Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy

And more overwhelming evidence that failed liberal policy creates poverty...

#5 The price of ground beef has doubled since 2009.

#7 Incomes fell for the bottom 80% of all income earners in the United States during the 12 months leading up to June 2014.

#9 After adjusting for inflation, median household income has fallen by nearly $5,000 since 2007.

#10 According to the New York Times, the “typical American household” is now worth 36% less than it was worth a decade ago.

#11 47% of all Americans do not put a single penny out of their paychecks into savings.

#12 One survey found that 62% of all Americans are currently living paycheck to paycheck.

So why are savings down, median household incomes down, and people unable to put money into savings over the past decade? Because for the past decade we've been under the Obama reign of terror (and part of that included the uber nightmare of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid as well). Obamacare caused healthcare prices to skyrocket. Their assault on fossil fuels and subsequent subsidization of the failed "green" energy sector has caused energy prices to skyrocket. And both have results in millions completely out of work and millions more underemployed. It is simply liberal economic policy resulting in what liberal economic policy always results in: more poverty, more misery.

19 Signs American Families Are Being Economically Destroyed

Simple...Republicans since Reagan have worked to keep wages low

It is part of their supply side economics
Except that during the Reagan Administration, personal wealth increased significantly. Under the Obama Administration, the only thing we've seen increase is unemployment, food stamps, and poverty.
And more overwhelming evidence that failed liberal policy creates poverty...

#5 The price of ground beef has doubled since 2009.

#7 Incomes fell for the bottom 80% of all income earners in the United States during the 12 months leading up to June 2014.

#9 After adjusting for inflation, median household income has fallen by nearly $5,000 since 2007.

#10 According to the New York Times, the “typical American household” is now worth 36% less than it was worth a decade ago.

#11 47% of all Americans do not put a single penny out of their paychecks into savings.

#12 One survey found that 62% of all Americans are currently living paycheck to paycheck.

So why are savings down, median household incomes down, and people unable to put money into savings over the past decade? Because for the past decade we've been under the Obama reign of terror (and part of that included the uber nightmare of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid as well). Obamacare caused healthcare prices to skyrocket. Their assault on fossil fuels and subsequent subsidization of the failed "green" energy sector has caused energy prices to skyrocket. And both have results in millions completely out of work and millions more underemployed. It is simply liberal economic policy resulting in what liberal economic policy always results in: more poverty, more misery.

19 Signs American Families Are Being Economically Destroyed

Simple...Republicans since Reagan have worked to keep wages low

It is part of their supply side economics
Except that during the Reagan Administration, personal wealth increased significantly. Under the Obama Administration, the only thing we've seen increase is unemployment, food stamps, and poverty.

Under Obama. personal wealth increased by $30 trillion

U.S. Household Wealth Set Record in Second Quarter
Last edited:
Sure after eight years they are a manager making $8.25 instead of $7.25
Even if that's true - your prior posts were still inaccurate. Nobody stays at minimum wage - even if they are in the same position. So long as they perform properly, they get cost of living increases/raises. So that once again proves that raising the minimum wage is completely unnecessary. It is simply a starting point. It is not a lifetime sentence.

If that were true then why aren't fast food restaurants filled with long time counter people making 10 or 15 bucks an hour?
Because most people don't stay behind the counter for six or seven years. It's mostly teenagers who work there to make money on the side until they go off to college (or while they are in college). And then they move on. For those who do stay there a while, they move up to other jobs in the restaurant (where they make more money).

Food service employees only represent maybe half of the minimum wage workers in this country.
Well sure. But the same principles applies largely though out. Either young teenagers getting their feet wet in the labor force or older, retired people supplementing their income.

Why should they suffer?
And more overwhelming evidence that failed liberal policy creates poverty...

#5 The price of ground beef has doubled since 2009.

#7 Incomes fell for the bottom 80% of all income earners in the United States during the 12 months leading up to June 2014.

#9 After adjusting for inflation, median household income has fallen by nearly $5,000 since 2007.

#10 According to the New York Times, the “typical American household” is now worth 36% less than it was worth a decade ago.

#11 47% of all Americans do not put a single penny out of their paychecks into savings.

#12 One survey found that 62% of all Americans are currently living paycheck to paycheck.

So why are savings down, median household incomes down, and people unable to put money into savings over the past decade? Because for the past decade we've been under the Obama reign of terror (and part of that included the uber nightmare of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid as well). Obamacare caused healthcare prices to skyrocket. Their assault on fossil fuels and subsequent subsidization of the failed "green" energy sector has caused energy prices to skyrocket. And both have results in millions completely out of work and millions more underemployed. It is simply liberal economic policy resulting in what liberal economic policy always results in: more poverty, more misery.

19 Signs American Families Are Being Economically Destroyed

Simple...Republicans since Reagan have worked to keep wages low

It is part of their supply side economics
Except that during the Reagan Administration, personal wealth increased significantly. Under the Obama Administration, the only thing we've seen increase is unemployment, food stamps, and poverty.

Under Obama. personal wealth increased by $30 trillion

U.S. Household Wealth Set Record in Second Quarter

The facts say otherwise....

#5 The price of ground beef has doubled since 2009.

#7 Incomes fell for the bottom 80% of all income earners in the United States during the 12 months leading up to June 2014.

#9 After adjusting for inflation, median household income has fallen by nearly $5,000 since 2007.

#10 According to the New York Times, the “typical American household” is now worth 36% less than it was worth a decade ago.

#11 47% of all Americans do not put a single penny out of their paychecks into savings.

#12 One survey found that 62% of all Americans are currently living paycheck to paycheck.
Even if that's true - your prior posts were still inaccurate. Nobody stays at minimum wage - even if they are in the same position. So long as they perform properly, they get cost of living increases/raises. So that once again proves that raising the minimum wage is completely unnecessary. It is simply a starting point. It is not a lifetime sentence.

If that were true then why aren't fast food restaurants filled with long time counter people making 10 or 15 bucks an hour?
Because most people don't stay behind the counter for six or seven years. It's mostly teenagers who work there to make money on the side until they go off to college (or while they are in college). And then they move on. For those who do stay there a while, they move up to other jobs in the restaurant (where they make more money).

Food service employees only represent maybe half of the minimum wage workers in this country.
Well sure. But the same principles applies largely though out. Either young teenagers getting their feet wet in the labor force or older, retired people supplementing their income.

Why should they suffer?
They aren't "suffering". At all. In fact - they are quite happy. That's why they entered into the agreement for the work to be performed at the compensation agreed upon.
Even if that's true - your prior posts were still inaccurate. Nobody stays at minimum wage - even if they are in the same position. So long as they perform properly, they get cost of living increases/raises. So that once again proves that raising the minimum wage is completely unnecessary. It is simply a starting point. It is not a lifetime sentence.

If that were true then why aren't fast food restaurants filled with long time counter people making 10 or 15 bucks an hour?
Because most people don't stay behind the counter for six or seven years. It's mostly teenagers who work there to make money on the side until they go off to college (or while they are in college). And then they move on. For those who do stay there a while, they move up to other jobs in the restaurant (where they make more money).

Food service employees only represent maybe half of the minimum wage workers in this country.
Well sure. But the same principles applies largely though out. Either young teenagers getting their feet wet in the labor force or older, retired people supplementing their income.

Why should they suffer?
So far NY...the brightest minds in the U.S. vehemently disagree with you. And since they've actually run companies which made billions of dollars, and you haven't run any companies, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that they probably know better than you and we should probably heed their economic and business advice.

Warren Buffett sees a smarter fix for inequality than raising the minimum wage
So far NY...the brightest minds in the U.S. vehemently disagree with you.

Warren wants to EXPAND the EITC.
You know, that progam that has low wage earners paying no federal income tax. The program that makes right wingers go crazy and call low wage earners mooches and leeches.

Is that the program you support now?
The EITC was a republican program you know.
And more overwhelming evidence that failed liberal policy creates poverty...

#5 The price of ground beef has doubled since 2009.

#7 Incomes fell for the bottom 80% of all income earners in the United States during the 12 months leading up to June 2014.

#9 After adjusting for inflation, median household income has fallen by nearly $5,000 since 2007.

#10 According to the New York Times, the “typical American household” is now worth 36% less than it was worth a decade ago.

#11 47% of all Americans do not put a single penny out of their paychecks into savings.

#12 One survey found that 62% of all Americans are currently living paycheck to paycheck.

So why are savings down, median household incomes down, and people unable to put money into savings over the past decade? Because for the past decade we've been under the Obama reign of terror (and part of that included the uber nightmare of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid as well). Obamacare caused healthcare prices to skyrocket. Their assault on fossil fuels and subsequent subsidization of the failed "green" energy sector has caused energy prices to skyrocket. And both have results in millions completely out of work and millions more underemployed. It is simply liberal economic policy resulting in what liberal economic policy always results in: more poverty, more misery.

19 Signs American Families Are Being Economically Destroyed

Simple...Republicans since Reagan have worked to keep wages low

It is part of their supply side economics
Except that during the Reagan Administration, personal wealth increased significantly. Under the Obama Administration, the only thing we've seen increase is unemployment, food stamps, and poverty.

Under Obama. personal wealth increased by $30 trillion

U.S. Household Wealth Set Record in Second Quarter

The facts say otherwise....

#5 The price of ground beef has doubled since 2009.

#7 Incomes fell for the bottom 80% of all income earners in the United States during the 12 months leading up to June 2014.

#9 After adjusting for inflation, median household income has fallen by nearly $5,000 since 2007.

#10 According to the New York Times, the “typical American household” is now worth 36% less than it was worth a decade ago.

#11 47% of all Americans do not put a single penny out of their paychecks into savings.

#12 One survey found that 62% of all Americans are currently living paycheck to paycheck.

Those stats have nothing to do with the FACT that you were once again lying when you declared that personal wealth did not increase under Obama

It increased by $30 trillion ....much, much more than Reagan
And more overwhelming evidence that failed liberal policy creates poverty...

#5 The price of ground beef has doubled since 2009.

#7 Incomes fell for the bottom 80% of all income earners in the United States during the 12 months leading up to June 2014.

#9 After adjusting for inflation, median household income has fallen by nearly $5,000 since 2007.

#10 According to the New York Times, the “typical American household” is now worth 36% less than it was worth a decade ago.

#11 47% of all Americans do not put a single penny out of their paychecks into savings.

#12 One survey found that 62% of all Americans are currently living paycheck to paycheck.

So why are savings down, median household incomes down, and people unable to put money into savings over the past decade? Because for the past decade we've been under the Obama reign of terror (and part of that included the uber nightmare of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid as well). Obamacare caused healthcare prices to skyrocket. Their assault on fossil fuels and subsequent subsidization of the failed "green" energy sector has caused energy prices to skyrocket. And both have results in millions completely out of work and millions more underemployed. It is simply liberal economic policy resulting in what liberal economic policy always results in: more poverty, more misery.

19 Signs American Families Are Being Economically Destroyed

Simple...Republicans since Reagan have worked to keep wages low

It is part of their supply side economics
Except that during the Reagan Administration, personal wealth increased significantly. Under the Obama Administration, the only thing we've seen increase is unemployment, food stamps, and poverty.

Under Obama. personal wealth increased by $30 trillion

U.S. Household Wealth Set Record in Second Quarter

The facts say otherwise....

#5 The price of ground beef has doubled since 2009.

#7 Incomes fell for the bottom 80% of all income earners in the United States during the 12 months leading up to June 2014.

#9 After adjusting for inflation, median household income has fallen by nearly $5,000 since 2007.

#10 According to the New York Times, the “typical American household” is now worth 36% less than it was worth a decade ago.

#11 47% of all Americans do not put a single penny out of their paychecks into savings.

#12 One survey found that 62% of all Americans are currently living paycheck to paycheck.

Those stats have nothing to do with the FACT that you were once again lying when you declared that personal wealth did not increase under Obama

It increased by $30 trillion ....much, much more than Reagan
That's simply not true. The numbers are all listed there for everyone to see. Personal wealth plummeted during the Obama reign of terror. Median household income - down almost $5,000! The typical American household - now worth 36% less than it was a decade ago. Both of those numbers are significant for a middele class family and they explain why 47% of all Americans do not put a single penny into savings accounts (how could they when they have less to survive on) and why 62% of Americans currently live paycheck-to-paycheck.

Here is the bottom line my friend - if your numbers were even remotely real, then we wouldn't have a record number of people on food stamps. We also wouldn't have a record number of people out of the labor force. If there was any increase in personal wealth, it was only to Obama and his cronies.
Those stats have nothing to do with the FACT that you were once again lying when you declared that personal wealth did not increase under Obama

It increased by $30 trillion ....much, much more than Reagan

I'd love to see how you attempt to reconcile these record poverty numbers with your outrageous claim that "personal wealth increased by $30 trillion under Barack Obama". Why are there record numbers of people on food stamps with a $30 trillion increase to personal wealth? Furthermore, what is fall-down hilarious about that, is that there are only $9.60 trillion total in the U.S. economy. So even if before the Obama reign of terror, everyone in the U.S. had $0.00 in their bank account, the most that personal wealth could possibly have increased would have been $9.60 trillion. :lmao:

(Links below document everything my friend....and they are indisputable)

Food Stamp Beneficiaries Exceed 46,000,000 for 38 Straight Months

How Much Money Is There in the United States?
Hey poodle. Do you support the EITC?

Or were you not able to read and understand what Warren was proposing?

Btw, that's the same approach Paul Ryan wants to use. Expand the numbers of Americans who pay no federal income tax.

And you support that. Right?
Poodle if your net worth has not increased under Obama, guess what dude. You have been doing something really wrong.

You got a job? House? Investments? If not, that's on you, not Obama.
I'd love to see how you attempt to reconcile these record poverty numbers with your outrageous claim that "personal wealth increased by $30 trillion under Barack Obama

Hey poodle, how much equity in real estate was lost and now recovered.

You do understand the recovery in wealth has more components than just income. Right? You u understand that?

When you read reports of wealth and income flowing to the top 3%, what do you think that means?
You do understand the recovery in wealth has more components than just income. Right? You u understand that?

When you read reports of wealth and income flowing to the top 3%, what do you think that means?

And when you read of the 'unemployable' count reaching record highs, you know what that means right?

The failure of Bush-Obama's Free Trade agreements.
Simple...Republicans since Reagan have worked to keep wages low

It is part of their supply side economics
Except that during the Reagan Administration, personal wealth increased significantly. Under the Obama Administration, the only thing we've seen increase is unemployment, food stamps, and poverty.

Under Obama. personal wealth increased by $30 trillion

U.S. Household Wealth Set Record in Second Quarter

The facts say otherwise....

#5 The price of ground beef has doubled since 2009.

#7 Incomes fell for the bottom 80% of all income earners in the United States during the 12 months leading up to June 2014.

#9 After adjusting for inflation, median household income has fallen by nearly $5,000 since 2007.

#10 According to the New York Times, the “typical American household” is now worth 36% less than it was worth a decade ago.

#11 47% of all Americans do not put a single penny out of their paychecks into savings.

#12 One survey found that 62% of all Americans are currently living paycheck to paycheck.

Those stats have nothing to do with the FACT that you were once again lying when you declared that personal wealth did not increase under Obama

It increased by $30 trillion ....much, much more than Reagan
That's simply not true. The numbers are all listed there for everyone to see. Personal wealth plummeted during the Obama reign of terror. Median household income - down almost $5,000! The typical American household - now worth 36% less than it was a decade ago. Both of those numbers are significant for a middele class family and they explain why 47% of all Americans do not put a single penny into savings accounts (how could they when they have less to survive on) and why 62% of Americans currently live paycheck-to-paycheck.

Here is the bottom line my friend - if your numbers were even remotely real, then we wouldn't have a record number of people on food stamps. We also wouldn't have a record number of people out of the labor force. If there was any increase in personal wealth, it was only to Obama and his cronies.
Household wealth is at 89 trillion, up from 55 trillion under Bush

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
Those stats have nothing to do with the FACT that you were once again lying when you declared that personal wealth did not increase under Obama

It increased by $30 trillion ....much, much more than Reagan

I'd love to see how you attempt to reconcile these record poverty numbers with your outrageous claim that "personal wealth increased by $30 trillion under Barack Obama". Why are there record numbers of people on food stamps with a $30 trillion increase to personal wealth? Furthermore, what is fall-down hilarious about that, is that there are only $9.60 trillion total in the U.S. economy. So even if before the Obama reign of terror, everyone in the U.S. had $0.00 in their bank account, the most that personal wealth could possibly have increased would have been $9.60 trillion. :lmao:

(Links below document everything my friend....and they are indisputable)

Food Stamp Beneficiaries Exceed 46,000,000 for 38 Straight Months

How Much Money Is There in the United States?

There is $123 trillion in the U.S. economy not 9.6 trillion
Why do you keep making shit up?

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Our nations wealth is more than the amount of cash in includes real estate, assets, stocks
Those stats have nothing to do with the FACT that you were once again lying when you declared that personal wealth did not increase under Obama

It increased by $30 trillion ....much, much more than Reagan

I'd love to see how you attempt to reconcile these record poverty numbers with your outrageous claim that "personal wealth increased by $30 trillion under Barack Obama". Why are there record numbers of people on food stamps with a $30 trillion increase to personal wealth? Furthermore, what is fall-down hilarious about that, is that there are only $9.60 trillion total in the U.S. economy. So even if before the Obama reign of terror, everyone in the U.S. had $0.00 in their bank account, the most that personal wealth could possibly have increased would have been $9.60 trillion. :lmao:

(Links below document everything my friend....and they are indisputable)

Food Stamp Beneficiaries Exceed 46,000,000 for 38 Straight Months

How Much Money Is There in the United States?

There is $123 trillion in the U.S. economy not 9.6 trillion
Why do you keep making shit up?

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Our nations wealth is more than the amount of cash in includes real estate, assets, stocks
So let me get this straight....Obama has been such a monumental failure that he and his liberal minions (you) need to count tables and chairs as part of "wealth"? :lmao:

There is only $9.6 trillion total in the entire U.S. economy (there is only $1 trillion in change in actual currency). But hey - keep pretending like the tupperware in your cupboard serves as "wealth" :lmao:
Those stats have nothing to do with the FACT that you were once again lying when you declared that personal wealth did not increase under Obama

It increased by $30 trillion ....much, much more than Reagan

I'd love to see how you attempt to reconcile these record poverty numbers with your outrageous claim that "personal wealth increased by $30 trillion under Barack Obama". Why are there record numbers of people on food stamps with a $30 trillion increase to personal wealth? Furthermore, what is fall-down hilarious about that, is that there are only $9.60 trillion total in the U.S. economy. So even if before the Obama reign of terror, everyone in the U.S. had $0.00 in their bank account, the most that personal wealth could possibly have increased would have been $9.60 trillion. :lmao:

(Links below document everything my friend....and they are indisputable)

Food Stamp Beneficiaries Exceed 46,000,000 for 38 Straight Months

How Much Money Is There in the United States?

There is $123 trillion in the U.S. economy not 9.6 trillion
Why do you keep making shit up?

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Our nations wealth is more than the amount of cash in includes real estate, assets, stocks
So let me get this straight....Obama has been such a monumental failure that he and his liberal minions (you) need to count tables and chairs as part of "wealth"? :lmao:

There is only $9.6 trillion total in the entire U.S. economy (there is only $1 trillion in change in actual currency). But hey - keep pretending like the tupperware in your cupboard serves as "wealth" :lmao:

Once again you confuse currency with wealth

It is more than tables and chairs, it is homes, real estate, industrial base, stock investments

We are the wealthiest nation on earth

From your link

In the United States, M1 consists of the total of all the money stored in:

1. Cash (banknotes and coins)
2. Checking accounts
3. Other checkable deposits
4. Traveler’s checks

M2 consists of M1 plus:

5. Savings accounts
6. CDs less than $100,000
7. Money market funds

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