Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy

Yes....lets check the BLS statistics (which indicates a record number of people who have given up and dropped out of the labor force)
There were more discouraged workers, and skyrocketing, when Bush left office than there are now!!!!!
Another day, another lie by edthecynic. We currently have a record number of people who have left the labor force. Straight from Obama's own federal government website, you idiot:

Employment Situation Summary
First, the real unemployment rate (including discouraged unemployed workers not looking for work) is really at 9.7%.
Your OWN link shows it as 5.3%
That quote is directly from the article. Stop lying. How many times do I have to tell you to stop lying?
So typical of the Right, when caught lying, just keep lying.

From YOUR OWN link:

U-4 Total unemployed plus discouraged workers, as a percent of the civilian labor force plus discouraged workers - 5.3%
Yes....lets check the BLS statistics (which indicates a record number of people who have given up and dropped out of the labor force)
There were more discouraged workers, and skyrocketing, when Bush left office than there are now!!!!!
Another day, another lie by edthecynic. We currently have a record number of people who have left the labor force. Straight from Obama's own federal government website, you idiot:

Employment Situation Summary
Not everybody who leaves the labor force gave up, as you well know. People leave the labor force for many reasons, and the BLS keeps track of those workers who have become discouraged and given up looking for work specifically, and it is less now than when Bush left and about half what it was at the peak of the Great Bush Recession.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Reasons not in labor force: Discouragement over job prospects (Persons who believe no job is available.)
First, the real unemployment rate (including discouraged unemployed workers not looking for work) is really at 9.7%.
Your OWN link shows it as 5.3%
That quote is directly from the article. Stop lying. How many times do I have to tell you to stop lying?
So typical of the Right, when caught lying, just keep lying.

From YOUR OWN link:

U-4 Total unemployed plus discouraged workers, as a percent of the civilian labor force plus discouraged workers - 5.3%
From my own link you pathological liar...

First, the real unemployment rate (including discouraged unemployed workers not looking for work) is really at 9.7%.
Yes....lets check the BLS statistics (which indicates a record number of people who have given up and dropped out of the labor force)
There were more discouraged workers, and skyrocketing, when Bush left office than there are now!!!!!
Another day, another lie by edthecynic. We currently have a record number of people who have left the labor force. Straight from Obama's own federal government website, you idiot:

Employment Situation Summary
We also have a record number of people Employed and a record number of people in the labor force.
Yes....lets check the BLS statistics (which indicates a record number of people who have given up and dropped out of the labor force)
There were more discouraged workers, and skyrocketing, when Bush left office than there are now!!!!!
Another day, another lie by edthecynic. We currently have a record number of people who have left the labor force. Straight from Obama's own federal government website, you idiot:

Employment Situation Summary
Not everybody who leaves the labor force gave up, as you well know. People leave the labor force for many reasons, and the BLS keeps track of those workers who have become discouraged and given up looking for work specifically, and it is less now than when Bush left and about half what it was at the peak of the Great Bush Recession.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Reasons not in labor force: Discouragement over job prospects (Persons who believe no job is available.)
latest_numbers_LNU05026645_2006_2016_all_period_M08_data.gif shit. Doesn't change the fact that it's a record number under Obama. I guarantee you a record number didn't suddenly decide to be stay at home parents. A large portion of that is people who can't find a decent job thanks to progressive economic policy which destroys jobs and economies...
First, the real unemployment rate (including discouraged unemployed workers not looking for work) is really at 9.7%.
Your OWN link shows it as 5.3%
That quote is directly from the article. Stop lying. How many times do I have to tell you to stop lying?
So typical of the Right, when caught lying, just keep lying.

From YOUR OWN link:

U-4 Total unemployed plus discouraged workers, as a percent of the civilian labor force plus discouraged workers - 5.3%
From my own link you pathological liar...

First, the real unemployment rate (including discouraged unemployed workers not looking for work) is really at 9.7%.
You are citing the U-6, which is Unemployed plus Marginally Attached plus Part time for economic reasons as a percent of the labor force plus marginally attached.

Although discouraged are a subset of marginally attached (fewer than half) do you really think it's honest to portray the U-6 as only including discouraged?
Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike

I believe you meant to say :

Nothing generates unemployment like fascist policies

Both parties love fascist policies

Our businesses are being suffocated by fascist policies adopted by BOTH parties.

First, the real unemployment rate (including discouraged unemployed workers not looking for work) is really at 9.7%.
Your OWN link shows it as 5.3%
That quote is directly from the article. Stop lying. How many times do I have to tell you to stop lying?
So typical of the Right, when caught lying, just keep lying.

From YOUR OWN link:

U-4 Total unemployed plus discouraged workers, as a percent of the civilian labor force plus discouraged workers - 5.3%
From my own link you pathological liar...

First, the real unemployment rate (including discouraged unemployed workers not looking for work) is really at 9.7%.
You prove my above highlighted point.
Thank you
First, the real unemployment rate (including discouraged unemployed workers not looking for work) is really at 9.7%.
Your OWN link shows it as 5.3%
That quote is directly from the article. Stop lying. How many times do I have to tell you to stop lying?
So typical of the Right, when caught lying, just keep lying.

From YOUR OWN link:

U-4 Total unemployed plus discouraged workers, as a percent of the civilian labor force plus discouraged workers - 5.3%
From my own link you pathological liar...

First, the real unemployment rate (including discouraged unemployed workers not looking for work) is really at 9.7%.
You prove my above highlighted point.
Thank you
You have no points. You never did and you never will. All you have is progressive propaganda. Even in the face of documented facts you still deny reality.
Your OWN link shows it as 5.3%
That quote is directly from the article. Stop lying. How many times do I have to tell you to stop lying?
So typical of the Right, when caught lying, just keep lying.

From YOUR OWN link:

U-4 Total unemployed plus discouraged workers, as a percent of the civilian labor force plus discouraged workers - 5.3%
From my own link you pathological liar...

First, the real unemployment rate (including discouraged unemployed workers not looking for work) is really at 9.7%.
You prove my above highlighted point.
Thank you
You have no points. You never did and you never will. All you have is progressive propaganda. Even in the face of documented facts you still deny reality.
Nice projection!
For those few progressives left that haven't figured out why Barack Obama is the only president in U.S. history to not have at least one year of 3% GDP growth.

The flat-earth progressives who deny reality just can't bring themselves to accept what the rest of the world is accepting (including socialist nations). While consumers look for the best deals from businesses, businesses look for the best deals from governments. They aren't going to pay more for labor, taxes, and regulations than they have to anymore than you would pay more for a home, an automobile, and a tv than you have to. You shop around and you get the best deal. That's what businesses do as well. And that is why so many have taken their manufacturing operations, and the subsequent jobs, overseas. Idiotic progressive policies have driven them there. We need smart, sound, conservative economic policy to bring them back and keep them here.

Soaring Business Taxes Hurt America’s Ability to Compete
Another perfect example. Not only did the progressive state income tax not balance the budget despite an astounding $126 billion in revenue - but it has made spending explode as the progressives now believe the have a blank check at their disposal...
  • In 1991, Connecticut Gov. Lowell Weicker decried the state’s “orgies of spending,” and said his income tax proposal—which would include fiscal discipline—would balance the books.
  • Connecticut recently marked the 25th anniversary of the income tax, which has resulted in little to no spending restraint.
  • State spending grew 71% faster than inflation from 1991 to 2014 and
  • Most of that went toward debt services payments and state employee benefits—which combined grew 174% over the rate of inflation, according to a report by the Yankee Institute for Public Policy, a Connecticut think tank.
  • “But many states lean on the revenue from an income tax will can discourage labor, drive down wages, and drive business to relocate.”
What Happened After Blue State Introduced an Income Tax
What conservatives have known and said for decades. This is so simple - and progressives know it to. But they refuse to admit it.
  • According to Paul Trussell, an analyst at Deutsche Bank, the number of people utilizing the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, in June 2016 was down 4.7% from the same month a year before, and the number of households using SNAP was down 5.2% year-over-year.
  • "The month of June represents the biggest YOY decline in persons and households participating in SNAP in the program's history," Trussell wrote in a note to clients on Thursday.
  • The primary driver, according to Trussell, is the reinstitution of work rules by states. During the financial crisis, the federal government allowed states to waive requirements regarding employment for SNAP recipients as the unemployment rate soared.
The number of people on food stamps is plummeting at the fastest rate ever after the government made a key change
Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike

I believe you meant to say :

Nothing generates unemployment like fascist policies

Both parties love fascist policies

Our businesses are being suffocated by fascist policies adopted by BOTH parties.


If you haven't noticed, we just got done kicking the GOP'ers out and sending them back to the democrats......
Progressive policies continue to drive jobs out of the country. Left-wing ideology can't bring itself to accept that businesses shop for the best deal just like consumers shop for the best deal. China, Indonesia, Mexico, etc. continue to offer a much better deal in terms of tax rates, labor laws, regulations, etc.

Ford shifting all U.S. small-car production to Mexico
Say this for progressives - their policies are extremely consistent. You always know exactly what you'll get. Higher unemployment. More poverty. More famine. More misery. More debt. Economic collapse.

Cooper, of Project 21, said that African-Americans did fare better during the Ronald Reagan years, and even during the 1990s with Bill Clinton, along with every other demographic, before Obamacare, the stimulus spending, and other regulation crowded out the private sector.

“There was an increase in black Americans owning homes, in high school graduations, and attending college,” Cooper said. “Today, it’s harder for entrepreneurs. If not for the digital economy, all opportunities might be eliminated. Barriers for entry into the economy are artificially higher because of the federal government.”

How Minorities Have Fared in Obama Economy

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