Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy

You assume there is a one to one correlation between labor costs and the cost of the product

There isn't
You assume there is no correlation between labor costs and the cost of good are services. There are.

So again - are you will to accept the increase costs of everything? If no, then this is doomed to fail. If yes, then the minimum wage worker will be no further ahead than before the increase because there will be an increase to goods and services. The only thing that increasing minimum wage does is increase inflation. It does nothing for the minimum wage worker (if it did - this wouldn't be the 9th time that minimum wage was increased in my short life time).

Now you are getting more realistic

Factors like rent, cost of supplies, taxes, advertising, insurance also contribute to the cost of your cheeseburger.
Raising labor costs will affect your cheeseburger just like everything else in business. Labor costs also reflect more than the cost of a minimum wage worker
I do not expect the person frying my burger to work for slave wages just so I can save a few pennies
So I guess the question becomes - why don't you start your own restaurant and pay your people $15 per hour (or more)? It's very easy to sit on the sidelines (with a complete misunderstanding of business and economics) and tell other people what to do. Why don't you do it? Why don't you lead by example? I notice that you conveniently skipped over the post from McDonald's former CEO who has mentioned that this is unsustainable.

When McDonald's raises their prices (and they will have to), then the truck driver who delivers their supplies to them will raise his prices (same with Walmart and the people who deliver to them). The cost of everything will increase and the minimum wage worker will be no further ahead. Meanwhile, the middle class manager or middle class accountant whose salary didn't double will pay the ultimate prices.

Nothing drags the middle class down into poverty like liberal policy.

What did restaurants do when beef nearly doubled in price?
What do they do when insurance and property taxes increase?

Do McDonalds executives work for the same pay and benefits they did eight years ago? They expect their workers to
Again - a shining example of how liberals fail to understand basic business and/or basic economics.

The minimum wage is simply the starting point. It is not a capped ceiling on wages for a certain class. I can promise you, unequivocally, that someone who started at McDonald's 8 years ago for minimum wage has received annual raises and is making considerably more than minimum wage right now (though not the absurd $15 per hour you are looking for).

Sure after eight years they are a manager making $8.25 instead of $7.25
You assume there is no correlation between labor costs and the cost of good are services. There are.

So again - are you will to accept the increase costs of everything? If no, then this is doomed to fail. If yes, then the minimum wage worker will be no further ahead than before the increase because there will be an increase to goods and services. The only thing that increasing minimum wage does is increase inflation. It does nothing for the minimum wage worker (if it did - this wouldn't be the 9th time that minimum wage was increased in my short life time).

Now you are getting more realistic

Factors like rent, cost of supplies, taxes, advertising, insurance also contribute to the cost of your cheeseburger.
Raising labor costs will affect your cheeseburger just like everything else in business. Labor costs also reflect more than the cost of a minimum wage worker
I do not expect the person frying my burger to work for slave wages just so I can save a few pennies
So I guess the question becomes - why don't you start your own restaurant and pay your people $15 per hour (or more)? It's very easy to sit on the sidelines (with a complete misunderstanding of business and economics) and tell other people what to do. Why don't you do it? Why don't you lead by example? I notice that you conveniently skipped over the post from McDonald's former CEO who has mentioned that this is unsustainable.

When McDonald's raises their prices (and they will have to), then the truck driver who delivers their supplies to them will raise his prices (same with Walmart and the people who deliver to them). The cost of everything will increase and the minimum wage worker will be no further ahead. Meanwhile, the middle class manager or middle class accountant whose salary didn't double will pay the ultimate prices.

Nothing drags the middle class down into poverty like liberal policy.

What did restaurants do when beef nearly doubled in price?
What do they do when insurance and property taxes increase?

Do McDonalds executives work for the same pay and benefits they did eight years ago? They expect their workers to
Again - a shining example of how liberals fail to understand basic business and/or basic economics.

The minimum wage is simply the starting point. It is not a capped ceiling on wages for a certain class. I can promise you, unequivocally, that someone who started at McDonald's 8 years ago for minimum wage has received annual raises and is making considerably more than minimum wage right now (though not the absurd $15 per hour you are looking for).

Sure after eight years they are a manager making $8.25 instead of $7.25
Even if that's true - your prior posts were still inaccurate. Nobody stays at minimum wage - even if they are in the same position. So long as they perform properly, they get cost of living increases/raises. So that once again proves that raising the minimum wage is completely unnecessary. It is simply a starting point. It is not a lifetime sentence.
History vehemently disagrees with you J. The roaring 20's were the result of true conservative policy under Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge. The 1930's gave us the Great Depression under FDR (which even left-wing UCLA studies said that FDR's policies prolonged the Great Depression). The end of the 1970's gave us collapse under Jimmy Carter. The 1980's under Ronald Reagan gave us one of the greatest economic booms in world history.
Umm... the Great Depression started while Republicans had a firm grip on the government.

they like to disavow hoover
Not at all. The roaring 20's were over seen by Repbulican's implementing true conservative policy. The 1930's were overseen by Democrats handing us the Great Depression.

Any person of logic would naturally say "well hell, lets implement conservative policy then". But the problem with the modern-day liberal is the they are a horribly jealous group. They would rather see all of society suffering in poverty and misery "equally" than to see all of society flourishing but some having private jets and mansions while others just have average homes and automobiles.

Envy is an ugly thing. The Bible warned against it. Liberalism is showing us first-hand why.
Do you ever stop lying?
Well that's intelligent. I've provide facts, statistics, names, dates, and links backing up everything I've said. You can't do the same and haven't even attempted to. Instead, you come back with five words that add no value to the thread at all. Typical.
You're correct, it was intelligent. The Great Depression started and was at it's worst under Republicans while you are trying to blame Democrats. Not the first time you've told this lie.
Umm... the Great Depression started while Republicans had a firm grip on the government.

they like to disavow hoover
Not at all. The roaring 20's were over seen by Repbulican's implementing true conservative policy. The 1930's were overseen by Democrats handing us the Great Depression.

Any person of logic would naturally say "well hell, lets implement conservative policy then". But the problem with the modern-day liberal is the they are a horribly jealous group. They would rather see all of society suffering in poverty and misery "equally" than to see all of society flourishing but some having private jets and mansions while others just have average homes and automobiles.

Envy is an ugly thing. The Bible warned against it. Liberalism is showing us first-hand why.
Do you ever stop lying?
Well that's intelligent. I've provide facts, statistics, names, dates, and links backing up everything I've said. You can't do the same and haven't even attempted to. Instead, you come back with five words that add no value to the thread at all. Typical.
You're correct, it was intelligent. The Great Depression started and was at it's worst under Republicans while you are trying to blame Democrats. Not the first time you've told this lie.
That's simply not true and you know that. I've throughly documented the truth. Do you have anything that can back up your lies outside of MediaMatters? Hell, even left-wing UCLA released a research paper indicating that FDR's failed policies prolonged the Great Depression.
And more overwhelming evidence that failed liberal policy creates poverty...

#5 The price of ground beef has doubled since 2009.

#7 Incomes fell for the bottom 80% of all income earners in the United States during the 12 months leading up to June 2014.

#9 After adjusting for inflation, median household income has fallen by nearly $5,000 since 2007.

#10 According to the New York Times, the “typical American household” is now worth 36% less than it was worth a decade ago.

#11 47% of all Americans do not put a single penny out of their paychecks into savings.

#12 One survey found that 62% of all Americans are currently living paycheck to paycheck.

So why are savings down, median household incomes down, and people unable to put money into savings over the past decade? Because for the past decade we've been under the Obama reign of terror (and part of that included the uber nightmare of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid as well). Obamacare caused healthcare prices to skyrocket. Their assault on fossil fuels and subsequent subsidization of the failed "green" energy sector has caused energy prices to skyrocket. And both have results in millions completely out of work and millions more underemployed. It is simply liberal economic policy resulting in what liberal economic policy always results in: more poverty, more misery.

19 Signs American Families Are Being Economically Destroyed
they like to disavow hoover
Not at all. The roaring 20's were over seen by Repbulican's implementing true conservative policy. The 1930's were overseen by Democrats handing us the Great Depression.

Any person of logic would naturally say "well hell, lets implement conservative policy then". But the problem with the modern-day liberal is the they are a horribly jealous group. They would rather see all of society suffering in poverty and misery "equally" than to see all of society flourishing but some having private jets and mansions while others just have average homes and automobiles.

Envy is an ugly thing. The Bible warned against it. Liberalism is showing us first-hand why.
Do you ever stop lying?
Well that's intelligent. I've provide facts, statistics, names, dates, and links backing up everything I've said. You can't do the same and haven't even attempted to. Instead, you come back with five words that add no value to the thread at all. Typical.
You're correct, it was intelligent. The Great Depression started and was at it's worst under Republicans while you are trying to blame Democrats. Not the first time you've told this lie.
That's simply not true and you know that. I've throughly documented the truth. Do you have anything that can back up your lies outside of MediaMatters? Hell, even left-wing UCLA released a research paper indicating that FDR's failed policies prolonged the Great Depression.
Yet you continue to lie. Herbert Hoover, a Repbulican, was POTUS for the first four years of the Great Depression.

every time a so-called conservative runs things, we get plunged into recession. but nice try.

History vehemently disagrees with you J. The roaring 20's were the result of true conservative policy under Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge. The 1930's gave us the Great Depression under FDR (which even left-wing UCLA studies said that FDR's policies prolonged the Great Depression). The end of the 1970's gave us collapse under Jimmy Carter. The 1980's under Ronald Reagan gave us one of the greatest economic booms in world history.
Umm... the Great Depression started while Republicans had a firm grip on the government.

they like to disavow hoover
Not at all. The roaring 20's were over seen by Repbulican's implementing true conservative policy. The 1930's were overseen by Democrats handing us the Great Depression.

Any person of logic would naturally say "well hell, lets implement conservative policy then". But the problem with the modern-day liberal is the they are a horribly jealous group. They would rather see all of society suffering in poverty and misery "equally" than to see all of society flourishing but some having private jets and mansions while others just have average homes and automobiles.

Envy is an ugly thing. The Bible warned against it. Liberalism is showing us first-hand why.

funny.... to normal people it looks like the rightwingnuts are envious...particularly of people who are educated.

and what does your bible have to do with anything? I don't recall seeing anything about envy in the old testament. *shrug*
And more overwhelming evidence that failed liberal policy creates poverty...

#5 The price of ground beef has doubled since 2009.

#7 Incomes fell for the bottom 80% of all income earners in the United States during the 12 months leading up to June 2014.

#9 After adjusting for inflation, median household income has fallen by nearly $5,000 since 2007.

#10 According to the New York Times, the “typical American household” is now worth 36% less than it was worth a decade ago.

#11 47% of all Americans do not put a single penny out of their paychecks into savings.

#12 One survey found that 62% of all Americans are currently living paycheck to paycheck.

So why are savings down, median household incomes down, and people unable to put money into savings over the past decade? Because for the past decade we've been under the Obama reign of terror (and part of that included the uber nightmare of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid as well). Obamacare caused healthcare prices to skyrocket. Their assault on fossil fuels and subsequent subsidization of the failed "green" energy sector has caused energy prices to skyrocket. And both have results in millions completely out of work and millions more underemployed. It is simply liberal economic policy resulting in what liberal economic policy always results in: more poverty, more misery.

19 Signs American Families Are Being Economically Destroyed

glenn beck? :rofl:

every time a so-called conservative runs things, we get plunged into recession. but nice try.

History vehemently disagrees with you J. The roaring 20's were the result of true conservative policy under Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge. The 1930's gave us the Great Depression under FDR (which even left-wing UCLA studies said that FDR's policies prolonged the Great Depression). The end of the 1970's gave us collapse under Jimmy Carter. The 1980's under Ronald Reagan gave us one of the greatest economic booms in world history.
Umm... the Great Depression started while Republicans had a firm grip on the government.

they like to disavow hoover
Not at all. The roaring 20's were over seen by Repbulican's implementing true conservative policy. The 1930's were overseen by Democrats handing us the Great Depression.

Any person of logic would naturally say "well hell, lets implement conservative policy then". But the problem with the modern-day liberal is the they are a horribly jealous group. They would rather see all of society suffering in poverty and misery "equally" than to see all of society flourishing but some having private jets and mansions while others just have average homes and automobiles.

Envy is an ugly thing. The Bible warned against it. Liberalism is showing us first-hand why.

funny.... to normal people it looks like the rightwingnuts are envious...particularly of people who are educated.

and what does your bible have to do with anything? I don't recall seeing anything about envy in the old testament. *shrug*
LOL! It's safe to assume you've never read The Bible, I take it? It's filled with messages about the evil of envy. Right from the 10 Commandments my dear friend...

10.) You shall not covet.
And more overwhelming evidence that failed liberal policy creates poverty...

#5 The price of ground beef has doubled since 2009.

#7 Incomes fell for the bottom 80% of all income earners in the United States during the 12 months leading up to June 2014.

#9 After adjusting for inflation, median household income has fallen by nearly $5,000 since 2007.

#10 According to the New York Times, the “typical American household” is now worth 36% less than it was worth a decade ago.

#11 47% of all Americans do not put a single penny out of their paychecks into savings.

#12 One survey found that 62% of all Americans are currently living paycheck to paycheck.

So why are savings down, median household incomes down, and people unable to put money into savings over the past decade? Because for the past decade we've been under the Obama reign of terror (and part of that included the uber nightmare of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid as well). Obamacare caused healthcare prices to skyrocket. Their assault on fossil fuels and subsequent subsidization of the failed "green" energy sector has caused energy prices to skyrocket. And both have results in millions completely out of work and millions more underemployed. It is simply liberal economic policy resulting in what liberal economic policy always results in: more poverty, more misery.

19 Signs American Families Are Being Economically Destroyed

glenn beck? :rofl:
Don't want to address the facts? I can't say I blame you my dear.
Now you are getting more realistic

Factors like rent, cost of supplies, taxes, advertising, insurance also contribute to the cost of your cheeseburger.
Raising labor costs will affect your cheeseburger just like everything else in business. Labor costs also reflect more than the cost of a minimum wage worker
I do not expect the person frying my burger to work for slave wages just so I can save a few pennies
So I guess the question becomes - why don't you start your own restaurant and pay your people $15 per hour (or more)? It's very easy to sit on the sidelines (with a complete misunderstanding of business and economics) and tell other people what to do. Why don't you do it? Why don't you lead by example? I notice that you conveniently skipped over the post from McDonald's former CEO who has mentioned that this is unsustainable.

When McDonald's raises their prices (and they will have to), then the truck driver who delivers their supplies to them will raise his prices (same with Walmart and the people who deliver to them). The cost of everything will increase and the minimum wage worker will be no further ahead. Meanwhile, the middle class manager or middle class accountant whose salary didn't double will pay the ultimate prices.

Nothing drags the middle class down into poverty like liberal policy.

What did restaurants do when beef nearly doubled in price?
What do they do when insurance and property taxes increase?

Do McDonalds executives work for the same pay and benefits they did eight years ago? They expect their workers to
Again - a shining example of how liberals fail to understand basic business and/or basic economics.

The minimum wage is simply the starting point. It is not a capped ceiling on wages for a certain class. I can promise you, unequivocally, that someone who started at McDonald's 8 years ago for minimum wage has received annual raises and is making considerably more than minimum wage right now (though not the absurd $15 per hour you are looking for).

Sure after eight years they are a manager making $8.25 instead of $7.25
Even if that's true - your prior posts were still inaccurate. Nobody stays at minimum wage - even if they are in the same position. So long as they perform properly, they get cost of living increases/raises. So that once again proves that raising the minimum wage is completely unnecessary. It is simply a starting point. It is not a lifetime sentence.

If that were true then why aren't fast food restaurants filled with long time counter people making 10 or 15 bucks an hour?
Doubling a minimum wage that hasn't been raised in 8 years and won't be touched for another 8

Increased would be phased in over 5 years
Are you willing to double the cost of everything associated with the minimum wage positions to cover those increased labor costs? If not, then this is doomed to failure. If so, then the minimum wage worker is no further ahead than they are now - and thus it is still doomed to failure. A 6% profit margin simply cannot absorb a 50% increase in labor costs. This is basic math.

You assume there is a one to one correlation between labor costs and the cost of the product

There isn't
You assume there is no correlation between labor costs and the cost of good are services. There are.

So again - are you will to accept the increase costs of everything? If no, then this is doomed to fail. If yes, then the minimum wage worker will be no further ahead than before the increase because there will be an increase to goods and services. The only thing that increasing minimum wage does is increase inflation. It does nothing for the minimum wage worker (if it did - this wouldn't be the 9th time that minimum wage was increased in my short life time).

Now you are getting more realistic

Factors like rent, cost of supplies, taxes, advertising, insurance also contribute to the cost of your cheeseburger.
Raising labor costs will affect your cheeseburger just like everything else in business. Labor costs also reflect more than the cost of a minimum wage worker
I do not expect the person frying my burger to work for slave wages just so I can save a few pennies
So I guess the question becomes - why don't you start your own restaurant and pay your people $15 per hour (or more)? It's very easy to sit on the sidelines (with a complete misunderstanding of business and economics) and tell other people what to do. Why don't you do it? Why don't you lead by example? I notice that you conveniently skipped over the post from McDonald's former CEO who has mentioned that this is unsustainable.

When McDonald's raises their prices (and they will have to), then the truck driver who delivers their supplies to them will raise his prices (same with Walmart and the people who deliver to them). The cost of everything will increase and the minimum wage worker will be no further ahead. Meanwhile, the middle class manager or middle class accountant whose salary didn't double will pay the ultimate prices.

Nothing drags the middle class down into poverty like liberal policy.

So you would rather have a permanent underclass of working poor.
So I guess the question becomes - why don't you start your own restaurant and pay your people $15 per hour (or more)? It's very easy to sit on the sidelines (with a complete misunderstanding of business and economics) and tell other people what to do. Why don't you do it? Why don't you lead by example? I notice that you conveniently skipped over the post from McDonald's former CEO who has mentioned that this is unsustainable.

When McDonald's raises their prices (and they will have to), then the truck driver who delivers their supplies to them will raise his prices (same with Walmart and the people who deliver to them). The cost of everything will increase and the minimum wage worker will be no further ahead. Meanwhile, the middle class manager or middle class accountant whose salary didn't double will pay the ultimate prices.

Nothing drags the middle class down into poverty like liberal policy.

What did restaurants do when beef nearly doubled in price?
What do they do when insurance and property taxes increase?

Do McDonalds executives work for the same pay and benefits they did eight years ago? They expect their workers to
Again - a shining example of how liberals fail to understand basic business and/or basic economics.

The minimum wage is simply the starting point. It is not a capped ceiling on wages for a certain class. I can promise you, unequivocally, that someone who started at McDonald's 8 years ago for minimum wage has received annual raises and is making considerably more than minimum wage right now (though not the absurd $15 per hour you are looking for).

Sure after eight years they are a manager making $8.25 instead of $7.25
Even if that's true - your prior posts were still inaccurate. Nobody stays at minimum wage - even if they are in the same position. So long as they perform properly, they get cost of living increases/raises. So that once again proves that raising the minimum wage is completely unnecessary. It is simply a starting point. It is not a lifetime sentence.

If that were true then why aren't fast food restaurants filled with long time counter people making 10 or 15 bucks an hour?
Because most people don't stay behind the counter for six or seven years. It's mostly teenagers who work there to make money on the side until they go off to college (or while they are in college). And then they move on. For those who do stay there a while, they move up to other jobs in the restaurant (where they make more money).
Are you willing to double the cost of everything associated with the minimum wage positions to cover those increased labor costs? If not, then this is doomed to failure. If so, then the minimum wage worker is no further ahead than they are now - and thus it is still doomed to failure. A 6% profit margin simply cannot absorb a 50% increase in labor costs. This is basic math.

You assume there is a one to one correlation between labor costs and the cost of the product

There isn't
You assume there is no correlation between labor costs and the cost of good are services. There are.

So again - are you will to accept the increase costs of everything? If no, then this is doomed to fail. If yes, then the minimum wage worker will be no further ahead than before the increase because there will be an increase to goods and services. The only thing that increasing minimum wage does is increase inflation. It does nothing for the minimum wage worker (if it did - this wouldn't be the 9th time that minimum wage was increased in my short life time).

Now you are getting more realistic

Factors like rent, cost of supplies, taxes, advertising, insurance also contribute to the cost of your cheeseburger.
Raising labor costs will affect your cheeseburger just like everything else in business. Labor costs also reflect more than the cost of a minimum wage worker
I do not expect the person frying my burger to work for slave wages just so I can save a few pennies
So I guess the question becomes - why don't you start your own restaurant and pay your people $15 per hour (or more)? It's very easy to sit on the sidelines (with a complete misunderstanding of business and economics) and tell other people what to do. Why don't you do it? Why don't you lead by example? I notice that you conveniently skipped over the post from McDonald's former CEO who has mentioned that this is unsustainable.

When McDonald's raises their prices (and they will have to), then the truck driver who delivers their supplies to them will raise his prices (same with Walmart and the people who deliver to them). The cost of everything will increase and the minimum wage worker will be no further ahead. Meanwhile, the middle class manager or middle class accountant whose salary didn't double will pay the ultimate prices.

Nothing drags the middle class down into poverty like liberal policy.

So you would rather have a permanent underclass of working poor.
No. I would rather have Constitutional government and a true free-market allowing everyone to rise and fall, succeed or fail, based on their merits.

May I ask why you prefer coercion? Can you make a logical case for it?
You assume there is a one to one correlation between labor costs and the cost of the product

There isn't
You assume there is no correlation between labor costs and the cost of good are services. There are.

So again - are you will to accept the increase costs of everything? If no, then this is doomed to fail. If yes, then the minimum wage worker will be no further ahead than before the increase because there will be an increase to goods and services. The only thing that increasing minimum wage does is increase inflation. It does nothing for the minimum wage worker (if it did - this wouldn't be the 9th time that minimum wage was increased in my short life time).

Now you are getting more realistic

Factors like rent, cost of supplies, taxes, advertising, insurance also contribute to the cost of your cheeseburger.
Raising labor costs will affect your cheeseburger just like everything else in business. Labor costs also reflect more than the cost of a minimum wage worker
I do not expect the person frying my burger to work for slave wages just so I can save a few pennies
So I guess the question becomes - why don't you start your own restaurant and pay your people $15 per hour (or more)? It's very easy to sit on the sidelines (with a complete misunderstanding of business and economics) and tell other people what to do. Why don't you do it? Why don't you lead by example? I notice that you conveniently skipped over the post from McDonald's former CEO who has mentioned that this is unsustainable.

When McDonald's raises their prices (and they will have to), then the truck driver who delivers their supplies to them will raise his prices (same with Walmart and the people who deliver to them). The cost of everything will increase and the minimum wage worker will be no further ahead. Meanwhile, the middle class manager or middle class accountant whose salary didn't double will pay the ultimate prices.

Nothing drags the middle class down into poverty like liberal policy.

So you would rather have a permanent underclass of working poor.
No. I would rather have Constitutional government and a true free-market allowing everyone to rise and fall, succeed or fail, based on their merits.

May I ask why you prefer coercion? Can you make a logical case for it?

The third world is full of extremely poor people with as much 'merit' as you.

That is what you want for this country.
What did restaurants do when beef nearly doubled in price?
What do they do when insurance and property taxes increase?

Do McDonalds executives work for the same pay and benefits they did eight years ago? They expect their workers to
Again - a shining example of how liberals fail to understand basic business and/or basic economics.

The minimum wage is simply the starting point. It is not a capped ceiling on wages for a certain class. I can promise you, unequivocally, that someone who started at McDonald's 8 years ago for minimum wage has received annual raises and is making considerably more than minimum wage right now (though not the absurd $15 per hour you are looking for).

Sure after eight years they are a manager making $8.25 instead of $7.25
Even if that's true - your prior posts were still inaccurate. Nobody stays at minimum wage - even if they are in the same position. So long as they perform properly, they get cost of living increases/raises. So that once again proves that raising the minimum wage is completely unnecessary. It is simply a starting point. It is not a lifetime sentence.

If that were true then why aren't fast food restaurants filled with long time counter people making 10 or 15 bucks an hour?
Because most people don't stay behind the counter for six or seven years. It's mostly teenagers who work there to make money on the side until they go off to college (or while they are in college). And then they move on. For those who do stay there a while, they move up to other jobs in the restaurant (where they make more money).

Food service employees only represent maybe half of the minimum wage workers in this country.
Again - a shining example of how liberals fail to understand basic business and/or basic economics.

The minimum wage is simply the starting point. It is not a capped ceiling on wages for a certain class. I can promise you, unequivocally, that someone who started at McDonald's 8 years ago for minimum wage has received annual raises and is making considerably more than minimum wage right now (though not the absurd $15 per hour you are looking for).

Sure after eight years they are a manager making $8.25 instead of $7.25
Even if that's true - your prior posts were still inaccurate. Nobody stays at minimum wage - even if they are in the same position. So long as they perform properly, they get cost of living increases/raises. So that once again proves that raising the minimum wage is completely unnecessary. It is simply a starting point. It is not a lifetime sentence.

If that were true then why aren't fast food restaurants filled with long time counter people making 10 or 15 bucks an hour?
Because most people don't stay behind the counter for six or seven years. It's mostly teenagers who work there to make money on the side until they go off to college (or while they are in college). And then they move on. For those who do stay there a while, they move up to other jobs in the restaurant (where they make more money).

Food service employees only represent maybe half of the minimum wage workers in this country.
Well sure. But the same principles applies largely though out. Either young teenagers getting their feet wet in the labor force or older, retired people supplementing their income.
You assume there is no correlation between labor costs and the cost of good are services. There are.

So again - are you will to accept the increase costs of everything? If no, then this is doomed to fail. If yes, then the minimum wage worker will be no further ahead than before the increase because there will be an increase to goods and services. The only thing that increasing minimum wage does is increase inflation. It does nothing for the minimum wage worker (if it did - this wouldn't be the 9th time that minimum wage was increased in my short life time).

Now you are getting more realistic

Factors like rent, cost of supplies, taxes, advertising, insurance also contribute to the cost of your cheeseburger.
Raising labor costs will affect your cheeseburger just like everything else in business. Labor costs also reflect more than the cost of a minimum wage worker
I do not expect the person frying my burger to work for slave wages just so I can save a few pennies
So I guess the question becomes - why don't you start your own restaurant and pay your people $15 per hour (or more)? It's very easy to sit on the sidelines (with a complete misunderstanding of business and economics) and tell other people what to do. Why don't you do it? Why don't you lead by example? I notice that you conveniently skipped over the post from McDonald's former CEO who has mentioned that this is unsustainable.

When McDonald's raises their prices (and they will have to), then the truck driver who delivers their supplies to them will raise his prices (same with Walmart and the people who deliver to them). The cost of everything will increase and the minimum wage worker will be no further ahead. Meanwhile, the middle class manager or middle class accountant whose salary didn't double will pay the ultimate prices.

Nothing drags the middle class down into poverty like liberal policy.

So you would rather have a permanent underclass of working poor.
No. I would rather have Constitutional government and a true free-market allowing everyone to rise and fall, succeed or fail, based on their merits.

May I ask why you prefer coercion? Can you make a logical case for it?

The third world is full of extremely poor people with as much 'merit' as you.

That is what you want for this country.
S you can't make a case for why you choose coercion?

Let me tell you my actual experiences. Had a friend who lived in the U.S.S.R. under Leonid Brezhnev, Yuri Andropov, Konstantin Chernenko, Mikhail Gorbachev. He gladly would have chosen 3rd world country of poverty with freedom over what he had to endure in the Soviet Union.

Had even closer friends whose parents surveyed the Holocaust. They were forever tattooed with the tattoos that the Nazi's gave them in the concentration camps. They didn't like to talk about it much. But they unequivocally would have chosen a 3rd world country of poverty with freedom over what they had to endure at the hands of an authoritarian regime.

You choose pitiful rationed government table scraps over freedom because you were handed freedom on a silver platter and you have absolutely zero respect or reverence for it. That's a slap in the face of the millions of people who gave their lives for it. There is more to life than money and material items. A LOT more to life.
And more overwhelming evidence that failed liberal policy creates poverty...

#5 The price of ground beef has doubled since 2009.

#7 Incomes fell for the bottom 80% of all income earners in the United States during the 12 months leading up to June 2014.

#9 After adjusting for inflation, median household income has fallen by nearly $5,000 since 2007.

#10 According to the New York Times, the “typical American household” is now worth 36% less than it was worth a decade ago.

#11 47% of all Americans do not put a single penny out of their paychecks into savings.

#12 One survey found that 62% of all Americans are currently living paycheck to paycheck.

So why are savings down, median household incomes down, and people unable to put money into savings over the past decade? Because for the past decade we've been under the Obama reign of terror (and part of that included the uber nightmare of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid as well). Obamacare caused healthcare prices to skyrocket. Their assault on fossil fuels and subsequent subsidization of the failed "green" energy sector has caused energy prices to skyrocket. And both have results in millions completely out of work and millions more underemployed. It is simply liberal economic policy resulting in what liberal economic policy always results in: more poverty, more misery.

19 Signs American Families Are Being Economically Destroyed

Simple...Republicans since Reagan have worked to keep wages low

It is part of their supply side economics

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