Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy


Oh, another one that discounts facts using the I don't like the source argument.
Well duh....if she accepted facts - she wouldn't be a liberal!

It is precisely because I accept facts, figures, history, and economic theory that I reject the poorly researched crap coming out of highly partisan think tanks like Any outfit which is funded by the Koch Brothers to push their anti-government agenda is hardly an unbiased source.

Yet you accept what you call facts, figures, history, and shit economic theory coming from George Soros funded big government biased sources.

That you support big government Liberal policy proves you can't do things for yourself. If you could, you would and wouldn't expect the government to be responsible for everything.

No I don't. I use ACTUAL FACTS, gleaned from government records, not just in the US, but from other countries as well. All think tanks have a spin and a bias. There are some places that are non-partisan, like the Guttmacher Institute, which provides good stats and information, but their agenda is reproductive health, which everyone should be concerned about.

The problem is that the facts and figures almost never support the conservative agenda. So what you're left with is the same tired economic proposals that didn't work under Reagan and sure as hell didn't work under Bush.

So your argument is others use biased sources when you disagree but your sources are always on the up and up? That's the sign of a hack.

I'm concerned with reproductive help of MY family. I'm not concerned about the reproductive health of someone woman I don't know. If she claims that what she does with her body is her choice, why should I care what that choice is if I have no say in it?

I did well under Reagan, Bush 41, and Bush 43. Why shouldn't I support things that benefited ME? Isn't that what you're doing? Why is it wrong for me to look out for ME if you are going to look out for you?
Here are the facts about the current economy. All of the stuff that Barack Obama and the Democrats cover up with their propaganda.
  • Their Latino peers saw a 0.8% point decrease to 30.3%
  • Neither groups have recovered from President Barack Obama’s “recovery;” young African American participation rates never went over 30 percent since February 2009 while the young Latinos’ is still five percentage points lower than it was at that same period
There is nothing to brag about where the jobs come from either:
  • Nearly 250,000 of them are parasitical (i.e. government) while the self-employed lost 110,000 jobs.
  • In the meantime there are 100,000 new part-time workers for economic reasons, mostly because of “slack work or business conditions.”
  • There is also a total of 160,000 new multiple-job holders, a 0.1-percentage point increase, showing that the Obama recession is already lurking around the corner.
  • It’s especially true if you are part of the demonized extractive industry (mining, oil and gas, etc.) which shed another 7,000 jobs.
Finally, one indicator that doesn’t fail to show that the economy is going in the wrong direction is duration of unemployment. The average duration is now 28.1 weeks, a 0.4 week increase and still 8 percentage points higher than it was in February 2009.

The mean duration increased 1.3 percentage points to 11.6 weeks, barely below its February 2009 level but on an upward trend since mid-2015.

These figures reflect the increase in long-term unemployment 15 weeks and over, which increased 1.2 percentage points to 41.7% of all unemployed workers. In particular, very long-term unemployment over 26 weeks increased 0.8% to 26.6%, on an upward trend for about a year.

The Obama Recession is Coming Soon
The liberal war on the middle class continues. They desperately need to get the middle class into poverty and onto the government plantation - dependent on government for even their most basic needs. Makes people more likely to vote Dumbocrat...

The Obama Recession is Coming Soon
You America-hating scum have been praying for a new recession for 7 years!
There is only one side of the aisle that hates America chief and it sure as hell isn't conservatives. Just look at the posts all over USMB by liberals - all you people do is call the founders "racist slave owners", lie about the Constitution, and proclaim how OTHER nations are soooooo much better because they have socialist healthcare, or socialist wealth distribution, etc.

With each post you look dumber and dumber ETC...
The Obama Recession is Coming Soon
You America-hating scum have been praying for a new recession for 7 years!
There is only one side of the aisle that hates America chief and it sure as hell isn't conservatives. Just look at the posts all over USMB by liberals - all you people do is call the founders "racist slave owners", lie about the Constitution, and proclaim how OTHER nations are soooooo much better because they have socialist healthcare, or socialist wealth distribution, etc.

With each post you look dumber and dumber ETC...
You America-haters are the ones hoping for a recession so you can enjoy watching Americans suffer.

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

October 31, 2008
RUSH: Joe the Plumber. Now, Joe the Plumber is an average citizen

March 27, 2013
RUSH: We're talking about schadenfreude. You know what schadenfreude is. That is loving, that is enjoying the discomfort of others, in a certain set of circumstances. That's enjoying when people get theirs. Like when people who are dead wrong about something but don't know it, find out that they're dead wrong and they suffer from it? Schadenfreude is enjoying that.
The Obama Recession is Coming Soon
You America-hating scum have been praying for a new recession for 7 years!
There is only one side of the aisle that hates America chief and it sure as hell isn't conservatives. Just look at the posts all over USMB by liberals - all you people do is call the founders "racist slave owners", lie about the Constitution, and proclaim how OTHER nations are soooooo much better because they have socialist healthcare, or socialist wealth distribution, etc.

With each post you look dumber and dumber ETC...
You America-haters are the ones hoping for a recession so you can enjoy watching Americans suffer.

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

October 31, 2008
RUSH: Joe the Plumber. Now, Joe the Plumber is an average citizen

March 27, 2013
RUSH: We're talking about schadenfreude. You know what schadenfreude is. That is loving, that is enjoying the discomfort of others, in a certain set of circumstances. That's enjoying when people get theirs. Like when people who are dead wrong about something but don't know it, find out that they're dead wrong and they suffer from it? Schadenfreude is enjoying that.
One man vs. hundreds on USMB and millions across the nation? Sorry chump - you lose. Everybody knows it's the left that hates America. It's why you assholes want to (and I quote) "fundamentally transform" it.
It's amazing that liberals still attempt all of their insane lies and propaganda when so much indisputable information is available thanks to technology:


It is this special form of liberal insanity that has driven jobs overseas where it is exponentially cheaper for corporations to conduct business. Even Canada (and pretty damn left-wing socialist nation) had an astounding 13% lower corporate tax rate than the U.S. And we damn near double Switzerland's tax rate.

Until we reject the failed ideology of liberalism, we will continue to wallow in a less than stellar economy and an unsustainable $19 trillion or more in national debt.
It's amazing that liberals still attempt all of their insane lies and propaganda when so much indisputable information is available thanks to technology:

View attachment 84896

It is this special form of liberal insanity that has driven jobs overseas where it is exponentially cheaper for corporations to conduct business. Even Canada (and pretty damn left-wing socialist nation) had an astounding 13% lower corporate tax rate than the U.S. And we damn near double Switzerland's tax rate.

Until we reject the failed ideology of liberalism, we will continue to wallow in a less than stellar economy and an unsustainable $19 trillion or more in national debt.
You forgot to include the final tax rate after deductions, which makes the average 15%..Now's who is being dishonest...

The top statutory tax rate of 35% in the U.S. is somewhat higher than that of 30 other OECD countries, but the average effective tax rate — the actual rate paid after deductions and credits — is slightly lower than our competitors, according to the Congressional Research Service
The Truth About Corporate Tax Rates


There are many mind-numbing details that explain the divergent results across these studies. But perhaps the most important difference in the results is the easiest to explain. Some calculations of average foreign effective tax rates use simple averages where all foreign countries are counted equally. Others use weighted averages in which large countries are counted more than smaller ones (according to the size of their economies or the size of their business sectors). In general, whether we are talking about statutory or corporate effective rates, large counties have higher rates than smaller countries.

So, using unweighted averages (like those shown in line 2 of the table) — which treat countries like Latvia and Morocco as equals to Germany and Japan — leads to results that inappropriately enlarge the difference between U.S. and foreign corporate effective tax rates (line 2A). A more representative picture of foreign corporate effective tax rates can be found in the weighted average shown in line 3. The excess of the U.S. effective rate and foreign effective rates (shown in line 3A) is much smaller — and in two cases, negative — when weighted averages are used.
It's amazing that liberals still attempt all of their insane lies and propaganda when so much indisputable information is available thanks to technology:

View attachment 84896

It is this special form of liberal insanity that has driven jobs overseas where it is exponentially cheaper for corporations to conduct business. Even Canada (and pretty damn left-wing socialist nation) had an astounding 13% lower corporate tax rate than the U.S. And we damn near double Switzerland's tax rate.

Until we reject the failed ideology of liberalism, we will continue to wallow in a less than stellar economy and an unsustainable $19 trillion or more in national debt.
You forgot to include the final tax rate after deductions, which makes the average 15%..Now's who is being dishonest...

The top statutory tax rate of 35% in the U.S. is somewhat higher than that of 30 other OECD countries, but the average effective tax rate — the actual rate paid after deductions and credits — is slightly lower than our competitors, according to the Congressional Research Service
So lower it then....what's the problem?
It's amazing that liberals still attempt all of their insane lies and propaganda when so much indisputable information is available thanks to technology:

View attachment 84896

It is this special form of liberal insanity that has driven jobs overseas where it is exponentially cheaper for corporations to conduct business. Even Canada (and pretty damn left-wing socialist nation) had an astounding 13% lower corporate tax rate than the U.S. And we damn near double Switzerland's tax rate.

Until we reject the failed ideology of liberalism, we will continue to wallow in a less than stellar economy and an unsustainable $19 trillion or more in national debt.
You forgot to include the final tax rate after deductions, which makes the average 15%..Now's who is being dishonest...

The top statutory tax rate of 35% in the U.S. is somewhat higher than that of 30 other OECD countries, but the average effective tax rate — the actual rate paid after deductions and credits — is slightly lower than our competitors, according to the Congressional Research Service
So lower it then....what's the problem?
You're the one with the fairy wand, you do it..
It's amazing that liberals still attempt all of their insane lies and propaganda when so much indisputable information is available thanks to technology:

View attachment 84896

It is this special form of liberal insanity that has driven jobs overseas where it is exponentially cheaper for corporations to conduct business. Even Canada (and pretty damn left-wing socialist nation) had an astounding 13% lower corporate tax rate than the U.S. And we damn near double Switzerland's tax rate.

Until we reject the failed ideology of liberalism, we will continue to wallow in a less than stellar economy and an unsustainable $19 trillion or more in national debt.
You forgot to include the final tax rate after deductions, which makes the average 15%..Now's who is being dishonest...

The top statutory tax rate of 35% in the U.S. is somewhat higher than that of 30 other OECD countries, but the average effective tax rate — the actual rate paid after deductions and credits — is slightly lower than our competitors, according to the Congressional Research Service
Nobody cares what you have to say Moon. You lost all credibility a long time ago. You make up more shit than even rightwinger. I've never seen you post a single link (even to a source that wasn't credible) to back up your claims. And you're a typical immature liberal who can't figure out how to grow up. Hey - remember in the other thread when you thought it made you sound "cool" to claim you committed statutory rape against children? Here is the post. You explicitly stated "underage" which means you were older and they were not legally able to consent.

Bottom line - no business in U.S. history has ever gotten away with paying just 15%. We're all tired of you making stuff up.
A dated but insightful and informative piece on what the difference between the MAXIMUM corporate tax rate is and a feel for the ACTUAL rate! I'm sure things haven't changed much in loophole wise in the last four years!

26 top American corporations paid no federal income tax from ’08 to ’12 – report

"Twenty-six of the most powerful American corporations – such as Boeing, General Electric, and Verizon – paid no federal income tax from 2008 to 2012, according to a new report detailing how Fortune 500 companies exploit tax breaks and loopholes.

report, conducted by public advocacy group Citizens for Tax Justice (CTJ), focuses on the 288 companies in the Fortune 500 that registered consistent profit every year from 2008 to 2012. Those 288 profitable corporations paid an “effective federal income tax rate of just 19.4 percent over the five-year period — far less than the statutory 35 percent tax rate,” CTJ states.

One-third, or 93, of the analyzed companies paid an effective tax rate below 10 percent in that timespan, CTJ found.

Defenders of low corporate taxes call the US federal statutory rate of 35 percent one of the highest companies face in any nation. But the report signals how the most formidable corporate entities in the US take advantage of tax breaks,
loopholes, and accounting schemes to keep their effective rates down."

More: 26 top American corporations paid no federal income tax from ’08 to ’12 – report

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