Now Insurers Must Cover 100% of Birth Control, Other Female Services

And now that the Republicans have seen fit to defund Planned Parenthood, as Rightwinger said, this option is better than abortion (or having an unwanted child).

Planned Parenthood has not been defunded.
Dang! Just think of all the people who won't be around so that you can complain about them being on welfare!

See Post 22 and then come back to me with a more whitty retort.
boy are you uniformed. who do you think is gonna pay for them? If they can't afford birth control pills they sure as hell can't afford insurance payments. so that leaves 50% of us again toting the other 50% on our backs.

The tax payer ultimately pays for it anyways. Might as well try and subsidize some health efforts (i.e. screening) that tend to save money in the long run.

What saves money is eradicating the welfare state.
Preventive medicine saves money in the long run.

That depends on who you ask.

Preventive care not always cost effective, experts say - CNN

Not all screens are cost effective, but many are. Individual screens should be evaluated for this. This is exactly what happened when the USJPTF recommended that women over 40 don't need an annual mammogram and everyone went batshit crazy (and claimed it was "Obamacare".) When it comes to medical science, you can't "politic" away the facts.

However, on the whole, preventative medicine saves money.
the women are paying several thousand dollars a year for their insurance policy....i think the once a year gyno check up should be included in that fee just like a physical would be and all insurance policies that i have had, do cover this annual check up, without that part is nothing new.

I have no problems with a breast pump being covered in full either.

BC pills were not covered by insurance at all, in my youth....only the last decade and a half have i seen insurance companies moving to cover them. so, i think full coverage with no deductible is a reach....but, i'd rather people buying insurance get the full coverage 4 them than making us tax payers pay for them.....

boy are you uniformed. who do you think is gonna pay for them? If they can't afford birth control pills they sure as hell can't afford insurance payments. so that leaves 50% of us again toting the other 50% on our backs.

The tax payer ultimately pays for it anyways. Might as well try and subsidize some health efforts (i.e. screening) that tend to save money in the long run.

that's the problem dude,, the taxpayer is expected to pay for everything, and only 50% of us pay FEDERAL taxes.. the gimmmie gimmmie crowd is now larger than the giver crowd.. we're going down.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Health insurance plans must cover birth control as preventive care for women, with no copays, the Obama administration said Monday in a decision with far-reaching implications for health care as well as social mores.

The requirement is part of a broad expansion of coverage for women's preventive care under President Barack Obama's health care law. Also to be covered without copays are breast pumps for nursing mothers, an annual "well-woman" physical, screening for the virus that causes cervical cancer and for diabetes during pregnancy, counseling on domestic violence, and other services.

"These historic guidelines are based on science and existing (medical) literature and will help ensure women get the preventive health benefits they need," said Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.

Insurers must cover birth control with no copays - Yahoo! News

These increasing mandates on insurers by the government is only going to fuel further increases in insurance costs for all Americans across the board. There is no reason why these listed services need 100% coverage. But hey, if we're going to go that route, why do only women get the benefit? If men are going to have to pay higher insurance costs, why aren't we getting free prostate exams, free condoms, and free "wellness" physicals? Considering that unemployment has hit men harder than women and women now make up the majority of college students isn't it about time the government stop treating them like they are incapable of providing for themselves?

Why does the government think it's their job to tell private businesses what products they must provide and how much they must charge for it?
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For once I agree with Modbert. If the free pill will reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies, it may be money well spent. However, I am not that optimistic.

Breast pumps are a convenience; not a life saving medical device. Absolutely ridiculous.

That's not true. It's not debatable that breast milk is better for formula. However, it's hard to get young mothers who are below the poverty line to breast feed due to the inconvenience. Pumping allows them to store their own milk and ultimately have healthier babies and save money.

It also does something conservatives should love...

It allows them to go back to work
Preventive medicine saves money in the long run. I am all for covering birth control. I can't understand how conservatives could bitch about this, unwanted pregnancy, "welfare babies", and abortion.

because it addresses the symptom not the a budding MD you should appreciate that ;)
Yet another non-issue; the coverage is perfectly appropriate in the context of the ACA, including breast pumps. I’m sure all on the right want mothers to go to work, lest they become ‘welfare queens.’

So does personal responsibility, but I realize that's an anathema to people like you.

Sarcasm or serious?

If the latter this is private insurance paid for by private funds; this isn’t pubic assistance.

But your issue isn’t with required coverage for women, this is just more pointless whining about the ACA.
boy are you uniformed. who do you think is gonna pay for them? If they can't afford birth control pills they sure as hell can't afford insurance payments. so that leaves 50% of us again toting the other 50% on our backs.

The tax payer ultimately pays for it anyways. Might as well try and subsidize some health efforts (i.e. screening) that tend to save money in the long run.

that's the problem dude,, the taxpayer is expected to pay for everything, and only 50% of us pay FEDERAL taxes.. the gimmmie gimmmie crowd is now larger than the giver crowd.. we're going down.

Our revenue in this country comes from taxes. Of course the taxpayer literally pays for "everything". It's just a matter of what individuals deem worthy of paying for.

Until we get to the point where we are going to start denying people in this country health coverage, if we are going to pay anyways, we might as well pay for things that are going to save money in the long run.

Birth control is pennies on the dollars return when you start factoring the cost of unwanted pregnancies on society.

I can't figure out why anyone would think it's a bad idea.
The right wing opposes sex education, birth control and abortion

Then they bitch about paying for unwanted babies

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