Nothing to see here, move along...

First off, I'd say I'm not your son, and it's damn good thing, because fathers don't do well with sons who are smarter than they are. I've stuffed your ass full of intellectual and common frickin sense...."Not all racism is bad Lartard...." What a big load of intellectualism you've laid at our feet. Your problem is the same as TGS, you frickin read something and somehow think it's true because you read it in a book or on the internet. You hear a negative story about something you already don't like and automatically pull a John Murtha and condemn them because you don't like them. You're the guy they kick out of the Jury because your biased.

Nice job at "withholding judgement" there, dumbass. Maybe if I went out and shot a bunch of innocents, you'd have more sympathy for me.

Notice the should have already researched sources before claiming what you have.

I don't need to "research sources". I actually read things in day to day life and gain knowledge that way. That doesn't mean I have a link to everything I've ever read to show morons like you who want to challenge basic facts.

ALso, if you make a frickin claim, it is your job to post sources and prove what you claim.

No, its really not. Sorry, but this is the internet. You want a fully cited research paper, go read journals. If you think I'm going to waste my time putting cites that nobody will read, you are even stupider than I previously thought.

I'm not going to hold you by the hand and lead you down a discussion so that you can get it right. I'm going to bust your balls until you post some sources. I could sit here all day and try to tell you that racism doesn't exist at all and claim that I've researched it....But then again, my opinion wouldn't be worth shit because I havn't posted any sources.

Except you did do that, and you never did post any sources. Whoops! Guess its another case of Brian demanding things of others that he doesn't do himself.

You needed to get it through your thick-skull and into your peanut brain that if you make a claim, post evidence and sources to back it up.

And you need to get it through your intellectually challenged mind that I am not going to change my writing style to match your moronic preferences.

Um...last I checked, Columbine wasn't in a warzone for one. Hmm...are you going to claim now that blackwater was behind that one too?

Are you really this fucking retarded? The point was about the term massacre. If you can't even realize that, then no wonder your having such trouble with other more complicated points.

Second, there wasn't 17 killed at some research that you claim you do.

I'm aware of that. There was LESS than 17 killed at Columbine, and it was still a massacre.

Get it now, dumbshit?

And for the record, 17 people is nothing compared to millions Saddam killed.

Umm, ok then. Nice non-sequiter there. And the millions Saddam killed is nothing compared to the tens of millions Hitler killed. Relevant? No, but I just thought I'd follow your version of stupidity for a bit.

get a life and get over the harsh realities of war

Wow, you are a little bitch, aren't you? The realities of war don't need to be that Americans rock up to a square and kill 17 innocent civilians without being provoked. Hence why we have rules and laws against such things.

In other words, GROW UP. Are you going to bitch and cry on the internet every time something bad if you are going to change it or magically bitch and cry it out of existence?

This happened a year ago, dumbass. People such as Gunny and RGS claimed it wasn't a massacre. That is what spurred this discussion.

And yes, I will "bitch" about atrocities. Don't like it? I don't really give a shit. Go occupy your time trying to convince people that racism doesn't exist some more, or some other similarly retarded view.
Larkinn quote
I don't need to "research sources". I actually read things in day to day life and gain knowledge that way. That doesn't mean I have a link to everything I've ever read to show morons like you who want to challenge basic facts.

and yet when anyone else posts stuff that has been IN the press and general knowledge for years but is older, you demand evidence in the hopes they can not find a link, when they refuse you claim they are lying.

No, its really not. Sorry, but this is the internet. You want a fully cited research paper, go read journals. If you think I'm going to waste my time putting cites that nobody will read, you are even stupider than I previously thought.

And yet you do exactly this, DEMANDING links and evidence and sources. I guess this is another of those Do as I say, not as I do moments?

And you need to get it through your intellectually challenged mind that I am not going to change my writing style to match your moronic preferences.

And yet you EXPECT others do JUST that for you. Go figure.

Wow, you are a little bitch, aren't you? The realities of war don't need to be that Americans rock up to a square and kill 17 innocent civilians without being provoked. Hence why we have rules and laws against such things.

Intellectually dishonest. You know they did not just open fire for shits and giggles, they believed they were going to be attacked and then after they stopped the first car they believed they were under fire. But do pretend otherwise.
Larkinn quote

and yet when anyone else posts stuff that has been IN the press and general knowledge for years but is older, you demand evidence in the hopes they can not find a link, when they refuse you claim they are lying.

No, that would be when YOU claim retarded things are true, when they aren't.

And yet you do exactly this, DEMANDING links and evidence and sources. I guess this is another of those Do as I say, not as I do moments?

Not at all. I EXACTLY said that if you ASK for sources I will provide them. But I'm not going to provide them in the original post.

And yet you EXPECT others do JUST that for you. Go figure.

No, I expect others to back up their evidence when challenged, as I would and do.

Intellectually dishonest. You know they did not just open fire for shits and giggles, they believed they were going to be attacked and then after they stopped the first car they believed they were under fire. But do pretend otherwise.

So the blackwater guard who pointed his gun at the others and threatened to kill them if they didn't stop killing civilians thought they were "under fire"?

Ok, then...
No, that would be when YOU claim retarded things are true, when they aren't.

Not at all. I EXACTLY said that if you ASK for sources I will provide them. But I'm not going to provide them in the original post.

No, I expect others to back up their evidence when challenged, as I would and do.

So the blackwater guard who pointed his gun at the others and threatened to kill them if they didn't stop killing civilians thought they were "under fire"?

Ok, then...

You are a deusch bag....You are the biggest hypocrite on this board. No wonder you a shitty debater. You expect everyone to believe you because you say so and have read in day to day life and amassed a knowledge bank of facts....:rolleyes: :cuckoo:

Dude, if you believe that everyone should just take your word for it that your right, you've got another thing coming. You can call me a bitch all you want, because I'm bitch slapping you all over the place. You've made numerous claims in this thread without supporting evidence (other than "your own knowledge") I have argued about your biased emotional opinions.
You are a deusch bag....You are the biggest hypocrite on this board. No wonder you a shitty debater. You expect everyone to believe you because you say so and have read in day to day life and amassed a knowledge bank of facts....:rolleyes: :cuckoo:

Dude, if you believe that everyone should just take your word for it that your right, you've got another thing coming. You can call me a bitch all you want, because I'm bitch slapping you all over the place. You've made numerous claims in this thread without supporting evidence (other than "your own knowledge") I have argued about your biased emotional opinions.

What I love is he claims all you have to do is ask him and he will provide sources and links and yet he REFUSES to do exactly that. Maybe we need to know the secret handshake and have the super secret Liberal decoder spy ring from a Cracker Jacks Box?
What I love is he claims all you have to do is ask him and he will provide sources and links and yet he REFUSES to do exactly that. Maybe we need to know the secret handshake and have the super secret Liberal decoder spy ring from a Cracker Jacks Box?

The secret code is obviously not "Dumbass" I've tried it numerous times to no avail....
True True... I actually voted for him. I'm from

Bad Brian!

You are a deusch bag....You are the biggest hypocrite on this board. No wonder you a shitty debater. You expect everyone to believe you because you say so and have read in day to day life and amassed a knowledge bank of facts....:rolleyes: :cuckoo:

For the 4th time now, or so.

If you want me to cite a source for something, ASK FOR IT.

Dude, if you believe that everyone should just take your word for it that your right, you've got another thing coming. You can call me a bitch all you want, because I'm bitch slapping you all over the place. You've made numerous claims in this thread without supporting evidence (other than "your own knowledge") I have argued about your biased emotional opinions.

And you've made numerous claims about racism with NO evidence. So you expect me to write a research paper, but when you post "facts", we should all just believe you, right?

And I call you a bitch, because your my bitch. Your even more pathetic than RGS.
What I love is he claims all you have to do is ask him and he will provide sources and links and yet he REFUSES to do exactly that. Maybe we need to know the secret handshake and have the super secret Liberal decoder spy ring from a Cracker Jacks Box?

Please quote where I have been asked to provide a source for something specific, and have failed to do so.

Once you can't, I expect your apology. Not that I'll ever get it, since you lie constantly. Ah well. If you weren't a lying piece of shit, it just wouldn't be you, now would it RGS?
Please quote where I have been asked to provide a source for something specific, and have failed to do so.

Once you can't, I expect your apology. Not that I'll ever get it, since you lie constantly. Ah well. If you weren't a lying piece of shit, it just wouldn't be you, now would it RGS?

Let me get this right? If I say I don't believe you and you failed to provide a source. I must post a separate time SPECIFICALLY asking you to cite a source, after I already, or in this case others already, ASK you to do so? Is that your defense?
For the 4th time now, or so.

If you want me to cite a source for something, ASK FOR IT.

And you've made numerous claims about racism with NO evidence. So you expect me to write a research paper, but when you post "facts", we should all just believe you, right?

And I call you a bitch, because your my bitch. Your even more pathetic than RGS.

It doesn't take research to dismantle your arguments fortunately enough for me. You do such a poor job of organizing your arguments that I can see right through them. I never claimed to have all of the knowledge of the Blackwater incident, and I never claimed that any of them were guilty or innocent. I did however (and correctly I might add) claim that you were passing judgement and setting your opinion on information that you don't know. You act as if you have every piece of information involved or that you were present at the time of the shooting. No matter how many reports you read from a war zone, there's always missing information....due to the chaotic environment. It's not my job to ask you for proof of your claims, it's your job to frickin post the evidence and make your case..... When you right a paper, you don't wait for your professor to grade your paper and then ask you for post the evidence when you post your opinion. I didn't have to do research to figure out that you were overly judging the situation based on a limited amount of information. I did do research just because and still came to the same conclusion...there is still stuff you don't know.

You talk about numerous governments claiming that it was Blackwaters fault, and that's fine I agree, I do believe Blackwater killed 17 civilians, do I believe that they just randomly killed them because they wanted to?? NO. THey were on a mission, things got crazy (and they do) and they made some wrong decisions that they will ultimately pay for in the end.

I do not however, agree with your message board policy of not posting evidence...

"I don't need to "research sources". I actually read things in day to day life and gain knowledge that way"
Let me get this right? If I say I don't believe you and you failed to provide a source. I must post a separate time SPECIFICALLY asking you to cite a source, after I already, or in this case others already, ASK you to do so? Is that your defense?

Let me get this right? If I say I don't believe you and you failed to provide a source. I must post a separate time SPECIFICALLY asking you to cite a source, after I already, or in this case others already, ASK you to do so? Is that your defense?

Where did I post a fact that you specifically said you didn't believe. Please, find it for me.
It doesn't take research to dismantle your arguments fortunately enough for me.

You weren't "dismantling" anything. You posted what was, to YOU, a fact. You said that racism isn't prevalent. Did you provide a cite for that? No. Hence, you are a hypocrite.

Don't demand of me what you are unwilling to do yourself.

You do such a poor job of organizing your arguments that I can see right through them.

No, you just have reading comprehension problems and think everything is a strawman. If I say Blackwater killed 17 civilians, you compare that to Saddam Hussein for reasons beyond comprehension.

I never claimed to have all of the knowledge of the Blackwater incident, and I never claimed that any of them were guilty or innocent.

Thats nice. I've repeatedly said I know that you never said whether they were guilty or innocent. However, you've defended them quite vigorously, and badly.

So, I ask again. You wanted evidence, yeah? Tell me what evidence I could give you that would prove to you that Blackwater negligently killed those civilians?

I did however (and correctly I might add) claim that you were passing judgement and setting your opinion on information that you don't know.

No, actually you were incorrect. I've done a great deal of reading on the issue (omg, the nerve of me!), and I know quite a bit about it.

You act as if you have every piece of information involved or that you were present at the time of the shooting.

No, I don't. However you don't need to be 100% certain to draw a reasonable conclusion. This is basic stuff, boy.

No matter how many reports you read from a war zone, there's always missing information....due to the chaotic environment.

Apologizing again, eh?

It's not my job to ask you for proof of your claims, it's your job to frickin post the evidence and make your case.....

I made my case, jackass. I posted facts. That you think facts only come from newspapers is retarded. If you don't believe me, ask for a source.

When you right a paper, you don't wait for your professor to grade your paper and then ask you for post the evidence when you post your opinion.

Boy, you aren't my professor. You are an idiot who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. Oh, and your a hypocrite. Still waiting for a cite about how racism isn't prevalent.

I didn't have to do research to figure out that you were overly judging the situation based on a limited amount of information. I did do research just because and still came to the same conclusion...there is still stuff you don't know.

Hey, and 4 different organizations did investigations and all came to the same conclusion I did. Guess your full of shit, as always.

You talk about numerous governments claiming that it was Blackwaters fault, and that's fine I agree, I do believe Blackwater killed 17 civilians, do I believe that they just randomly killed them because they wanted to?? NO. THey were on a mission, things got crazy (and they do) and they made some wrong decisions that they will ultimately pay for in the end.

Please quote where I said they randomly killed them because they wanted to. You have this annoying habit of making shit up and then ascribing it to me.

I do not however, agree with your message board policy of not posting evidence...

Sure you do. You rarely post evidence. You just want everyone else to follow a policy you refuse to do yourself.

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