Nothing to See Here, huh, Pelosi? Main Pleads Guilty To Mail-In Ballot Voter Fraud After Voting For Dead Mother 3 Times

'Mail-in voter fraud is a myth'...says Democrats and snowflakes.....

Gateway Pundit is a bunch of partisan right wing fringe hacks that have fucking idiots like you in their jaws.

From Brookings Institute:

Vote-by-mail stateTotal cases of voter fraud in Heritage sampleTotal cases of duplicate voting or absentee ballot fraud In Heritage sampleNumber of fraudulent votes attempted by mailTime period for collection of fraud casesYear vote-by-mail enactedNumber of general election votes cast over the same time period
Hawaii2001982– 201620196,908,429

Why the fuck don't you research shit before you repeat fake news from GP??????
...asks the pan whose source is '' (thumbs go f* your

How does a singular event constitute a massive problem?

You are fishing again.

Put down the microscope, take the blinders off, and take a larger look around....or is it that you simply have the memory of a squirrel...and / or the naivety of a small child?!

'One time' / 'singular event'?

Mail-in voter scheme: More than half-million absentee ballots reportedly mailed to the wrong people in VA

28 MILLION BALLOTS MISSING....try arguing 'that isn't enough to affect an election'

We have seen the same 2 counties in elections spanning decades run by the same criminal democrats caught election after election committing election fraud - in the last election one woman had been caught every election for the previous 5 - 6 elections committing election fraud but still working as the Election monitor - she refused to turn over the actual ballots long after the election deadline was over.

Don't YOU choose to ignore what has and is still going on, pee on my leg, and then insist I believe you that it's 'raining'.

The propensity for voter fraud with mail-in ballots most experts say is more of a threat than voting in person, which is why most nations have given it up / outlawed it. mail-in ballot voting requires no ID / proof of identity, unlike absentee voting.

The last several elections have come down literally to a 'handful' of ballots - not millions. Allowing mail-in ballot voting may very well finally tip the scales for Democrats in Nov, allowing them to accomplish what they have not been able to accomplish through rigged primaries / elections and failed coup attempts - finally get back power.

One singular event?

Whatever that shit is you're smoking, put it down - it's rotting your brain.
put away your fishing expedition and understand -

i agree the problem exists. but you do nothing to tackle the ENTIRE problem when you send up a remote 1 off example of something you feel and claim is widespread.

now if you want to simply insult me and my intelligence then i'll move along and won't bother trying to explain what i mean. i am not insulting you when i say this but things like

you phrased it like this, not me. you expected everyone else to build onto an existing problem they never agreed WAS a problem.

also things like

well this only inspires WHAT THE FUCK are you talking about? the story was at best a bleed off of a point you never made but assumed everyone would jump along with you and put your own puzzle together for you.

the manner in which you build your arguments is quite telling on how seriously people will take your arguments. when you say every single thing on it's own is an example of a huge problem, you do your side of the debate disservice. no one will EVER agree a one off situation is the surface of a huge issue.

you need to prove these are not one offs. you need to show many more like you finally did here and couple them all together and some up with a much bigger number than a one off will ever get you on it's own. in the end you need something like

"and all of these 1 offs constitute 3% of our vote and we've seen xyz elections decided on less"

but no one is going to do all that legwork for you and without it, this is yet another one off and will never have the impact of a greater picture you can build if you stopped doing the one off panic attacks you like to drop and hope everyone else sees a bigger picture you never bothered to paint, but assumed they would already know and agree.

in the end, this is your cat, dude. i'm just trying to hold the tail out of the way for you but feel free to march on as you are. it seems to work so well for you and all. now feel free to let me know if you think i fail at seeing "big picture", m'kay?
'Mail-in voter fraud is a myth'...says Democrats and snowflakes.....

How does a singular event constitute a massive problem?

You are fishing again.
Voter fraud is like ants. When you find one in your house, there is like many more.
never said there wasn't.

said this post failed to illustrate that.
i agree the problem exists. but you do nothing to tackle the ENTIRE problem when you send up a remote 1 off example of something you feel and claim is widespread.

As I have demonstrated with just the examples and links I posted the problem is widespread, continuous, and is getting worse. You AGAIN call millions of missing ballots, thousands of ballots being sent to dead people, pets, the wrong address, etc... a 'singular event' / 'a remote 1-off example'. You claim to understand and agree then continue to argue 'nothing to see here'.

There is not enough time to post all of the articles, conviction records, etc.... to cover the past and what is going on eve now.

'Do my leg work for me'? WTF are you talking about? In the very short time I have been on today I have posted a significant amount, not to mention the history / fact / data I have collected and presented on this board in the past.

Don't attempt to dismiss based on 1 or 2 individual posts while ignoring entire body of work in an attempt to dismiss the problem as 'insignificant'...t makes you sound like a board snowflake.

Again, take off the microscope you seem to be wearing for glasses / the blinders, when you look at the issue, what I posted just today, and me. Do what you need to do to hold on to the delusion the Dems and snowflakes are pushing if you want. Again, just don't pee on y leg and try to tell me its raining, that 'there isn't enough evidence to prove significant voter fraud is happening.

Board snowflakes have gone from declaring 'there is no election fraud' to arguing 'there isn't ENOUGH election fraud to matter. As I pointed out, when elections are coming down to a 'handful' of ballots as they have been the definition of 'enough' gets smaller and smaller.
i agree the problem exists. but you do nothing to tackle the ENTIRE problem when you send up a remote 1 off example of something you feel and claim is widespread.

As I have demonstrated with just the examples and links I posted the problem is widespread, continuous, and is getting worse. You AGAIN call millions of missing ballots, thousands of ballots being sent to dead people, pets, the wrong address, etc... a 'singular event' / 'a remote 1-off example'. You claim to understand and agree then continue to argue 'nothing to see here'.

There is not enough time to post all of the articles, conviction records, etc.... to cover the past and what is going on eve now.

'Do my leg work for me'? WTF are you talking about? In the very short time I have been on today I have posted a significant amount, not to mention the history / fact / data I have collected and presented on this board in the past.

Don't attempt to dismiss based on 1 or 2 individual posts while ignoring entire body of work in an attempt to dismiss the problem as 'insignificant'...t makes you sound like a board snowflake.

Again, take off the microscope you seem to be wearing for glasses / the blinders, when you look at the issue, what I posted just today, and me. Do what you need to do to hold on to the delusion the Dems and snowflakes are pushing if you want. Again, just don't pee on y leg and try to tell me its raining, that 'there isn't enough evidence to prove significant voter fraud is happening.

Board snowflakes have gone from declaring 'there is no election fraud' to arguing 'there isn't ENOUGH election fraud to matter. As I pointed out, when elections are coming down to a 'handful' of ballots as they have been the definition of 'enough' gets smaller and smaller.
please show me where i discredited "millions".

all i have referenced is if you say THIS ONE TIME AT BAND CAMP is "one time". if you wish to illustrate the millions, you illustrate millions, not the one.

but like i said - your cat. have fun.
i agree the problem exists. but you do nothing to tackle the ENTIRE problem when you send up a remote 1 off example of something you feel and claim is widespread.

As I have demonstrated with just the examples and links I posted the problem is widespread, continuous, and is getting worse. You AGAIN call millions of missing ballots, thousands of ballots being sent to dead people, pets, the wrong address, etc... a 'singular event' / 'a remote 1-off example'. You claim to understand and agree then continue to argue 'nothing to see here'.

There is not enough time to post all of the articles, conviction records, etc.... to cover the past and what is going on eve now.

'Do my leg work for me'? WTF are you talking about? In the very short time I have been on today I have posted a significant amount, not to mention the history / fact / data I have collected and presented on this board in the past.

Don't attempt to dismiss based on 1 or 2 individual posts while ignoring entire body of work in an attempt to dismiss the problem as 'insignificant'...t makes you sound like a board snowflake.

Again, take off the microscope you seem to be wearing for glasses / the blinders, when you look at the issue, what I posted just today, and me. Do what you need to do to hold on to the delusion the Dems and snowflakes are pushing if you want. Again, just don't pee on y leg and try to tell me its raining, that 'there isn't enough evidence to prove significant voter fraud is happening.

Board snowflakes have gone from declaring 'there is no election fraud' to arguing 'there isn't ENOUGH election fraud to matter. As I pointed out, when elections are coming down to a 'handful' of ballots as they have been the definition of 'enough' gets smaller and smaller.
please show me where i discredited "millions".

all i have referenced is if you say THIS ONE TIME AT BAND CAMP is "one time". if you wish to illustrate the millions, you illustrate millions, not the one.

but like i said - your cat. have fun.
You obviously did not look at the links I gave you or read the information in them. Start there....have fun with that. Get back to me when you actually pay attention to all the information I post and try to respond to all of it instead of singling out one issue, setting your jaw, and sticking to it'

As I said, take the microscope you are wearing for glasses off. If you had done so when I 1st suggested you do so you would not have missed the 'millions' of ballots and other instances. If you look back at previous posts you will see many many more.
i agree the problem exists. but you do nothing to tackle the ENTIRE problem when you send up a remote 1 off example of something you feel and claim is widespread.

As I have demonstrated with just the examples and links I posted the problem is widespread, continuous, and is getting worse. You AGAIN call millions of missing ballots, thousands of ballots being sent to dead people, pets, the wrong address, etc... a 'singular event' / 'a remote 1-off example'. You claim to understand and agree then continue to argue 'nothing to see here'.

There is not enough time to post all of the articles, conviction records, etc.... to cover the past and what is going on eve now.

'Do my leg work for me'? WTF are you talking about? In the very short time I have been on today I have posted a significant amount, not to mention the history / fact / data I have collected and presented on this board in the past.

Don't attempt to dismiss based on 1 or 2 individual posts while ignoring entire body of work in an attempt to dismiss the problem as 'insignificant'...t makes you sound like a board snowflake.

Again, take off the microscope you seem to be wearing for glasses / the blinders, when you look at the issue, what I posted just today, and me. Do what you need to do to hold on to the delusion the Dems and snowflakes are pushing if you want. Again, just don't pee on y leg and try to tell me its raining, that 'there isn't enough evidence to prove significant voter fraud is happening.

Board snowflakes have gone from declaring 'there is no election fraud' to arguing 'there isn't ENOUGH election fraud to matter. As I pointed out, when elections are coming down to a 'handful' of ballots as they have been the definition of 'enough' gets smaller and smaller.
please show me where i discredited "millions".

all i have referenced is if you say THIS ONE TIME AT BAND CAMP is "one time". if you wish to illustrate the millions, you illustrate millions, not the one.

but like i said - your cat. have fun.
You obviously did not look at the links I gave you or read the information in them. Start there....have fun with that. Get back to me when you actually pay attention to all the information I post and try to respond to all of it instead of singling out one issue, setting your jaw, and sticking to it'

As I said, take the microscope you are wearing for glasses off. If you had done so when I 1st suggested you do so you would not have missed the 'millions' of ballots and other instances. If you look back at previous posts you will see many many more.
were those links in your original post or was your original post about 1 man voting for a dead mother?
were those links in your original post or was your original post about 1 man voting for a dead mother?

Now you are trying to justify your BS by declaring since those links were in follow-on discussions between us, which you ignored and continued to focus on the original post and not the follow-ons that debunked you 'attack' on me.

As I said, take the microscope off your face, take a look around, pay attention, keep wonder you are easily duped / misled.

In reality, I want no quarrel with you. You believe what you want, but don't try to misrepresent what I say or who I am.
were those links in your original post or was your original post about 1 man voting for a dead mother?

Now you are trying to justify your BS by declaring since those links were in follow-on discussions between us, which you ignored and continued to focus on the original post and not the follow-ons that debunked you 'attack' on me.

As I said, take the microscope off your face, take a look around, pay attention, keep wonder you are easily duped / misled.

In reality, I want no quarrel with you. You believe what you want, but don't try to misrepresent what I say or who I am.
now i said - FROM THE VERY FUCKING START - while this is a problem, citing a singular example is NOT a good way to do it and you'd be far better off showing how that single is a part of a whole. i was talking about your original post in my original reply - your added on data was never part of the conversation so stop trying to shove it in here now like you did it in the beginning.

then you added a lot more links OF WHICH should have been in the FIRST POST LIKE I SAID.

all i said was saying 1 man committed voter fraud doesn't = mass problem.

it doens't.

so yes you keep saying a lot of shit and assuming your audience agrees with your baseline stance so you can just add a post it note to your thought process vs. having to continue to effectively build a case.

now you're trying to justify your misunderstanding what i said by saying i'm full of shit even though you wound up agreeing with me once you figured out what the fuck i was talking about.

please don't ever bother to tell me i don't see the big pic again. i told you what the big pic was and it took you what, 6 posts to catch up?

your cat is lonely.
In their minds, all opposition is illegitimate. So of course all of their corruption is a "myth"

These radicals are absolutely determined to win and seize power by ANY means necessary.
The Right is still looking for lawful Justice.....the Radical Left is after Blood and taking no prisoners.
Both Repubs and Dems have been caught cheating in both mail and in person voting. No one is saying there is no attempts to cheat but that it is a small amount.

Or is it like with most crimes, only a small number are caught. And the commies in the house want to do away with the safeguards that help catch them, like signature verification, voter ID and want to allow ballot harvesting, which is illegal in most States. Can you explain why they would want to do that?

In their minds, all opposition is illegitimate. So of course all of their corruption is a "myth"

These radicals are absolutely determined to win and seize power by ANY means necessary.
The Right is still looking for lawful Justice.....the Radical Left is after Blood and taking no prisoners.
Both Repubs and Dems have been caught cheating in both mail and in person voting. No one is saying there is no attempts to cheat but that it is a small amount.

Yeah right....
So does that mean they catch every drug runner that gets across the border?
This thread is not about drugs but one person who tried to vote and got caught when doing it illegally. Do you intend with doing away with voting all together or just what Trump ala messiah claims to be ok?

Bullshit, he got away with it twice, he got caught the third time, which led to them finding the other two.

'Mail-in voter fraud is a myth'...says Democrats and snowflakes.....

Gateway Pundit is a bunch of partisan right wing fringe hacks that have fucking idiots like you in their jaws.

From Brookings Institute:

Vote-by-mail stateTotal cases of voter fraud in Heritage sampleTotal cases of duplicate voting or absentee ballot fraud In Heritage sampleNumber of fraudulent votes attempted by mailTime period for collection of fraud casesYear vote-by-mail enactedNumber of general election votes cast over the same time period
Hawaii2001982– 201620196,908,429

Why the fuck don't you research shit before you repeat fake news from GP??????

It's been proven that Al Franken was elected via fraud. On election night Coleman was ahead by 700 votes, after all the court battles, Franken was declared the winner by 300 votes. A watchdog group later proved 1200 ineligible felons voted for Franken, that's 4 times the margin of the stolen victory. If you don't think that's a big deal, Franken was the 60th senate vote that passed maobama care. So get off your cherry picking commie high horse, fraud has made some major differences in this country.


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