Now that Obama's the Warmongerer, it's a "NATO Airstrike"... Nice.

If you Think I am going to Google ONE thing for you, you're Delusional...

Do your own Homework.



i did and my research shows you suck and you lie.


^Precisely why I don't Entertain Douche-Bags and their Requests...

Go Fuck yourself.



^So Angry... And so Obviously Frustrated...

another day another thread by tha failmaster with nothing to backup his oopsinions.
Obama: Making Air raiding villages and killing civilians cool again

Don't Forget about "Terrorizing Women and Children in the Dark of Night!"...

Was that what Lurch said?... I'm Tired.


can't wait for liberal war protesters to go after Osama. think ill join em :lol:
after the elections in germany we got a new sec of defense.

he cleaned house.

today the ex sec of defense resigned (clarification: he had got a new job as sec of labor in the new admin)

they all lied about the extent of when and what they knew about the attack on the tankers in kunduz.

said there were no civilian casualties. as if that was believable.

good start!
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nato report is in and published in part. looks like the us-pilots did not agree with the order and made that known at the time.

US pilot opposed German Afghan attack orders - The Local

Now extracts from the Nato report published by Der Spiegel suggest the Germans overrode objections from the US pilots they were commanding, to insist the strike take place.

Radio communication between the F-15 pilot, with the call sign ‘Dude’, and the German officer issuing orders, show that the Americans wanted to carry out not just one or two low flying passes as warnings, but five.

But Colonel Georg Klein, call sign ‘Red Baron’, commanding from the German side, overruled the ‘Dude’ and ordered an attack.

“F-15 recommended a show of force five times throughout the mission in order to disperse the people,” the report says. But the ‘Red Baron’ replied, “Negative. The target should be attacked immediately.”

Wing commander Lance ‘Gipper’ Bunch, commander 335th Fighter Squadron Unit which supplied the F-15, also told the investigators that there was disagreement with the Germans over how many bombs should be dropped on the two tankers.

He said the ‘Red Baron’ had called for six bombs, but that the Americans had refused.

“The crew told him this was not going to happen,” said Bunch. Two bombs were all that were necessary, he said.

The operation, which German Defence Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg has admitted in parliament was militarily inappropriate, was initially defended by his predecessor Franz Josef Jung.

Jung and Bundeswehr Chief of Staff Gen. Wolfgang Schneiderhan have since resigned amid revelations the Defence Ministry had withheld information about the air strike called by Col. Klein to destroy the tankers which had been hijacked by the Taliban.


lance gipper bunch, dude, red baron. hahaha

clusterfuck brought to you by the bundeswehr. get out of afghanistan.
apparently even the new sec of def lied about what he knew and when he knew it.

now it comes out that the target of the attack were not the fuel tankers but several taliban commanders who were allegedly lingering about.

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