Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy

Also the BLS statistics are not suitable for what you want to do, here is a better statistic:

A perfect example of just how little the know-it-all Right actually knows.

A chart of ALL PT workers is completely worthless, unless you intend to deceive, when discussing PT workers who want FT jobs, clearly a subset of ALL PT workers. The BLS data on PT workers who want FT jobs is clearly the BEST data for PT workers who want FT jobs!!!!!

Given that the law defines FT work as 30 hours, this analysis is the best we have. I am sorry if you can't see that, maybe the problem is that you were not born with a functional brain, with that I can't help you.
Also the BLS statistics are not suitable for what you want to do, here is a better statistic:

A perfect example of just how little the know-it-all Right actually knows.

A chart of ALL PT workers is completely worthless, unless you intend to deceive, when discussing PT workers who want FT jobs, clearly a subset of ALL PT workers. The BLS data on PT workers who want FT jobs is clearly the BEST data for PT workers who want FT jobs!!!!!

Given that the law defines FT work as 30 hours, this analysis is the best we have. I am sorry if you can't see that, maybe the problem is that you were not born with a functional brain, with that I can't help you.
Given that it is about ONLY those workers who want to work FT but had their hours reduced to PT, a chart for ALL PT workers is completely worthless except to be deliberately misleading!
"Cities, counties, public schools and community colleges around the country have limited or reduced the work hours of part-time employees to avoid having to provide them with health insurance under the Affordable Care Act, state and local officials say.
The Right just can't stop themselves from lying. No matter how many times this lie is debunked with the actual data, the worthless lying scum Right will just keep repeating lt.

When the ACA was passed there were 9,126,000 working PT who wanted FT work. There are 6,032,000 now, a DECLINE of over 3 million since Obamacare was signed into law. But the Right will continue to tout their gossip from UNNAMED "officials."

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Notice how the left always has to continue going on with these BROAD one source posts that are devoid of any specific pieces of information, while steering clear of those very specifics of how real world workers are having to cope. A source, by the way, you said are found to be "a completely worthless economic indicator" the same as the CNN poll, and now you're putting all your chips on this very source? Seriously?
Again we see what worthless lying scum the Right is.
I said the LABOR PARTICIPATION RATE was a worthless economic indicator because it is not corrected for demographics which undeniable affect it. Only completely worthless lying scum would pervert that into an attack on the BLS. Be proud of yourself.

The fact remains you are rejecting the national numbers on the unproven allegations of a very few based entirely on speculation and rumor.

Litigation against Dave and Brewsters over cutting part time hours to avoid Obamacare is not speculation.

Restaurants may possibly be violating ERISA by cutting worker hours is not speculation.
At this point it is pure speculation until the case is settled in the courts.
Well there is some fine liberal "logic" for you. The Green River Killer murdered over 40 women. But those dead bodies didn't really count "until the case is settled in the courts".

And by the way - Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman are not dead because, well, a court said so.

I'm telling you folks - the left has reached the point of pure, unadulterated insanity. The most basic logic and reason has been completely thrown out the door by them in favor of ideology.
More undeniable, indisputable evidence of failed liberal policy creating unemployment...

The radical leftwing environmentalists took control. These are people who care more about the supposed rise of the oceans than the financial survival of the middle class. The industrial unions made a catastrophic decision to get in bed with these radicals and now they—and all of us—are paying a heavy price.

The latest evidence came last week when another coal giant in America, Peabody Energy Corp., declared bankruptcy. This is the same fate suffered by Arch Coal Inc., Alpha Natural Resources Inc., and other coal producers that have filed for Chapter 11 protection from creditors.

The Green War Against the Working Class
And by the way - Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman are not dead because, well, a court said so.
Well there is another intelligent response from a liberal. I guess you realized the absurdity of your statement by claiming something didn't happen until a court says it happened. But don't blame me for the break down of logic in your own mind. I'm here to help.
And by the way - Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman are not dead because, well, a court said so.
Well there is another intelligent response from a liberal. I guess you realized the absurdity of your statement by claiming something didn't happen until a court says it happened. But don't blame me for the break down of logic in your own mind. I'm here to help.
There is nothing intelligent about your Straw Man argument. The very fact that you have to pervert what I say to argue against it shows you know you have no real argument against it.
And by the way - Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman are not dead because, well, a court said so.
Well there is another intelligent response from a liberal. I guess you realized the absurdity of your statement by claiming something didn't happen until a court says it happened. But don't blame me for the break down of logic in your own mind. I'm here to help.
There is nothing intelligent about your Straw Man argument. The very fact that you have to pervert what I say to argue against it shows you know you have no real argument against it.
Nobody perverted anything. You're just embarrassed because I pointed out the extraordinary lack of logic in your views.
And by the way - Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman are not dead because, well, a court said so.
Well there is another intelligent response from a liberal. I guess you realized the absurdity of your statement by claiming something didn't happen until a court says it happened. But don't blame me for the break down of logic in your own mind. I'm here to help.
There is nothing intelligent about your Straw Man argument. The very fact that you have to pervert what I say to argue against it shows you know you have no real argument against it.
Nobody perverted anything. You're just embarrassed because I pointed out the extraordinary lack of logic in your views.
No, you just pointed out the dishonesty of your Straw Man.
Unemployment rate of Singapore, the free market capital of the world: 1.9%.

Unemployment rate of Greece, the ultimate liberal regressive paradise: 25.6%. (EU average: 9.6%, Switzerland, the free market country of EU: 3.6%).

Unemployment rate in the U.S. under the leadership of Liberal Barack Obama.... 5.0%


There are other factors that a simple 5% unemployment does not include and take into account, I'd honestly be very surprise if you are able to respond with what they are.
Why would I list factors other than the unemployment rate when I responded to a post that only talked about unemployment rates??

You pointed out the average EU unemployment rate is 9.6%. I pointed out it's nearly half that here. Is it my problem that irks you?
The Right just can't stop themselves from lying. No matter how many times this lie is debunked with the actual data, the worthless lying scum Right will just keep repeating lt.

When the ACA was passed there were 9,126,000 working PT who wanted FT work. There are 6,032,000 now, a DECLINE of over 3 million since Obamacare was signed into law. But the Right will continue to tout their gossip from UNNAMED "officials."

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Notice how the left always has to continue going on with these BROAD one source posts that are devoid of any specific pieces of information, while steering clear of those very specifics of how real world workers are having to cope. A source, by the way, you said are found to be "a completely worthless economic indicator" the same as the CNN poll, and now you're putting all your chips on this very source? Seriously?
Again we see what worthless lying scum the Right is.
I said the LABOR PARTICIPATION RATE was a worthless economic indicator because it is not corrected for demographics which undeniable affect it. Only completely worthless lying scum would pervert that into an attack on the BLS. Be proud of yourself.

The fact remains you are rejecting the national numbers on the unproven allegations of a very few based entirely on speculation and rumor.

Litigation against Dave and Brewsters over cutting part time hours to avoid Obamacare is not speculation.

Restaurants may possibly be violating ERISA by cutting worker hours is not speculation.
At this point it is pure speculation until the case is settled in the courts.
Well there is some fine liberal "logic" for you. The Green River Killer murdered over 40 women. But those dead bodies didn't really count "until the case is settled in the courts".

And by the way - Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman are not dead because, well, a court said so.

I'm telling you folks - the left has reached the point of pure, unadulterated insanity. The most basic logic and reason has been completely thrown out the door by them in favor of ideology.
You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

No court ever said Ron Goldman and Nicole Simpson are not dead.
"Some restaurants." In 5 years, it'll stabilize. We bitch now though..
If by stabilization you mean inflated prices throughout the country you would be correct.
The price of goods inflate much more under Republicans than Democrats.

When Reagan came into office in 1980 the average price:

New house: 1980 $68,700.00 , 1990 $123,000.00
New car: 1980 $7,200.00 , 1990 $16,950.00
We have raised minimum wage for generations....we managed to survive

We've also set off nuclear bombs in Nevada and "managed to survive" but I wouldn't recommend to continuing do that like liberals have with minimum wage. Also - this isn't some nominal increase that the economy could absorb to some extent. This is doubling the minimum wage.
The facts are in liberals - and as usual - they prove you overwhelmingly wrong.

From McDonald's former CEO:

"The $15 minimum wage demand, which translates to $30,000 a year for a full-time employee, is built upon a fundamental misunderstanding of a restaurant business such as McDonald’s. “They’re making millions while millions can’t pay their bills,” argue the union groups, suggesting there’s plenty of profit left over in corporate coffers to fund a massive pay increase at the bottom.

In truth, nearly 90% of McDonald’s locations are independently-owned by franchisees who aren’t making “millions” in profit. Rather, they keep roughly $0.06 of each sales dollar after paying for food, staff costs, rent and other expenses.

Let’s do the math: A typical franchisee sells about $2.6 million worth of burgers, fries, shakes and Happy Meals each year, leaving them with $156,000 in profit. If that franchisee has 15 part-time employees on staff earning minimum wage, a $15 hourly pay requirement eats up three-quarters of their profitability. (In reality, the costs will be much higher, as the company will have to fund raises further up the pay scale.) For some locations, a $15 minimum wage wipes out their entire profit."

It really become astounding when you hear liberals talk about business and economics becuase you realize how much they don't know about the very basics (like the fact that McDonald's restaurants are not a "corporation" but rather independently owned franchises - as pointed out many times here on USMB by conservatives who actually know what they are talking about). Once you see the actual profit margins ($0.06 on every dollar?!?) it becomes even more obvious just how unqualified liberals are to discuss anything with regards to business or economics. A $0.06 profit margin is horrible. In most businesses, it would be considered unsustainable for survival. I can only assume (and I'm admitting I don't know here) that the McDonald's Corporation shows potential franchise owners a sales model which demonstrates how volume and efficiencies make that paltry profit margin worth going into business for. As a frame of reference - the low end of a sustainable profit margin is considered 14% (or more than double McDonald's profit margin) and even that is really bad.

The Ugly Truth About A $15 Minimum Wage
Well wonders never cease....Kansas implements the exact opposite of failed liberal policy and they get the exact opposite results. Of course, conservatives have known this for centuries.

According to a report from the Foundation for Government Accountability, before Kansas instituted a work requirement, 93% of food stamp recipients were in poverty, with 84 percent in severe poverty. Few of the food stamp recipients claimed any income. Only 21% were working at all, and two-fifths of those working were working fewer than 20 hours per week.

Once work requirements were established, thousands of food stamp recipients moved into the workforce, promoting income gains and a decrease in poverty. 40% of the individuals who left the food stamp ranks found employment within three months, and about 60% found employment within a year. They saw an average income increase of 127%. Half of those who left the rolls and are working have earnings above the poverty level. Even many of those who stayed on food stamps saw their income increase significantly.

So to summarize - the people in poverty are now exponentially wealthier. The tax payer gets to keep more money, so they are exponentially wealthier. And the government is spending less, so they are exponentially wealthier. Conservative policy creates wealth and prosperity. Liberal policy creates poverty and misery.

Kansas Reduced Poverty by Requiring Work for Food Stamps
Well wonders never cease....Kansas implements the exact opposite of failed liberal policy and they get the exact opposite results. Of course, conservatives have known this for centuries.

According to a report from the Foundation for Government Accountability, before Kansas instituted a work requirement, 93% of food stamp recipients were in poverty, with 84 percent in severe poverty. Few of the food stamp recipients claimed any income. Only 21% were working at all, and two-fifths of those working were working fewer than 20 hours per week.

Once work requirements were established, thousands of food stamp recipients moved into the workforce, promoting income gains and a decrease in poverty. 40% of the individuals who left the food stamp ranks found employment within three months, and about 60% found employment within a year. They saw an average income increase of 127%. Half of those who left the rolls and are working have earnings above the poverty level. Even many of those who stayed on food stamps saw their income increase significantly.

So to summarize - the people in poverty are now exponentially wealthier. The tax payer gets to keep more money, so they are exponentially wealthier. And the government is spending less, so they are exponentially wealthier. Conservative policy creates wealth and prosperity. Liberal policy creates poverty and misery.

Kansas Reduced Poverty by Requiring Work for Food Stamps
And yet, unemployment fell at a faster pace for the nation than it did in Kansas.

Barack Obama stepped into an economy that was doing just fine...
You're done. That is thee most batshit insane post I've ever seen here. Bar none.

You have to be crazy to think negative 8 percent GDP and a million plus people becoming unemployed in the month Bush left office as, "an economy that was doing just fine."


every time a so-called conservative runs things, we get plunged into recession. but nice try.
Well wonders never cease....Kansas implements the exact opposite of failed liberal policy and they get the exact opposite results. Of course, conservatives have known this for centuries.

According to a report from the Foundation for Government Accountability, before Kansas instituted a work requirement, 93% of food stamp recipients were in poverty, with 84 percent in severe poverty. Few of the food stamp recipients claimed any income. Only 21% were working at all, and two-fifths of those working were working fewer than 20 hours per week.

Once work requirements were established, thousands of food stamp recipients moved into the workforce, promoting income gains and a decrease in poverty. 40% of the individuals who left the food stamp ranks found employment within three months, and about 60% found employment within a year. They saw an average income increase of 127%. Half of those who left the rolls and are working have earnings above the poverty level. Even many of those who stayed on food stamps saw their income increase significantly.

So to summarize - the people in poverty are now exponentially wealthier. The tax payer gets to keep more money, so they are exponentially wealthier. And the government is spending less, so they are exponentially wealthier. Conservative policy creates wealth and prosperity. Liberal policy creates poverty and misery.

Kansas Reduced Poverty by Requiring Work for Food Stamps

kansas' economy was destroyed by brownback.

only rightwingnuts vote against their own fiscal interests
*snip nonsense*
Barack Obama stepped into an economy that was doing just fine

*snipped nonsense*
Facts. They are a bitch, eh Faun?

that is absurd. were you asleep through the financial crash at the end of bush's term? or do you just choose to blame the president who had to mop up his mess
Well wonders never cease....Kansas implements the exact opposite of failed liberal policy and they get the exact opposite results. Of course, conservatives have known this for centuries.

According to a report from the Foundation for Government Accountability, before Kansas instituted a work requirement, 93% of food stamp recipients were in poverty, with 84 percent in severe poverty. Few of the food stamp recipients claimed any income. Only 21% were working at all, and two-fifths of those working were working fewer than 20 hours per week.

Once work requirements were established, thousands of food stamp recipients moved into the workforce, promoting income gains and a decrease in poverty. 40% of the individuals who left the food stamp ranks found employment within three months, and about 60% found employment within a year. They saw an average income increase of 127%. Half of those who left the rolls and are working have earnings above the poverty level. Even many of those who stayed on food stamps saw their income increase significantly.

So to summarize - the people in poverty are now exponentially wealthier. The tax payer gets to keep more money, so they are exponentially wealthier. And the government is spending less, so they are exponentially wealthier. Conservative policy creates wealth and prosperity. Liberal policy creates poverty and misery.

Kansas Reduced Poverty by Requiring Work for Food Stamps

kansas' economy was destroyed by brownback.

only rightwingnuts vote against their own fiscal interests
The article unequivocally proves that it is in everyone's fiscal interest to implement conservative policy. The people in poverty have more money now. The tax payer has more money now. The government has more money now. It's a true win-win-win. And liberal policy gives us the exact opposite.

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