Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy

Any idiot can look up the dates of what years each president served in the White House.

It's all well documented for the world to see. I challenge everyone who reads this not to believe me and to research it for themselves.
Like I said, the Right are the most shameless liars in the known universe.

So lets take the Carter Recession, the SHORTEST recession since the Great Coolidge/Hover Depression, and compare it to the Great Reagan Recession, at the time the longest recession since the Great Coolidge/Hoover Depression, until The Great Bush Recession came along and pushed Reagan to 3rd place.
Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike

Liberal policies have not only killed jobs, but liberal programs that lure people into dependency have killed incentive. Familes are destroyed and too many kids are in dysfunctional homes. This happens when government becomes the breadwinner instead of self-reliant parents.

Hillary and the left seem to want people kept on the doles. Killing jobs is the best way to turn people into desperate dependents.

The left wonders why crime is so high in inner cities. It's no secret that a lack of ethics taught by parents, poorly run schools, a lack of prosperous people, and good role models in some neighborhoods causes young people to turn to gangs for survival. It's liberal policies that put this in motion and yet they blame racism and the wealthy for not doing more. We have too many who know nothing other than government dependence. Instead of being proactive, they are taught to wait for government or others to act on their behalf. So they wait and wait. The thought of finishing school, starting their own business or even moving to a better place never occurs to them because they've been promised that a better life will be given to them.

Hillary once praised gangs as being the next best thing to having a family. She thinks that we can convince gangs to be a good influence on kids, so that must be a goal of hers. Don't know how she plans to talk gangs into becoming law abiding citizens who don't steal and kill rival gang members or anyone else that crosses their path.

This is a sign that she has no intention of stopping the policies that have destroyed them in the first place. Now it's treating the symptoms of the cancer by pretending that it's possible to change gang members into positive role models. They have given up on people. I guess she doesn't think it's possible for minorities to create functional homes. Again, the left thinks minorities are too stupid to do anything on their own. Minorities need to realize where all this "help" from liberals has gotten them.

Maybe if liberals hadn't encouraged people to let government assume the role of daddy, things would be different. Kids in homes without two responsible parents are way more likely to be juvenile delinquents and later convicts. They are doomed if they continue to listen to the crap from the left. And it's sad that they really think the right is evil for suggesting that they take a different course. The current one is a dead end.

The liberals should be wanting policies that create more jobs. They don't want that. They want more of the shit we see now because the weaker the people get, the more powerful government becomes.

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... truman presided over the depression, he was a republican, nutter butter.

Wow ... just wow.
Truman neither presided over the Depression nor was he a Repub. Any other facts you wish to screw up here?
LMAO!!! Is she not the dumbest poster in USMB history?!? That really summarizes the idiocy of the modern day libtard. They really are completely clueless about facts. It's all ideology over reality for them.

No, Jillian is not the dumbest poster in USMB history and it's not only a mistake to assume her errors make her so or to assume all "libtards" are clueless about facts.

Many people are not big history buffs and Jillian doesn't strike me as old enough to have experienced either the Depression or Truman's presidency.
... truman presided over the depression, he was a republican, nutter butter.

Wow ... just wow.
Truman neither presided over the Depression nor was he a Repub. Any other facts you wish to screw up here?
LMAO!!! Is she not the dumbest poster in USMB history?!? That really summarizes the idiocy of the modern day libtard. They really are completely clueless about facts. It's all ideology over reality for them.

No, Jillian is not the dumbest poster in USMB history and it's not only a mistake to assume her errors make her so or to assume all "libtards" are clueless about facts.

Many people are not big history buffs and Jillian doesn't strike me as old enough to have experienced either the Depression or Truman's presidency.

actually it was a should have said hoover. but the imbeciles know that.

in any event, it most certainly wasn't FDR and mine was a typo, the imbecile was intentionally lying.

you know what's even more disgusting....soeone who pretends to be a friend and then acts like a disgusting bully because they disagree with your politics and resents being told that they're fact-averse. now THAT is disgusting.

thank you though. :)
But I also have to pay for criminal background check, drivers license record check, drug test, And certify at cpr. They don't care about the fact I already did all that crap for my job.
EMS Service Provider Licensing | Florida Department of Health
1. What are the requirements for an ambulance driver?
An ambulance driver must meet the following requirements:

  • is at least 18 years of age;
  • certifies under oath that he or she is not addicted to alcohol or any controlled substance, and is free from any physical or mental defect or disease that might impair their ability to drive an ambulance;
  • upon initial designation as a driver, has not within the past three years, been convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol or controlled substance and has not had a driver's license suspended under the point system provided for in Chapter 322, Florida Statutes;
  • successfully completed a 16 hour course of instruction on driving an authorized emergency vehicle, which includes, at a minimum, classroom and behind the wheel training. Rule 64J-1.013, Florida Administrative Code for details on the 16 hour course content;
  • possess a valid American Red Cross or National Safety Council first aid course or its equivalent; and
  • possess a valid American Red Cross or American Heart Association cardiopulmonary resuscitation card.
Reference section 401.281, Florida Statutes and Rule 64J-1.013, Florida Administrative Code.

Fees & Laws

1. What are the law and rules governing Emergency Medical Services?
Chapter 401, Florida Statutes and Rule 64J-1, Florida Administrative Code, are the law and rules, respectively, that governs Florida Emergency Medical Services.
Chapter 401, Florida Statutes
Rule 64J-1, Florida Administrative Code

2. What are the fees for ambulance service licensure?
The fees are $660.00 for a BLS license and $1,375.00 for an ALS and Air license, plus $25.00 for each vehicle or aircraft you permit under your license. The license and vehicle permits are issued for two years.
Dude I'm not an Ambulance driver.
I'm a non-emergency medical transporter.
over 40 million on foodstamps for a record period of time and 93 million not working...heck of a job Brownie
Republican policies will keep it that way. Either companies pay their workers or the government subsidies those companies making the owners uber wealthy.
It's Democrat policies that created the problem and kept it that way. It's Dumbocrat policies that send all of our jobs over seas by killing corporations with costly taxes, costly regulations, costly labor laws, and costly unions. Why pay 400% labor costs in the U.S. when you can take it over seas and manufacture for 400% less?

Most of the jobs available now are minimum wage. The left accomplished this by reducing the number of good jobs by overregulation and the high expense of Obamacare. Once those jobs were scarce, they were able to argue that they must raise the minimum since people have few other options to survive. All by design. I think people would rather have the jobs they lost or even held that starter job at a company where more advancement opportunities existed.

Those starter jobs always went to those entering the work force for the first time and most offered the opportunity to keep moving up until a person was earning a comfortable living. Most people I know who are living quite comfortably started by getting their foot in the door to a good company by accepting the lowest paying job at the place. Start in the mailroom and work your way up. Anyone could do it just by proving themselves to be a valuable employee. Companies needed people like that. It's those middle class jobs that have been under assault by harmful policies and that caused many small businesses to go under. The assault continues with minimum wage hikes. Good employees are now just a huge burden due to costs of Obamacare, wage hikes, higher taxes and insane regulations. Companies aren't so quick to hire now because of the liability. And when they do hire, it's likely going to be part time. The rungs have been knocked out of the ladder. The left made it harder than ever for those crucial small businesses to survive and now they blame big companies for not picking up the slack. Of course, now they are saying that they must go after them and make them pay.

The left wanted those middle class jobs gone. Can't very well spark a war of the classes when people can work their way up. By making that nearly impossible, it's easier to pit those at the top and those at the bottom against each other. The left wants people in poverty and angry at those at the top. People should be furious with those who deliberately tampered with things to cripple small businesses. Instead, the dumbed down supporters are buying into the lie that greedy corporations and racism are why they are in such a bad situation.

Of course, even when we still had the jobs, the left was focused on encouraging people to lean on government instead.

We are in a huge mess. First, we need those jobs back. Second, we need to convince people that taking them is a hell of a lot better than waiting for Hillary or other libs to elevate you. Why do some still expect so much from government when they've been let down for decades? And why do people continue to lash out at those who rejected nanny government instead of the ones who really caused it? No one ever offers an explanation as to how racists or wealthy people keep people at the bottom. It's because they can't. People keep themselves down by believing the wrong things. If you think your only hope is some politician who promises to help you then you are doomed.
I'm a non-emergency medical transporter.
Not quite as expensive as you make it out to be.
C. Non-Emergency Vehicle Certificate

1) Initial Certificate Application $ 300.00
2) Initial and Annual Renewal Certificate Initial Certificate fees shall be prorated according to the number of months remaining between the month of the date of certificate issuance and the month of annual renewal.
a. Effective October 1, 2005 $ 575.00
b. Effective October 1, 2006 $ 625.00
I'm a non-emergency medical transporter.
Not quite as expensive as you make it out to be.
C. Non-Emergency Vehicle Certificate

1) Initial Certificate Application $ 300.00
2) Initial and Annual Renewal Certificate Initial Certificate fees shall be prorated according to the number of months remaining between the month of the date of certificate issuance and the month of annual renewal.
a. Effective October 1, 2005 $ 575.00
b. Effective October 1, 2006 $ 625.00
I only talked about not being able to afford $200. You just proved it's even more expensive then I made it out to be. That's a half a months income. I can't pay that.
I'm a medical transporter. All I do is drive. I could make more money if I got an occupational license and skipped the middle man. I'm already doing the job as an independant contractor for a third party. But I can't afford the license.
I only talked about not being able to afford $200. You just proved it's even more expensive then I made it out to be. That's a half a months income. I can't pay that.
First of all, $200 or $300 can hardly be considered prohibitive, even if you weren't lying about giving any dollar figure at all, for a million dollar business.

How to Build a Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company
I'm a medical transporter. All I do is drive. I could make more money if I got an occupational license and skipped the middle man. I'm already doing the job as an independant contractor for a third party. But I can't afford the license.
I only talked about not being able to afford $200. You just proved it's even more expensive then I made it out to be. That's a half a months income. I can't pay that.
First of all, $200 or $300 can hardly be considered prohibitive, even if you weren't lying about giving any dollar figure at all, for a million dollar business.

How to Build a Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company
Who said it was a million dollar business.
Potentially I could make as much as $600 a week if I get all the license and certifications done. Not all businesses are million dollars.
... truman presided over the depression, he was a republican, nutter butter.

Wow ... just wow.
Truman neither presided over the Depression nor was he a Repub. Any other facts you wish to screw up here?
LMAO!!! Is she not the dumbest poster in USMB history?!? That really summarizes the idiocy of the modern day libtard. They really are completely clueless about facts. It's all ideology over reality for them.

No, Jillian is not the dumbest poster in USMB history and it's not only a mistake to assume her errors make her so or to assume all "libtards" are clueless about facts.

Many people are not big history buffs and Jillian doesn't strike me as old enough to have experienced either the Depression or Truman's presidency.

actually it was a should have said hoover. but the imbeciles know that.

in any event, it most certainly wasn't FDR and mine was a typo, the imbecile was intentionally lying.

you know what's even more disgusting....soeone who pretends to be a friend and then acts like a disgusting bully because they disagree with your politics and resents being told that they're fact-averse. now THAT is disgusting.

thank you though. :)
Well that's bizarre that someone would proclaim that they refuse to be friends with someone because they are a conservative and then complain about the results. Oh well....expected from irrational liberals I guess.

In any case - Hoover was also not president during the 1930's. No matter how you attempt to spin this, history is well documented. The three worst economies in U.S. history were overseen by Dumbocrats. And that's because liberal policy creates poverty.
I'm a medical transporter. All I do is drive. I could make more money if I got an occupational license and skipped the middle man. I'm already doing the job as an independant contractor for a third party. But I can't afford the license.
I only talked about not being able to afford $200. You just proved it's even more expensive then I made it out to be. That's a half a months income. I can't pay that.
First of all, $200 or $300 can hardly be considered prohibitive, even if you weren't lying about giving any dollar figure at all, for a million dollar business.

How to Build a Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company
Who said it was a million dollar business.
Potentially I could make as much as $600 a week if I get all the license and certifications done. Not all businesses are million dollars.
So your break even point for your licensing is less than 2 weeks, that is less than an employment agency charges to find someone a job.
I'm a medical transporter. All I do is drive. I could make more money if I got an occupational license and skipped the middle man. I'm already doing the job as an independant contractor for a third party. But I can't afford the license.
I only talked about not being able to afford $200. You just proved it's even more expensive then I made it out to be. That's a half a months income. I can't pay that.
First of all, $200 or $300 can hardly be considered prohibitive, even if you weren't lying about giving any dollar figure at all, for a million dollar business.

How to Build a Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company
Who said it was a million dollar business.
Potentially I could make as much as $600 a week if I get all the license and certifications done. Not all businesses are million dollars.
It really shows the juvenile mentality of liberals that you have to explain to them that not every business turns into Microsoft. Not everyone who starts a business will be a billionaire. Some will send their entire lives making an "average" income. But they'll get to be the master of their own destiny and do what they love and that's really all that matters (well - for "normal" people anyway - for liberals life is nothing about money and how to cheat other people out of it).
Interesting post. Does anybody on this forum consider a job for 10 dollars per hour a real job. YoU ARE WRONG. You are not my fellow americans. Those are not jobs.
Hoover was also not president during the 1930's.
Hoover (R) took office from Coolidge (R) in Jan 1929 and the stock market crashed in October 1929. The Great GOP Depression went from 1929 to 1933 all but 2 months under Hoover.
Interesting post. Does anybody on this forum consider a job for 10 dollars per hour a real job. YoU ARE WRONG. You are not my fellow americans. Those are not jobs.
Oh please.... stop with the "everyone deserves to make six-figures" idiocy. Any job that pays any amount of money is a "real" job.
Hoover was also not president during the 1930's.
Hoover (R) took office from Coolidge (R) in Jan 1929 and the stock market crashed in October 1929. The Great GOP Depression went from 1929 to 1933 all but 2 months under Hoover.
It lasted the entire 1930's. FDR's entire presidency oversaw The Great Depression. This is all thoroughly documented so your constant lying about it won't matter. The info is out there for the world to see.

In most countries of the world, recovery from the Great Depression began in 1933.[11] In the U.S., recovery began in early 1933,[11] but the U.S. did not return to 1929 GNP for over a decade and still had an unemployment rate of about 15% in 1940, albeit down from the high of 25% in 1933.

Great Depression - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hoover was also not president during the 1930's.
Hoover (R) took office from Coolidge (R) in Jan 1929 and the stock market crashed in October 1929. The Great GOP Depression went from 1929 to 1933 all but 2 months under Hoover.
It lasted the entire 1930's. FDR's entire presidency oversaw The Great Depression. This is all thoroughly documented so your constant lying about it won't matter. The info is out there for the world to see.

In most countries of the world, recovery from the Great Depression began in 1933.[11] In the U.S., recovery began in early 1933,[11] but the U.S. did not return to 1929 GNP for over a decade and still had an unemployment rate of about 15% in 1940, albeit down from the high of 25% in 1933.

Great Depression - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Great GOP Depression ended in 1933, there was a recession for one year and one month in 1937. That's it for the 1930s.
Interesting post. Does anybody on this forum consider a job for 10 dollars per hour a real job. YoU ARE WRONG. You are not my fellow americans. Those are not jobs.
I do. Doing Uber sometimes I make less than $5.00 an hour and that's before I pay for the car.
Don't quote me on this but I think some of these BP stations only gross a few thousand a month in profit. An Indian family owns all the bp's around here. One person works 15 hour days 7 days a week at each store, not making minimum wage. They don't make any money on gas sales, BP takes that for themselves. They only make money off of inside sales. And several tens of thousands of dollars passes through their hands in a weeks time. For example a $500 money order only makes them $1.00 profit. But then they are at risk of loosing that money to a criminal. A lottery ticket makes them a whole 0.10 cents profit. Their prices are so outrageous because of the special minority only high interest loans they got with no money down. Some go to the grocery store and buy soda's to sell on their own shelfs because it's cheaper than the ones they get straight from the manufacturer. It's a real screwed up system.

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