Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy

96 million people did not drop out of the workforce under Obama

Labor participation rate includes retirees, 16 year olds, stay at home moms and the handicapped. Their number has been trending downward for 20 years....

Bwahahahahaha! Clearly left-winger has no clue what "downward" means. This is directly from the government themselves...
View attachment 72503
Does that line look "downward" to you left-winger?!?!

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data


Gee, who would have known that my 93 year old dad and my one year old grandson and me (I retired 10 years ago) are all counted in your LIE by Omission. Are you stupid or are you dishonest?
Trickling up of course.

View attachment 72494
Thank you for proving the failure of the Obama Administration and left-wing policies.

Savings have plummeted under the Obama reign of terror (because left-wing policies have caused the prices of everything to skyrocket - such as healthcare and energy).

Wages and employment have plummeted under the Obama reign of terror (because left-wing policies have created costly regulations on business - forcing them to cut employee hours)

You are just making shit up to support your crazy theories

How have savings "plummeted" under Obama when the stock market has more than doubled and Household wealth is up over $30 trillion?

Employment and full time work has also increased by 10 million jobs under Obama
Bwahahaha! It must be difficult to live so uninformed in today's world. No wonder you want the government to steal from other people for you.

Savings have plummeted because 96 million American's dropped out of the labor force during the Obama reign of terror. On top of that, healthcare and energy prices have skyrocketed due to his ignorant left-wing policies. And on top of that, people have either had their hours cut or were forced to take underemployment because of ignorant left-wing policies destroying the economy.

Look...if you continue to just make shit up, I am not going to waste my time with you

96 million people did not drop out of the workforce under Obama

Labor participation rate includes retirees, 16 year olds, stay at home moms and the handicapped. Their number has been trending downward for 20 years....they did not just "drop out of the workforce" when Obama became President

Gasoline is below $2 a call that "energy prices skyrocketing under Obama"

Your ignorance on these matters is astounding. First of all. labor participation does not include 16 years old (unless they are looking for work), stay at home moms (unless they are looking for work), or the handicapped (unless they are looking for work).

Second, the numbers have not been "trending downward" for the past 20 years and this chart and link from the government proves it.

Lastly, on the day Obama took office, gasoline was $1.84 per gallon. It shut up to nearly $4 per gallon under his administration and ultimately is above $2 as we speak.

You are living proof that ignorance truly is "bliss".

View attachment 72502

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
You continue to just make shit up and your links do not support your arguments

I'm done playing with you
Look...if you continue to just make shit up, I am not going to waste my time with you

96 million people did not drop out of the workforce under Obama

Labor participation rate includes retirees, 16 year olds, stay at home moms and the handicapped. Their number has been trending downward for 20 years....they did not just "drop out of the workforce" when Obama became President

Bwahahahaha! I'm not sure I've ever seen a chart with a number spiking upwards so significantly. And this is directly from the government and a bureau run by Barack Obama. So you can't claim "right wing" stuff and run like a coward. You've been exposed as completely uninformed left-winger.


Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Thank you for proving the failure of the Obama Administration and left-wing policies.

Savings have plummeted under the Obama reign of terror (because left-wing policies have caused the prices of everything to skyrocket - such as healthcare and energy).

Wages and employment have plummeted under the Obama reign of terror (because left-wing policies have created costly regulations on business - forcing them to cut employee hours)

You are just making shit up to support your crazy theories

How have savings "plummeted" under Obama when the stock market has more than doubled and Household wealth is up over $30 trillion?

Employment and full time work has also increased by 10 million jobs under Obama
Bwahahaha! It must be difficult to live so uninformed in today's world. No wonder you want the government to steal from other people for you.

Savings have plummeted because 96 million American's dropped out of the labor force during the Obama reign of terror. On top of that, healthcare and energy prices have skyrocketed due to his ignorant left-wing policies. And on top of that, people have either had their hours cut or were forced to take underemployment because of ignorant left-wing policies destroying the economy.

Look...if you continue to just make shit up, I am not going to waste my time with you

96 million people did not drop out of the workforce under Obama

Labor participation rate includes retirees, 16 year olds, stay at home moms and the handicapped. Their number has been trending downward for 20 years....they did not just "drop out of the workforce" when Obama became President

Gasoline is below $2 a call that "energy prices skyrocketing under Obama"

Your ignorance on these matters is astounding. First of all. labor participation does not include 16 years old (unless they are looking for work), stay at home moms (unless they are looking for work), or the handicapped (unless they are looking for work).

Second, the numbers have not been "trending downward" for the past 20 years and this chart and link from the government proves it.

Lastly, on the day Obama took office, gasoline was $1.84 per gallon. It shut up to nearly $4 per gallon under his administration and ultimately is above $2 as we speak.

You are living proof that ignorance truly is "bliss".

View attachment 72502

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
You continue to just make shit up and your links do not support your arguments

I'm done playing with you
Bwahahahaha! Now you're going to ignore links from the government run by Barack Obama?!?! Hahahahahahahahaha!!!! Game over junior!


Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

96 million people did not drop out of the workforce under Obama

Labor participation rate includes retirees, 16 year olds, stay at home moms and the handicapped. Their number has been trending downward for 20 years....

Bwahahahahaha! Clearly left-winger has no clue what "downward" means. This is directly from the government themselves...
View attachment 72503
Does that line look "downward" to you left-winger?!?!

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data


Gee, who would have known that my 93 year old dad and my one year old grandson and me (I retired 10 years ago) are all counted in your LIE by Omission. Are you stupid or are you dishonest?
So let me get this straight - the official Bureau of Labor Statistics are not only a "lie" in your mind, but somehow they are my lie? I'm running things over there at the BLS? Clearly someone is having trouble dealing with the facts that do not align with their ideology. :lol:


Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
96 million people did not drop out of the workforce under Obama

Labor participation rate includes retirees, 16 year olds, stay at home moms and the handicapped. Their number has been trending downward for 20 years....

Bwahahahahaha! Clearly left-winger has no clue what "downward" means. This is directly from the government themselves...
View attachment 72503
Does that line look "downward" to you left-winger?!?!

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data


Gee, who would have known that my 93 year old dad and my one year old grandson and me (I retired 10 years ago) are all counted in your LIE by Omission. Are you stupid or are you dishonest?
So let me get this straight - the official Bureau of Labor Statistics are not only a "lie" in your mind, but somehow they are my lie? I'm running things over there at the BLS? Clearly someone is having trouble dealing with the facts that do not align with their ideology. :lol:

View attachment 72507
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Got it. You are both stupid and a liar.

Series Id: LNS15000000
Seasonally Adjusted
Series title: (Seas) Not in Labor Force
Labor force status: Not in labor force
Type of data: Number in thousands
Age: 16 years and over

So, those not in the labor force include my 93 yo dad, my grandson, me, and many more baby boomers, those in jail, prison, disabled, on disability, in hospice, still in high school, attending college, trade school ...etc.
Hey Job Creators!
Where's all that trickle down?

Trickling up of course.

View attachment 72494
Thank you for proving the failure of the Obama Administration and left-wing policies.

Savings have plummeted under the Obama reign of terror (because left-wing policies have caused the prices of everything to skyrocket - such as healthcare and energy).

Wages and employment have plummeted under the Obama reign of terror (because left-wing policies have created costly regulations on business - forcing them to cut employee hours)

You are just making shit up to support your crazy theories

How have savings "plummeted" under Obama when the stock market has more than doubled and Household wealth is up over $30 trillion?

Employment and full time work has also increased by 10 million jobs under Obama
Bwahahaha! It must be difficult to live so uninformed in today's world. No wonder you want the government to steal from other people for you.

Savings have plummeted because 96 million American's dropped out of the labor force during the Obama reign of terror. On top of that, healthcare and energy prices have skyrocketed due to his ignorant left-wing policies. And on top of that, people have either had their hours cut or were forced to take underemployment because of ignorant left-wing policies destroying the economy.
96 million people have not dropped out of the workforce under Obama.

Do you ever stop lying?

It's been explained to you a dozen times already.....

a) there aren't even 96 million people who are not in the labor force; and

b) there were already 81 million people who were not in the labor force when Obama became president; and

c) Many people who are not in the labor force were never in the labor force, so they didn't drop out; and

d) The vast majority of people who are not in the labor force don't want to be in the labor force -- by choice.

That you know these facts yet still continue making the bullshit claim that 96 million people have dropped out of the labor force since Obama's been president is more of a reflection on you than it is on Obama. It proves you have no credibility and are willing to make anything up, no matter how much it flies in the face of reality.
Of course, high unemployment rates are rampant throughout Europe thanks to
Thanks to Bush's financial crash, which they still have not come out of as well as the U.S..

But that's their own damn fault for embracing austerity, which was guaranteed to be a disaster.

Obama got it right, getting $825 Billion back into the economy to halt the slide.

I thought it was Bush that got TARP passed to get the economy back on track.

TARP was the plan to print money for the big banks.

I'm talking about:

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wasn't that the Act that led to the highest budget deficit in the history of the US and wasted Billions on so-called clean energy companies that all went bankrupt? At least Obama got to blame the deficit on Bush.

You too ought to read recent articles on green energy in TIME and in The Economist. Your facts(?) are wrong on green and renewable sources of energy and the AR&RA was passed shortly after the Obama Administration took office, when we were in the grips of The Great Recession (2007-2009), it's impact served many purposes; it replaced, renewed or repaired some failing infrastructure, made targeted tax cuts, helped the unemployed by extending UEI and ended the Great Recession.

That said, look at this link to budget deficits, it is informative and debunks much of what is thought to be true by the ill informed.

U.S. Debt and Deficits: Time to Reverse the Trend

You should read this.

Obama stated “If somebody wants to build a coal-fired power plant, they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them,” Obama said, responding to a question about his cap-and-trade plan. He later added, “Under my plan … electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.”

And more than three dozen coal operations have been forced into bankruptcy in just over three years. Obama is keeping his campaign promise to bankrupt coal companies

Then Obama gave a bunch of his cronies government loans to start green-energy companies.

The result as follows:

The complete list of faltering or bankrupt green-energy companies:

Evergreen Solar ($25 million)*
SpectraWatt ($500,000)*
Solyndra ($535 million)*
Beacon Power ($43 million)*
Nevada Geothermal ($98.5 million)
SunPower ($1.2 billion)
First Solar ($1.46 billion)
Babcock and Brown ($178 million)
EnerDel’s subsidiary Ener1 ($118.5 million)*
Amonix ($5.9 million)
Fisker Automotive ($529 million)
Abound Solar ($400 million)*
A123 Systems ($279 million)*
Willard and Kelsey Solar Group ($700,981)*
Johnson Controls ($299 million)
Schneider Electric ($86 million)
Brightsource ($1.6 billion)
ECOtality ($126.2 million)
Raser Technologies ($33 million)*
Energy Conversion Devices ($13.3 million)*
Mountain Plaza, Inc. ($2 million)*
Olsen’s Crop Service and Olsen’s Mills Acquisition Company ($10 million)*
96 million people did not drop out of the workforce under Obama

Labor participation rate includes retirees, 16 year olds, stay at home moms and the handicapped. Their number has been trending downward for 20 years....

Bwahahahahaha! Clearly left-winger has no clue what "downward" means. This is directly from the government themselves...
View attachment 72503
Does that line look "downward" to you left-winger?!?!

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data


Gee, who would have known that my 93 year old dad and my one year old grandson and me (I retired 10 years ago) are all counted in your LIE by Omission. Are you stupid or are you dishonest?
So let me get this straight - the official Bureau of Labor Statistics are not only a "lie" in your mind, but somehow they are my lie? I'm running things over there at the BLS? Clearly someone is having trouble dealing with the facts that do not align with their ideology. :lol:

View attachment 72507
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

The very chart you post proves there are 93 million people who are not in the labor force.


It also shows that number has increased by 12 million (from 81 million) since Obama's been president.

Yet you keep insisting that 12 million is actually 96 million.

Do you ever stop lying? :dunno:
96 million people did not drop out of the workforce under Obama

Labor participation rate includes retirees, 16 year olds, stay at home moms and the handicapped. Their number has been trending downward for 20 years....

Bwahahahahaha! Clearly left-winger has no clue what "downward" means. This is directly from the government themselves...
View attachment 72503
Does that line look "downward" to you left-winger?!?!

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Cleary, you don't understand the difference between the not in Labor Force from the labor force participation rate. As rightwinger said, the labor force participation rate has been dropping for a long time now.

When do you stop lying? :dunno:

If truth, facts, and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to keep making shit up.
96 million people did not drop out of the workforce under Obama

Labor participation rate includes retirees, 16 year olds, stay at home moms and the handicapped. Their number has been trending downward for 20 years....

Bwahahahahaha! Clearly left-winger has no clue what "downward" means. This is directly from the government themselves...
View attachment 72503
Does that line look "downward" to you left-winger?!?!

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Hey :asshole: That is NOT the LPR.
96 million people did not drop out of the workforce under Obama

Labor participation rate includes retirees, 16 year olds, stay at home moms and the handicapped. Their number has been trending downward for 20 years....

Bwahahahahaha! Clearly left-winger has no clue what "downward" means. This is directly from the government themselves...
View attachment 72503
Does that line look "downward" to you left-winger?!?!

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Hey :asshole: That is NOT the LPR.
That idiot isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, if ya know what I mean.

Not many posters here prove themselves wrong; but he actually did post a chart from the BLS showing the not in labor force increased by 12 million since Obama's been president in the very same post he claimed that number was 96 million.

But he was close... only off by 700% ... or 84 million.
96 million people did not drop out of the workforce under Obama

Labor participation rate includes retirees, 16 year olds, stay at home moms and the handicapped. Their number has been trending downward for 20 years....

Bwahahahahaha! Clearly left-winger has no clue what "downward" means. This is directly from the government themselves...
View attachment 72503
Does that line look "downward" to you left-winger?!?!

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Hey :asshole: That is NOT the LPR.
That idiot isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, if ya know what I mean.

Not many posters here prove themselves wrong; but he actually did post a chart from the BLS showing the not in labor force increased by 12 million since Obama's been president in the very same post he claimed that number was 96 million.

But he was close... only off by 700% ... or 84 million.
Now....he said 96 million had left...but you're showing 12 million NET change.

Let's look at the gross change: (from Labor Force Flows) From January 2009 to Mar 2016, 555,397,000 people left the Labor Force. So that's a lot more than 96 million. But then, 560,787,000 people entered the Labor Force, for a net change of +12,620,000
96 million people did not drop out of the workforce under Obama

Labor participation rate includes retirees, 16 year olds, stay at home moms and the handicapped. Their number has been trending downward for 20 years....

Bwahahahahaha! Clearly left-winger has no clue what "downward" means. This is directly from the government themselves...
View attachment 72503
Does that line look "downward" to you left-winger?!?!

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data


Gee, who would have known that my 93 year old dad and my one year old grandson and me (I retired 10 years ago) are all counted in your LIE by Omission. Are you stupid or are you dishonest?
So let me get this straight - the official Bureau of Labor Statistics are not only a "lie" in your mind, but somehow they are my lie? I'm running things over there at the BLS? Clearly someone is having trouble dealing with the facts that do not align with their ideology. :lol:

View attachment 72507
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Got it. You are both stupid and a liar.

Series Id: LNS15000000
Seasonally Adjusted
Series title: (Seas) Not in Labor Force
Labor force status: Not in labor force
Type of data: Number in thousands
Age: 16 years and over

So, those not in the labor force include my 93 yo dad, my grandson, me, and many more baby boomers, those in jail, prison, disabled, on disability, in hospice, still in high school, attending college, trade school ...etc.
Got it. You can't accept the truth and you're afraid someone else will so you try to lie about it.

The way the establish that number is those people who were actively looking for work. So it in fact does not include you (unless you were looking for work), your 93 year old dad (unless he was looking for work), and it does not include your grandson, people in jail, etc.

You see how the number is sharply spiking upwards? Why do you think that is genius? Because there was a sudden acceleration of the aging process and now there are tons of 93 year old?!? People who were 29 two years ago woke up 93 today?

96 million people did not drop out of the workforce under Obama

Labor participation rate includes retirees, 16 year olds, stay at home moms and the handicapped. Their number has been trending downward for 20 years....

Bwahahahahaha! Clearly left-winger has no clue what "downward" means. This is directly from the government themselves...
View attachment 72503
Does that line look "downward" to you left-winger?!?!

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Hey :asshole: That is NOT the LPR.
That idiot isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, if ya know what I mean.

Not many posters here prove themselves wrong; but he actually did post a chart from the BLS showing the not in labor force increased by 12 million since Obama's been president in the very same post he claimed that number was 96 million.

But he was close... only off by 700% ... or 84 million.
Now....he said 96 million had left...but you're showing 12 million NET change.

Let's look at the gross change: (from Labor Force Flows) From January 2009 to Mar 2016, 555,397,000 people left the Labor Force. So that's a lot more than 96 million. But then, 560,787,000 people entered the Labor Force, for a net change of +12,620,000
I didn't say anything. The Bureau of Labor Statistics said it. The organization run by the government which is run by Barack Obama.

96 million people did not drop out of the workforce under Obama

Labor participation rate includes retirees, 16 year olds, stay at home moms and the handicapped. Their number has been trending downward for 20 years....

Bwahahahahaha! Clearly left-winger has no clue what "downward" means. This is directly from the government themselves...
View attachment 72503
Does that line look "downward" to you left-winger?!?!

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Hey :asshole: That is NOT the LPR.
That idiot isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, if ya know what I mean.

Not many posters here prove themselves wrong; but he actually did post a chart from the BLS showing the not in labor force increased by 12 million since Obama's been president in the very same post he claimed that number was 96 million.

But he was close... only off by 700% ... or 84 million.
Now....he said 96 million had left...but you're showing 12 million NET change.

Let's look at the gross change: (from Labor Force Flows) From January 2009 to Mar 2016, 555,397,000 people left the Labor Force. So that's a lot more than 96 million. But then, 560,787,000 people entered the Labor Force, for a net change of +12,620,000
I didn't say anything. The Bureau of Labor Statistics said it. The organization run by the government which is run by Barack Obama.

View attachment 72520
No, they are NOT saying that many LEFT the Labor Force. The graph you are showing is the number of people "Not in the Labor Force."

"Not in the Labor Force" does NOT mean "Left the Labor Force."
96 million people did not drop out of the workforce under Obama

Labor participation rate includes retirees, 16 year olds, stay at home moms and the handicapped. Their number has been trending downward for 20 years....

Bwahahahahaha! Clearly left-winger has no clue what "downward" means. This is directly from the government themselves...
View attachment 72503
Does that line look "downward" to you left-winger?!?!

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data


Gee, who would have known that my 93 year old dad and my one year old grandson and me (I retired 10 years ago) are all counted in your LIE by Omission. Are you stupid or are you dishonest?
So let me get this straight - the official Bureau of Labor Statistics are not only a "lie" in your mind, but somehow they are my lie? I'm running things over there at the BLS? Clearly someone is having trouble dealing with the facts that do not align with their ideology. :lol:

View attachment 72507
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Got it. You are both stupid and a liar.

Series Id: LNS15000000
Seasonally Adjusted
Series title: (Seas) Not in Labor Force
Labor force status: Not in labor force
Type of data: Number in thousands
Age: 16 years and over

So, those not in the labor force include my 93 yo dad, my grandson, me, and many more baby boomers, those in jail, prison, disabled, on disability, in hospice, still in high school, attending college, trade school ...etc.
Got it. You can't accept the truth and you're afraid someone else will so you try to lie about it.

The way the establish that number is those people who were actively looking for work.
Wrong. From BLS:
Not in the labor force (Current Population Survey)
Includes persons aged 16 years and older in the civilian noninstitutional population who are neither employed nor unemployed in accordance with the definitions contained in this glossary.
So where are you getting the idea that it is only those who were actively looking for work?
Absurdly high? Compared to when? Does MW today buy as much as in the past?

We're clearly dealing with a real Mensa candidate here (insert face palm). Do you know why the value of a dollar continues to decrease? Because the idiots, like you, who keep insisting a hike in minimum wage. Every time you increase labor costs on a business, they have to make that up. Which means the prices for goods and services increases. Which means the minimum wage worker is no further ahead after the increase than they were before the increase.

This is basic economics genius.

It's not basic economics at all. We have 80 years of data to compare your theory to and it fails. Your claims are ridiculous.
Yeah - and the 80 years of data proves exactly what I said genius.

Post it up professor.
Bwahahahahaha! Clearly left-winger has no clue what "downward" means. This is directly from the government themselves...
View attachment 72503
Does that line look "downward" to you left-winger?!?!

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Hey :asshole: That is NOT the LPR.
That idiot isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, if ya know what I mean.

Not many posters here prove themselves wrong; but he actually did post a chart from the BLS showing the not in labor force increased by 12 million since Obama's been president in the very same post he claimed that number was 96 million.

But he was close... only off by 700% ... or 84 million.
Now....he said 96 million had left...but you're showing 12 million NET change.

Let's look at the gross change: (from Labor Force Flows) From January 2009 to Mar 2016, 555,397,000 people left the Labor Force. So that's a lot more than 96 million. But then, 560,787,000 people entered the Labor Force, for a net change of +12,620,000
I didn't say anything. The Bureau of Labor Statistics said it. The organization run by the government which is run by Barack Obama.

View attachment 72520
No, they are NOT saying that many LEFT the Labor Force. The graph you are showing is the number of people "Not in the Labor Force."

"Not in the Labor Force" does NOT mean "Left the Labor Force." does. Those are the number of people who, at some point, were gainfully employed and now gave up trying to return to that state as their experiences of being unable to find employment have left them hopeless (as left-wing failed policy always does to society).
Absurdly high? Compared to when? Does MW today buy as much as in the past?

We're clearly dealing with a real Mensa candidate here (insert face palm). Do you know why the value of a dollar continues to decrease? Because the idiots, like you, who keep insisting a hike in minimum wage. Every time you increase labor costs on a business, they have to make that up. Which means the prices for goods and services increases. Which means the minimum wage worker is no further ahead after the increase than they were before the increase.

This is basic economics genius.

The value of the dollar is higher than it has been in decades
Then clearly Starskey was lying and clearly there is no need to raise minimum wage. If the dollar buys more today than it has in decades, then a person making the current minimum wage can buy more than others on minimum wage have been able to for decades.

More clearly is that you have no functional understanding of the subject.

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