Now Even The Right Wing Propaganda Machine Is Going After Each Other


Registered Democrat
Jun 20, 2012
It looks like Fox and O'Reilly are stepping back from their far right wing stances against gay marriage, and Limbaugh is pissed. :lol:

"On his radio show this afternoon, Rush Limbaugh took a swipe at Bill O’Reilly after the Fox News host and his guest said the opponents to same-sex marriage have no “compelling” argument besides “thumping the Bible.”

"Limbaugh took issue with this, seeing it as part of the “mainstream” media’s attempt to diminish opposition to gay marriage. Calling O’Reilly “Ted Baxter” — a nickame often given to TV personalities who are seen as vain and self-delusional — Limbaugh said the Fox host “marginalized” a great portion of the network’s viewers"

Limbaugh Goes After O?Reilly For ?Marginalizing? Audience By Calling Gay Marriage Opponents ?Bible Thumpers? | Mediaite
Like Newt Gingrich once famously said about the House Republicans, "I'm not willing to preside over people who are cannibals."

It's really gotta hurt though that their acknowledged national spokesman looks behind him and sees nobody following.
It looks like Fox and O'Reilly are stepping back from their far right wing stances against gay marriage, and Limbaugh is pissed. :lol:

"On his radio show this afternoon, Rush Limbaugh took a swipe at Bill O’Reilly after the Fox News host and his guest said the opponents to same-sex marriage have no “compelling” argument besides “thumping the Bible.”

"Limbaugh took issue with this, seeing it as part of the “mainstream” media’s attempt to diminish opposition to gay marriage. Calling O’Reilly “Ted Baxter” — a nickame often given to TV personalities who are seen as vain and self-delusional — Limbaugh said the Fox host “marginalized” a great portion of the network’s viewers"

Limbaugh Goes After O?Reilly For ?Marginalizing? Audience By Calling Gay Marriage Opponents ?Bible Thumpers? | Mediaite

Even stranger -- the idea of calling O'Really "Ted Baxter" was coined by Keith Olbermann. So we've got Lush Rimjob following Keith Olbermann's lead. To attack Bull O'Reilly.

Couldn't write this in a bad movie script.

It looks like Fox and O'Reilly are stepping back from their far right wing stances against gay marriage, and Limbaugh is pissed. :lol:

"On his radio show this afternoon, Rush Limbaugh took a swipe at Bill O’Reilly after the Fox News host and his guest said the opponents to same-sex marriage have no “compelling” argument besides “thumping the Bible.”

"Limbaugh took issue with this, seeing it as part of the “mainstream” media’s attempt to diminish opposition to gay marriage. Calling O’Reilly “Ted Baxter” — a nickame often given to TV personalities who are seen as vain and self-delusional — Limbaugh said the Fox host “marginalized” a great portion of the network’s viewers"

Limbaugh Goes After O?Reilly For ?Marginalizing? Audience By Calling Gay Marriage Opponents ?Bible Thumpers? | Mediaite

Even stranger -- the idea of calling O'Really "Ted Baxter" was coined by Keith Olbermann. So we've got Lush Rimjob following Keith Olbermann's lead. To attack Bull O'Reilly.

Couldn't write this in a bad movie script.


It's fantastic watching the GOP imploding from the inside out :clap2: :2up::banana:
Basically what we are now watching is the battle between the GOP loyalists, people who support the PARTY over any ideology ( ie PARTY PLAYERS)


Ideologues (mostly religious) that the GOP took in to swell it's ranks.

Now that the GOP senses that the fundamentalist ideologies they once supported are, in the longer run, losing positions to take?

I fully expect a political night of the long knives in the GOP to take out that uber-KKKristian wing of the party.

Both the Dem and Rep parties STAND FOR NOTHING.

That is why both parties have changed their basic POVs (sometime diametrically) over the years.

Remember...the Dems USED TO BE the partyt of the racist South and the GOP used to be the party of the antislavery North?

Remember that the Dems USED to be the party that protected the working class, and then it became the party of FREE TRADE?

Political parties are pragmatists.

They STAND for nothing EXCEPT winning.
Basically what we are now watching is the battle between the GOP loyalists, people who support the PARTY over any ideology ( ie PARTY PLAYERS)


Ideologues (mostly religious) that the GOP took in to swell it's ranks.

Now that the GOP senses that the fundamentalist ideologies they once supported are, in the longer run, losing positions to take?

I fully expect a political night of the long knives in the GOP to take out that uber-KKKristian wing of the party.

Both the Dem and Rep parties STAND FOR NOTHING.

That is why both parties have changed their basic POVs (sometime diametrically) over the years.

Remember...the Dems USED TO BE the partyt of the racist South and the GOP used to be the party of the antislavery North?

Remember that the Dems USED to be the party that protected the working class, and then it became the party of FREE TRADE?

Political parties are pragmatists.

They STAND for nothing EXCEPT winning.

The GOP is sinking their own ship from the teabagger extremists the Koch's created. The right wingers are so dumb they think going even further to the right is the answer to everything.

Until they actually gain a tiny bit of intelligence, it's going to be nothing but dem landslide victories election after election:clap2:

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