Nothing To See Here


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Hillary creates / initiates Russian Collusion Hoax
- 'Nothing To See Here'

CIA Director Brennan briefed Obama, Biden, Rice, Lynch, Clapper, Comey, & more on Hillary Hoax
- 'Nothing To See Here'

Obama uses known Hillary Hoax to initiaye a failed coup against Trump

- 'Nothing To See Here'

FBI Director Comey ipens Crossfire Hurricane investigation of Trump despite knowing there is Norhing to the Hillary Hoax
- 'Nothing To See Here'

The FBI violated the Constitution, defrauded the FISA Court, has violated the Patriot Act admittedly hundreds of thousands of times to legally spy on a President & US citizens, and they are STILL DOING IT.
- 'Nothing To See Here'

Democrats, led by Nancy Pelosi, conducted multiple criminal Impeachments based on the Hillary hoax and lies - zero crimes, zero evidence, and zero witnesses.
- 'Nothing To See Here'

Democrats D-Schiff and D-Swalwell were caught illegally altering and manufacturing false evidence IOT overthrow the US govt by trying to illegally remove a sitting President from office.
- 'Nothing To See Here'

Hillary Clinton stole thousands of pages of TS/SCI classified material - after signing a documrntvstating she would not, led, illegally stored / transmitted / received / attempted to destroy classified information, devices, and her harddrive, legitimately committed Espionage according to FBI Dircctor Comey,and was protected from prosecution.
- 'Nothing To See Here'

Joe Biden stole highly classifoed documents dating back to.his time as US Senator in 1974, cannot account for their whereabouts for long periods, stored highly classified documents in at least 5 unauthorized, unsecured, unprotected locations, to include an offive paId for and provided to him by the CCP.
- 'Nothing To See Here'

Evidence of crimes committed by Joe Biden and his family include:

- Stolen classified documents

- Joe's own verbal defense for illegally having highly classified and where they were found

- Hunter Biden's Laptop

- Biden family e-mails

- Biden financial documentation / Criminal Account Activity alerts and records provided by the Dept of the Treasury / IRS / 12 banks

- 20 criminal shell companies / LLCs created by the Bidens used to launder millions of dollars from Burisma / the CCP / Russia / Romania / Ukraine and other entities

- FBI documents proving Biden took a bribe

- Testimony from the Burisma rep who gave Biden the Bribe & 15 audiotapes he recorded for insurance

- Whistleblowers
--- FBI
--- DOJ
--- IRS
--- State Dept Reps
--- Burisma (Hunter's partnets/ Bribe payer)
--- Immigration (Re Biden child / sex trafficking)

-'Nothing To See Here'

Trump's current prosecutor's donations to Joe Biden
- 'Nothing To See Here'

2 State Democrat prosecutors who have indicted Trump on BS cases ran their entire campaigns on the promise to arrest Donald Trump and his family before ever seeing any criminal evidence against Trump.
- 'Nothing To See Here'

The DOJ's federal prosecutor in charge if tbe classified documents case against Trump gave a speech several nights ago. The last thing he said was that the US has 1 justice system in this country and rveryonecis equally accountable.

With his last words US AG Garland's pitical assassin proved he is a liar and this is all about tbe Socialist Democrats and a corrupt, criminal, compromised traitor using the power of the federal govt to eliminiate a political threat / rival.

This is the 4th time now Democrats have used the DOJ & FBI to interfere in US elections for the benefit of Democrats.

'Nothing To See Here'

Last edited:
Senator Diane Feinstein was caught harmoribg a CCP spy in her inner circle for decades while becoming wealthy / millionaires due to their Chinese connections.

Nothing To See Here

D-Feinstein caught and 4xposed CIA Director Brennan illegally spying on Congress. Instead of being indicted Brennan was allowed to avoid this by appearing before Congress, admitting what he had done, and 'promise' not to do so ever again.

Nothing To See Here
Senator Diane Feinstein was caught harmoribg a CCP spy in her inner circle for decades while becoming wealthy / millionaires due to their Chinese connections.

Nothing To See Here

D-Feinstein caught and 4xposed CIA Director Brennan illegally spying on Congress. Instead of being indicted Brennan was allowed to avoid this by appearing before Congress, admitting what he had done, and 'promise' not to do so ever again.

Nothing To See Here

All true, but it started way before that. JFK was perhaps the first time, the ones before him aren't documented enough to make accusations (like did Nimitz know the Japanese were going to attack Pearl Harbor and conceal that info).

Senator Diane Feinstein was caught harmoribg a CCP spy in her inner circle for decades while becoming wealthy / millionaires due to their Chinese connections.

Nothing To See Here

D-Feinstein caught and 4xposed CIA Director Brennan illegally spying on Congress. Instead of being indicted Brennan was allowed to avoid this by appearing before Congress, admitting what he had done, and 'promise' not to do so ever again.

Nothing To See Here

Feinstein is a top 10 all time traitor for sure, was a stalwart W supporter...
Hillary creates / initiates Russian Collusion Hoax
- 'Nothing To See Here'

COA SirectorBrennan briefed Obama, Biden, Rice, Lynch, Clapper, Comey, & more on Hillary Hoax
- 'Nothing To See Here'

Obama uses known Hillary Hoax to initiaye a failed coup against Trump

- 'Nothing To See Here'

FBI Director Comey ipens Crossfire Hurricane investigation of Trump despite knowing there is Norhing to the Hillary Hoax
- 'Nothing To See Here'

The FBI violated the Constitution, defrauded the FISA Court, has violated the Patriot Act admittedly hundreds of thousands of times to legally spy on a President & US citizens, and they are STILL DOING IT.
- 'Nothing To See Here'

Democrats, led by Nancy Pelosi, conducted multiple criminal Impeachments based on the Hillary hoax and lies - zero crimes, zero evidence, and zero witnesses.
- 'Nothing To See Here'

Democrats D-Schiff and D-Swalwell were caught illegally altering and manufacturing false evidence IOT overthrow the US govt by trying to illegally remove a sitting President from office.
- 'Nothing To See Here'

Hillary Clinton stole thousands of pages of TS/SCI classified material - after signing a documrntvstating she would not, led, illegally stored / transmitted / received / attempted to destroy classified information, devices, and her harddrive, legitimately committed Espionage according to FBI Dircctor Comey,and was protected from prosecution.
- 'Nothing To See Here'

Joe Biden stole highly classifoed documents dating back to.his time as US Senator in 1974, cannot account for their whereabouts for long periods, stored highly classified documents in at least 5 unauthorized, unsecured, unprotected locations, to include an offive paId for and provided to him by the CCP.
- 'Nothing To See Here'

Evidence of crimes committed by Joe Biden and his family include:

- Stolen classified documents

- Joe's own verbal defense for illegally having highly classified and where they were found

- Hunter Biden's Laptop

- Biden family e-mails

- Biden financial documentation / Criminal Account Activity alerts and records provided by the Dept of the Treasury / IRS / 12 banks

- 20 criminal shell companies / LLCs created by the Bidens used to launder millions of dollars from Burisma / the CCP / Russia / Romania / Ukraine and other entities

- FBI documents proving Biden took a bribe

- Testimony from the Burisma rep who gave Biden the Bribe & 15 audiotapes he recorded for insurance

- Whistleblowers
--- FBI
--- DOJ
--- IRS
--- State Dept Reps
--- Burisma (Hunter's partnets/ Bribe payer)
--- Immigration (Re Biden child / sex trafficking)

-'Nothing To See Here'

Trump's current prosecutor's donations to Joe Biden
- 'Nothing To See Here'

2 State Democrat prosecutors who have indicted Trump on BS cases ran their entire campaigns on the promise to arrest Donald Trump and his family before ever seeing any criminal evidence against Trump.
- 'Nothing To See Here'

The DOJ's federal prosecutor in charge if tbe classified documents case against Trump gave a speech several nights ago. The last thing he said was that the US has 1 justice system in this country and rveryonecis equally accountable.

With his last words US AG Garland's pitical assassin proved he is a liar and this is all about tbe Socialist Democrats and a corrupt, criminal, compromised traitor using the power of the federal govt to eliminiate a political threat / rival.

This is the 4th time now Democrats have used the DOJ & FBI to interfere in US elections for the benefit of Democrats.

'Nothing To See Here'

Keep trying. You might get there. :auiqs.jpg:
Something will stick.

Meanwhile, back in reality.....:)
The criminally partisan DOJ & FBI have been 'slow-walking' (ignoring) the numerous Biden family criminal scandals and all the evidence of them for 5 YEARS...

...but Garland's federal prosecutor handling Trump's case asked the judge if the trial could start immediately / ASAP ... because Democrats want to get this case over with before the 2024 election.

Nothing To See Here

(With all of the pre-trial motions and expected proceedings it will be almost i.possible.)
for 5 YEARS...

It is a lot longer than that.

It dates back to the 1980s.

It includes showing up on lists of who profiteered off 911 with insider info.

Then of course there was this jewel of truth that got loose...

Three, give the go-ahead for U.S.-based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel in order for the current vice president to take his place, and forcefully dictate that the United States' policy includes its helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies.

And remember, he's Catholic, he's Catholic, and that's why the Atlanta Jewish Times trusted him to be a Zionist Fascist Traitor involved with Presidential assassination cover up and hate hoaxing a war against Iran with it....

Traitor Joe is Jewish
Sect of State Blinken, formerly Biden's campaign manager, criminally engaged in ELECTION INTERFERENCE when he authored a bogus letter falsely claiming the contents of Hunter Biden's Laptop was 'Russian Disinformation' then had 50 top Intel Experts who wanted Biden to win sign the letter

Nothing To See Here.

Biden's Energy Secretary admitted she committed perjury during her Confirmation hearing.

Nothing To See Here.

Biden's WH Press Secretary violated the Hatch Act prior to the 2022 midterm elrctions.

Nothing To See Here.

Hillary creates / initiates Russian Collusion Hoax
- 'Nothing To See Here'

COA SirectorBrennan briefed Obama, Biden, Rice, Lynch, Clapper, Comey, & more on Hillary Hoax
- 'Nothing To See Here'

Obama uses known Hillary Hoax to initiaye a failed coup against Trump

- 'Nothing To See Here'

FBI Director Comey ipens Crossfire Hurricane investigation of Trump despite knowing there is Norhing to the Hillary Hoax

- 'Nothing To See Here'

The FBI violated the Constitution, defrauded the FISA Court, has violated the Patriot Act admittedly hundreds of thousands of times to legally spy on a President & US citizens, and they are STILL DOING IT.

- 'Nothing To See Here'

Democrats, led by Nancy Pelosi, conducted multiple criminal Impeachments based on the Hillary hoax and lies - zero crimes, zero evidence, and zero witnesses.

- 'Nothing To See Here'

Democrats D-Schiff and D-Swalwell were caught illegally altering and manufacturing false evidence IOT overthrow the US govt by trying to illegally remove a sitting President from office.

- 'Nothing To See Here'

Hillary Clinton stole thousands of pages of TS/SCI classified material - after signing a documrntvstating she would not, led, illegally stored / transmitted / received / attempted to destroy classified information, devices, and her harddrive, legitimately committed Espionage according to FBI Dircctor Comey,and was protected from prosecution.

- 'Nothing To See Here'

Joe Biden stole highly classifoed documents dating back to.his time as US Senator in 1974, cannot account for their whereabouts for long periods, stored highly classified documents in at least 5 unauthorized, unsecured, unprotected locations, to include an offive paId for and provided to him by the CCP.

- 'Nothing To See Here'

Evidence of crimes committed by Joe Biden and his family include:

- Stolen classified documents

- Joe's own verbal defense for illegally having highly classified and where they were found

- Hunter Biden's Laptop

- Biden family e-mails

- Biden financial documentation / Criminal Account Activity alerts and records provided by the Dept of the Treasury / IRS / 12 banks

- 20 criminal shell companies / LLCs created by the Bidens used to launder millions of dollars from Burisma / the CCP / Russia / Romania / Ukraine and other entities

- FBI documents proving Biden took a bribe

- Testimony from the Burisma rep who gave Biden the Bribe & 15 audiotapes he recorded for insurance

- Whistleblowers
--- FBI
--- DOJ
--- IRS
--- State Dept Reps
--- Burisma (Hunter's partnets/ Bribe payer)
--- Immigration (Re Biden child / sex trafficking)

-'Nothing To See Here'

Trump's current prosecutor's donations to Joe Biden
- 'Nothing To See Here'

2 State Democrat prosecutors who have indicted Trump on BS cases ran their entire campaigns on the promise to arrest Donald Trump and his family before ever seeing any criminal evidence against Trump.
- 'Nothing To See Here'

The DOJ's federal prosecutor in charge if tbe classified documents case against Trump gave a speech several nights ago. The last thing he said was that the US has 1 justice system in this country and rveryonecis equally accountable.

With his last words US AG Garland's pitical assassin proved he is a liar and this is all about tbe Socialist Democrats and a corrupt, criminal, compromised traitor using the power of the federal govt to eliminiate a political threat / rival.

This is the 4th time now Democrats have used the DOJ & FBI to interfere in US elections for the benefit of Democrats.

'Nothing To See Here'

We know.
Democrats are not subject to penalties for breaking US law.
What are decent Americans going to do about it?
Democrats are not

As long as this is defined by party, truth is lost.

This is Zionist Fascism and it includes

Faux "news"
Chris Wray
Jeff Sessions

Failing to accurately identify the problem leads to NON SOLUTIONS
COA SirectorBrennan


ipens Norhing

- 'Nothing To See Here'

documrntvstating harddrive, Dircctor classifoed to.his offive paId
Dude. How many times do I need to tell you to put down the crack pipe?

You're giving Hunter Biden a run for his money!
I must admit, it sure is fascinating to see all the hoaxes crammed into these tards' heads in just the past six months all in one place!
Biden disrespects the US Flag, has trangenders flashing fake boobs at the Capitol, and claims a transgender he/she flashing IT's boobs at the Capitol is the bravest person / act of bravery he has ever seen.


Nothing To See Here.
Hillary creates / initiates Russian Collusion Hoax
- 'Nothing To See Here'

CIA Director Brennan briefed Obama, Biden, Rice, Lynch, Clapper, Comey, & more on Hillary Hoax
- 'Nothing To See Here'

Obama uses known Hillary Hoax to initiaye a failed coup against Trump

- 'Nothing To See Here'

FBI Director Comey ipens Crossfire Hurricane investigation of Trump despite knowing there is Norhing to the Hillary Hoax
- 'Nothing To See Here'

The FBI violated the Constitution, defrauded the FISA Court, has violated the Patriot Act admittedly hundreds of thousands of times to legally spy on a President & US citizens, and they are STILL DOING IT.
- 'Nothing To See Here'

Democrats, led by Nancy Pelosi, conducted multiple criminal Impeachments based on the Hillary hoax and lies - zero crimes, zero evidence, and zero witnesses.
- 'Nothing To See Here'

Democrats D-Schiff and D-Swalwell were caught illegally altering and manufacturing false evidence IOT overthrow the US govt by trying to illegally remove a sitting President from office.
- 'Nothing To See Here'

Hillary Clinton stole thousands of pages of TS/SCI classified material - after signing a documrntvstating she would not, led, illegally stored / transmitted / received / attempted to destroy classified information, devices, and her harddrive, legitimately committed Espionage according to FBI Dircctor Comey,and was protected from prosecution.
- 'Nothing To See Here'

Joe Biden stole highly classifoed documents dating back to.his time as US Senator in 1974, cannot account for their whereabouts for long periods, stored highly classified documents in at least 5 unauthorized, unsecured, unprotected locations, to include an offive paId for and provided to him by the CCP.
- 'Nothing To See Here'

Evidence of crimes committed by Joe Biden and his family include:

- Stolen classified documents

- Joe's own verbal defense for illegally having highly classified and where they were found

- Hunter Biden's Laptop

- Biden family e-mails

- Biden financial documentation / Criminal Account Activity alerts and records provided by the Dept of the Treasury / IRS / 12 banks

- 20 criminal shell companies / LLCs created by the Bidens used to launder millions of dollars from Burisma / the CCP / Russia / Romania / Ukraine and other entities

- FBI documents proving Biden took a bribe

- Testimony from the Burisma rep who gave Biden the Bribe & 15 audiotapes he recorded for insurance

- Whistleblowers
--- FBI
--- DOJ
--- IRS
--- State Dept Reps
--- Burisma (Hunter's partnets/ Bribe payer)
--- Immigration (Re Biden child / sex trafficking)

-'Nothing To See Here'

Trump's current prosecutor's donations to Joe Biden
- 'Nothing To See Here'

2 State Democrat prosecutors who have indicted Trump on BS cases ran their entire campaigns on the promise to arrest Donald Trump and his family before ever seeing any criminal evidence against Trump.
- 'Nothing To See Here'

The DOJ's federal prosecutor in charge if tbe classified documents case against Trump gave a speech several nights ago. The last thing he said was that the US has 1 justice system in this country and rveryonecis equally accountable.

With his last words US AG Garland's pitical assassin proved he is a liar and this is all about tbe Socialist Democrats and a corrupt, criminal, compromised traitor using the power of the federal govt to eliminiate a political threat / rival.

This is the 4th time now Democrats have used the DOJ & FBI to interfere in US elections for the benefit of Democrats.

'Nothing To See Here'

Durham didn’t say Hillary initiated anything.
Yeah, the country has really started to go downhill now that someone has flashed their tits.

Oh, wait...

Durham didn’t say Hillary initiated anything.

Oh, stop.

Durham stated Russian Collusiom was a hoax initiated by Trump's political opposition.

Gee, who the f* could that be?!

Tbe FBI (Baker) is on record statibg when Hillary's lawyer cane to them with tbe Dossier they already knew it was ftom Hillary because Brennan had alreafy briefed Comey (Obsma, Biden, Rice, etc...) on the Hillary Hoax.

Enough of the bullshit and proy4cying of Hillary Clinton. This has been debunked ,exposed, proven...

Go troll someone else / go spread your bullshit somewhere else.
Oh, stop.

Durham stated Russian Collusiom was a hoax initiated by Trump's political opposition.

Gee, who the f* could that be?!

Tbe FBI (Baker) is on record statibg when Hillary's lawyer cane to them with tbe Dossier they already knew it was ftom Hillary because Brennan had alreafy briefed Comey (Obsma, Biden, Rice, etc...) on the Hillary Hoax.

Enough of the bullshit and proy4cying of Hillary Clinton. This has been debunked ,exposed, proven...

Go troll someone else / go spread your bullshit somewhere else.

These cultists really do have their heads so far up their ass that they literally know nothing about reality.

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