Now Obama blames the internet for job losses

While I agree that he is not a good President - he is dead on with this one.
Internet and computerization/technology has caused far more job losses than it has created.
[ame=]Obama Claims He's Visited 57 States - YouTube[/ame]
While I agree that he is not a good President - he is dead on with this one.
Internet and computerization/technology has caused far more job losses than it has created.


this is fact.
But it needs to be understood that it not only caused jobs to be lost...but those jobs will never be regained.

As more people buy on line, the less need there will be for retailers.

People who buy on line are not buying from knee jerk reacting...impulse buying....they are buying knowing they will not have the product for days...soemtimes weeks....

This allows a manufacturer a little lee way and does not need to manufacture more for inventory...and instead, he can manufacture more in line with demand.

I can go on...but it happnes to be fact. We have lost jobs we will never regain...and will continue to do so for many years to come.
Bank ATM's

Airport Kiosks

Japan Tsunami

Bad Luck




[ame=]Blues Brothers - not my fault - YouTube[/ame]
It's like saying wiring the country for electricity decreased employment. jesus! How wrong can you get?
And just when did he figure this out.

He and his herd of idiots have been yaking about Bush for three years.



It's the internet......

Blame Al Gore !!!
It's like saying wiring the country for electricity decreased employment. jesus! How wrong can you get?
Check with the folks who held gas stocks in major cities or crewed whale boats.

Automobiles certainly hurt buggy whip manufacturing. Self service checkout lines hurt grocers. Self service gasoline stations hurt kids getting a summer job. Carts hurt caddies. NAFTA hurt the Rust Belt.

In the words of the late Sonny Bono, the beat goes on.
It's like saying wiring the country for electricity decreased employment. jesus! How wrong can you get?
Check with the folks who held gas stocks in major cities or crewed whale boats.

Automobiles certainly hurt buggy whip manufacturing. Self service checkout lines hurt grocers. Self service gasoline stations hurt kids getting a summer job. Carts hurt caddies. NAFTA hurt the Rust Belt.

In the words of the late Sonny Bono, the beat goes on.

Exactly true.

But unlike all of the others you cited, the internet spans nearly all it is having a MAJOR affect on the need for human employees.

This is not an Obama "passing the buck" is reality. Obama is correct...but he needs to be genuine about it.

He needs to admit that these jobs were not lost temporarily...they were lost for good and a sign of things to come.

All of us need to realize that the easier our lives are made, the less need for human intervention.

Obama proved right away that he lacks the Character to take responsibility for anything. He has a long laundry list of things he says are the Reason for the Very Slow Recovery. The only think he does not think has any effect, is his own Policies.

Name one Conservative who has ever accepted culpability for one damn thing!


I have made many a mistake..and NEVER passed the buck to someone else. I am responsible for everything I do....right or wrong.

Even on here...if someone does not understand my point, I usually respond with "perhaps I am not articulating my point properly"

However, with the likes of TM and NYCarbineer...I simply say they have a comprehension issue...but that is so I can get them to respond with an insult.
It's like saying wiring the country for electricity decreased employment. jesus! How wrong can you get?

You must not be in business.

Let's take the company I run.

5 CSR's (Customer Service representatives)
7 Salespeople
3 people in the business office plus one part-timer.
5 people in pre-production.

3 CSR' least 75% of our work now comes through our eCommerce site.
2 Salespeople...same as above.
1 person in the business office. Our front-end system has advanced to the point that about all a person has to do is enter payments and the system does the rest.
2 people in pre-production. - Automated systems has removed at least 80% of the tasks pre-production used to do.

Above is true in many, many industries.
It's like saying wiring the country for electricity decreased employment. jesus! How wrong can you get?

You must not be in business.

Let's take the company I run.

5 CSR's (Customer Service representatives)
7 Salespeople
3 people in the business office plus one part-timer.
5 people in pre-production.

3 CSR' least 75% of our work now comes through our eCommerce site.
2 Salespeople...same as above.
1 person in the business office. Our front-end system has advanced to the point that about all a person has to do is enter payments and the system does the rest.
2 people in pre-production. - Automated systems has removed at least 80% of the tasks pre-production used to do.

Above is true in many, many industries.
So its all Al Gores fault then:badgrin:
It's like saying wiring the country for electricity decreased employment. jesus! How wrong can you get?

You must not be in business.

Let's take the company I run.

5 CSR's (Customer Service representatives)
7 Salespeople
3 people in the business office plus one part-timer.
5 people in pre-production.

3 CSR' least 75% of our work now comes through our eCommerce site.
2 Salespeople...same as above.
1 person in the business office. Our front-end system has advanced to the point that about all a person has to do is enter payments and the system does the rest.
2 people in pre-production. - Automated systems has removed at least 80% of the tasks pre-production used to do.

Above is true in many, many industries.
So its all Al Gores fault then:badgrin:

Damn him
It's like saying wiring the country for electricity decreased employment. jesus! How wrong can you get?

You must not be in business.

Let's take the company I run.

5 CSR's (Customer Service representatives)
7 Salespeople
3 people in the business office plus one part-timer.
5 people in pre-production.

3 CSR' least 75% of our work now comes through our eCommerce site.
2 Salespeople...same as above.
1 person in the business office. Our front-end system has advanced to the point that about all a person has to do is enter payments and the system does the rest.
2 people in pre-production. - Automated systems has removed at least 80% of the tasks pre-production used to do.

Above is true in many, many industries.

what were your sales in 2000 vs 2011? you dont have to reveal tmi were they more or less?
ROTF. Another slow hate day? Blame is used yet the President didn't "Blame" anyone or thing. Another fine example of how the specious right wing echo chamber parrots useless drivel to their followers.

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