Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy

Poodle, you dumb fuck.

The federal.government has been funding education for years.

Oh the irony. A person who randomly places a period in the middle of a sentence between "federal" and "government" and the places two spaces before "education" and two spaces again after "education" talking about education.

Hey Wiiiiiiiilbur....I can clearly see why you are so desperate for the federal government to unconstitutionally toss around education dollars. I have to admit - I would too if I were in your shoes. Wow.
The federal government had no authority to spend tax payer dollars on education or "retaining". How sad that you need someone to explain that to you.

Really poodle. How fucking stupid are you to think the government can't spend money to educate workers?

Funny shit you write.

Btw you stupid shit, it's "retraining". Not "retaining".

Yes...really. See, there is this little document called the U.S. Constitution which outlines our structure of government and explicitly restricts the federal government to 18 enumerated powers. Education and/or retraining is not one of those powers. Thus, it is illegal for the federal government to involve themselves in it (including but not limited to legislation, funding, regulations, etc.).

You really are a very special kind of stupid, aren't you? You're completely clueless about your own government, the structure, the limitations, etc. But I bet you put no less than 60 hours per week on pornography and MTV like a typical liberal asshat.
Moron, providing for the general welfare of the nation IS an enumerated power. :eusa_doh:
See, there is this little document called the U.S. Constitution which outlines our structure of government and explicitly restricts the federal government to 18 enumerated powers. Education and/or retraining is not one of those powers. Thus, it is illegal for the federal government to involve themselves in it (including but not limited to legislation, funding, regulations, etc.).

You are a special kind of stupid.

I know you don't have much education. But what you do have was at least partially funded by the government.

But then, you are pretty resistant to being educated. Guess funding education didnt work for you.
You really want his Peewee Herman blowup doll?? You know that's all he owns, right?
Poodle, you dumb fuck.

The federal.government has been funding education for years.

Oh the irony. A person who randomly places a period in the middle of a sentence between "federal" and "government" and the places two spaces before "education" and two spaces again after "education" talking about education.

Hey Wiiiiiiiilbur....I can clearly see why you are so desperate for the federal government to unconstitutionally toss around education dollars. I have to admit - I would too if I were in your shoes. Wow.
Where the fuck do you see two spaces before the word, "education?"

Lemme guess... you don't know the default style in HTML strips out all spaces after the first one, huh? Meaning even had he typed two spaces, you'd only see one anyway.

You're scary stupid. You know that, right?
Next month, no more cable, just streaming, should save at least 75 bucks a month....
LMAO!!! You're claiming I can't find a job and yet you're excited to save $75 per month by eliminating your cable? :lmao:

I have an idea - eliminate your internet to the world doesn't have to see your ignorance and read your nonsense.

Hey cable bill is almost $400 per month. Have every premium package. Amd won't be getting rid of any of it any time soon. I also drive a Hummer in case you were wondering. Now get all pissed off with envy like a good little typical libtard.

yeah, suuure ya do, RottedWeiner. :lol:

Exactly how much do you earn correcting peoples' spelling on the Internet?
Poodle, you dumb fuck.

The federal.government has been funding education for years.

Oh the irony. A person who randomly places a period in the middle of a sentence between "federal" and "government" and the places two spaces before "education" and two spaces again after "education" talking about education.

Hey Wiiiiiiiilbur....I can clearly see why you are so desperate for the federal government to unconstitutionally toss around education dollars. I have to admit - I would too if I were in your shoes. Wow.
Someone went back and correct the two spaces before "education" and the two after it.... :lmao:

( still have a period between "federal" and "government")
There is no denying the facts (though some will sadly still try)...

Walmart Closes LA Store Over $15 Minimum Wage - Breitbart

Really, then how do you explain all the OTHER Walmarts that were closed in Right To Work, no minimum wage states?


The reason is, like you, quite simple: these are where Walmart started...with the result the stores are older and smaller. (Also, I recall there are simply MORE Walmarts in the southeast.) I was very surprised to find the Concord, NH Walmart (and its 20-year-old building, about a third the size of a Supercenter) ISN'T on the list.
Next month, no more cable, just streaming, should save at least 75 bucks a month....
LMAO!!! You're claiming I can't find a job and yet you're excited to save $75 per month by eliminating your cable? :lmao:

I have an idea - eliminate your internet to the world doesn't have to see your ignorance and read your nonsense.

Hey cable bill is almost $400 per month. Have every premium package. Amd won't be getting rid of any of it any time soon. I also drive a Hummer in case you were wondering. Now get all pissed off with envy like a good little typical libtard.

You look like the target market for the Kenworth Pilgrimmage.
Someone went back and correct the two spaces before "education" and the two after it.... :lmao:

( still have a period between "federal" and "government")

Wait a minute. Who corrected my spaces?
And who told you poodle that you didn't need to use "ed" on the end of a word to show past tense.

For example, your sentence from your attempted insult. Poodle says; "Someone went back and correct the two spaces before "education" blah blah"

Come on dog, how did you miss that "ed". You dummy. "Went back" implies past tense. "Corrected" was the correct word to finish your erroneous thought of someone having edited my post.

Come on dog. You can do better. You an educated poodle. You can edit better than that. LMAO.
Once again we see libtard policy replacing low-wage jobs with no-wage jobs. This is why libtard policy always ends in collapse, famine, poverty, and misery like Venezuela, Cuba, the former U.S.S.R., etc.

Wendy's Plans To Replace Workers With Self-Service Kiosks
Workers want $15 an hour...Robots want nothing

Wendy's plans to replace workers with self-service kiosks
Wendy's Plans To Replace Workers With Self-Service Kiosks
Workers want $15 an hour...Robots want nothing
Robots want money up front or they will not work for you, they want to be fed constant energy which costs money or they won't work for you, and robots need regular servicing by humans who charge money or they won't work for you.

Only the Right is stupid enough to swallow the BS that robots want nothing!!!
Wendy's Plans To Replace Workers With Self-Service Kiosks
Workers want $15 an hour...Robots want nothing
Robots want money up front or they will not work for you, they want to be fed constant energy which costs money or they won't work for you, and robots need regular servicing by humans who charge money or they won't work for you.

Only the Right is stupid enough to swallow the BS that robots want nothing!!!
That pales in comparison to salaries, vacation time, healthcare costs, pensions, employment taxes, etc. Hell, robots don't even need to stop of an hour for lunch like people do every day. Libtards priced themselves right out of the market. Which is why "nothing creates employment like liberal policy".

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