Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy

President Obamas liberal policies have generated ten million jobs.

pretty much every time republicans run things we end up i a recession.

it's so funny how they don't care what they say....
Democrat Franklin Delano Roosevelt oversaw The Great Depression

Democrat Jimmy Carter oversaw The Great Reccesison

Democrat Barack Obama oversaw The Second Great Recession

The three worst economies in U.S. history were under Dumbocrat presidents. Meanwhile Republican's Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge gave us The Roaring 20's and Ronald Reagan took Carter's Great Recssion and turned it into one of the greatest economies in history. Like all liberals, it's ideology over reality for Jillian.

You have no idea what you are talking about, or you're just lying as far as Obama goes:

So whatever caused the 2007-9 recession had to have resulted from policies that the Bush administration was responsible for – either by initiating them or failing to act against them.

Mr. Bush inherited a budget surplus of $236 billion from Mr. Clinton in 2000, which fell to $128 billion in 2001. By 2002, the federal government ran a budget deficit of $158 billion, which rose to $377 billion in 2003, and $413 billion in 2004. The deficit fell to $318 billion in 2005, $248 billion in 2006, and $161 billion in 2007, then shot up to $459 billion in 2008.

It should be noted as well that the fiscal 2009 budget was submitted to Congress by Mr. Bush in January 2008 and took effect on Oct. 1 of that year – almost four months before President Obama took office.
President Obamas liberal policies have generated ten million jobs.

pretty much every time republicans run things we end up i a recession.

it's so funny how they don't care what they say....
Democrat Franklin Delano Roosevelt oversaw The Great Depression

Democrat Jimmy Carter oversaw The Great Reccesison

Democrat Barack Obama oversaw The Second Great Recession

The three worst economies in U.S. history were under Dumbocrat presidents. Meanwhile Republican's Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge gave us The Roaring 20's and Ronald Reagan took Carter's Great Recssion and turned it into one of the greatest economies in history. Like all liberals, it's ideology over reality for Jillian.
Pure revisionist history. Proof the Right are the most shameless liars in the known universe!
President Obamas liberal policies have generated ten million jobs.

pretty much every time republicans run things we end up i a recession.

it's so funny how they don't care what they say....
Democrat Franklin Delano Roosevelt oversaw The Great Depression

Democrat Jimmy Carter oversaw The Great Reccesison

Democrat Barack Obama oversaw The Second Great Recession

The three worst economies in U.S. history were under Dumbocrat presidents. Meanwhile Republican's Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge gave us The Roaring 20's and Ronald Reagan took Carter's Great Recssion and turned it into one of the greatest economies in history. Like all liberals, it's ideology over reality for Jillian.
Pure revisionist history. Proof the Right are the most shameless liars in the known universe!
"Revisionist" LMAO!!!! That's indisputable fact right there genius. Any idiot can look up the dates of what years each president served in the White House. They can then easily cross-reference that with the years of The Great Depression, The Great Recession, and the Second Great Recession.

It's all well documented for the world to see. I challenge everyone who reads this not to believe me and to research it for themselves.
President Obamas liberal policies have generated ten million jobs.

pretty much every time republicans run things we end up i a recession.

it's so funny how they don't care what they say....
Democrat Franklin Delano Roosevelt oversaw The Great Depression

Democrat Jimmy Carter oversaw The Great Reccesison

Democrat Barack Obama oversaw The Second Great Recession

The three worst economies in U.S. history were under Dumbocrat presidents. Meanwhile Republican's Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge gave us The Roaring 20's and Ronald Reagan took Carter's Great Recssion and turned it into one of the greatest economies in history. Like all liberals, it's ideology over reality for Jillian.

are you intentionally lying or are you just so misinformed that it looks like you are?

1. truman presided over the depression, he was a republican, nutter butter.
2. daddy bush presided over the great recession. clinton had to clean up after him. carter had other issues. but you're not interested in actual discussion or you wouldn't be lying and pulling nonsense out of your butt.
3. baby bush crashed the enconomy, crazy boy.... dems have been trying to clean up around the obstructionist rightwingnut house... and have done a pretty good job of it.

any more lies you want to tell, hack?
Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike

The GOP nominee said the economy thrives under Dems. Go ahead and say Trump is wrong. I dares ya! :badgrin:
are you intentionally lying or are you just so misinformed that it looks like you are?

1. truman presided over the depression, he was a republican, nutter butter.
Oh Jillian.......oh dear, dear

The Great Depression was a severe worldwide economic depression that took place during the 1930s.

Franklin D. Roosevelt President (1933-1945)

Harry S. Truman President (1945 - 1953)

Great Depression - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Harry S. Truman
Jillian is the ONLY person I have EVER met who believes that the Great Depression started in 1945 and went into the 1950's.... .:lmao:
are you intentionally lying or are you just so misinformed that it looks like you are?

1. truman presided over the depression, he was a republican, nutter butter.
2. daddy bush presided over the great recession. clinton had to clean up after him. carter had other issues. but you're not interested in actual discussion or you wouldn't be lying and pulling nonsense out of your butt.
3. baby bush crashed the enconomy, crazy boy.... dems have been trying to clean up around the obstructionist rightwingnut house... and have done a pretty good job of it.

any more lies you want to tell, hack?
The Great Recession was 1975 - 1981 my clueless dear. "Daddy Bush" didn't become President until 1989 and didn't even over see any recession - much less The Great Recession. It was Jimmy Carter who was president from 1977 - 1981.

Even by typical liberal blind obedient puppy standards, you are especially clueless.
Jillian is the ONLY person I have EVER met who believes that the Great Depression started in 1945 and went into the 1950's.... .:lmao:

were you always a moron?

I seriously cannot believe you were dumb enough to put that in writing where it can never be taken back Jillian. For the love of God woman, all you had to do was a quick Google search (though it's absolutely astounding that anyone would ever need to Google what decade the Great Depression took place).

I don't know whether to stop laughing and feel sorry for you or share this with everyone I know so that they can enjoy a priceless laugh as well. I can't believe you thought the Great Depression began in 1945 and went into the 1950's.... :lmao:
are you intentionally lying or are you just so misinformed that it looks like you are?

1. truman presided over the depression, he was a republican, nutter butter.
2. daddy bush presided over the great recession. clinton had to clean up after him. carter had other issues. but you're not interested in actual discussion or you wouldn't be lying and pulling nonsense out of your butt.
3. baby bush crashed the enconomy, crazy boy.... dems have been trying to clean up around the obstructionist rightwingnut house... and have done a pretty good job of it.

any more lies you want to tell, hack?
Ok....the last idiotic point to address in your insanely absurd post. Bill Clinton collapsed the housing market with his 1997 Community Re-Investment Act. And it was Barack Obama sitting in office when the bottom dropped out. Liberal socialism does what it always does - creates failure, misery, and poverty.
Mr. Bush inherited a budget surplus of $236 billion from Mr. Clinton in 2000, which fell to $128 billion in 2001. By 2002, the federal government ran a budget deficit of $158 billion, which rose to $377 billion in 2003, and $413 billion in 2004. The deficit fell to $318 billion in 2005, $248 billion in 2006, and $161 billion in 2007, then shot up to $459 billion in 2008.
Mr. Bush inherited a gutted military from Mr. Clinton - who had cut defense spending a half a trillion dollars over his 8 years as President while at the same time, refusing to address Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda.

Yes - GWB did an awful job with the national debt. Awful. But....a good portion of that was due to 9/11. After New York City looked like a nuclear bomb had detonated in the middle of Manhattan, the federal government not only spent money it hadn't budgeted for to clean up the city and rebuild it, it then had to spend money that it hadn't budgeted for to rebuild the U.S. military and launch a war. All of which adds up to hundreds of billions of dollars just in the first year alone.
... truman presided over the depression, he was a republican, nutter butter.

Wow ... just wow.
Truman neither presided over the Depression nor was he a Repub. Any other facts you wish to screw up here?
LMAO!!! Is she not the dumbest poster in USMB history?!? That really summarizes the idiocy of the modern day libtard. They really are completely clueless about facts. It's all ideology over reality for them.
are you intentionally lying or are you just so misinformed that it looks like you are?

1. truman presided over the depression, he was a republican, nutter butter.
Hey Jillian? Can we have a conversation about "misinformed"?!? :lmao:

Harry S. Truman was the 33rd President of the United States, an American politician of the Democratic Party. Wikipedia

Born: May 8, 1884, Lamar, MO
Died: December 26, 1972, Kansas City, MO
Succeeded by: Dwight D. Eisenhower
Presidential term: April 12, 1945 – January 20, 1953
Education: University of Missouri–Kansas City, More
... truman presided over the depression, he was a republican, nutter butter.
Wow ... just wow.
Truman neither presided over the Depression nor was he a Repub. Any other facts you wish to screw up here?
I've got $100 right now that says jillian never graduated from college and sure as hell didn't pass the Bar Exam. There's just no way anybody could be that insanely stupid and yet be able to both graduate from college and pass the bar. She's been lying to everyone for years.
over 40 million on foodstamps for a record period of time and 93 million not working...heck of a job Brownie
Republican policies will keep it that way. Either companies pay their workers or the government subsidies those companies making the owners uber wealthy.
over 40 million on foodstamps for a record period of time and 93 million not working...heck of a job Brownie
Republican policies will keep it that way. Either companies pay their workers or the government subsidies those companies making the owners uber wealthy.
It's Democrat policies that created the problem and kept it that way. It's Dumbocrat policies that send all of our jobs over seas by killing corporations with costly taxes, costly regulations, costly labor laws, and costly unions. Why pay 400% labor costs in the U.S. when you can take it over seas and manufacture for 400% less?

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