Now Obama blames the internet for job losses

You didn't write that wall of text. This is where you got it and you did not credit them.


Ever hear of copyrights, dimwit?

Hell............I figured everyone was smart enough to know I didn't write it. Maybe I was wrong about you

If you'd done that in college, you'd have been expelled.

I never attended college. I worked.......I worked for most of my life and two of my three kids have masters degrees. The one who doesn't have an advanced degree is a project manager for the Department of Energy earning six figures and she's approaching retirement age.
"Layoffs too often became permanent, not part of the business cycle. And these changes didn't just affect blue collar workers. If you were a bank teller or a phone operator or a travel agent, you saw many in your profession replaced by ATMs and the internet," President Obama said at a campaign event in Kansas.

???? What part of that isn't true?

Truth? They don't need no stinkin truth. If elRushbo makes a claim they simply parrot it, they don't try to see if the fat man was lying or not. They don't care if he is.

I am amazed at how the logic just goes over everyone's heads!

The internet has allowed us to buy and do commerce the world over.... we can sit at home and do our shopping or whatever.
I can sit here in Texas and buy a car from a dude in Alabama.... or maybe a sushi knife from a guy in Japan!
How about the shipping industry... Fed Ex and UPS are booming because of the internet! What about the car in Alabama? Someone will have to ship it to me... that guy is benefiting from that sell also...

There are folks at the other end filling those orders.... running those websites etc etc...

There have been countless jobs created by the internet.

Its funny how the unemployment rate back prior to 2006 was in the 3% to 5% and now it is somewhere around double that.
If I recall, was'nt there an internet prior to that?

Obama is a fool who will blame anyone but himself and his fellow travelers!
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I am amazed at how the logic just goes over everyone's heads!

The internet has allowed us to buy and do commerce the world over.... we can sit at home and do our shopping or whatever.
I can sit here in Texas and buy a car from a dude in Alabama.... or maybe a sushi knife from a guy in Japan!
How about the shipping industry... Fed Ex and UPS are booming because of the internet! What about the car in Alabama? Someone will have to ship it to me... that guy is benefiting from that sell also...

There are folks at the other end filling those orders.... running those websites etc etc...

There have been countless jobs created by the internet.

Its funny how the unemployment rate back prior to 2006 was in the 3% to 5% and now it is somewhere around double that.
If I recall, was'nt there an internet prior to that?

Obama is a fool who will blame anyone but himself and his fellow travelers!

That really is only half the story. What about the local car lots or Brick and mortar stores that have no customers. Shut down. No sales staff. No mechanics. No office personel.

I didn't read it as he was blaming the internet but mentioned it as part of the changing workforce demographics.

If you can design or maintain web sites you can probably still get work.
Hell............I figured everyone was smart enough to know I didn't write it. Maybe I was wrong about you

If you'd done that in college, you'd have been expelled.

I never attended college. I worked.......I worked for most of my life and two of my three kids have masters degrees. The one who doesn't have an advanced degree is a project manager for the Department of Energy earning six figures and she's approaching retirement age.
Good for you. Now, irrespective of your lack of knowledge of plagiarism and copyrights, you can read the rules at USMB, I would imagine.

If you haven't, then I suggest you do. Then you'll never have to worry about being called on your copyright infringements. See how easy that is?

I am amazed at how the logic just goes over everyone's heads!

The internet has allowed us to buy and do commerce the world over.... we can sit at home and do our shopping or whatever.
I can sit here in Texas and buy a car from a dude in Alabama.... or maybe a sushi knife from a guy in Japan!
How about the shipping industry... Fed Ex and UPS are booming because of the internet! What about the car in Alabama? Someone will have to ship it to me... that guy is benefiting from that sell also...

There are folks at the other end filling those orders.... running those websites etc etc...

There have been countless jobs created by the internet.

Its funny how the unemployment rate back prior to 2006 was in the 3% to 5% and now it is somewhere around double that.
If I recall, was'nt there an internet prior to that?

Obama is a fool who will blame anyone but himself and his fellow travelers!

That really is only half the story. What about the local car lots or Brick and mortar stores that have no customers. Shut down. No sales staff. No mechanics. No office personel.

I didn't read it as he was blaming the internet but mentioned it as part of the changing workforce demographics.

If you can design or maintain web sites you can probably still get work.

Those problems can be attributed to the fact that nobody has any money to spare these days.

Why had'nt these issues been an "issue" before now.

Its just an excuse for Obama's dismal record as a POTUS.
Hell............I figured everyone was smart enough to know I didn't write it. Maybe I was wrong about you

If you'd done that in college, you'd have been expelled.

I never attended college. I worked.......I worked for most of my life and two of my three kids have masters degrees. The one who doesn't have an advanced degree is a project manager for the Department of Energy earning six figures and she's approaching retirement age.

Good for you.

BTW.. I worked too... full-time while attending school part-time. What the fuck is your point? You think everybody with a college degree had it handed to them? A lot of us worked our asses off... that's why we didn't get degrees in "Womens Studies" or other such useless nonsense.
While I agree that he is not a good President - he is dead on with this one.
Internet and computerization/technology has caused far more job losses than it has created.
Yes sir the machine will run all day and night getting twice as much done so it pays for itself over and over even with maintenance. Now if the machine replace government or union workers it pretty much pays for itself day one!!
While I agree that he is not a good President - he is dead on with this one.
Internet and computerization/technology has caused far more job losses than it has created.
Yes sir the machine will run all day and night getting twice as much done so it pays for itself over and over even with maintenance. Now if the machine replace government or union workers it pretty much pays for itself day one!!

Yep... then you'll be able to tell even more poor people to blame themselves for being poor.

You're being ridiculous. Obama isn't blaming the Internet entirely for job losses, he is just saying that changes in technology are one of the factors, and they are.

The Automobile......The Washing Machine.......The Word Processor......The Internet. All are changes in technology. Changes in Technology are as constant as the North Star. That's no excuse for hindering an economy.

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