Now Media Can Tell Us The Truth About ObamaCare Costs

Sure, since O-Care says 20% limit on non health spending now. The year before, it was 27%, dingbat. Give up the BS fer chrissake...
Sure, since O-Care says 20% limit on non health spending now. The year before, it was 27%, dingbat. Give up the BS fer chrissake...
What are you talking about???

Obamacare says must spend 85% of premiums on claims!

And when I show the FACTS that the average was already 83% spending on claims,
and the average net profit before TAXES is 4.2% that means 87.2% there fore that is
13.2% spending on salaries, computers, offices, LOCAL property taxes, PLUS payroll taxes for Medicare/SS benefits for workers all out of the 13.2%

That's what the FACTS are dumbshit!

So where are you getting 20% much less 27%?????
For some customers--mostly individual plans.

**Your boss / your company can shop around for better rates.

**when the insurance exchanges kick in, rates will become more competitive.

**insurance companies are just gouging you while they still can.

**don't blame Obama, blame greed.

**rates will go down when uninsured individuals are required to buy basic coverage.

**keep in mind, it was the GOP that shit on the Public Option because it was a "trojan horse".

Health Insurance companies are the middle men, they innovate NOTHING, the provide NO health care services or procedures. They are the airline that raises the ticket price when you're already in the air, or the retailer that makes you pay before you come in the store and limits your shopping to only those items they believe you need. Health Insurance companies are a broken and backwards business model and the only way to keep them ethical is to regulate them. Obama made the mistake of inviting them to ACA table and letting them dictate the terms. Keep in mind, health insurance companies don't develop new products and therefore have no R&D expenses, no transport costs, no factory overhead. The market is dominated by several big names, no competition from the little operator. They insure large groups of people (Group Policies) and charge each member all the same even though only a certain percentage get sick. They play the odds to their advantage and will try to minimize coverage anyway they can.

Spoken like a true idiot socialist.

Competition does more to drive down prices, improve quality, and create the highest level of ethical behavior than a billion regulations ever could. But you've never been one to let the facts get in your way, uh hazl?

Poodle, you can't scream "Socialism" or "Communism" whenever you can't answer a point.

If competition was the panacea you said it was, how come until the ACA, medical inflation was three times the rate of regular inflation- all the way back to the 1990's - and the number of uninsured INCREASED instead of decreasing?

Here's the reality. A true "Free Market" health care system can never exist. Most of the world has figured this out, which is why they have some form of universal coverage.

What we have is 100 million in government programs because the private sector finds them unprofitable to insure. We have 150 million in some kind of private program, which only work because the government subsidizes them. And we have another 50 million without insurance at all, until the ACA came along.

Now, you might think a system where health care is a luxury item only the rich can have is a good thing, but the rest of us kind of don't, and voted accordingly.

You use guesses about the insured and uninsured... where are your sources and facts??

MY FACTS: and I DARE YOU to refute these numbers::::

Let's start off BEFORE Obamacare with Obama saying:"We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children,"
46 Million Uninsured: A Look Behind The Number : NPR

There have NEVER BEEN 46 million uninsured legal Americans, who already had coverage OR who could afford but didn't WANT health insurance!

A) He counts 18 million people THAT DON"T want health insurance. They are under 34.
They earn over $50,000 and turn down their employers' health plans BECAUSE they spend less then $1,000 a year. So why are they being penalized for NOT wanting to have it... Yet Obama counts them and that is totally unfair, a lie and wrong!

B) 14 million people counted as "uninsured" all they need to do is register. Enroll. And they are covered by Medicaid!
Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association contracted with the Actuarial Research Corporation (ARC) to provide a detailed analysis
of the uninsured identified by the Census Bureau, which found: Of the 44.7 million non-elderly uninsured individuals identified in the 2004 Census Current Population Survey (CPS) data,
nearly one-third — almost 14 million — were reachable through existing government health programs such as Medicaid and the State
Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) under current rules.

C) So 32 million don't want and are already covered. That leaves 14 million..except according to the Census
10 million are not legal!
source:Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau

That leaves 4 million that truly need and WANT health insurance but NOT 46 million which was used to pass by only 6 votes Obamacare!
If people like you would really stop using 46 million but use 4 million that would allow this to happen!

Now for an even more confusing issue... there are according to these sources 383 million Americans covered with insurance!

AGAIN THESE ARE THE FACTS! THESE ARE REAL NUMBERS! Where are yours to refute these numbers???
Source, Link like I have done!!!
Will Obamacare Hurt Jobs? It's Already Happening, Poll Finds
(Obamacare already killing jobs)

Small business owners' fear of the effect of the new health-care reform law on their bottom line is prompting many to hold off on hiring and even to shed jobs in some cases, a recent poll found.

"We were startled because we know that employers were concerned about the Affordable Care Act and the effects it would have on their business, but we didn't realize the extent they were concerned, or that the businesses were being proactive to make sure the effects of the ACA actually were minimized," said attorney Steven Friedman of Littler Mendelson. His firm, which specializes in employment law, commissioned the Gallup poll.

Will Obamacare Hurt Jobs? It's Already Happening, Poll Finds
The greatest driver of long term debt is health care costs. This is largely because of a monopoly in health insurance.

The health insurance industry owns the Republican Party.

The only shot at restoring competition and lowering costs was with the public option. Once that was destroyed, ObamaCare should have been abandoned
The problem with "Obamacare" is that the private market can accommodate those services at less expense than the US government. When "Obamacare" legislation was passed into law, private health insurance in America averaged about $4,500 dollars per individual per fiscal year. The average cost for Federal health care programs in the US exceeds over $14,000 dollars per individual per fiscal year, but duly note a fragment of that sum figure deals with higher expenses related primarily to the elderly. In fiscal year 2010, the nonpartisan CBO projected cost for the individual mandate under "Obamacare" was between $5,000-$7,000 per fiscal year enrollment (per on The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) Ostensibly, that is noticeably at a higher expense than the average cost of private health insurance. Private health insurance is more flexible, permitting any individual multiple alternatives for health insurance coverage that cost notably less than what the US Federal government can propose. Private health insurance coverage also contributes exceptional benefits over Federal government health care programs (Medicare/Medicaid) on a dollar for dollar basis. Medicare in 1966, it's first full year of operation, spent $64 million. In fiscal year 2008, Medicare expenditures alone totaled nearly $444 billion. That is roughly a 6000-fold increase in expenditure spending. The US government is good at identifying problems but instead of fixing the problem it addresses the symptoms of the of the problem.
The problem with "Obamacare" is that the private market can accommodate those services at less expense than the US government. When "Obamacare" legislation was passed into law, private health insurance in America averaged about $4,500 dollars per individual per fiscal year. The average cost for Federal health care programs in the US exceeds over $14,000 dollars per individual per fiscal year, but duly note a fragment of that sum figure deals with higher expenses related primarily to the elderly. In fiscal year 2010, the nonpartisan CBO projected cost for the individual mandate under "Obamacare" was between $5,000-$7,000 per fiscal year enrollment (per on The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) Ostensibly, that is noticeably at a higher expense than the average cost of private health insurance. Private health insurance is more flexible, permitting any individual multiple alternatives for health insurance coverage that cost notably less than what the US Federal government can propose. Private health insurance coverage also contributes exceptional benefits over Federal government health care programs (Medicare/Medicaid) on a dollar for dollar basis. Medicare in 1966, it's first full year of operation, spent $64 million. In fiscal year 2008, Medicare expenditures alone totaled nearly $444 billion. That is roughly a 6000-fold increase in expenditure spending. The US government is good at identifying problems but instead of fixing the problem it addresses the symptoms of the of the problem.

The 2003 Republican Medicare Drug Bill was the single greatest expansion in Medicare costs since the programs inception. It awarded Eli Lilly a no-bid contract to charge the taxpayer above market drug costs. When this was passed, we didn't hear one peep from your party.

Where were you when we needed you?
The problem with "Obamacare" is that the private market can accommodate those services at less expense than the US government. When "Obamacare" legislation was passed into law, private health insurance in America averaged about $4,500 dollars per individual per fiscal year. The average cost for Federal health care programs in the US exceeds over $14,000 dollars per individual per fiscal year, but duly note a fragment of that sum figure deals with higher expenses related primarily to the elderly. In fiscal year 2010, the nonpartisan CBO projected cost for the individual mandate under "Obamacare" was between $5,000-$7,000 per fiscal year enrollment (per on The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) Ostensibly, that is noticeably at a higher expense than the average cost of private health insurance. Private health insurance is more flexible, permitting any individual multiple alternatives for health insurance coverage that cost notably less than what the US Federal government can propose. Private health insurance coverage also contributes exceptional benefits over Federal government health care programs (Medicare/Medicaid) on a dollar for dollar basis. Medicare in 1966, it's first full year of operation, spent $64 million. In fiscal year 2008, Medicare expenditures alone totaled nearly $444 billion. That is roughly a 6000-fold increase in expenditure spending. The US government is good at identifying problems but instead of fixing the problem it addresses the symptoms of the of the problem.

The 2003 Republican Medicare Drug Bill was the single greatest expansion in Medicare costs since the programs inception. It awarded Eli Lilly a no-bid contract to charge the taxpayer above market drug costs. When this was passed, we didn't hear one peep from your party.

Where were you when we needed you?

I'm not, under any circumstances affiliated or associated with the Republican or Democratic party.
the American people came out in droves trying to stop this disaster

The American people voted Obama into office. Correct?

Stop pretending you are the majority - you aren't.

How do we know they voted him in? The IRS terrorized Conservative Groups.

Not to mention 600 dead people voted in Suffolk County, New York, for the Democratic line.
Not double digit increases? OMG! Well, Beckbot, considering rises averaged over 13% under Booosh (DOUBLED in 8 years, for a GOP scam), and Masscare proves all your horrors imaginary how 'bout

STFU with the Pubspam, for idiot dupes ONLY. Read something fer chrissake.

These facts come from the CBO and the IRS.
The number one cause of bankruptcy are medical bills. Why are Republicans desperate to keep it that way? It's a curious thing.

You keep repeating this, HOW IS OBAMACARE going to PREVENT THIS ?
And what the hell does Republicans have to do with people going bankrupt..You would rather see our country go bankrupt I suppose?

Why would I want to see the country to bankrupt? I'm not a Republican.

It already is bankrupt, have you not noticed the size of our DEBT?

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
That busy health care industry to-do list ahead of ObamaCare includes an increasing number of hospital job cuts. Since the start of May, hospital groups have announced plans to lay off nearly 6,000 workers

Hospital Staff Under The Knife: Layoffs Pick Up As ObamaCare Looms -

Isn't it remarkable that the party who claims to be "for the people" continually creates policy which absolutely destroys "the people"? The Democrats managed to bankrupt the once great city of Detroit. The Democrats are in the process of bankrupting the once great state of California. And the Democrats are well on their way (nearly $17 trillion and climbing) to bankrupting the once great nation of the U.S.A. Along the way, they've managed to make unemployment skyrocket, energy prices skyrocket, healthcare costs skyrocket, and taxes skyrocket. They've also managed to make personal wealth plummet, individual rights plummet, and home ownership plummet.

Wow.... one hell of a platform they have to run on there :eusa_whistle:
But the beginning of the Obamacare letter from the heads of three major unions—the Teamsters, the United Food and Commercial Workers, and UNITE-HERE—to Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is eerily similar to our experts’ writings.

The unions, of course, were heavy supporters of Obamacare, but even they can’t
deny its effects now.

“When you and the President sought our support for the Affordable Care Act, you pledged that if we liked the health plans we have now, we could keep them,” they wrote. “Sadly, that promise is under threat.”

Morning Bell: Even Unions Are Turning on Obamacare

Even the most die-hard of the die-hard liberals are now complaining about Obamacare. It will be interesting to see if the die-hards on USMB continue to tote the official line for Obama or if they will also relent.

The fact is, this bill was an obamination from day 1. Nobody read it. Nobody cared what was in it. It only passed by illegal back-door deals (like the Louisiana Purchase and the Cornhusker Kickback). It was SWORN by Obama himself to NOT be a tax. And then when it was found to be unconstitutional, it was claimed by Obama himself to be a tax. But it was created in the Senate, and tax bills must be generated in the House.

It was - and continues to be - the biggest cluster-fuck (not to mention embarrassment) of a bill in U.S. history. It's a glaring example of what happens when it's amateur hour in the White House (Obama), House (Pelosi), and Senate (Reid). We desperately need to replace these ideologue buffoons with some adults.
"UPS and FedEx are doing just fine, right? It's the Post Office that's always having problems." – Barack Obama (attempting to make the case for government-run healthcare, while simultaneously undercutting his own argument, Portsmouth, N.H., Aug. 11, 2009)

"UPS and FedEx are doing just fine, right? It's the Post Office that's always having problems." – Barack Obama (attempting to make the case for government-run healthcare, while simultaneously undercutting his own argument, Portsmouth, N.H., Aug. 11, 2009)


Most people couldn't afford to use Fed Ex and UPS.

But that's okay, they're poor people. It's not like they are going to do anything crazy like vote to take what you won't give them.

Oh. Wait. They totally just did that.

"UPS and FedEx are doing just fine, right? It's the Post Office that's always having problems." – Barack Obama (attempting to make the case for government-run healthcare, while simultaneously undercutting his own argument, Portsmouth, N.H., Aug. 11, 2009)


Most people couldn't afford to use Fed Ex and UPS.

But that's okay, they're poor people. It's not like they are going to do anything crazy like vote to take what you won't give them.

Oh. Wait. They totally just did that.


Obviously, you didn't grasp what Obama said there.... :lmao: (don't worry - I'm laughing more at Obama than I am you as his contradiction of himself there never stops being funny).
"UPS and FedEx are doing just fine, right? It's the Post Office that's always having problems." – Barack Obama (attempting to make the case for government-run healthcare, while simultaneously undercutting his own argument, Portsmouth, N.H., Aug. 11, 2009)


Most people couldn't afford to use Fed Ex and UPS.

But that's okay, they're poor people. It's not like they are going to do anything crazy like vote to take what you won't give them.

Oh. Wait. They totally just did that.


Really sums up how your side of the aisle looks at the world. "Give me what I want or I'll vote for someone who promises to take it from you by force and hand it to me in exchange for my voting for them".

Just curious here - can you articulate why I owe poor people anything?
Reality check:

Health care price growth plummets – 2012 lowest year since 1998
Health care price growth in December, at 1.7% year-over-year, was three-tenths below November’s reading, and the lowest rate since February 1998. The 12-month moving average at 2.0% is the lowest since a fractionally lower 2.0% figure was recorded in December 1998. [...]

December was the 43rd month of economic expansion but price pressures are nowhere to be found. Indeed, lower PPI and CPI readings are likely exerting downward pressure on the health price index rather than the expected opposite whereby health care prices would be stimulating general inflation. This scenario, in conjunction with aggressive measures that providers are taking to become more efficient, argue for continued price stability (or even another leg down!).

Health insurance premiums see smallest increase in 15 years
The cost of providing health care benefits to employees rose by just 4.1% this year, the smallest increase in 15 years, according to a survey by human resources consultant Mercer.

And employers are expecting to see another modest increase of 5% next year, the survey of 2,800 companies found. That's a far cry from the beginning of the decade, when employers reported increases of 10% to nearly 15% a year. Last year, benefit costs rose by 6.1%.

Growth In Medicare Spending Per Beneficiary Continues To Hit Historic Lows

The Budget and Economic Outlook: Fiscal Years 2013 to 2023
Medicaid and Medicare. In recent years, health care spending has grown much more slowly both nationally and for federal programs than historical rates would have indicated. (For example, in 2012, federal spending for Medicare and Medicaid was about 5 percent below the amount that CBO had projected in March 2010.) In response to that slowdown, over the past several years, CBO has made a series of downward technical adjustments to its projections of spending for Medicaid and Medicare. From the March 2010 baseline to the current baseline, such technical revisions have lowered estimates of federal spending for the two programs in 2020 by about $200 billion—by $126 billion for Medicare and by $78 billion for Medicaid, or by roughly 15 percent for each program.

Growth of Health Spending Stays Low
January 7, 2013
WASHINGTON — National health spending climbed to $2.7 trillion in 2011, or an average of $8,700 for every person in the country, but as a share of the economy, it remained stable for the third consecutive year, the Obama administration said Monday.

The rate of increase in health spending, 3.9 percent in 2011, was the same as in 2009 and 2010 — the lowest annual rates recorded in the 52 years the government has been collecting such data.

Tell us pop, hwta involvement do you have in Health Care?

Here is the fact YOU never talk about.

The rates that have been filed are pure speculation, there are NO accurate loss ratios to base them on..hence you have SOME companies low balling the numbers...

Why is this important, show us how "smart" you are.

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