Nothing to See Here, huh, Pelosi? Main Pleads Guilty To Mail-In Ballot Voter Fraud After Voting For Dead Mother 3 Times


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
In their minds, all opposition is illegitimate. So of course all of their corruption is a "myth"

These radicals are absolutely determined to win and seize power by ANY means necessary.
The Right is still looking for lawful Justice.....the Radical Left is after Blood and taking no prisoners.
Both Repubs and Dems have been caught cheating in both mail and in person voting. No one is saying there is no attempts to cheat but that it is a small amount.
In their minds, all opposition is illegitimate. So of course all of their corruption is a "myth"

These radicals are absolutely determined to win and seize power by ANY means necessary.
The Right is still looking for lawful Justice.....the Radical Left is after Blood and taking no prisoners.
Both Repubs and Dems have been caught cheating in both mail and in person voting. No one is saying there is no attempts to cheat but that it is a small amount.

Yeah right....
So does that mean they catch every drug runner that gets across the border?
In their minds, all opposition is illegitimate. So of course all of their corruption is a "myth"

These radicals are absolutely determined to win and seize power by ANY means necessary.
The Right is still looking for lawful Justice.....the Radical Left is after Blood and taking no prisoners.
Both Repubs and Dems have been caught cheating in both mail and in person voting. No one is saying there is no attempts to cheat but that it is a small amount.

Yeah right....
So does that mean they catch every drug runner that gets across the border?
This thread is not about drugs but one person who tried to vote and got caught when doing it illegally. Do you intend with doing away with voting all together or just what Trump ala messiah claims to be ok?
'Mail-in voter fraud is a myth'...says Democrats and snowflakes.....

We are talking about 'MASSIVE' fraud. A few cases out of millions/billions doesn't qualify. The number of mail-in voting violations are on par with violations with in person's RARE
In their minds, all opposition is illegitimate. So of course all of their corruption is a "myth"

These radicals are absolutely determined to win and seize power by ANY means necessary.
The Right is still looking for lawful Justice.....the Radical Left is after Blood and taking no prisoners.
Both Repubs and Dems have been caught cheating in both mail and in person voting. No one is saying there is no attempts to cheat but that it is a small amount.

Yeah right....
So does that mean they catch every drug runner that gets across the border?
This thread is not about drugs but one person who tried to vote and got caught when doing it illegally. Do you intend with doing away with voting all together or just what Trump ala messiah claims to be ok?
If they did it THREE TIMES that means twice they got away with it.

Multiply that exponentially and you get the concerns of PATRIOTS
In their minds, all opposition is illegitimate. So of course all of their corruption is a "myth"

These radicals are absolutely determined to win and seize power by ANY means necessary.
The Right is still looking for lawful Justice.....the Radical Left is after Blood and taking no prisoners.
Both Repubs and Dems have been caught cheating in both mail and in person voting. No one is saying there is no attempts to cheat but that it is a small amount.

Ummm, you silly people claimed there is none. Which of your lies should we believe?
In their minds, all opposition is illegitimate. So of course all of their corruption is a "myth"

These radicals are absolutely determined to win and seize power by ANY means necessary.
The Right is still looking for lawful Justice.....the Radical Left is after Blood and taking no prisoners.
Both Repubs and Dems have been caught cheating in both mail and in person voting. No one is saying there is no attempts to cheat but that it is a small amount.

Yeah right....
So does that mean they catch every drug runner that gets across the border?
This thread is not about drugs but one person who tried to vote and got caught when doing it illegally. Do you intend with doing away with voting all together or just what Trump ala messiah claims to be ok?
If they did it THREE TIMES that means twice they got away with it.

Multiply that exponentially and you get the concerns of PATRIOTS
He never got away with any of it. You can be a concerned patriot but being an ignorant patriot that is a Trump sycophant is not noble. Cheating occurs even with in person voting, nothing is perfect especially with humans involved which is why they have people to watch what goes on....
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He never got away with any of it.

...and up until not too long ago voter fraud was a 'myth', didn't exist.

The Democratic party rigged an entire election, protected a felon from indictment/jail so she could stay on the ballot, and colluded / worked with foreign ex-spies and Russians to acquire what they knew was propaganda which they knowingly, illegally used to commit FISA Court crimes, illegally spy on Trump and his team, try to win an election, and when that failed they used the propaganda in a failed coup attempt.

Democrats will go to ALL THAT criminal effort to steal an election....but they would never stoop to widespread voter fraud....?!

Do you f*ing hear yourself? You sound stark-raving mad, snowflake.
Both Repubs and Dems have been caught cheating in both mail and in person voting. No one is saying there is no attempts to cheat but that it is a small amount.

In your mind, the Rabid radical Left can do no in your mind this is what you believe.
Without a doubt, the Left is far more criminally oriented and dishonest than the right. BY A LONG SHOT.
This is provable by many metrics.
I think you just solidified my previous point nicely.
How does a singular event constitute a massive problem?

You are fishing again.

Put down the microscope, take the blinders off, and take a larger look around....or is it that you simply have the memory of a squirrel...and / or the naivety of a small child?!

'One time' / 'singular event'?

Mail-in voter scheme: More than half-million absentee ballots reportedly mailed to the wrong people in VA

28 MILLION BALLOTS MISSING....try arguing 'that isn't enough to affect an election'

We have seen the same 2 counties in elections spanning decades run by the same criminal democrats caught election after election committing election fraud - in the last election one woman had been caught every election for the previous 5 - 6 elections committing election fraud but still working as the Election monitor - she refused to turn over the actual ballots long after the election deadline was over.

Don't YOU choose to ignore what has and is still going on, pee on my leg, and then insist I believe you that it's 'raining'.

The propensity for voter fraud with mail-in ballots most experts say is more of a threat than voting in person, which is why most nations have given it up / outlawed it. mail-in ballot voting requires no ID / proof of identity, unlike absentee voting.

The last several elections have come down literally to a 'handful' of ballots - not millions. Allowing mail-in ballot voting may very well finally tip the scales for Democrats in Nov, allowing them to accomplish what they have not been able to accomplish through rigged primaries / elections and failed coup attempts - finally get back power.

One singular event?

Whatever that shit is you're smoking, put it down - it's rotting your brain.
In their minds, all opposition is illegitimate. So of course all of their corruption is a "myth"

These radicals are absolutely determined to win and seize power by ANY means necessary.
The Right is still looking for lawful Justice.....the Radical Left is after Blood and taking no prisoners.
Both Repubs and Dems have been caught cheating in both mail and in person voting. No one is saying there is no attempts to cheat but that it is a small amount.

Yeah right....
So does that mean they catch every drug runner that gets across the border?
This thread is not about drugs but one person who tried to vote and got caught when doing it illegally. Do you intend with doing away with voting all together or just what Trump ala messiah claims to be ok?

Thank you for admitting voter fraud's the only chance Democrats have of winning in November.
'Mail-in voter fraud is a myth'...says Democrats and snowflakes.....

That guy is an example of a sacrificial lamb to make us think the democrats are on top of it and will use examples like this to show it.

Classic trick.

The leftards will baaaah baaaah baaaah away as their marxist leaders laugh at the thought of eliminating them after their usefulness is over after they take power with their help of their stupidity.

'Mail-in voter fraud is a myth'...says Democrats and snowflakes.....

Gateway Pundit is a bunch of partisan right wing fringe hacks that have fucking idiots like you in their jaws.

From Brookings Institute:

Vote-by-mail stateTotal cases of voter fraud in Heritage sampleTotal cases of duplicate voting or absentee ballot fraud In Heritage sampleNumber of fraudulent votes attempted by mailTime period for collection of fraud casesYear vote-by-mail enactedNumber of general election votes cast over the same time period
Hawaii2001982– 201620196,908,429

Why the fuck don't you research shit before you repeat fake news from GP??????
'Mail-in voter fraud is a myth'...says Democrats and snowflakes.....

How does a singular event constitute a massive problem?

You are fishing again.
Voter fraud is like ants. When you find one in your house, there is like many more.

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