Mark Zuckerberg, Michael Dell).

People like you are really sad Left-winger. You are so envious of others that is disrupts your life. You can't accept that they came up with a product or idea that was a hit. All of these people were nobody's (just like you) at one time and therefore did not "have the gold to make the golden rule". What they did was simply earn wealth. Game over junior. Your propaganda simply does not hold up against reality.
Conservatives always blame the poor and low income among us for their problems. That's a big part of what being conservative is all about.
Sadly....liberals always blame the wealthy and high income among us for their problems. Greed and Envy - that's what being a liberal is all about.

Most of our economic problems are caused by the wealthy

They control the money and have the power and influence

What a load of garbage. Yeah sure, the wealth is the problem (as you don't have it), not the 50 % tax rates.

You should freaking bow to the wealthy, they overwhelmingly pay for your welfare benefits. Your gratitude? You blame them for your economic voes. Classic liberal regressive. No shame... no shame... Perhaps the problem is that you spent your life at public school and have no productive skills. Just a thought...

If you want to blame the wealthy, you better show in detail HOW exactly they are preventing you from gaining a job.

This is where the money is...


Note that if there are problems in our economy, it is not because the 40% of Americans who have 2/10ths of a percent of the wealth have too much
The minute you post something that says "Distribution of Wealth" you lose all credibility because that term is pure propaganda.

Wealth is not "distributed". It is earned.

Of course, high unemployment rates are rampant throughout Europe thanks to
Thanks to Bush's financial crash, which they still have not come out of as well as the U.S..

But that's their own damn fault for embracing austerity, which was guaranteed to be a disaster.

Obama got it right, getting $825 Billion back into the economy to halt the slide.

I thought it was Bush that got TARP passed to get the economy back on track.

TARP was the plan to print money for the big banks.

I'm talking about:

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wasn't that the Act that led to the highest budget deficit in the history of the US and wasted Billions on so-called clean energy companies that all went bankrupt? At least Obama got to blame the deficit on Bush.

You too ought to read recent articles on green energy in TIME and in The Economist. Your facts(?) are wrong on green and renewable sources of energy and the AR&RA was passed shortly after the Obama Administration took office, when we were in the grips of The Great Recession (2007-2009), it's impact served many purposes; it replaced, renewed or repaired some failing infrastructure, made targeted tax cuts, helped the unemployed by extending UEI and ended the Great Recession.

That said, look at this link to budget deficits, it is informative and debunks much of what is thought to be true by the ill informed.

U.S. Debt and Deficits: Time to Reverse the Trend
Hey Job Creators!
Where's all that trickle down?

Trickling up of course.

View attachment 72494
Thank you for proving the failure of the Obama Administration and left-wing policies.

Savings have plummeted under the Obama reign of terror (because left-wing policies have caused the prices of everything to skyrocket - such as healthcare and energy).

Wages and employment have plummeted under the Obama reign of terror (because left-wing policies have created costly regulations on business - forcing them to cut employee hours)

You are just making shit up to support your crazy theories

How have savings "plummeted" under Obama when the stock market has more than doubled and Household wealth is up over $30 trillion?

Employment and full time work has also increased by 10 million jobs under Obama
Bwahahaha! It must be difficult to live so uninformed in today's world. No wonder you want the government to steal from other people for you.

Savings have plummeted because 96 million American's dropped out of the labor force during the Obama reign of terror. On top of that, healthcare and energy prices have skyrocketed due to his ignorant left-wing policies. And on top of that, people have either had their hours cut or were forced to take underemployment because of ignorant left-wing policies destroying the economy.
Hey Job Creators!
Where's all that trickle down?

Trickling up of course.

View attachment 72494
Thank you for proving the failure of the Obama Administration and left-wing policies.

Savings have plummeted under the Obama reign of terror (because left-wing policies have caused the prices of everything to skyrocket - such as healthcare and energy).

Wages and employment have plummeted under the Obama reign of terror (because left-wing policies have created costly regulations on business - forcing them to cut employee hours)

You are just making shit up to support your crazy theories

How have savings "plummeted" under Obama when the stock market has more than doubled and Household wealth is up over $30 trillion?

Employment and full time work has also increased by 10 million jobs under Obama
Bwahahaha! It must be difficult to live so uninformed in today's world. No wonder you want the government to steal from other people for you.

Savings have plummeted because 96 million American's dropped out of the labor force during the Obama reign of terror. On top of that, healthcare and energy prices have skyrocketed due to his ignorant left-wing policies. And on top of that, people have either had their hours cut or were forced to take underemployment because of ignorant left-wing policies destroying the economy.

Blah..blah..blah. Did you find that graph yet professor?
Hey Job Creators!
Where's all that trickle down?

Trickling up of course.

View attachment 72494
Thank you for proving the failure of the Obama Administration and left-wing policies.

Savings have plummeted under the Obama reign of terror (because left-wing policies have caused the prices of everything to skyrocket - such as healthcare and energy).

Wages and employment have plummeted under the Obama reign of terror (because left-wing policies have created costly regulations on business - forcing them to cut employee hours)

You are just making shit up to support your crazy theories

How have savings "plummeted" under Obama when the stock market has more than doubled and Household wealth is up over $30 trillion?

Employment and full time work has also increased by 10 million jobs under Obama
Bwahahaha! It must be difficult to live so uninformed in today's world. No wonder you want the government to steal from other people for you.

Savings have plummeted because 96 million American's dropped out of the labor force during the Obama reign of terror. On top of that, healthcare and energy prices have skyrocketed due to his ignorant left-wing policies. And on top of that, people have either had their hours cut or were forced to take underemployment because of ignorant left-wing policies destroying the economy.

Do you really expect anyone to believe this post ^^^ (or most of everything you post)?

One example: The Unemployment Rate since 1947 (which party held the White House during high rates of UE?)

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Hey Job Creators!
Where's all that trickle down?

Trickling up of course.

View attachment 72494
Thank you for proving the failure of the Obama Administration and left-wing policies.

Savings have plummeted under the Obama reign of terror (because left-wing policies have caused the prices of everything to skyrocket - such as healthcare and energy).

Wages and employment have plummeted under the Obama reign of terror (because left-wing policies have created costly regulations on business - forcing them to cut employee hours)

You are just making shit up to support your crazy theories

How have savings "plummeted" under Obama when the stock market has more than doubled and Household wealth is up over $30 trillion?

Employment and full time work has also increased by 10 million jobs under Obama
Bwahahaha! It must be difficult to live so uninformed in today's world. No wonder you want the government to steal from other people for you.

Savings have plummeted because 96 million American's dropped out of the labor force during the Obama reign of terror. On top of that, healthcare and energy prices have skyrocketed due to his ignorant left-wing policies. And on top of that, people have either had their hours cut or were forced to take underemployment because of ignorant left-wing policies destroying the economy.

Look...if you continue to just make shit up, I am not going to waste my time with you

96 million people did not drop out of the workforce under Obama

Labor participation rate includes retirees, 16 year olds, stay at home moms and the handicapped. Their number has been trending downward for 20 years....they did not just "drop out of the workforce" when Obama became President

Gasoline is below $2 a call that "energy prices skyrocketing under Obama"
Sadly....liberals always blame the wealthy and high income among us for their problems. Greed and Envy - that's what being a liberal is all about.

Most of our economic problems are caused by the wealthy

They control the money and have the power and influence

What a load of garbage. Yeah sure, the wealth is the problem (as you don't have it), not the 50 % tax rates.

You should freaking bow to the wealthy, they overwhelmingly pay for your welfare benefits. Your gratitude? You blame them for your economic voes. Classic liberal regressive. No shame... no shame... Perhaps the problem is that you spent your life at public school and have no productive skills. Just a thought...

If you want to blame the wealthy, you better show in detail HOW exactly they are preventing you from gaining a job.

This is where the money is...


Note that if there are problems in our economy, it is not because the 40% of Americans who have 2/10ths of a percent of the wealth have too much
The minute you post something that says "Distribution of Wealth" you lose all credibility because that term is pure propaganda.

Wealth is not "distributed". It is earned.

Right? I'll save you the time though - everything left-winger posts is absurd nonsense. Nobody is standing around "distributing" wealth (though that is the ultimate end game for liberals - to have a communist government distributing wealth to the people).
Of course, high unemployment rates are rampant throughout Europe thanks to
Thanks to Bush's financial crash, which they still have not come out of as well as the U.S..

But that's their own damn fault for embracing austerity, which was guaranteed to be a disaster.

Obama got it right, getting $825 Billion back into the economy to halt the slide.

I thought it was Bush that got TARP passed to get the economy back on track.

TARP was the plan to print money for the big banks.

I'm talking about:

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wasn't that the Act that led to the highest budget deficit in the history of the US and wasted Billions on so-called clean energy companies that all went bankrupt? At least Obama got to blame the deficit on Bush.

You too ought to read recent articles on green energy in TIME and in The Economist. Your facts(?) are wrong on green and renewable sources of energy and the AR&RA was passed shortly after the Obama Administration took office, when we were in the grips of The Great Recession (2007-2009), it's impact served many purposes; it replaced, renewed or repaired some failing infrastructure, made targeted tax cuts, helped the unemployed by extending UEI and ended the Great Recession.

That said, look at this link to budget deficits, it is informative and debunks much of what is thought to be true by the ill informed.

U.S. Debt and Deficits: Time to Reverse the Trend
Directly from the governments Bureau of Labor Statistics. How humiliating for you Wry that you were caught commenting without doing any research or having any clue what you were talking about.


Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Hey Job Creators!
Where's all that trickle down?

Trickling up of course.

View attachment 72494
Thank you for proving the failure of the Obama Administration and left-wing policies.

Savings have plummeted under the Obama reign of terror (because left-wing policies have caused the prices of everything to skyrocket - such as healthcare and energy).

Wages and employment have plummeted under the Obama reign of terror (because left-wing policies have created costly regulations on business - forcing them to cut employee hours)

You are just making shit up to support your crazy theories

How have savings "plummeted" under Obama when the stock market has more than doubled and Household wealth is up over $30 trillion?

Employment and full time work has also increased by 10 million jobs under Obama
Bwahahaha! It must be difficult to live so uninformed in today's world. No wonder you want the government to steal from other people for you.

Savings have plummeted because 96 million American's dropped out of the labor force during the Obama reign of terror. On top of that, healthcare and energy prices have skyrocketed due to his ignorant left-wing policies. And on top of that, people have either had their hours cut or were forced to take underemployment because of ignorant left-wing policies destroying the economy.

Look...if you continue to just make shit up, I am not going to waste my time with you

96 million people did not drop out of the workforce under Obama

Labor participation rate includes retirees, 16 year olds, stay at home moms and the handicapped. Their number has been trending downward for 20 years....they did not just "drop out of the workforce" when Obama became President

Gasoline is below $2 a call that "energy prices skyrocketing under Obama"

Your ignorance on these matters is astounding. First of all. labor participation does not include 16 years old (unless they are looking for work), stay at home moms (unless they are looking for work), or the handicapped (unless they are looking for work).

Second, the numbers have not been "trending downward" for the past 20 years and this chart and link from the government proves it.

Lastly, on the day Obama took office, gasoline was $1.84 per gallon. It shut up to nearly $4 per gallon under his administration and ultimately is above $2 as we speak.

You are living proof that ignorance truly is "bliss".


Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
96 million people did not drop out of the workforce under Obama

Labor participation rate includes retirees, 16 year olds, stay at home moms and the handicapped. Their number has been trending downward for 20 years....

Bwahahahahaha! Clearly left-winger has no clue what "downward" means. This is directly from the government themselves...

Does that line look "downward" to you left-winger?!?!

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Trickling up of course.

View attachment 72494
Thank you for proving the failure of the Obama Administration and left-wing policies.

Savings have plummeted under the Obama reign of terror (because left-wing policies have caused the prices of everything to skyrocket - such as healthcare and energy).

Wages and employment have plummeted under the Obama reign of terror (because left-wing policies have created costly regulations on business - forcing them to cut employee hours)

You are just making shit up to support your crazy theories

How have savings "plummeted" under Obama when the stock market has more than doubled and Household wealth is up over $30 trillion?

Employment and full time work has also increased by 10 million jobs under Obama
Bwahahaha! It must be difficult to live so uninformed in today's world. No wonder you want the government to steal from other people for you.

Savings have plummeted because 96 million American's dropped out of the labor force during the Obama reign of terror. On top of that, healthcare and energy prices have skyrocketed due to his ignorant left-wing policies. And on top of that, people have either had their hours cut or were forced to take underemployment because of ignorant left-wing policies destroying the economy.

Look...if you continue to just make shit up, I am not going to waste my time with you

96 million people did not drop out of the workforce under Obama

Labor participation rate includes retirees, 16 year olds, stay at home moms and the handicapped. Their number has been trending downward for 20 years....they did not just "drop out of the workforce" when Obama became President

Gasoline is below $2 a call that "energy prices skyrocketing under Obama"

Your ignorance on these matters is astounding. First of all. labor participation does not include 16 years old (unless they are looking for work), stay at home moms (unless they are looking for work), or the handicapped (unless they are looking for work).

Second, the numbers have not been "trending downward" for the past 20 years and this chart and link from the government proves it.

Lastly, on the day Obama took office, gasoline was $1.84 per gallon. It shut up to nearly $4 per gallon under his administration and ultimately is above $2 as we speak.

You are living proof that ignorance truly is "bliss".

View attachment 72502

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
As you must certainly know, Leftnutter is a partisan D who believes Obama walks on water. So, naturally his posts are nothing but utter ignorance.
Hey Job Creators!
Where's all that trickle down?

Trickling up of course.

View attachment 72494
Thank you for proving the failure of the Obama Administration and left-wing policies.

Savings have plummeted under the Obama reign of terror (because left-wing policies have caused the prices of everything to skyrocket - such as healthcare and energy).

Wages and employment have plummeted under the Obama reign of terror (because left-wing policies have created costly regulations on business - forcing them to cut employee hours)

You are just making shit up to support your crazy theories

How have savings "plummeted" under Obama when the stock market has more than doubled and Household wealth is up over $30 trillion?

Employment and full time work has also increased by 10 million jobs under Obama
Bwahahaha! It must be difficult to live so uninformed in today's world. No wonder you want the government to steal from other people for you.

Savings have plummeted because 96 million American's dropped out of the labor force during the Obama reign of terror. On top of that, healthcare and energy prices have skyrocketed due to his ignorant left-wing policies. And on top of that, people have either had their hours cut or were forced to take underemployment because of ignorant left-wing policies destroying the economy.
96 million people did not drop out of the workforce under Obama

Labor participation rate includes retirees, 16 year olds, stay at home moms and the handicapped. Their number has been trending downward for 20 years....

Bwahahahahaha! Clearly left-winger has no clue what "downward" means. This is directly from the government themselves...
View attachment 72503
Does that line look "downward" to you left-winger?!?!

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

That is the number of people Not in the Labor Force, meaning those who are age 16 and older, not in the military, prison, or institution (such as nursing home or mental hospital) who, during the survey reference week, did not own a business, did not work, were not on vacation or other temporary absence from a job, and had not looked for work in the previous 4 weeks or were unable to start work in the reference week.

That does not mean they "dropped out" Many of them...322,000 added in March 2016...entered the population as Not in the Labor Force.

As for "downward" he was talking about the labor force participation rate...the percent of the population in the labor force.

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