Nothing screams Arab Spring failure like Islamists having a pool party at the US Embassy in Tripoli


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
I've been waiting to see what our glorious western leaders are going to have to say about the Arab Spring they crowed about so much just a few short years ago.

Remember all the chest thumping, strutting like banty roosters and crowing they did about how democracy was going to finally flourish in the Middle East?

Whoopsies! Video at link.

Libyan government warns it has lost all control as Islamist militias rampage across capital and Parliament demands new prime minister to establish order
  • Last month, MPs fled to the remote city of Tobruk after Tripoli was overrun
  • Libya is descending into anarchy as former rebels turn guns on each other
  • They want to set the political agenda and control Libya's vast oil reserves
  • All ministries, the state-oil National Oil Corp and central bank are in Tripoli

Libyan government warns it has lost all control as Islamist militias rampage across capital and Parliament demands new prime minister to establish order Mail Online


We don't control these people. We gave them their chance when we helped them with Gaddafi. If they choose to blow that chance, that is their choice. Gaddafi had American blood on his hands, and deserved what he got.
Ah Libya. One of about 5 wars conservatives would like for us to be involved in. Thank God they only have the house.
We don't control these people. We gave them their chance when we helped them with Gaddafi. If they choose to blow that chance, that is their choice. Gaddafi had American blood on his hands, and deserved what he got.

We removed Gaddafi from power and created a vacuum. Our leaders are fucking morons. Not only did we turn Libya over to Islamist jihadists in the grand sense, but we just gave them all of Gaddafi's weapons and the bonus round has included all of Libya's oil fields.

You know.. The largest reserve of oil in Africa. The fifth largest reserve of oil in the world.

And if we want to talk about leaders that deserve to be removed from power because they have blood on their hands I do believe we could come up with a very long list past and present.
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Ah Libya. One of about 5 wars conservatives would like for us to be involved in. Thank God they only have the house.

I haven't seen anyone screaming from either side of the aisle for more interference in Libya. If anything leaders from the west seem to wish to avoid the topic of Libya all together these days.

Maybe just maybe the assholes we have in power have figured out that they've done enough damage with their bullshit "Arab Spring".

One would hope so.
The RWnuts have conveniently forgotten that spreading democracy throughout the Middle East was one of the main items on their neocon grand scheme wishlist that was an underlying motivation/justification for the invasion of Iraq.

Well, you won. You got the 'Arab Spring' you were trying to incite. Enjoy it.
The RWnuts have conveniently forgotten that spreading democracy throughout the Middle East was one of the main items on their neocon grand scheme wishlist that was an underlying motivation/justification for the invasion of Iraq.

Well, you won. You got the 'Arab Spring' you were trying to incite. Enjoy it.

Oh bite me. Libya is all Obama's and Harper's and Cameron's and NATO.

:lol: They own this mess. Remember Hilary's famous words over Gaddafi's death?

Remember how his death hit Clinton's G SPOT? Hilary had a very public orgasm over it.

We came, We saw, He died.
Libya was and is a tribal country after Gaddafi was gone without a strong central force to try and bring these tribes together this was the likely outcome.
I can't believe the CIA didn't put some Ebola in the pool before they left. Man, have we gone soft or what?
The RWnuts have conveniently forgotten that spreading democracy throughout the Middle East was one of the main items on their neocon grand scheme wishlist that was an underlying motivation/justification for the invasion of Iraq.

Well, you won. You got the 'Arab Spring' you were trying to incite. Enjoy it.

Oh bite me. Libya is all Obama's and Harper's and Cameron's and NATO.

:lol: They own this mess. Remember Hilary's famous words over Gaddafi's death?

Remember how his death hit Clinton's G SPOT? Hilary had a very public orgasm over it.

We came, We saw, He died.

I remember the warmongering GOP'ers attacking the President for not doing enough in Libya.
The RWnuts have conveniently forgotten that spreading democracy throughout the Middle East was one of the main items on their neocon grand scheme wishlist that was an underlying motivation/justification for the invasion of Iraq.

Well, you won. You got the 'Arab Spring' you were trying to incite. Enjoy it.

Oh bite me. Libya is all Obama's and Harper's and Cameron's and NATO.

:lol: They own this mess. Remember Hilary's famous words over Gaddafi's death?

Remember how his death hit Clinton's G SPOT? Hilary had a very public orgasm over it.

We came, We saw, He died.

I remember the warmongering GOP'ers attacking the President for not doing enough in Libya.

Right he didnt Now we see the result
We had no business in Libya.

You don't remove a dictator then leave it to the islamonazis. Obama's Lybia, Obama's isis in Iraq, Obama's muslim brotherhood lead Egypt.... Thankfully the Egyptian military kicked their asses out, in spite of Obama siding with the brotherhood
We had no business in Libya.

You don't remove a dictator then leave it to the islamonazis. Obama's Lybia, Obama's isis in Iraq, Obama's muslim brotherhood lead Egypt.... Thankfully the Egyptian military kicked their asses out, in spite of Obama siding with the brotherhood

obama tried to turn Egypt over to terrorists. He betrayed Mubarak to install the muslim brotherhood. It was a good thing that the MB was kicked out. Not such a good thing that we lost Egypt as a friend and ally.
The RWnuts have conveniently forgotten that spreading democracy throughout the Middle East was one of the main items on their neocon grand scheme wishlist that was an underlying motivation/justification for the invasion of Iraq.

Well, you won. You got the 'Arab Spring' you were trying to incite. Enjoy it.

Oh bite me. Libya is all Obama's and Harper's and Cameron's and NATO.

:lol: They own this mess. Remember Hilary's famous words over Gaddafi's death?

Remember how his death hit Clinton's G SPOT? Hilary had a very public orgasm over it.

We came, We saw, He died.

I remember the warmongering GOP'ers attacking the President for not doing enough in Libya.

Alas, your memory is faulty. The House was quite angry with Obama's "go it alone without Congress" stance.

One more time, Obama owns this one too. He claimed it. He wanted it.

Well he's got a house party going on in your Embassy for all the millions spent on the air support to remove Gaddafi and give the oil reserves to Islamists who hate the Great Satan.

You tell me if you think you got your money's worth.

A leading think tank estimated the price-tag for patrolling Libyan air space at $30-100 million per week, while the Navy’s top budget official described Libyan air operations as falling within the “normal operating cycle” of his department. Rear Admiral Joseph Mulloy told trade publication Inside the Navy on March 21.

The Real Cost Of U.S. In Libya Two Billion Dollars Per Day. - Forbes

Barack Obama: US not in breach of law over role in Libyan conflict
US president rejects suggestion from John Boehner that formal approval of Congress was needed before taking military action

Barack Obama US not in breach of law over role in Libyan conflict World news The Guardian
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