November 2nd, 1917


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Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Tomorrow, November 2nd, is a significant anniversary in world history.

1. The territory to which we refer as "The Middle East" had been that of the Ottoman Empire, prior to World War I, the Ottoman territory of Palestine, part of the province of Greater Syria. Anticipating victory over the Ottomans, the French and the British had already staked their claims to those territories in which they had particular interests, whether strategic, commercial, or both, in the Sykes-Picot Agreement of May 16, 1916. Britain was to administer Palestine.

2. May 9, 1916 The Sykes-Picot secret treaty signed, by which the French and British intended to carve up the Arab territories- after having made promises to Sharif Husain, head of the Hashemite clan of the Hejaz sector of the Arabian Peninsula so as to have him lead an Arab rebellion against the Ottoman Turks, and ignoring aspirations of both Arabs and Jews.

Now, the backstory.

3. Chaim Weizmann lectured in chemistry at the University of Geneva between 1901 and 1903, and later taught at the University of Manchester. He became a British subject in 1910, and while a lecturer at Manchester he became famous for discovering how to use bacterial fermentation to produce large quantities of desired substances. He is considered to be the father of industrial fermentation. He used the bacterium Clostridium acetobutylicum (the Weizmann organism) to produce acetone.

a. After the Shell Crisis of 1915 during World War I, he was director of the British Admiralty laboratories from 1916 until 1919. During World War II, he was an honorary adviser to the British Ministry of Supply and did research on synthetic rubber and high-octane gasoline. (Formerly Allied-controlled sources of rubber were largely inaccessible owing to Japanese occupation during World War II, giving rise to heightened interest in such innovations).
Chaim Weizmann: Biography from

4. As a chemist, Weizmann had invented a process to produce cordite without using calcium acetate, which Germany possessed and Britain did not. Without cordite, Britain may have lost World War I, so Weizmann's process was necessary for the war effort. Chaim Weizmann - New World Encyclopedia

5. When Foreign Secretary, Arthur Balfour, asked what payment Weizmann required for the use of his process, Weizmann responded, "There is only one thing I want: A national home for my people." He eventually received both payments for his discovery and a role in the history of the origins of the state of Israel. Chaim Weizmann - New World Encyclopedia

6. On 2 November 1917, the British government stated a commitment by the British Government to "view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish People". This was the first time that the Government had firmly declared its support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

a. November 2,1917 Balfour Declaration: Sent by Arthur Balfour to Lord
Rothschild, stating that the British government would “view with
favor the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people.”
The text of the letter as follows:
I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty’s
government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which
has been submitted to, and approved by, the cabinet.

His Majesty’s government view with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievementof this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.

Following the defeat of the Ottoman in Palestine, General Allenby led his triumphant troops through the Jaffa Gate into Jerusalem on December 11, 1917.

{Under the UK, the Palestinian mandate was based on the Balfour Declaration; initially Arab leaders were prepared to give Palestine to the Jews if the rest of the Arab lands in the Middle East remained free. This soon changed}
Chaim Weizmann: Biography from

One can only imagine how different contemporary history would be if the Arab leaders had maintained their original position.

7. Clearly there was more to the establishment of Israel than the fortuitous discovery of a process for making acetone, but Weizmann's research gave him direct access to the most influential figures in British politics, and he continued to lobby and rally support for the next three decades. The State of Israel was founded in 1948, and 50 [now 65] years ago this spring the Knesset elected Chaim Weizmann as its first President.
Another informative post! History might also have turned out differently if the German battleship Goeben had not eluded a British task force at the beginning of the war and threatened Constantinople if Turkey did not ally itself with Germany. Combined with the disastrous Gallipoli campaign, this gave Great Britain all the excuse it needed to dismember the Ottoman Empire after the war.
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And, more......

May 13, 1948: Chaim Weizmann, president of the Jewish Agency for Palestine and the World Zionist Organization, writes to President Truman:

"I deeply hope that the United States, which under your leadership has done so much to find a just solution [to the Palestine situation], will promptly recognize the Provisional Government of the new Jewish state. The world, I think, would regard it as especially appropriate that the greatest living democracy should be the first to welcome the newest into the family of nations." The United States and the Recognition of Israel: A Chronology


On May 25, 1939, following the British White Paper of 1939 that limited Jewish immigration, Truman inserted a remark in the Congressional Record condemning the White paper as a repudiation of British obligations.
At a Chicago rally in 1944, then Senator Truman said, "Today, not tomorrow, we must do all that is humanly possible to provide a haven for all those who can be grasped from the hands of Nazi butchers. Free lands must be opened to them."

Truman wrote in his memoirs, "The question of Palestine as a Jewish homeland goes back to the solemn promise that had been made to them [the Jews] by the British in the Balfour Declaration of 1917 - a promise which had stirred the hopes and the dreams of these oppressed people. This promise, I felt, should be kept, just as all promises made by responsible, civilized governments should be kept."

On May 14th, 1948, while the UN was still meeting in special session, the President was informed that a Jewish state had been and asking for recognition. Truman signed the letter of recognition shortly after 6 PM, giving de facto recognition to the new state and its government. In the prepared statement, written before the name of the state was announced, he crossed out the words "the Jewish State" and wrote "Israel."

Rusk notified Warren Austen, at the UN, who headed the US delegation. Austen got into his limousine and left without telling the rest of the US delegation. When the news of US recognition came in over the news ticker, it caught the US delegation by surprise.

When word of the recognition reached the UN, US delegate Warren Austin went home to tender his resignation, and Secretary of State Marshall hurriedly dispatched Dean Rusk to New York to prevent the rest of the delegation from resigning. Following the election of a permanent government in 1949, The U.S. granted Israel de jure recognition on January 31.

The idea that Truman had initially entertained, and that the State Department encouraged, that a Jewish state could only be defended by hundreds of thousands of US troops, proved to be groundless. It is probably this realization more than any that turned the tide, and overcame the single greatest objection.
Truman and US Support for Israel
May 14, 1948, 6:11 p.m. eastern standard time: The United States recognizes Israel on a de facto basis. The White House issues the following statement: "This Government has been informed that a Jewish state has been proclaimed in Palestine, and recognition has been requested by the provisional government thereof. The United States recognizes the provisional government as the de facto authority of the State of Israel."

May 14, 1948, shortly after 6:11 p.m. eastern standard time: United States representative to the United Nations Warren Austin leaves his office at the United Nations and goes home. Secretary of State Marshall sends a State Department official to the United Nations to prevent the entire United States delegation from resigning.

May 15, 1948: On May 15, 1948, the Arab states issued their response statement and Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq attack Israel.
The United States and the Recognition of Israel: A Chronology
[ame=]Nazi Collaborators - The Grand Mufti - Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]
Kill the Jews. Where ever you find them.This pleases God, History and Religion. From the Grand Mufti..................

The Mufti and the Führer | Jewish Virtual Library

..The Arabs were Germany's natural friends because they had the same enemies as had Germany, namely....the Jews....” Hitler replied:

Germany stood for uncompromising war against the Jews. That naturally included active opposition to the Jewish national home in Palestine....Germany would furnish positive and practical aid to the Arabs involved in the same struggle....Germany's objective [is]...solely the destruction of the Jewish element residing in the Arab sphere....In that hour the Mufti would be the most authoritative spokesman for the Arab world. The Mufti thanked Hitler profusely.2

In 1945, Yugoslavia sought to indict the Mufti as a war criminal for his role in recruiting 20,000 Muslim volunteers for the SS, who participated in the killing of Jews in Croatia and Hungary. He escaped from French detention in 1946, however, and continued his fight against the Jews from Cairo and later Beirut. He died in 1974.

The Husseini family continued to play a role in Palestinian affairs, with Faisal Husseini, whose father was the Mufti's nephew, regarded until his death in 2001 as one of their leading spokesmen in the territories.
Prophet of Doom - Islamic Clubs - Handschar Muslim Waffen SS Divisions

The Muslim Mufti's next contact with the Third Reich was with the man who would become the architect of the Final Solution, Otto Adolf Eichmann. In the development of the plan to exterminate every Jew on earth, the SS Obersturmbannfuehrer left Nazi Germany to meet with the one man he thought could help him - Muhammad Hajj Amin al-Husayni.

Next, the Nazis imposed the Muslim Jizyah, or Submission Tax: "On 12 November 1938, Goering, who was in charge of the Four-Year Plan, issued an order for the payment by the Jews of Germany of a billion marks as 'expiation money.' This order was carried out by levying twenty-five percent of the value of Jewish property. He also issued a second order on the same day forbidding Jews, inter alia, to maintain retail establishments and to work as independent craftsmen." Two more acts had been pulled out of Allah's playbook.
The Mufti had imposed legislation whose aim was to confiscate Jewish property, transferring their land to Muslims. And in this regard, he issued decrees that made all Jewish organizations which protested his immoral acts illegal. So we should not be surprised: "During the same period regulations were issued for the Aryanization of Jewish businesses and other assets, that is to say, for their forced transfer to non-Jews at unrealistic prices. Simultaneously with the persecution of the Jews as individuals came the control by the German state over their autonomous institutions. In March 1938, their status as public bodies was withdrawn from the Jewish communities, which thereby lost their authority to levy taxes, and on 4 July 1939, the Jews were organized compulsorily in the 'Reich Association of the Jews in Germany (Reichsvereinigung)' which was placed under the control of the Minister of the Interior--Himmler." The Mufti, if you recall, deployed the same tax strategy early on in his realm.

The Muslim patriarch of terror and the Nazi architect of the holocaust had so much in common, a meeting was quickly arranged between the Mufti and the Fuhrer. Muhammad al-Husayni was officially received by Adolf Hitler on November 28, 1941 in Berlin. The Islamic leader asked the Nazi dictator for a public declaration that "would support the elimination of a national Jewish homeland.".

Hitler declined to make a public announcement regarding his Final Solution because such a confession would have adversely affected his concentration camps' deadly efficiency. But privately he looked his soul mate in the eye and made the following declaration according to the notes taken by Dr. Paul Otto Schmidt at the meeting: "Der Führer requests that the Mufti lock this deep in his heart: 1) Der Führer will carry on the fight until the last traces of the Jewish European hegemony has been obliterated. 2) In the course of this fight, the German army will - at a time in the clearly foreseeable future - gain the southern exit of Caucasus. 3) As soon as this breakthrough is made, der Führer will offer the Arab world his personal assurance that the hour of liberation has been struck. Thereafter, Germany's only remaining objective in that region will be limited to the Vernichtung des...Judentums ['annihilation of Jews'] living under British protection in Arab lands." What more could a Muslim want?
The Zimmerman Note - World War I Document Archive

We intend to begin on the 1st of February unrestricted submarine warfare. We shall endeavor in spite of this to keep the United States of America neutral. In the event of this not succeeding, we make Mexico a proposal of alliance on the following basis: make war together, make peace together, generous financial support and an understanding on our part that Mexico is to reconquer the lost territory in Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. The settlement in detail is left to you. You will inform the President of the above most secretly as soon as the outbreak of war with the United States of America is certain and add the suggestion that he should, on his own initiative, invite Japan to immediate adherence and at the same time mediate between Japan and ourselves. Please call the President's attention to the fact that the ruthless employment of our submarines now offers the prospect of compelling England in a few months to make peace. Signed, Zimmermann.

Zimmermann Telegram - Zimmermann Telegram 1917

American Response to the Zimmermann Telegram:

News of the Zimmermann Telegram quickly released and stories about its contents appeared in the American press on March 1. While pro-German and anti-war groups claimed that it was a forgery, Zimmermann confirmed the telegram's contents on March 3 and March 29. Further inflaming the American public, which was angered over the resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare (Wilson broke diplomatic relations with Germany on February 3 over this issue) and the sinking SS Houstonic (February 3) and SS California (February 7), the telegram further pushed the nation towards war. On April 2, Wilson asked Congress to declare war on Germany. This was granted four days later and the United States entered the conflict.
November 2nd, 1917 is a sad day for the Middle East and the world in general.

When a peace loving people were stripped of their rights and land by a foreign government. . :doubt:
Frequently Asked Questions about the Armenian Genocide

A piece of history that the Islamic supporters don't want you to remember. Part of the Ottoman Empire, as the young Turks with Arab armies slaughtered 1 to 1 and a 1/2 million Armenians........Slaughtering Christians, and non Muslims on an epic scale. The First Grand Mufti was part of that process as they MERRILY MURDERED NON MUSLIMS.............

Another convenient LIE of the Apologists, is that after WWI, Britain, France and the United States moved into the region to help STOP THE SLAUGHTER OF CHRISTIANS..............

We shouldn't bring that up should we................................They were unjustly occupied..................aka........They couldn't continue the SLAUGHTER OF NON MUSLIMS ANYMORE....................

Later, they joined HITLER TO EXTERMINATE NON BELIEVERS..................
November 2nd, 1917 is a sad day for the Middle East and the world in general.

When a peace loving people were stripped of their rights and land by a foreign government. . :doubt:

"...stripped of their rights and land by a foreign government."

History is a wheel that keeps turning, Sunni.....

Have you considered how the Ottoman's took control of the area?

One of my fav books was Justinian’s Flea,” by William Rosen.

It combines science and history...and traces the effect of the Black Plague.

The Plague was the reason the Muslims were able to conquer the Eastern Roman Empire.....they "...stripped of their rights and land by a foreign government."

I'm sure you know the origin of the Hagia Sophia.

"The Hagia Sophia, whose name means “holy wisdom,” is a domed monument originally built as a cathedral in Constantinople (now Istanbul, Turkey) in the sixth century A.D."
And the Sunni Negs me for showing the history of the region.

The slaughter of a Million and a half Non Muslims in WWI. The creation of Muslim Waffen SS under the Grand Mufti in WWII who agreed with Hitler on the Extermination of the Jews. Muslims in Bosnia were more than glad to assist. And helped the SS to Exterminate them.

When Germany lost, the persecution of the Jews by Muslims continued. Except, they now faced ISRAEL who knew how to fight back, and have been kicking their butts ever since.
November 2nd, 1917 is a sad day for the Middle East and the world in general.

When a peace loving people were stripped of their rights and land by a foreign government. . :doubt:

Peace Loving people.................


Tell the Armenians that. If I was an Armenian after WWI I'd have wanted more than just taking your so called land. I'd have WANTED BLOOD FOR BLOOD, and have driven your sorry asses into the Persian Gulf..............

And the Sunni Negs me for showing the history of the region.

The slaughter of a Million and a half Non Muslims in WWI. The creation of Muslim Waffen SS under the Grand Mufti in WWII who agreed with Hitler on the Extermination of the Jews. Muslims in Bosnia were more than glad to assist. And helped the SS to Exterminate them.

When Germany lost, the persecution of the Jews by Muslims continued. Except, they now faced ISRAEL who knew how to fight back, and have been kicking their butts ever since.
The muslins could lose a 100 times and will never quit.

Because the fascist state of Israel only has to lose once and it's game over. ... :thup:
And the Sunni Negs me for showing the history of the region.

The slaughter of a Million and a half Non Muslims in WWI. The creation of Muslim Waffen SS under the Grand Mufti in WWII who agreed with Hitler on the Extermination of the Jews. Muslims in Bosnia were more than glad to assist. And helped the SS to Exterminate them.

When Germany lost, the persecution of the Jews by Muslims continued. Except, they now faced ISRAEL who knew how to fight back, and have been kicking their butts ever since.
The muslins could lose a 100 times and will never quit.

Because the fascist state of Israel only has to lose once and it's game over. ... :thup:

So you FINALLY ADMIT YOUR PLAN to the board..............

It takes ticking you off by SHOWING YOUR HISTORY to finally get your ultimate truth.

Try to take Israel again, and GET YOUR BUTTS KICKED AGAIN..............That's the deal. Your GRAND PLAN to EXTERMINATE THEM ISN'T WORKING IS IT....................

Amazing, the Sunni Man let's the cat out of the bag here. Problem is that we already knew his real intent.
Raw Nerve ending found in the Sunni Man.....................

Somebody pass the salt................
May 14, 1948, 6:11 p.m. eastern standard time: The United States recognizes Israel on a de facto basis. The White House issues the following statement: "This Government has been informed that a Jewish state has been proclaimed in Palestine, and recognition has been requested by the provisional government thereof. The United States recognizes the provisional government as the de facto authority of the State of Israel."

May 14, 1948, shortly after 6:11 p.m. eastern standard time: United States representative to the United Nations Warren Austin leaves his office at the United Nations and goes home. Secretary of State Marshall sends a State Department official to the United Nations to prevent the entire United States delegation from resigning.

May 15, 1948: On May 15, 1948, the Arab states issued their response statement and Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq attack Israel.
The United States and the Recognition of Israel: A Chronology

Your timing is interesting. I was reading the other night a small booklet by Gwen Shaw concerning the birth of Israel. Here is what she wrote in her booklet titled, Breathrough in 1999 :

The spokesman for Israel was a statesman by the name of David Ben-Gurion, who had been born in Poland and settled in Israel in 1906. He had founded the Labour Party and headed Israel's defense efforts. the following day, November 30 trouble began. The Arabs stepped up their attacks on all who were traveling the road between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. It wasn't long before more and more Jews were being killed or injured.

The underground military, the Haganah, was given the task of securing the road from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The assignment was called Operation Nachshon. They were successful in opening the road. However, they were having an increasingly difficult time keeping it open. This was because the British, who were still the Mandate authorities, would not allow the Jews to carry arms to defend themselves nor the people who travelled the roads, regardless of the terrible loss of many Jewish lives.

In April 1948 Yitzhah Rabin, a young man in his early twenties, was named commander of the Palmach's Harel Brigade. Harel means "Mount of God" in Hebrew. He was in charge of about 600 men and women. It was his duty to keep the road open. This was very difficult and dangerous. Daily there were casualties because of a place called Latrun. Latrun was situated above the road in a mountainous area overlooking the passing traffic. It was the site of a monastary and a police station. Because of the vantage point it had become an Arab stronghold. Anyone holding it had the advantage of control over the road. The Israelis had attempted three times to attack and take the stronghold, and had failed each time. The loss of life was incredible. As a result, it was impossible to get to Jerusalem and the city was under siege. No food could be gotten through to them. The inhabitants were running out of food and water. People were filled with despair, they wouldn't last much longer. There would be mass starvation. But every attempt to send help was futile. Everyone was frustrated, most of all David Ben-Gurion who was trying to lead the fledgling state.

Then a wonderful thing happened! A jeep suddenly arrived at the Israeli base from Jerusalem. It was bullet - riddled and covered with dust, but its occupants were beaming with joy and pride, they had done the seemingly impossible - they had broken through from Jerusalem by driving over the mountains on very difficult terrain. When the Palmach saw that it was possible to get through FROM Jerusalem, they knew it would be possible to get TO Jerusalem. But they would have to make a bypass through the mountains for a distance of about seven miles from a point east of Latrun to Bab El Wad on the west. And so, working in the dark, without machinery that would make a noise and alert the Arabs, the Israelis worked night and day, moving rocks and stones with bare hands and small tools until the way was cleared.

Finally three hundred armored vehicles with Rabin in the last one and an open jeep, started out for the Holy City. The convoy came under heavy attack at Shaar Hagai and suffered the loss of lives. But you can imagine their feelings of victory when finally, after all those difficult months, they rolled into Jerusalem, bringing great joy and relief to the besieged, suffering and anxious Jews of the city. It had cost twenty - two young lives and quite a few were wounded besides. Rabin was only twenty - six years old, but he had accomplished a feat that would never be forgotten. He had broken through impossible barriers. From then on the stretch of road became known as "The Burma Road".

I'll leave off there, Political Chick. I just wanted to share with you that wonderful story as it is good to be reminded of the high price the Jews have paid and the difference of how they were treated by the Arabs vs their kind heartedness & mericful attititude towards the House of Esau which has in my opinion been nothing short of legendary. The story also reminds me that God is with the Israeli people and that even as he gave them a break through - through Yitzhah Rabin, through Ariel Sharon later, through these who became the great leaders of Israel, so shall he do for Benjamin Netanyahu in the future. He is destined to it. I see it even now by faith. It is a glorious thing to see Gods hand even before He moves it to "Break through" for His people. Have a blessed day. - Jeri Note* I do not have a link to her little booklet -I typed it out by hand - it may be out of print - I do not know - as Gwynn is in heaven now but the story is quite inspirational.
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So you FINALLY ADMIT YOUR PLAN to the board..............

It takes ticking you off by SHOWING YOUR HISTORY to finally get your ultimate truth.

Try to take Israel again, and GET YOUR BUTTS KICKED AGAIN..............That's the deal. Your GRAND PLAN to EXTERMINATE THEM ISN'T WORKING IS IT....................

Amazing, the Sunni Man let's the cat out of the bag here. Problem is that we already knew his real intent.
Obviously, you haven't read any of my posts on this subject over the years.

Yes, I am totally opposed to the fascist state of Israel and the apartheid zionist government that rules it.

But I have never advocated genocide on the Israeli jews who illegally occupy the land.

In fact, after the demise of the rogue state of Israel; and the rise of the New Palestine in it's place.

All former Israeli jews will be grandfathered into the New Palestinian state as citizens under Islamic Law and allowed to participate in the government. .. :cool:
Obviously, you haven't read any of my posts on this subject over the years.

Yes, I am totally opposed to the fascist state of Israel and the apartheid zionist government that rules it.

But I have never advocated genocide on the Israeli jews who illegally occupy the land.

In fact, after the demise of the rogue state of Israel; and the rise of the New Palestine in it's place.

All former Israeli jews will be grandfathered into the New Palestinian state as citizens under Islamic Law and allowed to participate in the government. .. :cool:

In red..................Says it all.........................................

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