Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy

U.S. Jobless Claims Unexpectedly Drop to Lowest Level Since 1973...
.Saul Alinski

Jobless claims unexpectedly decreased to the lowest level since 1973, indicating the U.S. labor market remains a pillar of support in the world’s largest economy.

New applications for unemployment benefits fell by 6,000 to 247,000 in the week ended April 16, data from the Labor Department showed Thursday. The median forecast of economists surveyed by Bloomberg called for 265,000 claims. The number of Americans already on benefit rolls declined to a more than 15-year low.
Saul Alinski?!?!?!

Certainly .... such great news will be met with .... but the labor force participation rate.......
Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy

As evidenced by the nearly 74 months of private sector job growth. :cuckoo:
Cut CEO pay to raise the minimum wage...
Better idea - cut your pay to raise the minimum wage. If you want it, you pay for it. At any time you wanted, you could have given your money of your own free volition to any person making minimum wage. And yet you don't. What does that say? It says you are greedy, you are disingenuous, and you only care about other people when it's someone else's money that is "helping" them.
Oregon to Lose 62,700 Jobs Due to Minimum Wage Hike
"to lose" is a prediction, not a past result.
Exactly. The actual result will be considerably worse than the predictions. Just ask the people of L.A. who are all losing their jobs after the idiotic $15 per hour minimum wage hike.

Walmart Closes LA Store Over $15 Minimum Wage - Breitbart

(Quick - deny reality again and come up with some absurd reason why Republican's and/or the "evil" free market is to blame for everyone going from a low wage job to a no wage job after liberal policy was implemented)

Just ask the people of L.A. who are all losing their jobs after the idiotic $15 per hour minimum wage hike.

All 9 million of them?

"Some restaurants." In 5 years, it'll stabilize. We bitch now though..
Sure. It will take that long for the marketplace to absorb the absurdly high wages

Absurdly high? Compared to when? Does MW today buy as much as in the past?
And guess what genius? You'll be asking the exact same question again a week after minimum wage is inflated to $15 per hour. Because - guess what? Price's will skyrocket to cover such an absurd labor cost for unskilled labor.

Not only that, but most minimum wage workers will lose their jobs completely because it's unsustainable (just like so many did as a result of Obamacare). Why does the left find basic economics so difficult to grasp? You cannot regulate away failure. Someone working a minimum wage job must either work their way up into higher salaries through performance, education, etc. or learn to live within their means. Both are very much achievable. But both require effort. So much easier to just demand unreasonable solutions which will destroy the U.S. economy (just like liberal policies did to the U.S.S.R., Cuba, Cambodia, Greece, etc.).
Oregon to Lose 62,700 Jobs Due to Minimum Wage Hike
"to lose" is a prediction, not a past result.
Exactly. The actual result will be considerably worse than the predictions. Just ask the people of L.A. who are all losing their jobs after the idiotic $15 per hour minimum wage hike.

Walmart Closes LA Store Over $15 Minimum Wage - Breitbart

(Quick - deny reality again and come up with some absurd reason why Republican's and/or the "evil" free market is to blame for everyone going from a low wage job to a no wage job after liberal policy was implemented)

Just ask the people of L.A. who are all losing their jobs after the idiotic $15 per hour minimum wage hike.

All 9 million of them?

Idiot? You're the one denying basic economics and history... :lol:
Absurdly high? Compared to when? Does MW today buy as much as in the past?

We're clearly dealing with a real Mensa candidate here (insert face palm). Do you know why the value of a dollar continues to decrease? Because the idiots, like you, who keep insisting a hike in minimum wage. Every time you increase labor costs on a business, they have to make that up. Which means the prices for goods and services increases. Which means the minimum wage worker is no further ahead after the increase than they were before the increase.

This is basic economics genius.
"Some restaurants." In 5 years, it'll stabilize. We bitch now though..
Sure. It will take that long for the marketplace to absorb the absurdly high wages

Absurdly high? Compared to when? Does MW today buy as much as in the past?
And guess what genius? You'll be asking the exact same question again a week after minimum wage is inflated to $15 per hour. Because - guess what? Price's will skyrocket to cover such an absurd labor cost for unskilled labor.

Not only that, but most minimum wage workers will lose their jobs completely because it's unsustainable (just like so many did as a result of Obamacare). Why does the left find basic economics so difficult to grasp? You cannot regulate away failure. Someone working a minimum wage job must either work their way up into higher salaries through performance, education, etc. or learn to live within their means. Both are very much achievable. But both require effort. So much easier to just demand unreasonable solutions which will destroy the U.S. economy (just like liberal policies did to the U.S.S.R., Cuba, Cambodia, Greece, etc.).

Exactly how many times must it be explained to you that the minimum wage increase in California doesn't begin to take effect until next year?

President Obamas liberal policies have generated ten million jobs

President Obama's policy created record unemployment. Over 30 million jobs were lost under him.
President Obamas liberal policies have generated ten million jobs
The facts say otherwise.... 30 million jobs lost under Obama in his first couple of years. 92 million have dropped out of the work force all together under his reign of terror. The few jobs that have been created were result of conservative policy under conservative governors and state legislatures in places like Wisconsin, Ohio, Texas, and North Dakota. It's why the American people overwhelmingly turned their states and local municipalities over to conservatives in 2010.

Record 92,898,000 Americans Not In The Workforce - Breitbart
The number has more to do with corporate policy than presidential policy...

Oh really? Tell that to those workers who would gladly accept a 40 hour paycheck with the ability to contribute to their own health care plan, rather than earning under 30 hours every week and paying your own benefits under the new Obamacare mandate. Economy and household income looked a lot stronger and more confident before the nation was dealt the poor hand of an ACA. There's a result of presidential policy the liberal demo
crats can't walk away from.

Explain to us why you believe the ACA is responsible for that.
Working people make "too much" is what's killing this economy.

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"

Conservatives always blame the poor and low income among us for their problems. That's a big part of what being conservative is all about.
Sadly....liberals always blame the wealthy and high income among us for their problems. Greed and Envy - that's what being a liberal is all about.

Most of our economic problems are caused by the wealthy

They control the money and have the power and influence

What a load of garbage. Yeah sure, the wealth is the problem (as you don't have it), not the 50 % tax rates.

You should freaking bow to the wealthy, they overwhelmingly pay for your welfare benefits. Your gratitude? You blame them for your economic voes. Classic liberal regressive. No shame... no shame... Perhaps the problem is that you spent your life at public school and have no productive skills. Just a thought...

If you want to blame the wealthy, you better show in detail HOW exactly they are preventing you from gaining a job.

This is where the money is...


Note that if there are problems in our economy, it is not because the 40% of Americans who have 2/10ths of a percent of the wealth have too much
Conservatives always blame the poor and low income among us for their problems. That's a big part of what being conservative is all about.
Sadly....liberals always blame the wealthy and high income among us for their problems. Greed and Envy - that's what being a liberal is all about.

Most of our economic problems are caused by the wealthy

They control the money and have the power and influence

What a load of garbage. Yeah sure, the wealth is the problem (as you don't have it), not the 50 % tax rates.

You should freaking bow to the wealthy, they overwhelmingly pay for your welfare benefits. Your gratitude? You blame them for your economic voes. Classic liberal regressive. No shame... no shame... Perhaps the problem is that you spent your life at public school and have no productive skills. Just a thought...

If you want to blame the wealthy, you better show in detail HOW exactly they are preventing you from gaining a job.

rightwinger is not on welfare. Stop projecting.

The wealthy decide where the jobs go and the jobs are going overseas.

Perhaps it's time for you to attempt creating some jobs before complaining what other people do/don't do!

Perhaps it would be much easier to create jobs in America, if you didn't have a bunch of rinos at senate and socialist in chief at the white house. Endless regulation, gender hysteria and taxes sure don't boost the atmosphere.

We have given the "job creators" tax cuts, decreased government regulation, low minimum wages

Where are all those good paying jobs that were supposed to trickle down?
"Some restaurants." In 5 years, it'll stabilize. We bitch now though..
Sure. It will take that long for the marketplace to absorb the absurdly high wages

Absurdly high? Compared to when? Does MW today buy as much as in the past?
And guess what genius? You'll be asking the exact same question again a week after minimum wage is inflated to $15 per hour. Because - guess what? Price's will skyrocket to cover such an absurd labor cost for unskilled labor.

Not only that, but most minimum wage workers will lose their jobs completely because it's unsustainable (just like so many did as a result of Obamacare). Why does the left find basic economics so difficult to grasp? You cannot regulate away failure. Someone working a minimum wage job must either work their way up into higher salaries through performance, education, etc. or learn to live within their means. Both are very much achievable. But both require effort. So much easier to just demand unreasonable solutions which will destroy the U.S. economy (just like liberal policies did to the U.S.S.R., Cuba, Cambodia, Greece, etc.).

80 years of MW. Show me the graph that correlates increases to unemployment if you can.
Oregon to Lose 62,700 Jobs Due to Minimum Wage Hike
"to lose" is a prediction, not a past result.
Exactly. The actual result will be considerably worse than the predictions. Just ask the people of L.A. who are all losing their jobs after the idiotic $15 per hour minimum wage hike.

Walmart Closes LA Store Over $15 Minimum Wage - Breitbart

(Quick - deny reality again and come up with some absurd reason why Republican's and/or the "evil" free market is to blame for everyone going from a low wage job to a no wage job after liberal policy was implemented)

Just ask the people of L.A. who are all losing their jobs after the idiotic $15 per hour minimum wage hike.

All 9 million of them?

Idiot? You're the one denying basic economics and history... :lol:

Too funny. You said all workers in LA were losing their jobs due to a MW increase that hasn't even happened yet. I doubt you could even pass a college level class.
Absurdly high? Compared to when? Does MW today buy as much as in the past?

We're clearly dealing with a real Mensa candidate here (insert face palm). Do you know why the value of a dollar continues to decrease? Because the idiots, like you, who keep insisting a hike in minimum wage. Every time you increase labor costs on a business, they have to make that up. Which means the prices for goods and services increases. Which means the minimum wage worker is no further ahead after the increase than they were before the increase.

This is basic economics genius.

It's not basic economics at all. We have 80 years of data to compare your theory to and it fails. Your claims are ridiculous.

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