Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy

This has happened for one reason and one reason only: the cancer known as progressivism created an unconstitutional monstrosity out of the federal government. Tax revenues are the highest they've ever been. We don't have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem. Had the federal government been restrained to the 18 enumerated powers legally required by the U.S. Constitution, we would have a national debt of $0.00 today.

By 2023, spending on net interest payments will surpass spending on national defense.

Taxpayers Are Paying Billions to Service the National Debt
South America is figuring out what progressives in America already know but are too immature to accept: left-wing policies end in poverty and misery.
  • With the Senate impeachment vote to remove from office former President Dilma Rousseff, Brazilians joined a lengthening line of Latin Americans who have soured on the populist, corrupting, and impoverishing policies of “21st Century Socialism.”
  • Faced with its disastrous consequences, people in some neighboring countries had already turned the page and moved on. Argentina wised up late last year and installed center-right President Mauricio Macri after more than a decade of misrule by the Peronist Kirchner family.

'Socialism of the 21st Century' Collapses in Brazil
Here it folks. The progressive/Dumbocrat utopia. Every single policy that the left desperately craves here in the U.S. It has completely and totally collapsed Venezuela. It's so bad that people go months without even toilet paper. Simple, cheap, abundant toilet paper. Children are in the streets eating garbage, insects, and dead carcasses. This is what left-wing policy delivers.

Venezuela crisis: I flew to U.S. to buy toilet paper
Hitlery Clinton just admitted that Obamacare has caused costs (both insurance premiums and the actual healthcare costs) to drastically increase while the coverages have decreased. The exact opposite of what the Dumbocrats promised.

As always - progressive policies create failure.
Progressive policy at its finest here. And to think that this is exactly what progressives desperately want to bring here to America. Confiscate all firearms. Implement socialism. Watch everyone wallow in extreme poverty and misery "equally".

However, since Chavez imposed what he and his followers proudly called “21st- Century Socialism” on one of the wealthiest nations in South America, Venezuela has been in economic, political and social free fall. Disarming the country won’t work, but one can certainly understand current President Nicolas Maduro’s desire to disarm as many Venezuelans as possible. He and his cronies are increasingly worried that an angry and frustrated populace could turn his country into a revolutionary cauldron.

Venezuela faces collapse because of socialist government, disarmed populace
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Here is progressives destroying the education system in the United States - which certainly plays a role in their other policies generating unemployment.
  • Less than 50% (of youngsters between 18 and 24 years of age polled by National Geographic and Roper Public Affairs) could identify New York and Ohio on a U.S. map
  • 60% could not find Iraq or Saudi Arabia on a map of the Middle East
  • 75% could not find Iran or Israel
  • 44% could not locate even one of those four countries.
According to a Philadelphia magazine article:
  • The percentage of college grads who can read and interpret a food label has fallen from 40% to 30%
  • They are 6x's likelier to know who won “American Idol” than they are to know the name of the speaker of the House
  • A high school teacher in California handed out an assignment that required students to use a ruler. Not a single student knew how
According to a study done by the American Institutes for Research:
  • Revealed over 75% of two-year college students and 50% of four-year college students were incapable of completing everyday tasks.
  • About 20% of four-year college students demonstrated only basic mathematical ability
  • While a steeper 30% of two-year college students could not progress past elementary arithmetic
NBC News reported:
  • Fortune 500 companies spend about $3 billion annually to train employees in “basic English.”
Reported by Just Facts:
  • In 2009, the Pentagon estimated that 65% of 17- to 24-year-olds in the U.S. were unqualified for military service because of weak educational skills, poor physical fitness, illegal drug usage, medical conditions, or criminal records.
  • In January 2014, the commander of the U.S. Army Recruiting Command estimated this figure at 77.5%
  • And in June 2014, the Department of Defense estimated this figure at 71%.
The Astonishing Ignorance of Young Adults
Progressivism requires one to suspend all reality in favor of an ideology. Their entire ideology has been a spectacular failure world-wide and still they push for it. It has caused healthcare costs to skyrocket and caused the collapse of the middle-class:

Taxpayers are being squeezed financially in Obamacare’s tightening vice.

On one side, taxpayers already are funding Obamacare entitlements, notwithstanding President Barack Obama’s high-profile promise to spare middle-class Americans from new taxation. Liberals in Congress and elsewhere are seeking remedies, among them heavier taxpayer subsidies and bigger deficits, that will squeeze taxpayers even more.

On the other side, those whose income is too high to qualify for subsidies must pay for overly expensive Obamacare coverage without any assistance.

Obamacare’s Squeeze Play on Taxpayers
Here is progressives destroying the education system in the United States - which certainly plays a role in their other policies generating unemployment.
  • Less than 50% (of youngsters between 18 and 24 years of age polled by National Geographic and Roper Public Affairs) could identify New York and Ohio on a U.S. map
  • 60% could not find Iraq or Saudi Arabia on a map of the Middle East
  • 75% could not find Iran or Israel
  • 44% could not locate even one of those four countries.
According to a Philadelphia magazine article:
  • The percentage of college grads who can read and interpret a food label has fallen from 40% to 30%
  • They are 6x's likelier to know who won “American Idol” than they are to know the name of the speaker of the House
  • A high school teacher in California handed out an assignment that required students to use a ruler. Not a single student knew how
According to a study done by the American Institutes for Research:
  • Revealed over 75% of two-year college students and 50% of four-year college students were incapable of completing everyday tasks.
  • About 20% of four-year college students demonstrated only basic mathematical ability
  • While a steeper 30% of two-year college students could not progress past elementary arithmetic
NBC News reported:
  • Fortune 500 companies spend about $3 billion annually to train employees in “basic English.”
Reported by Just Facts:
  • In 2009, the Pentagon estimated that 65% of 17- to 24-year-olds in the U.S. were unqualified for military service because of weak educational skills, poor physical fitness, illegal drug usage, medical conditions, or criminal records.
  • In January 2014, the commander of the U.S. Army Recruiting Command estimated this figure at 77.5%
  • And in June 2014, the Department of Defense estimated this figure at 71%.
The Astonishing Ignorance of Young Adults
Now we know what Christian colleges in Red State are like. Thanks.
Here is progressives destroying the education system in the United States - which certainly plays a role in their other policies generating unemployment.
  • Less than 50% (of youngsters between 18 and 24 years of age polled by National Geographic and Roper Public Affairs) could identify New York and Ohio on a U.S. map
  • 60% could not find Iraq or Saudi Arabia on a map of the Middle East
  • 75% could not find Iran or Israel
  • 44% could not locate even one of those four countries.
According to a Philadelphia magazine article:
  • The percentage of college grads who can read and interpret a food label has fallen from 40% to 30%
  • They are 6x's likelier to know who won “American Idol” than they are to know the name of the speaker of the House
  • A high school teacher in California handed out an assignment that required students to use a ruler. Not a single student knew how
According to a study done by the American Institutes for Research:
  • Revealed over 75% of two-year college students and 50% of four-year college students were incapable of completing everyday tasks.
  • About 20% of four-year college students demonstrated only basic mathematical ability
  • While a steeper 30% of two-year college students could not progress past elementary arithmetic
NBC News reported:
  • Fortune 500 companies spend about $3 billion annually to train employees in “basic English.”
Reported by Just Facts:
  • In 2009, the Pentagon estimated that 65% of 17- to 24-year-olds in the U.S. were unqualified for military service because of weak educational skills, poor physical fitness, illegal drug usage, medical conditions, or criminal records.
  • In January 2014, the commander of the U.S. Army Recruiting Command estimated this figure at 77.5%
  • And in June 2014, the Department of Defense estimated this figure at 71%.
The Astonishing Ignorance of Young Adults
Now we know what Christian colleges in Red State are like. Thanks.
Bwahahahahaha!!! Nice desperate attempt at deflecting the monumental failure of the progressive education institutions.
Conservatives continue with a 100% accuracy rate on predicting the results of idiot progressive policies. We accurately predicted the results of Social Security. We accurately predicted the results of Welfare. We accurately predicted the results of Medicare. We accurately predicted the results of Medicaid. And we were scary accurate with our predictions of Obamacare.

You can now officially add "Fight for $15" to the list. Progressives are too stupid to understand basic economics and so ideological that they prefer no-wage jobs over low-wage jobs.

Thanks To 'Fight For $15' Minimum Wage, McDonald's Unveils Job-Replacing Self-Service Kiosks Nationwide
Remember when Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and the rest of the Dumbocrats egregiously lied to the American people and said that the Affordable Healthcare Act would drastically reduce healthcare costs for the American people? The left continues to destroy America in their quest for power and control.

Record-High Health Care Spending Hits $3.2 Trillion in 2015
I think a lot of aspects of Obama care are good. Some are definitely not good though, like the mandate. The government should not be able to force the people to buy any product and that is what they are doing, and they do it through dishonest means such as claiming it as a "tax."

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