Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy

The death Of American Coal

There was a time in America - and it wasn't even so long ago - that liberals actually cared about working class people. They may have been misguided in many of their policy solutions - i.e., raising the minimum wage - but at least their heart was in the right place.

Then a strange thing happened about a decade ago. The radical left wing environmentalists took control of the Democratic Party. These are crazies who care more about the supposed rise of the oceans than the financial survival of the middle class. The industrial unions made a catastrophic decision to get in bed with these radicals and now they - and all of us - are paying a heavy price.

STEPHEN MOORE: The death of American coal
Nobody will miss it
Except all of the workers who are now forced to live in poverty

Why should they be protected more than any other worker who has lost his job to changes in technology?
Because the other people who lost their jobs to "technology" did so as a result of a natural progression through the free-market. Not through government regulation picking and choosing winners and losers. Who is the government to decide that the coal industry should be bankrupted by regulations while the "green" energy sector should receive hundreds of millions or billions (like Solyndra)? Why not decimate Solyndra with costly regulations and give $500 million to coal companies?

Coal is losing its place in the energy market...been happening for 100 years

What about the jobs that were lost when steam locomotives switched to diesel?
Again....that is completely false. You're simply attempting to defend the Democrats because they share your ideology. You're not wiling to be honest.

Coal has not lost market share naturally. They have been attacked intentionally by regulations with the focus of putting them out of business. At the same time, the Democrats who are causing unnecessary costs intentionally are throwing billions of dollars at coal's "competition". Barack Obama promised he would put the coal industry out of business when he started and it's the one promise he has actually followed through on (unlike closing Guantanamo Bay or "fixing" the economy).

Why did Solyndra receive $500 million? Why didn't Solyndra get hit with costly regulations and ONE single coal company receive $500 million? Care to be honest or are you worried about these truths impacting the Democrats you are trying to cover for?
Instead of minimum wage jobs there are now tens of thousands of people with no wage jobs.

Republicans control congress. Right.

What is the republican congress and yourself doing to retrain coal miners and find them new jobs?

If you and your kind aren't part of the solution, you are part of the problem. Right.
Instead of minimum wage jobs there are now tens of thousands of people with no wage jobs.

Republicans control congress. Right.

What is the republican congress and yourself doing to retrain coal miners and find them new jobs?

If you and your kind aren't part of the solution, you are part of the problem. Right.

Bwahahahahahaha! What a cute and clever straw man. Force an entire industry out of business for no reason other than it makes liberals insanely wealthy since they are heavily invested in "green" energy - then proclaim that conservatives not spending even more tax payer dollars on "retraining" are the problem.

Did you really think nobody would see through that half-hearted attempt? :lmao:

First of all junior - read the U.S. Constitution. The federal government had no authority to spend tax payer dollars on education or "retaining". How sad that you need someone to explain that to you.

Second - what conservatives are doing is keeping the industry alive by exposing the ignorant and criminal agenda of liberals. They create unnecessary "regulations" for the express purpose of putting the coal industry out of business. At the same time, they keep illegally funding hundreds of billions of tax payers to the "green" groups to not only keep that industry from completely collapsing, but also to line the pockets of their pals. Pretty sad that the "green" technology is so pathetic it can't even stay in business without ungodly sums of criminal dollars.

I propose we swap it. Let's rewrite all of the regulations to apply to the "green" industry and then send the hundreds of billions of dollars in subsidization to the coal insustry. It would be fun to watch you cry like a little bitch about how "unfair" it is even though it is what you've been supporting all along.
Rotten, you are one damned dumb shit. The welfare clause clearly gives the government the right to educate our citizens for the betterment of the nation. However, since you are one of the those that lacks such, you definately do not want anyone else to have an education.

Coal is dead because of economic factors. Gas is less polluting and cheaper. Wind is cheaper yet. And solar is even cheaper than dirty coal. We should definately retrain the coal miners to earn in different industries.
The federal government had no authority to spend tax payer dollars on education or "retaining". How sad that you need someone to explain that to you.

Really poodle. How fucking stupid are you to think the government can't spend money to educate workers?

Funny shit you write.

Btw you stupid shit, it's "retraining". Not "retaining".
Moon, do you think the poodle knows what liberal policies Bush was following when the economy collapsed?
The federal government had no authority to spend tax payer dollars on education or "retaining". How sad that you need someone to explain that to you.

Really poodle. How fucking stupid are you to think the government can't spend money to educate workers?

Funny shit you write.

Btw you stupid shit, it's "retraining". Not "retaining".

Yes...really. See, there is this little document called the U.S. Constitution which outlines our structure of government and explicitly restricts the federal government to 18 enumerated powers. Education and/or retraining is not one of those powers. Thus, it is illegal for the federal government to involve themselves in it (including but not limited to legislation, funding, regulations, etc.).

You really are a very special kind of stupid, aren't you? You're completely clueless about your own government, the structure, the limitations, etc. But I bet you put no less than 60 hours per week on pornography and MTV like a typical liberal asshat.
See, there is this little document called the U.S. Constitution which outlines our structure of government and explicitly restricts the federal government to 18 enumerated powers. Education and/or retraining is not one of those powers. Thus, it is illegal for the federal government to involve themselves in it (including but not limited to legislation, funding, regulations, etc.).

You are a special kind of stupid.

I know you don't have much education. But what you do have was at least partially funded by the government.

But then, you are pretty resistant to being educated. Guess funding education didnt work for you.

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