Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy

It's easy to lower the unemployment rate when you ignore the under-employed.

Provide data to support your ridiculous claim
Check the bls statistics and they will show the ten million jobs were added in all labor categories

After losing ten million jobs during the Obama reign of terror. Good thing the American people turned the nation over to conservatives (even liberal states like Wisconsin & Michigan), uh? Created some jobs while Obama was trying like hell to destroy them.
It's easy to lower the unemployment rate when you ignore the under-employed.

Provide data to support your ridiculous claim
You mean other than the record number of people out of the labor force under Obama? Whose real unemployment legacy is around 18%?!?
Still trying to sell that lie without admitting that 80% of that number are retired, under 21, handicapped or stay at home moms?
Still making up false statistics?!? You've never once linked to the source on that. Want to know why? Because it's false. Furthermore, people under 21 need jobs. Not all high school graduates go on to college genius. Further still, handicapped people can and do hold jobs. Any other lies you want to attempt?
There is really only like 30 million able bodied adults that are not working..60 million are like rightwinger said, are retired, under 21, on disability or raising their family as a stay at home parent..
It's easy to lower the unemployment rate when you ignore the under-employed.

Provide data to support your ridiculous claim
You mean other than the record number of people out of the labor force under Obama? Whose real unemployment legacy is around 18%?!?
Still trying to sell that lie without admitting that 80% of that number are retired, under 21, handicapped or stay at home moms?
Still making up false statistics?!? You've never once linked to the source on that. Want to know why? Because it's false. Furthermore, people under 21 need jobs. Not all high school graduates go on to college genius. Further still, handicapped people can and do hold jobs. Any other lies you want to attempt?
You ever tried to get a job with a handicap? Over 50? It's tougher than being a teen..
people that can work are not willing to do just any job....What a shame..
There is really only like 30 million able bodied adults that are not working..60 million are like rightwinger said, are retired, under 21, on disability or raising their family as a stay at home parent..
There were a lot more than that until the American people turned to the Tea Party to rescue them from the failures of liberalism. What Scott Walker did in Wisconsin is nothing short of astounding. Even the state of Michigan implemented a right to work law.

Of course, Obama tries to take credit for conservatives creating jobs in the face of his job-killing policies.
It's easy to lower the unemployment rate when you ignore the under-employed.

Provide data to support your ridiculous claim
You mean other than the record number of people out of the labor force under Obama? Whose real unemployment legacy is around 18%?!?
Still trying to sell that lie without admitting that 80% of that number are retired, under 21, handicapped or stay at home moms?
Still making up false statistics?!? You've never once linked to the source on that. Want to know why? Because it's false. Furthermore, people under 21 need jobs. Not all high school graduates go on to college genius. Further still, handicapped people can and do hold jobs. Any other lies you want to attempt?
You ever tried to get a job with a handicap? Over 50? It's tougher than being a teen..
people that can work are not willing to do just any job....What a shame..
I'm sure it's challenging to land a job with disabilities. But people can and do hold jobs with disabilities.
It's easy to lower the unemployment rate when you ignore the under-employed.
The underemployed are counted no differently than when Bush was president. Yet he still handed off an unemployment rate of 7.8% and growing by the time he was done.
It's easy to lower the unemployment rate when you ignore the under-employed.

Provide data to support your ridiculous claim
You mean other than the record number of people out of the labor force under Obama? Whose real unemployment legacy is around 18%?!?
Still trying to sell that lie without admitting that 80% of that number are retired, under 21, handicapped or stay at home moms?
Still making up false statistics?!? You've never once linked to the source on that. Want to know why? Because it's false. Furthermore, people under 21 need jobs. Not all high school graduates go on to college genius. Further still, handicapped people can and do hold jobs. Any other lies you want to attempt?
It's adorable how you criticize others for making up numbers when you just made up the number of 18% unemployment.

It's easy to lower the unemployment rate when you ignore the under-employed.
The underemployed are counted no differently than when Bush was president. Yet he still handed off an unemployment rate of 7.8% and growing by the time he was done.
But compare under-employment rates.
Underemployment was 14.2% when Bush left office. It peaked at 17.1% from the Great Recession. Today, it's 9.7%.
over 40 million on foodstamps for a record period of time and 93 million not working...heck of a job Brownie
What is it with your kind? If you aren't outright lying, you lie through omission.

93 million not working.

Tens of millions over 65 and retired.

Tens of millions over 75.

Tens of millions between 16 and 22 and in college or high school.

And what's left includes disability and lazy ass fucking uneducated Republicans know one wants who aren't qualified for anything.

America has near record 5.8 million job openings

You can always find the turd if you just follow the smell. And there he stands. A Republican who can't stop lying.

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