Now, ANY criticism of Trump is considered a fire-able offense???

But the left started investigating Trump from day one so what is your temper tantrum about today? A far left site that is the equivalent to the onion.

Just goes to show the far left will believe anything these fake news sites put up..
But the left started investigating Trump from day one so what is your temper tantrum about today?
At lease with President Trump you don't have to look over your shoulder expecting the be shot in the back, like with Obaaaaahhhhma.
When a congressman from South Carolina called Obama a liar you hypocrite liberals felt that was entirely unacceptable, why the double standard?
Kellyanne Scarecrow said on TV the other day that people disagree with Trump because they hate him! :lmao:
from the OPs article said:
"It is sad she is teaching students such divisive, inaccurate and irresponsible rhetoric," Sanders said. "She should be ashamed of herself, and the university should look into it. What a terrible example to set for students."

The professor in question admitted that what she said was wrong and President's Twitters Secretary of Bullshit just expressed her own opinion that the University should "look into it", a far cry from the White House calling for an "investigation".

from the OPs article said:
"Unfortunately this is not the first time the White House has commented on civilians who are outspoken in their criticism of the president. On Tuesday morning the president once again attacked the recently suspended ESPN anchor Jemele Hill as part of his long-running crusade against NFL players who have knelt during the national anthem in protest of social and racial injustice.

Press secretary Sanders also previously said Hill had committed a "fireable offense" when the anchor called the president a white supremacist on Twitter.
Salon is conflating two different cases in attempt to establish a pattern.

In the headline case nobody suggested that Assitant Professor Winklemann be fired, in the second case Hill was actually disciplined by ESPN (suspended) so obviously they believed that Secretary Sarah Huckabee Disinformation had a valid point that Hills comment was an egregious enough offense to warrant action by management, apparently they didn't agree that it was "fireable".

Another day, another dose of hyper-partisan distortion & bullshit courtesy of Goebbles-D.

When a congressman from South Carolina called Obama a liar you hypocrite liberals felt that was entirely unacceptable, why the double standard?

It was a matter of Decorum during a State of the Union address
Something Conservatives lack
When a congressman from South Carolina called Obama a liar you hypocrite liberals felt that was entirely unacceptable, why the double standard?

It was a matter of Decorum during a State of the Union address
Something Conservatives lack

Lib please if someone shouted You Lie at president Trump during a speech to congress you people would all cheer and you know it.
When a congressman from South Carolina called Obama a liar you hypocrite liberals felt that was entirely unacceptable, why the double standard?

It was a matter of Decorum during a State of the Union address
Something Conservatives lack

Lib please if someone shouted You Lie at president Trump during a speech to congress you people would all cheer and you know it.

They haven't have they?
When a congressman from South Carolina called Obama a liar you hypocrite liberals felt that was entirely unacceptable, why the double standard?

It was a matter of Decorum during a State of the Union address
Something Conservatives lack

Lib please if someone shouted You Lie at president Trump during a speech to congress you people would all cheer and you know it.

They haven't have they?

:itsok: A far left site that is the equivalent to the onion.

Well, nitwit, you should use that other half of your brain...Salon is just reporting on what came out in the Las Vegas Review-Journal......Want to bitch about that publication also??
But the left started investigating Trump from day one so what is your temper tantrum about today?
At lease with President Trump you don't have to look over your shoulder expecting the be shot in the back, like with Obaaaaahhhhma.
Oh dear. Now you've done it. You're on the Hillary Hit List now. Get your affairs in order.
I don't live in an inner city so don't have to worry about being shot in the back for whistleblowing, that Debbie WasAmanSnitz had rigged the DNC to elect a sick, crooked vagina candidate over the old cranky socialist one.
But the left started investigating Trump from day one so what is your temper tantrum about today?
All the Trump investigation is being run by republicans. Dems are the minority party and can't conduct investigations on their own.
When a congressman from South Carolina called Obama a liar you hypocrite liberals felt that was entirely unacceptable, why the double standard?

It was a matter of Decorum during a State of the Union address
Something Conservatives lack

Lib please if someone shouted You Lie at president Trump during a speech to congress you people would all cheer and you know it.
Being a disruptive, disrespectful asshole is more a Repug thing, but it's about time someone called Trump on all his bullshit and lies.

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