Notice that the story of the 10 year old rape victim suddenly went silent?

There are Democrat doctors who run labs where they develop trans meds in secret. Word on the street is these labs look like a cross between a children's hospital and a nazi death camp. Many unaccompanied minors go in, few if any ever come out.
It is hard to tell what goes on in those places.

And no one cares. When Gosnell was caught abusing black women abut treating white women well for some 30 plus years, and a trail of dead bodies behind him, not a word from the NAACP or the media.

Imagine, America's #1 mass murderer who was a racist and the media says nothing.
There are Democrat doctors who run labs where they develop trans meds in secret. Word on the street is these labs look like a cross between a children's hospital and a nazi death camp. Many unaccompanied minors go in, few if any ever come out.
You need to have your meds adjusted

That is because the story went from bad to worse.

If they had gone to an Ohio abortion doctor, the crime was never reported. And the only reason the doctor in Indiana reported it, was to give it to the media as fuel to anger people about Roe vs. Wade being overturned, which also broke HIPPA laws by doing so.

The mother seemingly is also an illegal alien who has had run ins with the law but not made to deport, then hooks up with another illegal alien that impregnates her and then her 10 year old daughter. And even though the guy she is living with admitted to raping her child, she is sticking by him and says it's all lies and is going to have his child, I guess so he can rape her as well.

The sad truth here, is, had it not been for Roe vs Wade being overturned, this little girl probably would have been taken to get an abortion every time her boyfriend impregnated her, and with no consequences for either of them.

Yep…..the old activists knew to pick the right cases to push……like the bus boycott…..they had a pregnant teenager but went with the older woman…..Rosa Parks……better optics….this baby killer was so eager to get out the story and she thought she wouldn’t have to actually release details……since the democrat party controlled press would just go along…..but when conservatives called out the story, and the democrat press wanted a gotcha moment….the truth accidentally came out…….
Something the media refuses to say, much like they refuse to say that the molester was an illegal alien.

At best, they called him an undocumented worker, but most media outlets I have seen make no mention of it.

The Left is now pissed that this man will have to go to jail, but because they tried to use this story for their own political objectives, it blew up in their faces and they will simply have to live with the consequences.

It was funny….the democrats wanted to make fun of the conservatives for saying the story didn’t happen….then it blew up when the story was even worse for the democrats….
It was funny….the democrats wanted to make fun of the conservatives for saying the story didn’t happen….then it blew up when the story was even worse for the democrats….
Ummm no. Not even
Wrong dipshit…how many times do you idiots have to be told…..there is an exception for the life of the mother and her age qualified her under Ohio law, you dumb ass…..
Nope. There is no exception for age

That is because the story went from bad to worse.

If they had gone to an Ohio abortion doctor, the crime was never reported. And the only reason the doctor in Indiana reported it, was to give it to the media as fuel to anger people about Roe vs. Wade being overturned, which also broke HIPPA laws by doing so.

The mother seemingly is also an illegal alien who has had run ins with the law but not made to deport, then hooks up with another illegal alien that impregnates her and then her 10 year old daughter. And even though the guy she is living with admitted to raping her child, she is sticking by him and says it's all lies and is going to have his child, I guess so he can rape her as well.

The sad truth here, is, had it not been for Roe vs Wade being overturned, this little girl probably would have been taken to get an abortion every time her boyfriend impregnated her, and with no consequences for either of them.
God you are a pathetic piece of shit you know that? 10 year old girls don’t have boyfriends with grown men you idiot. Even if they did, they are fucking 10. Why are you even talking about who her mother is? Why would that matter whatsoever? Could you be any more dumb than you actually are?
Life of the mother you nitwit………..she is 10 and the pregnancy could kill her so she has the exception… idiot.
Nope. They could slit her open and remove the baby.

No exception
Are you drunk? Off your meds? It has been stated all over that she was covered by the exception in the various news stories, you dope….
Bullshit. There is nothing in the Ohio law that does that
REPUBLICANS are trying to distance themselves from this mess.

Thanks for bringing it up

People need to realize the effect of over turning Roe
What was that effect? Allowing states to pass legislation regarding abortion without federal interference?

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