Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy

Another prime example of how liberalism forces jobs overseas and destroys economies...

More than $22 billion per year in new regulatory costs were imposed on Americans last year, pushing the total burden for the Obama years to exceed $100 billion annually.

20,642 New Regulations Added in the Obama Presidency
The DailySignal :rofl::lmao:
Look at the flat earther denying reality.... :lol:

20,642 New Regulations Added In The Obama Presidency
Another prime example of how liberalism forces jobs overseas and destroys economies...

More than $22 billion per year in new regulatory costs were imposed on Americans last year, pushing the total burden for the Obama years to exceed $100 billion annually.

20,642 New Regulations Added in the Obama Presidency
The DailySignal :rofl::lmao:
Look at the flat earther denying reality.... :lol:

20,642 New Regulations Added In The Obama Presidency
FOX Gossip Channel :rofl::lmao:
For the billionth time for the profoundly retarded liberals - here are the idiot liberal hypocrites advocating for policies so devastating to business, they ask to be ex,pets from the very policies they are advocating for. You can't make this stuff up. It can only come from the special insanity that is liberalism:

Founded by Ralph Nader, the U.S. Public Interest Research Group and its state-based member organizations have long been models of pro-regulation activism, campaigning for a bigger role for government in everything from financial markets to children’s toys. But on the expansion of overtime rules, they are firmly in the “no” camp.

In a statement released immediately after the Labor Department announced its action, Executive Director Andre Delattre stated that the group “will be forced to hire fewer staff and limit the hours those staff can work—all while the well-funded special interests that we’re up against will simply spend more.”

Nader Advocacy Group Argues for Government to Regulate Others

Do you get that? They admit that the polices they are begging government to force on the American people will end up with them providing fewer jobs and providing fewer hours for the people they do have. Yeah - not shit. It's basic business. Conservatives have been telling ignorant liberals this shit for over 100 years now. Nothing creates unemployment like liberals.

Here endith the lesson. The debate is over. Here are hard core liberals admitting how damaging their idiot liberal policies are to employment and business.
More indisputable evidence of the failure that is the liberal ideology...

How many of the people who are demanding an increase in the minimum wage have ever bothered to check what actually happens when higher minimum wages are imposed? More often they just assume what is assumed by like-minded peers – with their assumptions being what “everybody knows.”

Back in 1948, when inflation had rendered meaningless the minimum wage established a decade earlier, the unemployment rate among 16-17-year-old black males was under 10%. But after the minimum wage was raised repeatedly to keep up with inflation, the unemployment rate for black males that age was never under 30% from 1971-94. In many of those years, the rate exceeded 40%, and, for a couple of years, it exceeded 50%.

A little thinking debunks promises of socialism
The failure of liberalism illustrated once again. Say this much for the failed ideology - it is consistent. Wherever they get government involved, costs skyrocket. Healthcare has gone through the roof since the government got involved in the late 1960's. The costs of doing business in America have skyrocketed with government regulations. And of course, college costs have skyrocketed as the government has thrown money around to every institution and everyone....

Some lawmakers are wondering whether threats to change the tax-exempt status of endowments might be used to persuade colleges to bring down the cost of tuition, which has increased by 220% in real terms since 1980.
Leave it to a moron who's such an imbecile, he changed his forum name in a failed attempt to hide from his past ramblings.

Rightard, you must believe we've been living under Liberal policies, under nearly 3 terms of Republican presidents, for the last 26 years; as that number has been steadily increasing since 1990.

Leave it to a moron who's such an imbecile, he changed his forum name in a failed attempt to hide from his past ramblings.

Rightard, you must believe we've been living under Liberal policies, under nearly 3 terms of Republican presidents, for the last 26 years; as that number has been steadily increasing since 1990.

I'm not trying to hide from my past posts. Being able to look back and see how I made you my personal bitch is one of my favorite things to do. :eusa_dance:

And little libtard.....are you really so profoundly stupid as to believe that liberal policy magically disappears the moment a Republican is elected to the White House? :eusa_doh:
  • Social Security was passed in the late 1930's. It still exists to this day.
  • Minimum Wage was passed in the late 1930's. It still exists to this day.
  • Medicare was passed in the late 1960's. It still exists to this day.
  • Medicaid was passed in the late 1960's. It still exists to this day.
  • Social Security was passed in the late 1930's. It still exists to this day.
  • New regulations are passed every year that still exists to this day.
Thank you for the graph asshole. It not only proves how insanely stupid you are, it also shows that as we inject more and more liberalism into the U.S. and get more and more failure. The fact that you need all of this explained to you is glaring evidence of just how limited your pitiful IQ is... :lmao:

(Psst....this thread right here will be yet another epic example of how I made you my personal bitch that I will look back on fondly and proudly in the future).
Leave it to a moron who's such an imbecile, he changed his forum name in a failed attempt to hide from his past ramblings.

Rightard, you must believe we've been living under Liberal policies, under nearly 3 terms of Republican presidents, for the last 26 years; as that number has been steadily increasing since 1990.

I'm not trying to hide from my past posts. Being able to look back and see how I made you my personal bitch is one of my favorite things to do. :eusa_dance:

And little libtard.....are you really so profoundly stupid as to believe that liberal policy magically disappears the moment a Republican is elected to the White House? :eusa_doh:
  • Social Security was passed in the late 1930's. It still exists to this day.
  • Minimum Wage was passed in the late 1930's. It still exists to this day.
  • Medicare was passed in the late 1960's. It still exists to this day.
  • Medicaid was passed in the late 1960's. It still exists to this day.
  • Social Security was passed in the late 1930's. It still exists to this day.
  • New regulations are passed every year that still exists to this day.
Thank you for the graph asshole. It not only proves how insanely stupid you are, it also shows that as we inject more and more liberalism into the U.S. and get more and more failure. The fact that you need all of this explained to you is glaring evidence of just how limited your pitiful IQ is... :lmao:

(Psst....this thread right here will be yet another epic example of how I made you my personal bitch that I will look back on fondly and proudly in the future).
I would challenge you to link to any post where you made anyone, including me, your bitch; but we both know that's not possible because you're not capable. In fact, it's quite the opposite as you ran away from me, putting me on ignore.

The content of your post is hysterical... you rattle off a bunch of Liberal policies going all the way back to the 1930's. Except the 'not in labor force' category didn't start growing steadily until 1990. That would be 60 years of liberal policies have no effect on the 'not labor force' people. So much for your idiocy that liberal policies are driving that number up. We have had two Republican presidents, one of which started that ball rolling in 1990; and almost 18 years of Republicans in control of Congress. Go ahead tell me again about liberal policies. :lmao:

Or better yet, explain why someone who hasn't made a complete ass of himself in the past, changes his forum name; if not to hide from his past?
More indisputable evidence of what we all know what to be true already.....

View attachment 77068

Best-run States Are Heavily Republican, Study Finds
The 10 dumbest/smartest states:

1. Arizona
2. North Carolina
3. Louisiana
4. West Virginia
5. South Carolina
6. Florida
7. Alabama
8. Mississippi
9. Nevada
10. Hawaii

1. Massachusetts
2. Minnesota
3. New Hampshire
4. Connecticut
5. Wisconsin
6. Kansas
7. Vermont
8. Iowa
9. New Jersey
10. Colorado
The overwhelming evidence of the failure of liberal policy continues to pile up to the heavens....

The administration and congressional Democrats are teaming up to force a taxpayer bailout of private unions’ underfunded and over-promised pension benefits.

Everything about idiot left-wing policy is unsustainable. From their economic policies, to their geopolitical policies, to their energy policies - all of it ends the same way. Complete and total poverty topped with misery.

The Left’s Not-So-Secret Agenda for Bailing Out Union Pensions
Pay attention liberals. This is Economics 101 and Business Fundamentals all in one...

Why are so many workers struggling today?

Some union-backed analysts have a straightforward answer: “Their employers are cheating them.” They claim businesses no longer compensate workers for their productivity. This argument demonstrates H.L. Mencken’s point that “for every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.”

Competition forces employers to base pay on productivity. Firms that consistently pay workers more than they produce go out of business, as Bethlehem Steel famously demonstrated. But firms that underpay their employees also don’t last long.

Imagine a firm that tried paying some employees just half of what they produce. A competitor could reap large profits by hiring away those productive workers for slightly more. But then another competitor would offer even higher pay. Competition quickly bids up workers’ pay to their productivity level. To keep good employees, businesses must pay them commensurately with their productivity.

This explains why over 95% of Americans make more than the minimum wage. Federal law does not require employers to pay above $7.25 an hour. Economic laws do. A company that wants a quality workforce has to pay for it.

JAMES SHERK: Simple — and wrong — solutions in search for higher wages
Liberal policy never works. It always ends in poverty and misery...

Stratos Ramoglou writes at Business Insider, the root causes of the Greek debt crisis were public spending on a “bloated and dysfunctional public sector” that served mainly political clientelism and cronyism, along with the aftershocks of the 2008 global financial crisis on the, “poorly designed European monetary union. It was an accident waiting to happen … ”

Europe Rolls Over on Greek Debt (Again), With No Reforms

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