Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy


every time a so-called conservative runs things, we get plunged into recession. but nice try.

History vehemently disagrees with you J. The roaring 20's were the result of true conservative policy under Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge. The 1930's gave us the Great Depression under FDR (which even left-wing UCLA studies said that FDR's policies prolonged the Great Depression). The end of the 1970's gave us collapse under Jimmy Carter. The 1980's under Ronald Reagan gave us one of the greatest economic booms in world history.
Well wonders never cease....Kansas implements the exact opposite of failed liberal policy and they get the exact opposite results. Of course, conservatives have known this for centuries.

According to a report from the Foundation for Government Accountability, before Kansas instituted a work requirement, 93% of food stamp recipients were in poverty, with 84 percent in severe poverty. Few of the food stamp recipients claimed any income. Only 21% were working at all, and two-fifths of those working were working fewer than 20 hours per week.

Once work requirements were established, thousands of food stamp recipients moved into the workforce, promoting income gains and a decrease in poverty. 40% of the individuals who left the food stamp ranks found employment within three months, and about 60% found employment within a year. They saw an average income increase of 127%. Half of those who left the rolls and are working have earnings above the poverty level. Even many of those who stayed on food stamps saw their income increase significantly.

So to summarize - the people in poverty are now exponentially wealthier. The tax payer gets to keep more money, so they are exponentially wealthier. And the government is spending less, so they are exponentially wealthier. Conservative policy creates wealth and prosperity. Liberal policy creates poverty and misery.

Kansas Reduced Poverty by Requiring Work for Food Stamps

kansas' economy was destroyed by brownback.

only rightwingnuts vote against their own fiscal interests
The article unequivocally proves that it is in everyone's fiscal interest to implement conservative policy. The people in poverty have more money now. The tax payer has more money now. The government has more money now. It's a true win-win-win. And liberal policy gives us the exact opposite.
But conservatives are crazy... sooo... implementing their ideas would be crazy.

every time a so-called conservative runs things, we get plunged into recession. but nice try.

History vehemently disagrees with you J. The roaring 20's were the result of true conservative policy under Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge. The 1930's gave us the Great Depression under FDR (which even left-wing UCLA studies said that FDR's policies prolonged the Great Depression). The end of the 1970's gave us collapse under Jimmy Carter. The 1980's under Ronald Reagan gave us one of the greatest economic booms in world history.
Umm... the Great Depression started while Republicans had a firm grip on the government.

every time a so-called conservative runs things, we get plunged into recession. but nice try.

"Nonsense" is ignoring facts for ideology J. You're an attorney - you should know better. You're supposed to follow the facts. For instance - Detroit has experienced 60 years of the purest forms of liberal policy even seen in the U.S. They had a Democrat mayor for over 60 straight years and a Democrat-controlled city council for over 60 straight years. Not only that, but they had the ultimate liberal dream - the most powerful unions in the entire U.S. (the UAW). And what does Detroit have to show for it? An entire city that had to file for bankruptcy and their most powerful industry had to file for bankruptcy (the auto industry destroyed by the UAW). Sorry J - these are the facts and there is no denying them.

And the most beautiful thing about this? You can't even begin to claim that some national conservative policy was the cause, because while Detroit has absolutely become a third-world sh*t-hole, during that same time, cities around the U.S. flourished (all under the same national policies as Detroit). Liberal policy creates poverty and misery no matter where it is implemented and that is indisputable. Detroit. California. Cuba. U.S.S.R. Cambodia. Vietnam. Ethiopia.
It is always amusing when one liberal ideology (government control through endless "regulations") destroys another liberal ideology (in this case - the "green" movement and poverty). Here we have someone trying to make a basic necessity more affordable for everyone and do so that is consistent with the "green" movement. And they are prevented from doing so due to government regulations.

Green Cemetery Owner Fights Law Restricting Casket Sales

every time a so-called conservative runs things, we get plunged into recession. but nice try.

History vehemently disagrees with you J. The roaring 20's were the result of true conservative policy under Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge. The 1930's gave us the Great Depression under FDR (which even left-wing UCLA studies said that FDR's policies prolonged the Great Depression). The end of the 1970's gave us collapse under Jimmy Carter. The 1980's under Ronald Reagan gave us one of the greatest economic booms in world history.
Umm... the Great Depression started while Republicans had a firm grip on the government.

they like to disavow hoover
We have raised minimum wage for generations....we managed to survive

We've also set off nuclear bombs in Nevada and "managed to survive" but I wouldn't recommend to continuing do that like liberals have with minimum wage. Also - this isn't some nominal increase that the economy could absorb to some extent. This is doubling the minimum wage.

Doubling a minimum wage that hasn't been raised in 8 years and won't be touched for another 8

Increased would be phased in over 5 years

every time a so-called conservative runs things, we get plunged into recession. but nice try.

History vehemently disagrees with you J. The roaring 20's were the result of true conservative policy under Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge. The 1930's gave us the Great Depression under FDR (which even left-wing UCLA studies said that FDR's policies prolonged the Great Depression). The end of the 1970's gave us collapse under Jimmy Carter. The 1980's under Ronald Reagan gave us one of the greatest economic booms in world history.
Umm... the Great Depression started while Republicans had a firm grip on the government.

they like to disavow hoover
Not at all. The roaring 20's were over seen by Repbulican's implementing true conservative policy. The 1930's were overseen by Democrats handing us the Great Depression.

Any person of logic would naturally say "well hell, lets implement conservative policy then". But the problem with the modern-day liberal is the they are a horribly jealous group. They would rather see all of society suffering in poverty and misery "equally" than to see all of society flourishing but some having private jets and mansions while others just have average homes and automobiles.

Envy is an ugly thing. The Bible warned against it. Liberalism is showing us first-hand why.
We have raised minimum wage for generations....we managed to survive

We've also set off nuclear bombs in Nevada and "managed to survive" but I wouldn't recommend to continuing do that like liberals have with minimum wage. Also - this isn't some nominal increase that the economy could absorb to some extent. This is doubling the minimum wage.

Doubling a minimum wage that hasn't been raised in 8 years and won't be touched for another 8

Increased would be phased in over 5 years
Are you willing to double the cost of everything associated with the minimum wage positions to cover those increased labor costs? If not, then this is doomed to failure. If so, then the minimum wage worker is no further ahead than they are now - and thus it is still doomed to failure. A 6% profit margin simply cannot absorb a 50% increase in labor costs. This is basic math.
We have raised minimum wage for generations....we managed to survive

We've also set off nuclear bombs in Nevada and "managed to survive" but I wouldn't recommend to continuing do that like liberals have with minimum wage. Also - this isn't some nominal increase that the economy could absorb to some extent. This is doubling the minimum wage.

Doubling a minimum wage that hasn't been raised in 8 years and won't be touched for another 8

Increased would be phased in over 5 years
Are you willing to double the cost of everything associated with the minimum wage positions to cover those increased labor costs? If not, then this is doomed to failure. If so, then the minimum wage worker is no further ahead than they are now - and thus it is still doomed to failure. A 6% profit margin simply cannot absorb a 50% increase in labor costs. This is basic math.

You assume there is a one to one correlation between labor costs and the cost of the product

There isn't
We have raised minimum wage for generations....we managed to survive

We've also set off nuclear bombs in Nevada and "managed to survive" but I wouldn't recommend to continuing do that like liberals have with minimum wage. Also - this isn't some nominal increase that the economy could absorb to some extent. This is doubling the minimum wage.

Doubling a minimum wage that hasn't been raised in 8 years and won't be touched for another 8

Increased would be phased in over 5 years
Are you willing to double the cost of everything associated with the minimum wage positions to cover those increased labor costs? If not, then this is doomed to failure. If so, then the minimum wage worker is no further ahead than they are now - and thus it is still doomed to failure. A 6% profit margin simply cannot absorb a 50% increase in labor costs. This is basic math.

You assume there is a one to one correlation between labor costs and the cost of the product

There isn't
You assume there is no correlation between labor costs and the cost of good are services. There are.

So again - are you will to accept the increase costs of everything? If no, then this is doomed to fail. If yes, then the minimum wage worker will be no further ahead than before the increase because there will be an increase to goods and services. The only thing that increasing minimum wage does is increase inflation. It does nothing for the minimum wage worker (if it did - this wouldn't be the 9th time that minimum wage was increased in my short life time).

every time a so-called conservative runs things, we get plunged into recession. but nice try.

History vehemently disagrees with you J. The roaring 20's were the result of true conservative policy under Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge. The 1930's gave us the Great Depression under FDR (which even left-wing UCLA studies said that FDR's policies prolonged the Great Depression). The end of the 1970's gave us collapse under Jimmy Carter. The 1980's under Ronald Reagan gave us one of the greatest economic booms in world history.
Umm... the Great Depression started while Republicans had a firm grip on the government.

they like to disavow hoover
Not at all. The roaring 20's were over seen by Repbulican's implementing true conservative policy. The 1930's were overseen by Democrats handing us the Great Depression.

Any person of logic would naturally say "well hell, lets implement conservative policy then". But the problem with the modern-day liberal is the they are a horribly jealous group. They would rather see all of society suffering in poverty and misery "equally" than to see all of society flourishing but some having private jets and mansions while others just have average homes and automobiles.

Envy is an ugly thing. The Bible warned against it. Liberalism is showing us first-hand why.
Do you ever stop lying?
We have raised minimum wage for generations....we managed to survive

We've also set off nuclear bombs in Nevada and "managed to survive" but I wouldn't recommend to continuing do that like liberals have with minimum wage. Also - this isn't some nominal increase that the economy could absorb to some extent. This is doubling the minimum wage.

Doubling a minimum wage that hasn't been raised in 8 years and won't be touched for another 8

Increased would be phased in over 5 years
Are you willing to double the cost of everything associated with the minimum wage positions to cover those increased labor costs? If not, then this is doomed to failure. If so, then the minimum wage worker is no further ahead than they are now - and thus it is still doomed to failure. A 6% profit margin simply cannot absorb a 50% increase in labor costs. This is basic math.

You assume there is a one to one correlation between labor costs and the cost of the product

There isn't
You assume there is no correlation between labor costs and the cost of good are services. There are.

So again - are you will to accept the increase costs of everything? If no, then this is doomed to fail. If yes, then the minimum wage worker will be no further ahead than before the increase because there will be an increase to goods and services. The only thing that increasing minimum wage does is increase inflation. It does nothing for the minimum wage worker (if it did - this wouldn't be the 9th time that minimum wage was increased in my short life time).

Now you are getting more realistic

Factors like rent, cost of supplies, taxes, advertising, insurance also contribute to the cost of your cheeseburger.
Raising labor costs will affect your cheeseburger just like everything else in business. Labor costs also reflect more than the cost of a minimum wage worker
I do not expect the person frying my burger to work for slave wages just so I can save a few pennies
We've also set off nuclear bombs in Nevada and "managed to survive" but I wouldn't recommend to continuing do that like liberals have with minimum wage. Also - this isn't some nominal increase that the economy could absorb to some extent. This is doubling the minimum wage.

Doubling a minimum wage that hasn't been raised in 8 years and won't be touched for another 8

Increased would be phased in over 5 years
Are you willing to double the cost of everything associated with the minimum wage positions to cover those increased labor costs? If not, then this is doomed to failure. If so, then the minimum wage worker is no further ahead than they are now - and thus it is still doomed to failure. A 6% profit margin simply cannot absorb a 50% increase in labor costs. This is basic math.

You assume there is a one to one correlation between labor costs and the cost of the product

There isn't
You assume there is no correlation between labor costs and the cost of good are services. There are.

So again - are you will to accept the increase costs of everything? If no, then this is doomed to fail. If yes, then the minimum wage worker will be no further ahead than before the increase because there will be an increase to goods and services. The only thing that increasing minimum wage does is increase inflation. It does nothing for the minimum wage worker (if it did - this wouldn't be the 9th time that minimum wage was increased in my short life time).

Now you are getting more realistic

Factors like rent, cost of supplies, taxes, advertising, insurance also contribute to the cost of your cheeseburger.
Raising labor costs will affect your cheeseburger just like everything else in business. Labor costs also reflect more than the cost of a minimum wage worker
I do not expect the person frying my burger to work for slave wages just so I can save a few pennies
So I guess the question becomes - why don't you start your own restaurant and pay your people $15 per hour (or more)? It's very easy to sit on the sidelines (with a complete misunderstanding of business and economics) and tell other people what to do. Why don't you do it? Why don't you lead by example? I notice that you conveniently skipped over the post from McDonald's former CEO who has mentioned that this is unsustainable.

When McDonald's raises their prices (and they will have to), then the truck driver who delivers their supplies to them will raise his prices (same with Walmart and the people who deliver to them). The cost of everything will increase and the minimum wage worker will be no further ahead. Meanwhile, the middle class manager or middle class accountant whose salary didn't double will pay the ultimate prices.

Nothing drags the middle class down into poverty like liberal policy.

every time a so-called conservative runs things, we get plunged into recession. but nice try.

History vehemently disagrees with you J. The roaring 20's were the result of true conservative policy under Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge. The 1930's gave us the Great Depression under FDR (which even left-wing UCLA studies said that FDR's policies prolonged the Great Depression). The end of the 1970's gave us collapse under Jimmy Carter. The 1980's under Ronald Reagan gave us one of the greatest economic booms in world history.
Umm... the Great Depression started while Republicans had a firm grip on the government.

they like to disavow hoover
Not at all. The roaring 20's were over seen by Repbulican's implementing true conservative policy. The 1930's were overseen by Democrats handing us the Great Depression.

Any person of logic would naturally say "well hell, lets implement conservative policy then". But the problem with the modern-day liberal is the they are a horribly jealous group. They would rather see all of society suffering in poverty and misery "equally" than to see all of society flourishing but some having private jets and mansions while others just have average homes and automobiles.

Envy is an ugly thing. The Bible warned against it. Liberalism is showing us first-hand why.
Do you ever stop lying?
Well that's intelligent. I've provide facts, statistics, names, dates, and links backing up everything I've said. You can't do the same and haven't even attempted to. Instead, you come back with five words that add no value to the thread at all. Typical.

every time a so-called conservative runs things, we get plunged into recession. but nice try.

History vehemently disagrees with you J. The roaring 20's were the result of true conservative policy under Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge. The 1930's gave us the Great Depression under FDR (which even left-wing UCLA studies said that FDR's policies prolonged the Great Depression). The end of the 1970's gave us collapse under Jimmy Carter. The 1980's under Ronald Reagan gave us one of the greatest economic booms in world history.
See what I mean J? Prime example....

During the presidential election of 1976, then president Gerald Ford and candidate Jimmy Carter battled over taxes in a debate. Carter’s class warfare argument resonated with enough Americans to help win the election. Under Carter, taxes remained over 70% for the wealthiest Americans while the economy was the worst in peacetime since the Great Depression.

In 1985, from the Oval Office, Reagan pitched further tax cuts to his fellow Americans. In 1981, our critics charged that letting you keep more of your earnings would trigger an inflationary explosion, send interest rates soaring and destroy our economy. Well, we cut your tax rates anyway by nearly 25%. And what that helped trigger was falling inflation, falling interest rates and the strongest economic expansion in 30 years.

Reagan and his policies, derisively referred to as Reaganomics, were mocked by the left. He was called stupid, reckless and senile. However, Reagan succeeded in lowering taxes. In fact, instead of 35% for the top rate, he actually lowered it to just 28% in 1986 — the American economy boomed.

These are the facts - and they are simply indisputable.
Doubling a minimum wage that hasn't been raised in 8 years and won't be touched for another 8

Increased would be phased in over 5 years
Are you willing to double the cost of everything associated with the minimum wage positions to cover those increased labor costs? If not, then this is doomed to failure. If so, then the minimum wage worker is no further ahead than they are now - and thus it is still doomed to failure. A 6% profit margin simply cannot absorb a 50% increase in labor costs. This is basic math.

You assume there is a one to one correlation between labor costs and the cost of the product

There isn't
You assume there is no correlation between labor costs and the cost of good are services. There are.

So again - are you will to accept the increase costs of everything? If no, then this is doomed to fail. If yes, then the minimum wage worker will be no further ahead than before the increase because there will be an increase to goods and services. The only thing that increasing minimum wage does is increase inflation. It does nothing for the minimum wage worker (if it did - this wouldn't be the 9th time that minimum wage was increased in my short life time).

Now you are getting more realistic

Factors like rent, cost of supplies, taxes, advertising, insurance also contribute to the cost of your cheeseburger.
Raising labor costs will affect your cheeseburger just like everything else in business. Labor costs also reflect more than the cost of a minimum wage worker
I do not expect the person frying my burger to work for slave wages just so I can save a few pennies
So I guess the question becomes - why don't you start your own restaurant and pay your people $15 per hour (or more)? It's very easy to sit on the sidelines (with a complete misunderstanding of business and economics) and tell other people what to do. Why don't you do it? Why don't you lead by example? I notice that you conveniently skipped over the post from McDonald's former CEO who has mentioned that this is unsustainable.

When McDonald's raises their prices (and they will have to), then the truck driver who delivers their supplies to them will raise his prices (same with Walmart and the people who deliver to them). The cost of everything will increase and the minimum wage worker will be no further ahead. Meanwhile, the middle class manager or middle class accountant whose salary didn't double will pay the ultimate prices.

Nothing drags the middle class down into poverty like liberal policy.

What did restaurants do when beef nearly doubled in price?
What do they do when insurance and property taxes increase?

Do McDonalds executives work for the same pay and benefits they did eight years ago? They expect their workers to

every time a so-called conservative runs things, we get plunged into recession. but nice try.

History vehemently disagrees with you J. The roaring 20's were the result of true conservative policy under Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge. The 1930's gave us the Great Depression under FDR (which even left-wing UCLA studies said that FDR's policies prolonged the Great Depression). The end of the 1970's gave us collapse under Jimmy Carter. The 1980's under Ronald Reagan gave us one of the greatest economic booms in world history.
Umm... the Great Depression started while Republicans had a firm grip on the government.

they like to disavow hoover
Not at all. The roaring 20's were over seen by Repbulican's implementing true conservative policy. The 1930's were overseen by Democrats handing us the Great Depression.

Any person of logic would naturally say "well hell, lets implement conservative policy then". But the problem with the modern-day liberal is the they are a horribly jealous group. They would rather see all of society suffering in poverty and misery "equally" than to see all of society flourishing but some having private jets and mansions while others just have average homes and automobiles.

Envy is an ugly thing. The Bible warned against it. Liberalism is showing us first-hand why.
Again, since it didn't penetrante your indestructible armor of ignorance the first time. Republican policies of the 1920's led to the Great Depression; which started while Republicans controlled both chambers of Congress and the Executive branch of government.
Are you willing to double the cost of everything associated with the minimum wage positions to cover those increased labor costs? If not, then this is doomed to failure. If so, then the minimum wage worker is no further ahead than they are now - and thus it is still doomed to failure. A 6% profit margin simply cannot absorb a 50% increase in labor costs. This is basic math.

You assume there is a one to one correlation between labor costs and the cost of the product

There isn't
You assume there is no correlation between labor costs and the cost of good are services. There are.

So again - are you will to accept the increase costs of everything? If no, then this is doomed to fail. If yes, then the minimum wage worker will be no further ahead than before the increase because there will be an increase to goods and services. The only thing that increasing minimum wage does is increase inflation. It does nothing for the minimum wage worker (if it did - this wouldn't be the 9th time that minimum wage was increased in my short life time).

Now you are getting more realistic

Factors like rent, cost of supplies, taxes, advertising, insurance also contribute to the cost of your cheeseburger.
Raising labor costs will affect your cheeseburger just like everything else in business. Labor costs also reflect more than the cost of a minimum wage worker
I do not expect the person frying my burger to work for slave wages just so I can save a few pennies
So I guess the question becomes - why don't you start your own restaurant and pay your people $15 per hour (or more)? It's very easy to sit on the sidelines (with a complete misunderstanding of business and economics) and tell other people what to do. Why don't you do it? Why don't you lead by example? I notice that you conveniently skipped over the post from McDonald's former CEO who has mentioned that this is unsustainable.

When McDonald's raises their prices (and they will have to), then the truck driver who delivers their supplies to them will raise his prices (same with Walmart and the people who deliver to them). The cost of everything will increase and the minimum wage worker will be no further ahead. Meanwhile, the middle class manager or middle class accountant whose salary didn't double will pay the ultimate prices.

Nothing drags the middle class down into poverty like liberal policy.

What did restaurants do when beef nearly doubled in price?
What do they do when insurance and property taxes increase?

Do McDonalds executives work for the same pay and benefits they did eight years ago? They expect their workers to
Again - a shining example of how liberals fail to understand basic business and/or basic economics.

The minimum wage is simply the starting point. It is not a capped ceiling on wages for a certain class. I can promise you, unequivocally, that someone who started at McDonald's 8 years ago for minimum wage has received annual raises and is making considerably more than minimum wage right now (though not the absurd $15 per hour you are looking for).

every time a so-called conservative runs things, we get plunged into recession. but nice try.

History vehemently disagrees with you J. The roaring 20's were the result of true conservative policy under Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge. The 1930's gave us the Great Depression under FDR (which even left-wing UCLA studies said that FDR's policies prolonged the Great Depression). The end of the 1970's gave us collapse under Jimmy Carter. The 1980's under Ronald Reagan gave us one of the greatest economic booms in world history.
Umm... the Great Depression started while Republicans had a firm grip on the government.

they like to disavow hoover
Not at all. The roaring 20's were over seen by Repbulican's implementing true conservative policy. The 1930's were overseen by Democrats handing us the Great Depression.

Any person of logic would naturally say "well hell, lets implement conservative policy then". But the problem with the modern-day liberal is the they are a horribly jealous group. They would rather see all of society suffering in poverty and misery "equally" than to see all of society flourishing but some having private jets and mansions while others just have average homes and automobiles.

Envy is an ugly thing. The Bible warned against it. Liberalism is showing us first-hand why.
Do you ever stop lying?

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