Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy

You're the one with the fairy wand, you do it..
I just noticed something Moon - your avatar is a cartoon character (and children love cartoons), who is a child, and is exposing himself. And now your posting about "fairy wands" (something else for children). Maybe your claims about statutory rape with children is the one time you weren't making something up. Creepy.
Keep it up, you gonna get another phone call......
You're the one with the fairy wand, you do it..
I just noticed something Moon - your avatar is a cartoon character (and children love cartoons), who is a child, and is exposing himself. And now your posting about "fairy wands" (something else for children). Maybe your claims about statutory rape with children is the one time you weren't making something up. Creepy.
Keep it up, you gonna get another phone call......
It's not illegal to quote someone here cupcake. The link is there for anyone to see for themselves - including the mods. Now are you ready to admit that you can't back up your outrageous 15% claim with any credible source?
This is what liberals are working around the clock to turn the United States into - where everyone is suffering in extreme poverty but everyone is at least "equal" in their poverty...

Socialism has turned Venezuela into one of the worst economies on the planet

TORONTO, ON--(Marketwired - August 09, 2016) - The tragedy unfolding in Venezuela is a result of eroding economic freedom in that country over the past 40 years, according to a new publication released today by the Fraser Institute, an independent, non-partisan Canadian public policy think-tank.

Fraser Institute News Release: Venezuela Offers a Warning That Declining Economic Freedom has Consequences
This is one of the glaring flaws with liberalism - it places ideology over reality which prevents liberal's from grasping basic economics.

The Washington Post recently highlighted a new study from a group of economists who were commissioned by the city of Seattle to look at that city's minimum wage hike from $9.96 an hour to $11.14 an hour. What they found was enlightening:
  • Some of the workers weren't helped at all, since their pay would have likely gone up anyway with experience and tenure on the job.
  • Although workers were earning more, fewer of them had a job than would have without an increase.
  • Those who did work had fewer hours than they would have without the wage hike.
  • The economists found that the minimum wage hike that sounded so generous when passed resulted in somewhere between a $5.54 a week raise and a $5.22 a week reduction in pay.
In comments that sounded as if they came straight out of an Econ 101 text, the Post concluded that "Increasing the minimum wage increases the costs of hiring workers. As a result, employers must accept reduced margins or customers must pay steeper prices. If employers cannot stay in business while paying their staff more, they will either hire fewer people or give their workers fewer hours. As a result, even if wages per hour increase workers' total earning could decline."

Turns out distorting the laws of economics for politics does not work after all.

The Bitter Lesson From Seattle's Minimum Wage Hike

Why raising the minimum wage in Seattle did little to help workers, according to a new study
This is one of the glaring flaws with liberalism - it places ideology over reality which prevents liberal's from grasping basic economics.

One of the glaring flaws in your thinking is that I (or anyone else) gives a fuck that you work for minimum wage. You are getting paid what you are worth. Not much.
You mean other than the record number of people out of the labor force under Obama? Whose real unemployment legacy is around 18%?!?
Still trying to sell that lie without admitting that 80% of that number are retired, under 21, handicapped or stay at home moms?
Boom! Love being correct in the face of desperate progressives just denying reality and toting the official wing-nut propaganda of the left...


First, the real unemployment rate (including discouraged unemployed workers not looking for work) is really at 9.7%. It’s stable, but it’s still nothing to rejoice about especially for workers age 16 to 19.

The absolute best actual unemployment rate that Barack Obama has been able to achieve is a dreadful 9.7%. None of that has to do with a mom or the handicapped (as those demographics have always existed and yet we haven't seen the type of failure that we've seen under Obama). For most of his presidency it was somewhere between 16% and 20%. The reason we've been able to get it down to this point is because the American people turned the House, the Senate, their states, and their local municipalities over to conservatives who have worked miracles in the face of Obama's best efforts to collapse the U.S. economy with his idiotic marxism.

Other indisputable evidence of the failures of progressive economic policy:
  • Young Latinos now have a participation rate below 30% at 29.9%, nearly six percentage points lower than when President Barack Obama took office in February 2009.
  • For the overall population, the rate is stable at 62.8%, still at a 39-year low
  • Third, one can see the catastrophic private-sector figures in the industry report. The primary (mining) and secondary (manufacturing) sectors respectively lost 6,000 and 14,000 jobs.
August Job Report: Government Sucks the Life Out of the Private Sector
It's easy to lower the unemployment rate when you ignore the under-employed.

Provide data to support your ridiculous claim
Check the bls statistics and they will show the ten million jobs were added in all labor categories
Yes....lets check the BLS statistics (which indicates a record number of people who have given up and dropped out of the labor force):

Boom! Love being correct in the face of desperate progressives just denying reality and toting the official wing-nut propaganda of the left...


First, the real unemployment rate (including discouraged unemployed workers not looking for work) is really at 9.7%. It’s stable, but it’s still nothing to rejoice about especially for workers age 16 to 19.

The absolute best actual unemployment rate that Barack Obama has been able to achieve is a dreadful 9.7%. None of that has to do with a mom or the handicapped (as those demographics have always existed and yet we haven't seen the type of failure that we've seen under Obama). For most of his presidency it was somewhere between 16% and 20%. The reason we've been able to get it down to this point is because the American people turned the House, the Senate, their states, and their local municipalities over to conservatives who have worked miracles in the face of Obama's best efforts to collapse the U.S. economy with his idiotic marxism.

Other indisputable evidence of the failures of progressive economic policy:
  • Young Latinos now have a participation rate below 30% at 29.9%, nearly six percentage points lower than when President Barack Obama took office in February 2009.
  • For the overall population, the rate is stable at 62.8%, still at a 39-year low
  • Third, one can see the catastrophic private-sector figures in the industry report. The primary (mining) and secondary (manufacturing) sectors respectively lost 6,000 and 14,000 jobs.
August Job Report: Government Sucks the Life Out of the Private Sector
Whoah....shocking. 7 of the 9 states are hard-core progressive states and an 8th (Minnesota) is currently run by Democrats. Not one single hard core conservative state like Texas, Oklahoma, North Dakota, etc.

(Not really "shocking" at all. That was sarcasm. We all saw this coming as nothing increases costs and creates failure like progressivism)

9 Worst U.S. States To Retire
There is no denying the facts (though some will sadly still try)...

Walmart Closes LA Store Over $15 Minimum Wage - Breitbart

Except there is not single real shred of evidence to support a claim in the article that closure was specifically caused by minimum wage law and the source is consistently unreliable Breibart.

Walmart also closed 20 stores in Texas and 154 stores around the country around the same time - did California's minimum wage cause that too? :bs1:

So why is it that conservatives get constantly caught propagating bs when it comes to minimum wage? Because that's what it takes to upkeep bad positions.
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Yes....lets check the BLS statistics (which indicates a record number of people who have given up and dropped out of the labor force)
There were more discouraged workers, and skyrocketing, when Bush left office than there are now!!!!!

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