Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy

Don't quote me on this but I think some of these BP stations only gross a few thousand a month in profit. An Indian family owns all the bp's around here. One person works 15 hour days 7 days a week at each store, not making minimum wage. They don't make any money on gas sales, BP takes that for themselves. They only make money off of inside sales. And several tens of thousands of dollars passes through their hands in a weeks time. For example a $500 money order only makes them $1.00 profit. But then they are at risk of loosing that money to a criminal. A lottery ticket makes them a whole 0.10 cents profit. Their prices are so outrageous because of the special minority only high interest loans they got with no money down. Some go to the grocery store and buy soda's to sell on their own shelfs because it's cheaper than the ones they get straight from the manufacturer. It's a real screwed up system.
That's the problem with liberals - they are so profoundly ignorant about everything. They don't even realize that McDonald's, BP, etc. are franchises and as such - are independently owned small businesses. The people that own them are not "billionaires". Most of them make very low six-figures. Almost none of them own things like Lamborghini's, etc. They make a comfortable living like a typical mid-level executive and nothing more.

It's tragic how we have to deal with liberals dragging this nation down with their ignorance.
That's the problem with liberals - they are so profoundly ignorant about everything.
Regurgitate the forum pinhead who actually said the economy was just fine when Bush left office and that Herbert Hoover wasn't president in the 1930's.


Really, Buttplug, you are the last idiot who should be throwing stones given how fragile your own glass house is.
Yikes! Those pictures are frightening. Lol.
Right? Google "Occupy Wall Street Protesters". It will scare the living hell out of you. Not even kidding. They are some of the most disgusting, filthy, indecent people you will ever see.
No you posted the idiocy about professional licensing being unnecessary and I made a fool of you over it.
You were saying...jack-ass??? Four fucking licenses to shine shoes. Come on asshole - tell us all how "professional licensing" to shine shoes is sooooo necessary to protect people. Show us all how you made a "fool out of me over it". Idiot.

However, a 2015 study conducted by the White House Council of Economic Advisers found that the share of the U.S. workforce needing a license to work increased five-fold from 1950 to 2008.

In the District of Columbia, for example, someone looking to work as a shoe shiner must attain four different licenses and pay at least $337 to get those licenses.

You Need 4 Different Licenses to Shine Shoes in DC


* Making edthecynic my personal bitch since October 20, 2008
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More idiotic "destroy the economy" rhetoric from one of the ultimate idiotic Dumbocrats alive today. How can one wail against a company like Google when they give their freaking products away for free. That is how completely unhinged the Dumbocrats have become today. Now it's not even good enough if a company gives their products away. If they generate any wealth at all - they are "evil".

I can't believe that Dumbocrats can't grasp how Google has facilitated endless small businesses from becomes successful. They have a FULL suite of tools as their disposal to conduct business - a free search engine, free email, free word processor, free spreadsheets, and free presentation software among others. Just about everything a company needs to run its business. And the lying wild injun idiot Elizabeth Warren wants to demonize them and convince the people that they are bad and need to be destroyed. :eusa_doh:

Entrepreneur: Warren Attack on Big Tech Would Hurt Startups
It always ends the same with liberalism - famine, poverty, and misery wrapped in slavery.


A new decree by Venezuela's government could make its citizens work on farms to tackle the country's severe food shortages.

That "effectively amounts to forced labor," according to Amnesty International, which derided the decree as "unlawful."

Venezuela's new decree: Forced farm work for citizens
More idiotic "destroy the economy" rhetoric from one of the ultimate idiotic Dumbocrats alive today. How can one wail against a company like Google when they give their freaking products away for free. That is how completely unhinged the Dumbocrats have become today. Now it's not even good enough if a company gives their products away. If they generate any wealth at all - they are "evil".

I can't believe that Dumbocrats can't grasp how Google has facilitated endless small businesses from becomes successful. They have a FULL suite of tools as their disposal to conduct business - a free search engine, free email, free word processor, free spreadsheets, and free presentation software among others. Just about everything a company needs to run its business. And the lying wild injun idiot Elizabeth Warren wants to demonize them and convince the people that they are bad and need to be destroyed. :eusa_doh:

Entrepreneur: Warren Attack on Big Tech Would Hurt Startups
And to think that idiot Elizabeth Warren believes Microsoft is a "threat" that needs to be attacked. They've continuously cut jobs over the past decade. Can only imagine how bad it would be if wild injun Elizabeth Warren had her way....

Microsoft to Cut 2,850 More Jobs in Exit From Phone Business
Yeah, stupid....and why is foreign labor cheaper? Because of liberal policy that created the highest corporate tax rate in the world, costly regulations, amd devastating labor laws.

Venezuela has "cheap labor" - how is their liberal policy working out for them?

Because those countries are dirt poor to begin with and so their labor is much cheaper than ours. Any fool with half a brain could see that.

Or maybe you'd prefer America to be a third world shithole also so American workers can also be paid next to nothing.

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"

I'd prefer all those offering shitty skills accepting that they get paid a wage equivalent to them or do something to improve those skills. If someone offers skills next to nothing, why shouldn't they get paid next to nothing? What's unfair about that?
Businesses would respond to these higher labor costs by reducing employment of affected workers by over one-sixth, thus eliminating approximately seven million full-time-equivalent (FTE) jobs by 2021. Forcing employers to pay starting wages of $15 per hour would make many less skilled workers unemployable.

Raising Minimum Starting Wages to $15 per Hour Would Eliminate Seven Million Jobs


Oh, another one that discounts facts using the I don't like the source argument.
Businesses would respond to these higher labor costs by reducing employment of affected workers by over one-sixth, thus eliminating approximately seven million full-time-equivalent (FTE) jobs by 2021. Forcing employers to pay starting wages of $15 per hour would make many less skilled workers unemployable.

Raising Minimum Starting Wages to $15 per Hour Would Eliminate Seven Million Jobs


Oh, another one that discounts facts using the I don't like the source argument.
Well duh....if she accepted facts - she wouldn't be a liberal!
Businesses would respond to these higher labor costs by reducing employment of affected workers by over one-sixth, thus eliminating approximately seven million full-time-equivalent (FTE) jobs by 2021. Forcing employers to pay starting wages of $15 per hour would make many less skilled workers unemployable.

Raising Minimum Starting Wages to $15 per Hour Would Eliminate Seven Million Jobs


Oh, another one that discounts facts using the I don't like the source argument.
Well duh....if she accepted facts - she wouldn't be a liberal!

It is precisely because I accept facts, figures, history, and economic theory that I reject the poorly researched crap coming out of highly partisan think tanks like Any outfit which is funded by the Koch Brothers to push their anti-government agenda is hardly an unbiased source.
Businesses would respond to these higher labor costs by reducing employment of affected workers by over one-sixth, thus eliminating approximately seven million full-time-equivalent (FTE) jobs by 2021. Forcing employers to pay starting wages of $15 per hour would make many less skilled workers unemployable.

Raising Minimum Starting Wages to $15 per Hour Would Eliminate Seven Million Jobs


Oh, another one that discounts facts using the I don't like the source argument.
Well duh....if she accepted facts - she wouldn't be a liberal!

It is precisely because I accept facts, figures, history, and economic theory that I reject the poorly researched crap coming out of highly partisan think tanks like Any outfit which is funded by the Koch Brothers to push their anti-government agenda is hardly an unbiased source.

Yet you accept what you call facts, figures, history, and shit economic theory coming from George Soros funded big government biased sources.

That you support big government Liberal policy proves you can't do things for yourself. If you could, you would and wouldn't expect the government to be responsible for everything.
Businesses would respond to these higher labor costs by reducing employment of affected workers by over one-sixth, thus eliminating approximately seven million full-time-equivalent (FTE) jobs by 2021. Forcing employers to pay starting wages of $15 per hour would make many less skilled workers unemployable.

Raising Minimum Starting Wages to $15 per Hour Would Eliminate Seven Million Jobs


Oh, another one that discounts facts using the I don't like the source argument.
Well duh....if she accepted facts - she wouldn't be a liberal!

It is precisely because I accept facts, figures, history, and economic theory that I reject the poorly researched crap coming out of highly partisan think tanks like Any outfit which is funded by the Koch Brothers to push their anti-government agenda is hardly an unbiased source.

Yet you accept what you call facts, figures, history, and shit economic theory coming from George Soros funded big government biased sources.

That you support big government Liberal policy proves you can't do things for yourself. If you could, you would and wouldn't expect the government to be responsible for everything.

No I don't. I use ACTUAL FACTS, gleaned from government records, not just in the US, but from other countries as well. All think tanks have a spin and a bias. There are some places that are non-partisan, like the Guttmacher Institute, which provides good stats and information, but their agenda is reproductive health, which everyone should be concerned about.

The problem is that the facts and figures almost never support the conservative agenda. So what you're left with is the same tired economic proposals that didn't work under Reagan and sure as hell didn't work under Bush.

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