Now that stories of sex harassment are coming out, how about the Obama gay/crack/cocaine story?

Do you think Obama is gay?

  • Yes, but he's a tranny.

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The right's defense: Bill Clinton was accused of non-consensual sex, which makes it okay for men to have consensual or non-consensual sex with children.


Joan Rivers did say that Obama was gay.

Better to support a politician that is gay and smokes crack than a child raping pedophile like Roy Moore

But yet you same hypocritical fkn a.h. deny the woman who was RAPED BY BILL CLINTON ..................... and she had medical proof. You same idiots believe " just words of rape as long as it isn't a democratic kunt".

Bill's issue is a controversy of consent. Had his accusers been 14 at the time, it wouldn't matter if their was consent, and he would have been forced to step down and possibly prosecuted. I would never celebrate a child raping pedophile, the way you conservatives are doing.

Now that's funny excuses, excuses guess you can keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better about supporting a rapist and his wife who gets perverts off criminal charges and laughs about it too. lol

View attachment 160197

LOL!!! your alternative facts have been proven to be fake quite some time ago. try & keep up 'mk?

Clinton's 1975 Rape Case -

Trump wrongly says Clinton laughed at rape victim

FALSE: Hillary Clinton Freed Child Rapist


Only the dumb and clueless can think that, that's what Gov. victims do. Clinton loved that about her sheep. and the bitch lost anyway.

Better to support a politician that is gay and smokes crack than a child raping pedophile like Roy Moore

But yet you same hypocritical fkn a.h. deny the woman who was RAPED BY BILL CLINTON ..................... and she had medical proof. You same idiots believe " just words of rape as long as it isn't a democratic kunt".
Bill's issue is a controversy of consent. Had his accusers been 14 at the time, it wouldn't matter if their was consent, and he would have been forced to step down and possibly prosecuted. I would never celebrate a child raping pedophile, the way you conservatives are doing.

Now that's funny excuses, excuses guess you can keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better about supporting a rapist and his wife who gets perverts off criminal charges and laughs about it too. lol

View attachment 160197

LOL!!! your alternative facts have been proven to be fake quite some time ago. try & keep up 'mk?

Clinton's 1975 Rape Case -

Trump wrongly says Clinton laughed at rape victim

FALSE: Hillary Clinton Freed Child Rapist


Only the dumb and clueless can think that, that's what Gov. victims do. Clinton loved that about her sheep. and the bitch lost anyway.

View attachment 160199

silly memes don't match up with proven facts, jr.

nice try, doesn't fly.
AsianTrumpsupporter and many right wing conservatives have serious issues with sex, women and blacks, When a person is constantly posting nonsense about sex or the lives of others you realize you are dealing with immature people. Life is too complex for the conservative American, usually republican, and they hide their own insecurities by criticizing others. Freud called it projection and you see it in the hate directed at the other when the conservative poster cannot face themselves and who they are. They may just be immature boys thinking their gutter talk is mature, but usually like in the case of Trump or Moore they are insecure males. Emasculated people is what comes out in their adulation of Trump or even Moore.

CDZ - The Emasculated American

Could it be that those obsessed with gays are secretly gay? That could explain why they see something everywhere, you only see what you want to, you only see where your mind leads you. "Jesse Bering has written a thought provoking article for the magazine, January 30, 2009 issue of the magazine, Scientific American Mind. In it he cites two pieces of empirical research that support the notion of homophobic young men harbor secret homosexual impulses. Both research studies were published in the distinguished publication, Journal of Abnormal Psychology. The first study was done in 2006 by Henry Adams and his team at the University of Georgia. Complete descriptions of the works can be found on Scientific American Mind but you may have to pay for the article or buy the magazine."

Clinical Depression, Separation Anxiety: Allan Schwartz, Ph.D.
When a person is constantly posting nonsense about sex or the lives of others you realize you are dealing with immature people.
and yet we never see you telling this to your liberal friends here who do this.....are you also too immature?....
they hide their own insecurities by criticizing others
kind of like what you are doing here.....

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