Now That’s Effective Gun Control

Obviously the exception.
Exposing the gungoons' lies: More Guns Do Not Stop More Crimes, Evidence Shows

Your link cites Aurthur Kellerman……his research was so bad he retracted his study on guns in the home….did it over and still used the faulty data…and still refused to show whether the gun used in the murder actually came from the home…..

Kellermam and his crappy research have been exposed in detail in other threads…
The old …. Hide the truth research……people with guns are more likely to be killed……that is from your link…..what they don’t tell you is that the “people” they use as their primary sample are criminals engaged in crime and the criminal life style…

Yes, if you are a criminal and you carry a gun…. other criminals are more likely to shoot you and you are more likely to shoot other criminals…..

Also in that long and drawn out piece it states people in their homes are more likely to get killed with a gun than people without, trying to leave the impression that getting killed is in the act of self-defense. The truth is people getting killed in their own homes is because of gun accidents by the home owner or somebody in the household. They omit that part of their research. We had an incident here about two weeks ago. A woman in the hood was messing around with her gun in the living room, accidentally shot into the ceiling killing her 10 year old child in his bedroom.
There is no "stand your ground" law there, but he was beaten & officers believe his life was threatened & he could not have run away.

Connecticut is a Communist state with no scommon sense "stand your ground " law..

The homeowner will probably be charged with murder.

It sucks that a home owner would have a duty to run away in the first place, but hopefully, this home owner is not prosecuted and convicted for self-defense.

In the commie states it is. That's why they don't have a Castle Doctrine.

This would be a "castle doctrine" situation; the homeowner is 100% justified in defending his home. Anyone in it uninvited is assumed to have ill intent. Connecticut is a castle doctrine state with no duty to retreat inside your home -- but not a "stand your ground" state.

Stand your ground is technically an extension of castle doctrine to outside the home, to anywhere you have a right to be . . . In some states that includes your car, any attempt to extricate you from your car can be met with lethal force.
Found this just as I got home, more good news from the Supreme Court in regards to guns:

(The Hill) — The Supreme Court on Thursday struck down a New York state law that made it difficult to obtain a permit to carry a handgun outside the home, marking the justices’ first major opinion on Second Amendment rights in more than a decade.

The 6-3 decision to invalidate New York’s law throws into question the legality of similar restrictions in more than a half dozen other states that give licensing officials wide discretion over concealed carry permitting.

The New York law at issue required concealed carry permit applicants to demonstrate a special need for a license, beyond a basic desire for self-defense. In striking down the law, the court’s conservatives ruled that the so-called “proper-cause requirement” prevented “law-abiding citizens with ordinary self-defense needs from exercising their right to keep and bear arms.”

“We know of no other constitutional right that an individual may exercise only after demonstrating to government officers some special need,” Thomas wrote for the majority. “That is not how the First Amendment works when it comes to unpopular speech or the free exercise of religion. It is not how the Sixth Amendment works when it comes to a defendant’s right to confront the witnesses against him. And it is not how the Second Amendment works when it comes to public carry for self-defense.”

This is why you elect Republican Presidents. They will put real constitutionalist judges on the bench instead of pedophile friendly judges based on the color of their skin.
Also in that long and drawn out piece it states people in their homes are more likely to get killed with a gun than people without, trying to leave the impression that getting killed is in the act of self-defense. The truth is people getting killed in their own homes is because of gun accidents by the home owner or somebody in the household.
It was research on whether the homeowner was more likely to killed if he had a gun Ray, not about because of gun accidents. But that's a good way to expand the discussion!
They omit that part of their research.
Now I've told you why.
We had an incident here about two weeks ago. A woman in the hood was messing around with her gun in the living room, accidentally shot into the ceiling killing her 10 year old child in his bedroom.
You gotta be joking? Mothers are messing with guns and killing their own kids!! Besides that one lucky shot, how many times have been misses?

When handed a gun or picking up a gun, do Americans not even first ensure that it's not loaded? That incident sounds like it was one of the bad guys/girls.
Only one city and that's the one mentioned in one of the articles you posted.

Statistics show that CCW holders are the most law abiding citizens in our country, even more law abiding than police officers themselves. You'd be hell pressed to find a CCW holder breaking any laws in regards to guns. So where do you get these statistics that a good guy with a gun "often becomes" bad guy with a gun from? I'd like to see a reliable link on that because I studied the issue intensely.

By your own admission, there are more bad guys with guns than good guys with guns. I hardly doubt that, but I'll humor you to make a point. So of there are more bad guys with guns than good guys, how is the Democrat plan to disarm good guys with guns help matters any? If anything, it will make things much worse.
I think it's too late for any gun control measures to make things better.
The issue of Americans shooting each other needs to be dealt with by a change in attitude and 'culture'. That first means no more wars.

After America's current war with Russia, things will gradually change on the shootings issue. First indications will be fewer potential killers walking the streets in their dress-up camo costumes.
I think it's too late for any gun control measures to make things better.
The issue of Americans shooting each other needs to be dealt with by a change in attitude and 'culture'. That first means no more wars.

After America's current war with Russia, things will gradually change on the shootings issue. First indications will be fewer potential killers walking the streets in their dress-up camo costumes.

The shootings have nothing to do with any war between Russia and Ukraine. I have no idea how you drew that line.

You can't change attitude and culture since the Democrats destroyed that years ago. The push for single-mother homes, the removal of God from our schools and almost society itself led to the disinterest of religion that is still deteriorating. How is that possible to reverse in a country of 340 million people? Then as I mentioned we have these liberal DA's. prosecutors and judges that give gun criminals a slap on the hand, you have all the makings for what our society is suffering today.

A strong enough deterrent works every time it's tried, and until we are allowed to provide just that, nothing will ever change and punishing law abiding citizens won't work either.
It was research on whether the homeowner was more likely to killed if he had a gun Ray, not about because of gun accidents. But that's a good way to expand the discussion!

Well no shit. Did you know people with swimming pools have more drownings than people without pools? Did you know there are more CO2 deaths in households that have furnaces in their homes than those that don't? As Joe Biden would say.........come on man!

You gotta be joking? Mothers are messing with guns and killing their own kids!! Besides that one lucky shot, how many times have been misses?

When handed a gun or picking up a gun, do Americans not even first ensure that it's not loaded? That incident sounds like it was one of the bad guys/girls.

They only reported the story, not go into her criminal or personal record. There are some places in the city where gunfire takes place every night. Like people who get cars or go on the internet, some people will use these tools for nefarious reasons. Get caught by the cops, you get arrested for discharging a firearm within city limits. You'll probably get (at most) ten days in the county jail for that, so these people could really care less. Again, no deterrent.

I had the story wrong, it was the boys Aunt that shot the gun, not the mother.

Well no shit. Did you know people with swimming pools have more drownings than people without pools? Did you know there are more CO2 deaths in households that have furnaces in their homes than those that don't?
Yes, that's it exactly Ray!
And now maybe we can address that statistics on 6 times more people who try to defend their home and family end up dead then those who don't try to be cowboys with guns.
Yes, that's it exactly Ray!
And now maybe we can address that statistics on 6 times more people who try to defend their home and family end up dead then those who don't try to be cowboys with guns.

And where does that statistic come from because I can't find anything that supports your claim on the internet.
Not my city Ray but I can just imagine it's that bad in American cities. And one thing for sure is that there will be more bad guys and less good guys.
A good guy with a gun can and often does become a bad guy with a gun in America.
But a bad guy with a gun can't become a good guy with a gun.
Guns can only cause 'guys' to be bad and get worse.

Some Americans are forced by government to have guns! What a gong show Ray!
Just go ahead and admit you know nothing about guns and gun owners. I mean, it's obvious you don't, but a little honesty from you would be refreshing.

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