Notice To The Citizens Of Free Palestine

Originally posted by flacaltenn
Just thinking about your lack of confidence in my desire to understand the Pali wants and needs

This is what I'm trying to make you see. You totally misunderstand Palestinians wants and needs, their national aspirations, what Hossfly call "palestinian mentality"...

No matter how much lip service the Palestinian people pay to the two state solution, the fact of the matter is that they will never accept the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

They will never accept the forced Judaification of their homeland at their expense.

And the most ironic thing of all is that it is not José, the anti-zionist poster, who's telling you that... it is one of Israel's most famous mouthpieces, the Jewish Virtual Library.

If you don't want to believe what I'm saying, that's fine, but at least believe this strongly pro-Jew, pro-Israel website:

With regards to refugees, please indicate which of the following options you consider to be essential, desirable, acceptable, tolerable or unacceptable as part of a peace agreement? (AWRAD, August 2010)

Right of return and compensation

Essential 87.5%

Desirable 8.0%

Acceptable 1.9%

Tolerable 1.6%

Unacceptable 1.1%

Palestinian Views on Refugees Settlements and other Controversial Issues Jewish Virtual Library
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Yes, you read it right, flacaltenn.

Your eyes are not playing a trick on you.

The Jewish Virtual Library, a site that is more zionist than Ben Gurion himself, is freely admiting that virtually the entire palestinian society rejects any compromise on the right to live in Western Palestine.

And you can see and feel the veracity of this poll if you ever visit the West Bank and Gaza or any expatriate palestinian community around the world.

From the luxury apartments in New York City to the poorest palestinian refugee camp in Egypt.

From 90 year old palestinians who still remember their daily lives in their towns and vilages in Western Palestine to 10 year old palestinian children who can give detailed descriptions of those villages their parents and grandparents were forced to leave.

It's virtually impossible to find a single palestinian willing to accept the ethnic cleasing of Palestine.

Call it "palestinian mentality" like Hossfly, call the arabs "greedy", give all the pro-Israel spin you want but do not reject this reality that's in front of your eyes.

That's why I said "after having read at least 30 of your posts I have to tell you that your knowledge of the palestinian society leaves much to be desired".
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I never thought I'd live long enough to see this day.

Docmauser actually saying something worthwhile.

Docmauser actually making a valuable contribution to our board. :biggrin:

Originally posted by docmauser
Won't happen. The palistanian educational system has been working overtime fulfilling Lenin's words "Give us the child for 8 years and it will be a Bolshevik forever."

He's giving a strong pro-Israel spin but at least he's not living in denial, rejecting a reality that's in of his eyes:

The fact that the palestinian society almost unanimously reject the ethnic cleasing of their homeland.

Your attempt to create an islamic boogeyman to scare palestinians into Israel's arms denounces your lack to knowledge of the palestinian society..
Its actually the other way around, Israel is like heaven for them, far better socioeconomically ground for non-citizens/illegal aliens, additionally Israel simply treat them better so illegal aliens keep trying again and again just to get into jail or get some work in the meantime, suing later the police or anyone else and scratching some extra cash or just running theft gangs, Israel is just being demonize to aliens like you, but in the end they all back to us because they don't even have other options. :laugh:

Here is just can Google the rest.
Israelis Develop Business for Peace Projects with Palestinians - Al-Monitor the Pulse of the Middle East
Originally posted by flacaltenn
Just thinking about your lack of confidence in my desire to understand the Pali wants and needs

This is what I'm trying to make you see. You totally misunderstand Palestinians wants and needs, their national aspirations, what Hossfly call "palestinian mentality"...

No matter how much lip service the Palestinian people pay to the two state solution, the fact of the matter is that they will never accept the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

They will never accept the forced Judaification of their homeland at their expense.

And the most ironic thing of all is that it is not José, the anti-zionist poster, who's telling you that... it is one of Israel's most famous mouthpieces, the Jewish Virtual Library.

If you don't want to believe what I'm saying, that's fine, but at least believe this strongly pro-Jew, pro-Israel website:

With regards to refugees, please indicate which of the following options you consider to be essential, desirable, acceptable, tolerable or unacceptable as part of a peace agreement? (AWRAD, August 2010)

Right of return and compensation

Essential 87.5%

Desirable 8.0%

Acceptable 1.9%

Tolerable 1.6%

Unacceptable 1.1%

Palestinian Views on Refugees Settlements and other Controversial Issues Jewish Virtual Library

Gee whiz Jose -- I'm beginning to doubt seriously whether you have the superior sense of "what Palis want". You cite a SINGLE question, from a SINGLE moldy ole poll that exists in SOME Jewish Library and 13,597 OTHER libraries around the globe and think you are annointed. Did ya READ the other questions?

Do you accept the creation of a Palestinian state on the area of the 1967 borders as a final solution for the Palestinian problem? (An-Najah, September 2010)

No opinion/Don't know

Return to Palestine (West Bank/Gaza) within agreed borders
11.4% Essential
15.5% Desirable
17.8% Acceptable
19.3% Tolerable --------------- 64% tolerable or better..

Do you accept the creation of a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders with some land exchange as a final solution for the Palestinian problem? (An-Najah, September 2010)

No opinion/Don't know

So what about the very vague "right of return" question that made you made so much of? What does that mean if the MAJORITY would accept 67 borders eh? And the poll is biased by WHEN it was taken. It was during very contentious negotiations on West Bank settlements.

You like polls? I don't.. Too vague, Too fleeting, Too much subject to statistical manipulation. But here's a couple to give YOU some insight into what is "desirable"..

Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel - Wikipedia

Prior to the 2008/–2009 Gaza War, polls conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PCPSR) showed consistently high levels of support for the rocket attacks among the Palestinian public.

September 2004: 75% of Palestinians support "the firing of rockets from Beit Hanoun", though 59% of the residents of Beit Hanoun reject the practice.[18]
July 2006 Jerusalem Media & Communication Centre poll: 60.4% of Palestinians "support the continuation of firing rockets against Israeli targets as a suitable response within the current political conditions", whereas 36% "reject them and find them harmful to the Palestinian national interests".[198]
September 2006: 63% of Palestinians agree "that Palestinians should emulate Hizbullah’s methods by launching rockets at Israeli cities", and 35% disagree.[19]
March 2008: 64% of Palestinians support "launching rockets from the Gaza Strip against Israeli towns and cities such as Sderot and Ashkelon", and 33% oppose.[17][20]

Conversely, polls conducted after the Gaza War indicated weaker support for the attacks and relatively broad support for attempts to prevent them.

January 2010 Palestinian Center for Public Opinion (PCPO) poll: 62.2% of Palestinians oppose "the re-firing of Al-Qassam rockets from Gaza at Israel" while 29.1% are in favor.[199]
July 2010 PCPSR poll: 57% of Palestinians support Hamas attempts to prevent rocket launching against Israeli towns and 38% oppose.[200]
July 2010 Arab World for Research and Development (AWRAD) poll: 68% of Palestinians do not want Hamas to resume its rocket attacks on Israel, while 25.5% believe the attacks should be resumed.[201]
October 2010 PCPO poll: 49.4% of Palestinians oppose "the re-firing of al-Qassam rockets from Gaza at Israel" while 46.2% are in favor.[202]
April 2011 JMCC poll: 38.6% of Palestinians say that "the locally-made rockets fired from Gaza Strip towards Israeli regions" "harm... Palestinian goals" and 25.4% say that the rockets "help... Palestinian goals".[203]
May 2011 PCPO poll: 69.6% of Palestinians oppose the resumption "of launching Al-Qassam missiles from Gaza into Israel" and 29.8% support it.[204]
November 2011 JMCC poll: 40.8% of Palestinians say that the rockets harm Palestinian goals and 27% say that they help Palestinian goals.[205]
December 2012 JMCC poll: 9.7% say that "locally-made rockets fired from Gaza strip towards Israeli regions" harm Palestinian goals and 74% say they help them.[206]
March 2013 JMCC poll: 38% support firing rockets at Israel from the Gaza Strip.[21]

Or how tenuous a hold Hamas has on the residents of Gaza..

BBC News - Gaza gears up for anti-Hamas Tamarod protest group

The Islamist Hamas government in the Gaza Strip is already feeling the strain after its allies in the Muslim Brotherhood were ousted from power following mass rallies in neighbouring Egypt.

Now a new protest group set up by young Palestinians, called Tamarod ("Revolt"), seeks to add to the pressure.

University students were inspired by the Egyptian Tamarod movement, which was instrumental in organising street protests against the then-President Mohammed Morsi.

"We were able to collect 45,000 signatures in support of a campaign to rebel against the rule of Hamas on 11/11," says one of the founders of the group, who has been arrested several times by Hamas security forces.

He did not want to be named for reasons of safety.

"Our plan is to hold a peaceful demonstration to ask the Hamas government to resign and call for elections".

More than 70,000 people have "liked" the Tamarod Gaza Facebook page, which publishes daily updates criticising Hamas.

The group claims that Hamas has abandoned its goal of armed resistance against Israel since taking over Gaza by force when it routed Fatah rivals in 2007, the year after Hamas won Palestinian general elections.

Tamarod also argues that the Hamas security agency has repressed and intimidated Palestinians.

On Facebook, it accuses the Hamas government of failing "to provide a decent life" by imposing heavy taxes on residents exhausted by Israel's blockade that was tightened after it came to power.

I've been listening for quite awhile -- and I'm STILL listening. There is a solid faction of Pali citizens that want REAL diplomacy and peace. Those people are the only pool that the founding fathers of Free Palestine will come from.. DESPITE what any cranky Americans THINK they want..

Your attempt to create an islamic boogeyman to scare palestinians into Israel's arms denounces your lack to knowledge of the palestinian society..
Its actually the other way around, Israel is like heaven for them, far better socioeconomically ground for non-citizens/illegal aliens, additionally Israel simply treat them better so illegal aliens keep trying again and again just to get into jail or get some work in the meantime, suing later the police or anyone else and scratching some extra cash or just running theft gangs, Israel is just being demonize to aliens like you, but in the end they all back to us because they don't even have other options. :laugh:

Here is just can Google the rest.
Israelis Develop Business for Peace Projects with Palestinians - Al-Monitor the Pulse of the Middle East

Excellent article and thanks for that. Start with that ridiculously small grant from BenGurion Univ and add a couple $$Mill to it. If the US wasn't so damn stupid -- they'd convert 20% of the yearly military aid to Israel to similar joint economic development. Our excuse has been -- no aid to Israel that goes into the settlements. Which has falsely been interpreted to mean "no aid for development in the West Bank" even if it serves MUTUAL interests. Hell -- Get the hated AIPAC in on similar programs. They are the experts in funneling money to industry in Israel..

Don't NEED a peace process. What's needed is a TRUST process.

Your attempt to create an islamic boogeyman to scare palestinians into Israel's arms denounces your lack to knowledge of the palestinian society..
Its actually the other way around, Israel is like heaven for them, far better socioeconomically ground for non-citizens/illegal aliens, additionally Israel simply treat them better so illegal aliens keep trying again and again just to get into jail or get some work in the meantime, suing later the police or anyone else and scratching some extra cash or just running theft gangs, Israel is just being demonize to aliens like you, but in the end they all back to us because they don't even have other options. :laugh:

Here is just can Google the rest.
Israelis Develop Business for Peace Projects with Palestinians - Al-Monitor the Pulse of the Middle East

Excellent article and thanks for that. Start with that ridiculously small grant from BenGurion Univ and add a couple $$Mill to it. If the US wasn't so damn stupid -- they'd convert 20% of the yearly military aid to Israel to similar joint economic development. Our excuse has been -- no aid to Israel that goes into the settlements. Which has falsely been interpreted to mean "no aid for development in the West Bank" even if it serves MUTUAL interests. Hell -- Get the hated AIPAC in on similar programs. They are the experts in funneling money to industry in Israel..

Don't NEED a peace process. What's needed is a TRUST process.
Yup I couldn't agree more, Terrorism, Violence, and Crime in generally nesting within unsuccessful and failing societies, its not even about trust anymore its about pulling them outside of the swamp, there are plenty of Palestinians workers, mostly with working permit that work in Israel, the boycotts only hurts them, and the mutual business of Israelis and Palestinians in places like Ariel.
The leadership of Palestinians always sway off the real matter, greedy and selfish they got themselves well settled so who cares about the Palestinians?

Your attempt to create an islamic boogeyman to scare palestinians into Israel's arms denounces your lack to knowledge of the palestinian society..
Its actually the other way around, Israel is like heaven for them, far better socioeconomically ground for non-citizens/illegal aliens, additionally Israel simply treat them better so illegal aliens keep trying again and again just to get into jail or get some work in the meantime, suing later the police or anyone else and scratching some extra cash or just running theft gangs, Israel is just being demonize to aliens like you, but in the end they all back to us because they don't even have other options. :laugh:

Here is just can Google the rest.
Israelis Develop Business for Peace Projects with Palestinians - Al-Monitor the Pulse of the Middle East

Excellent article and thanks for that. Start with that ridiculously small grant from BenGurion Univ and add a couple $$Mill to it. If the US wasn't so damn stupid -- they'd convert 20% of the yearly military aid to Israel to similar joint economic development. Our excuse has been -- no aid to Israel that goes into the settlements. Which has falsely been interpreted to mean "no aid for development in the West Bank" even if it serves MUTUAL interests. Hell -- Get the hated AIPAC in on similar programs. They are the experts in funneling money to industry in Israel..

Don't NEED a peace process. What's needed is a TRUST process.
Yup I couldn't agree more, Terrorism, Violence, and Crime in generally nesting within unsuccessful and failing societies, its not even about trust anymore its about pulling them outside of the swamp, there are plenty of Palestinians workers, mostly with working permit that work in Israel, the boycotts only hurts them, and the mutual business of Israelis and Palestinians in places like Ariel.
The leadership of Palestinians always sway off the real matter, greedy and selfish they got themselves well settled so who cares about the Palestinians?

There's an old Southern saying that "when you are up to your ass in alligators, don't forget your original intention was to drain the swamp"..

Economic development and mutual security are good tools to sort out the swamp..
It's like saying the Native Americans should be grateful to the invading Europeans for putting them in reservations. You are a hoot.

But you know what? The native Americans have done a whole lot better for themselves than the Palestinians have for themselves.
It's like saying the Native Americans should be grateful to the invading Europeans for putting them in reservations. You are a hoot.

As opposed to the mass slaughter/massacre/genocide method offered by arab muslims to all of the minorities and non-muslims in their countries? You're mentally ill.

Any mass/slaughter/genocide committed by Muslims or Christians is no better than the Jew's version of the same. But, to the point, should the Native Americans be grateful to the Europeans for expelling them from their lands and putting them into reservations?
Palestinians will always hate the walls and fences put up by the jewish racial dictatorship to prevent their free access to their homeland a million times more than they ever will any islamic movement.

Does it ever occur to these morons how/why these walls were put up in the first place? Does it ever occur to them to wonder that every time israel opens a gaza border crossing it is targeting with mortars, rockets and suicide bombings? Or does that require more critical thinking than any of they can achieve?
.... Here is just can Google the rest.
Israelis Develop Business for Peace Projects with Palestinians - Al-Monitor the Pulse of the Middle East

Excellent article and thanks for that. Start with that ridiculously small grant from BenGurion Univ and add a couple $$Mill to it. If the US wasn't so damn stupid -- they'd convert 20% of the yearly military aid to Israel to similar joint economic development. Our excuse has been -- no aid to Israel that goes into the settlements. Which has falsely been interpreted to mean "no aid for development in the West Bank" even if it serves MUTUAL interests. Hell -- Get the hated AIPAC in on similar programs. They are the experts in funneling money to industry in Israel..Don't NEED a peace process. What's needed is a TRUST process.

Flacal, you seem well-intentioned and all, but like many other well meaning people relatively new to this issue, you are missing a very, very large piece of the puzzle, and that is iran and many other arab nations. The LAST THING ON EARTH that they would ever want is for a solid, stable, durable and lasting peace between Israel and the west bank/gaza arabs. For example, iran's current regime's entire existence is based upon fomenting wars and conducting terrorism across the mideast, so even if 99.99% of the west bank/gaza arabs desperately wanted democracy and peace - iran would send in terrorists to conduct suicide bombings and attacks, just as it did in 1992 right after the Oslo Declaration of Principles was signed. The biggest lie in the middle east is spoken when iran claims "they will support whatever peace agreement the pals come up with with israel" - this is absolute nonsense.

As someone who comes from the mideast, I'll tell you the only and best way to achieve peace there is for arab muslims to experience a fundamental mindset change and tolerate the sovereign rights of others in the mideast. What you don't realize - and the shitbag media does not address - is that the conflict between the arab muslims and jews is practically no different than any of the others between the arabs muslims and other minority groups, it's just that the jews have been better at fighting back, unlike the Kurds, Yazidis, Maronites, Chaldeans, Maneachans, Coptics, Azeri and so many other groups that the muslims have oppressed, slaughtered and/or cleansed out of the mideast.
The Jews ethnically cleansed most of the non-Jews from Palestine and keep most of those remaining under military occupation or blockade. What's the difference?
It's like saying the Native Americans should be grateful to the invading Europeans for putting them in reservations. You are a hoot.

But you know what? The native Americans have done a whole lot better for themselves than the Palestinians have for themselves.

Really? I don't think living on reservations (Gulags) without any hope of leaving them for the majority of Native Americans, is not doing "a whole lot better". The Palestinians will do much better than the Native Americans if they have patience.

"Massive Population Drop Found for Native Americans, DNA Shows"

Massive Population Drop Found for Native Americans DNA Shows

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