Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy

President Obamas liberal policies have generated ten million jobs

Nope. Citizens willing to risk everything have created 10 million jobs. I'm curious which rule, policy re-write, or code you believe generated the jobs.
It's funny - but roughly ten million jobs were lost during the early stages of the Obama reign of terror. What did they American people do during the 2010 mid-terms? They turned the entire nation over to conservatives. It was one of the biggest political slaughters in U.S. history. City councils, mayors, governors, state Houses, and the House in the chamber of Congress were all turned over to conservatives. And that just happens to coincide with when the economy started to do better.

The left isn't interested in making the U.S. better for anyone. They are all about their ideology. They will never acknowledge it is a failed ideology nor will they ever reverse course. But rational people all realize that what little improvement there has been (because Obama still blocks much of what could be done) has been the tremendous result of conservatives in the states doing what they can to free up enterprise to create jobs and wealth.
President Obamas liberal policies have generated ten million jobs

Nope. Citizens willing to risk everything have created 10 million jobs. I'm curious which rule, policy re-write, or code you believe generated the jobs.
It's funny - but roughly ten million jobs were lost during the early stages of the Obama reign of terror. What did they American people do during the 2010 mid-terms? They turned the entire nation over to conservatives. It was one of the biggest political slaughters in U.S. history. City councils, mayors, governors, state Houses, and the House in the chamber of Congress were all turned over to conservatives. And that just happens to coincide with when the economy started to do better.

The left isn't interested in making the U.S. better for anyone. They are all about their ideology. They will never acknowledge it is a failed ideology nor will they ever reverse course. But rational people all realize that what little improvement there has been (because Obama still blocks much of what could be done) has been the tremendous result of conservatives in the states doing what they can to free up enterprise to create jobs and wealth.
Bush lost about 50 million jobs. That's how evil conservatism is. Why weren't you complaining then, rottedWeiner?
President Obamas liberal policies have generated ten million jobs

Nope. Citizens willing to risk everything have created 10 million jobs. I'm curious which rule, policy re-write, or code you believe generated the jobs.
It's funny - but roughly ten million jobs were lost during the early stages of the Obama reign of terror. What did they American people do during the 2010 mid-terms? They turned the entire nation over to conservatives. It was one of the biggest political slaughters in U.S. history. City councils, mayors, governors, state Houses, and the House in the chamber of Congress were all turned over to conservatives. And that just happens to coincide with when the economy started to do better.

The left isn't interested in making the U.S. better for anyone. They are all about their ideology. They will never acknowledge it is a failed ideology nor will they ever reverse course. But rational people all realize that what little improvement there has been (because Obama still blocks much of what could be done) has been the tremendous result of conservatives in the states doing what they can to free up enterprise to create jobs and wealth.
Don't you get tired of farting your philosophy of myopic rhetoric?
President Obamas liberal policies have generated ten million jobs.
Nope. Citizens willing to risk everything have created 10 million jobs. I'm curious which rule, policy re-write, or code you believe generated the jobs.
It's funny - but roughly ten million jobs were lost during the early stages of the Obama reign of terror. What did they American people do during the 2010 mid-terms? They turned the entire nation over to conservatives. It was one of the biggest political slaughters in U.S. history. City councils, mayors, governors, state Houses, and the House in the chamber of Congress were all turned over to conservatives. And that just happens to coincide with when the economy started to do better.

The left isn't interested in making the U.S. better for anyone. They are all about their ideology. They will never acknowledge it is a failed ideology nor will they ever reverse course. But rational people all realize that what little improvement there has been (because Obama still blocks much of what could be done) has been the tremendous result of conservatives in the states doing what they can to free up enterprise to create jobs and wealth.
Don't you get tired of farting your philosophy of myopic rhetoric? that what your liberal talking point has taught you to refer to the truth as now - "myopic rhetoric"? How cute.

Just out of curiosity - don't you ever get tired of making one sentence posts which literally add nothing of value to the thread? Someone is really desperate for some attention, uh? :itsok:
The funny thing is - conservatives (who actually understand business and economics) actually warned about this before Obamacare was ever passed....

It’s Time to Blame Obamacare for Losing So Many Full-Time Jobs
Say... are you supporting Trump? Because Trump says the polar opposite of your unprovable nonsense...

"I've been around for a long time. And it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans. Now, it shouldn't be that way. But if you go back, I mean it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats." - Donald Trump, leading GOP mocker of disabled journalists (see tagline)"

More evidence of the failed ideology that is liberalism. Continues to create a Cuban-like economy. High unemployment. Low wages. Low productivity.

"Rules like Obamacare, President Barack Obama’s new overtime rule, minimum wage requirements, and other per-employee costs make businesses less likely to take risks on new hires. Businesses are inclined to be more selective about who they hire when each new hire comes with new government headaches."

How Obama Has Made It Harder for Companies to Hire
More evidence of the failed ideology that is liberalism. Continues to create a Cuban-like economy. High unemployment. Low wages. Low productivity.

"Rules like Obamacare, President Barack Obama’s new overtime rule, minimum wage requirements, and other per-employee costs make businesses less likely to take risks on new hires. Businesses are inclined to be more selective about who they hire when each new hire comes with new government headaches."

How Obama Has Made It Harder for Companies to Hire
Holyfuckingshit! :cuckoo:

Clinton starts with 7.3% unemployment; ends with 4.2%

Bush starts with 4.2% unemployment; ends with 7.8%

Obama starts with 7.8% unemployment; is at 4.7% so far

Brain-dead conservatives think it's Liberals who give us high unemployment.

More evidence of the failed ideology that is liberalism. Continues to create a Cuban-like economy. High unemployment. Low wages. Low productivity.

"Rules like Obamacare, President Barack Obama’s new overtime rule, minimum wage requirements, and other per-employee costs make businesses less likely to take risks on new hires. Businesses are inclined to be more selective about who they hire when each new hire comes with new government headaches."

How Obama Has Made It Harder for Companies to Hire
Holyfuckingshit! :cuckoo:

Clinton starts with 7.3% unemployment; ends with 4.2%

Bush starts with 4.2% unemployment; ends with 7.8%

Obama starts with 7.8% unemployment; is at 4.7% so far

Brain-dead conservatives think it's Liberals who give us high unemployment.


And liberals apparently think the government is the sole driver of the economy. They actually think we are living in communism, as proven by the above message.

Because of liberal programs the UE rate is PERMANENTLY at a higher level than before. Contrary to your beliefs these programs don't vanish depending on who is the president.

Also, might want to check the average UE rate during the presidency next time.
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Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

I've never been laid off when a Democrat was in office.

Not sure you can say this shit when the last FIVE recessions have happened on Republican Watches.

It's really time we stop letting the 1% hold the rest of us hostage. If they won't create jobs iwth that money, we should take the money and create job with it.

Taking other people's money under the guise of creating jobs is not the solution either. Economic policies rooted in class warfare simply facilitate a true 1 percent. Jobs are created when capitalists realize they can get more money investing in projects that yield jobs vs. keeping money on the sideline.
More evidence of the failed ideology that is liberalism. Continues to create a Cuban-like economy. High unemployment. Low wages. Low productivity.

"Rules like Obamacare, President Barack Obama’s new overtime rule, minimum wage requirements, and other per-employee costs make businesses less likely to take risks on new hires. Businesses are inclined to be more selective about who they hire when each new hire comes with new government headaches."

How Obama Has Made It Harder for Companies to Hire
Holyfuckingshit! :cuckoo:

Clinton starts with 7.3% unemployment; ends with 4.2%

Bush starts with 4.2% unemployment; ends with 7.8%

Obama starts with 7.8% unemployment; is at 4.7% so far

Brain-dead conservatives think it's Liberals who give us high unemployment.


And liberals apparently think the government is the sole driver of the economy. They actually think we are living in communism, as proven by the above message.

Because of liberal programs the UE rate is PERMANENTLY at a higher level than before. Contrary to your beliefs these programs don't vanish depending on who is the president.

Also, might want to check the average UE rate during the presidency next time.
Complete nonsense. See if you can name a Republican president other than Reagan who left office with the unemployment rate lower than when they started......
The nightmare of liberal economic policy continues in Venezuela. This is always how libtard policy ends - severe famine, severe poverty, severe misery....

The food shortage, precipitated by Chávez's economic policies...., is the worst in the country's history.

Venezuela's season of starvation
Conservative policy......unemployment 10.1%
Liberal Policy.......unemployment 4.7%

Conservative policy losing 770,000 jobs a month
Liberal policy gaining 270,000 jobs a month

Conservative policy, 1 million jobs added in eight years
Liberal policy, 10 million jobs added in eight years
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