Now this is what a real speech should sound like.


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

Since we have now fallen prey to a president who has trouble putting a sentence together; whose train of thought can be derailed by a penny dropping on fhe floor, I would think that you might want to see an articulate, well presented auditory from someone who epitomizes class.

Or maybe you like Benedict Donald's rambling attempts at sanity? Your call...
I do not pay any attention to anyone's speeches; they are nothing but theater and emotional manipulation.

Since we have now fallen prey to a president who has trouble putting a sentence together; whose train of thought can be derailed by a penny dropping on fhe floor, I would think that you might want to see an articulate, well presented auditory from someone who epitomizes class.

Or maybe you like Benedict Donald's rambling attempts at sanity? Your call...

His speech writer has written that for him. You know how you can tell? it is by him looking at the sheet of paper that is telling him what to say, and how to behave and when to laugh or frown..

The Political Speechwriter's Life



It is hard for the President to read from a script.

Since we have now fallen prey to a president who has trouble putting a sentence together; whose train of thought can be derailed by a penny dropping on fhe floor, I would think that you might want to see an articulate, well presented auditory from someone who epitomizes class.

Or maybe you like Benedict Donald's rambling attempts at sanity? Your call...

Obama has all the extemporaneous oratorical talent of a used car salesman caught in a lie. He is Stuttering Stanley when off script.
And yet Benedict Donald CANNOT EVEN STAY ON SCRIPT.

He always has to stop in each speech to tell everyone how "brilliant" he is. What a frigin joke he is!
And yet Benedict Donald CANNOT EVEN STAY ON SCRIPT.

He always has to stop in each speech to tell everyone how "brilliant" he is. What a frigin joke he is!

You're saying a good speechmaker stands there and reads from a script?
His speech writer has written that for him. You know how you can tell? it is by him looking at the sheet of paper that is telling him what to say, and how to behave and when to laugh or frown..
You act like that is a bad thing. A president's words carry so much weight that his words must be carefully chosen to avoid alienating allies, encouraging our enemies and just plain looking stupid. You guys love it when Trump speaks off the cuff but to people who have to develop government and corporate policy it's as horrifying as seeing a toddler with a gun.
Yeah, right! The educated ones doesn't needs a speech writer, like Obama uses all of the time.
Who is Kelly Oxford, and why should I pay attention to her??
I believed that she is the one that did not had any skills at all, but only she had great communication skills that helped her way through High school. She has went around school flirting with her teachers, telling them how nice and big that they are. And then she will asked them that she will come over to their homes at night for tutoring.

His speech writer has written that for him. You know how you can tell? it is by him looking at the sheet of paper that is telling him what to say, and how to behave and when to laugh or frown..
You act like that is a bad thing. A president's words carry so much weight that his words must be carefully chosen to avoid alienating allies, encouraging our enemies and just plain looking stupid. You guys love it when Trump speaks off the cuff but to people who have to develop government and corporate policy it's as horrifying as seeing a toddler with a gun.
No one likes someone that reads from a script. What if your spouse comes to you reading from a little piece of balled up paper that she is seriously not cheating on you?

And yet Benedict Donald CANNOT EVEN STAY ON SCRIPT.

He always has to stop in each speech to tell everyone how "brilliant" he is. What a frigin joke he is!

Trump has done more to help this country in the last 5 1/2 months than the Barrypuppet did his entire 8 years in office and that is what galls the leftard clown posse. The Barrypuppet has been "shown -up".
You trumpkins might want to back off from all this bowing and scraping of trump's oratory prowess. Fact is, he fails there just like he fails everyplace else.

And teleprompters? Remember how y'all yammered on about President Obama using a teleprompter?

And remember how trumpery said politicians who use prompters just turn this way and then that way and then back that way. And of course, that's exactly what we see from the cheeto now. He can't say 5 words about an issue without reading it. If there's nothing to read, he goes ff on one of his bragging, lying benders.

Trump and the teleprompter: A brief history

'We should outlaw teleprompters … for anybody running for president,' says Trump, who has adopted the technology.

"These other guys, they're going around, they make a speech in front of 21 people. Nobody cares, they read the same speech…They have teleprompters,” Trump said at a campaign rally in August 2015. "I say we should outlaw teleprompters … for anybody running for president.”

But then, as usual, we see he was lying again.

Trump's teleprompter journey: From mocking to missing

(CNN)Donald Trump ran into problems Thursday as he began delivering a speech outlining his economic vision for the country when he noticed the teleprompter was not working.

"I just wanted to say that it's always a lot of fun when the people don't have the teleprompter working. And that's OK. Luckily I brought some notes," Trump said as he held up the notes he read from for the first few minutes of his speech.
Trump, who once rejected teleprompters but has now used a teleprompter at all but one public campaign event in the last month, then switched back to reading his speech from the device once it came back online.

But this was the kicker. remember when he almost looked like he just MIGHT be able to do this job? The whole country, including you trumpkins, sat there with your mouths gaping open. Yes, he still shit on the country like he ALWAYS does and he still lied but he wore clothes that fit and his jacket was buttoned, decent looking tie. For a change, he didn't look like a bum in the gutter.

'course, the next day, he was back to being a big fat cheeto, sloppy suit, tacky, dirty red tie and pouring out the lies.

Trump is the real teleprompter president: Mastio & Lawrence

Which Donald Trump gave this speech? The president or an impostor?

(Photo: Pool photo by Jim Lo Scalzo)

David: Wow. President Trump starts with a surprise. Human and humane words on civil rights and the danger of hate lurking in the bomb threats at Jewish community centers: “While we may be a nation divided on policies, we are a country that stands united in condemning hate and evil in all its forms.”

And he keeps going with the surprises. “America is once again ready to lead,” almost sounds like a repudiation of everything he has said on foreign policy in the last year.
This is what happens when you listen to others that tells you to read from a script.

So that they can make a damn fool out of you.
His speech writer has written that for him. You know how you can tell? it is by him looking at the sheet of paper that is telling him what to say, and how to behave and when to laugh or frown..
You act like that is a bad thing. A president's words carry so much weight that his words must be carefully chosen to avoid alienating allies, encouraging our enemies and just plain looking stupid. You guys love it when Trump speaks off the cuff but to people who have to develop government and corporate policy it's as horrifying as seeing a toddler with a gun.
No one likes someone that reads from a script. What if your spouse comes to you reading from a little piece of balled up paper that she is seriously not cheating on you?


trump reads from a script. And now we know the real reason is he just can't keep up with others.

During the debates, he asked for one to be shortened because he just couldn't keep going that long. Secty Clinton attended the 9/11 memorial with pneumonia but trump had to leave. He couldn't walk 700 yards with the world leaders. He got lost walking less than 10 feet from the car and looked surprised and had to be directed back.

More than old and feeble and obviously mentally ill, its looking like he has some mental vacancy going on.

Teleprompter Trump: the right temperament or low-energy Donald?
His speech writer has written that for him. You know how you can tell? it is by him looking at the sheet of paper that is telling him what to say, and how to behave and when to laugh or frown..
You act like that is a bad thing. A president's words carry so much weight that his words must be carefully chosen to avoid alienating allies, encouraging our enemies and just plain looking stupid. You guys love it when Trump speaks off the cuff but to people who have to develop government and corporate policy it's as horrifying as seeing a toddler with a gun.
No one likes someone that reads from a script. What if your spouse comes to you reading from a little piece of balled up paper that she is seriously not cheating on you?


trump reads from a script. And now we know the real reason is he just can't keep up with others.

During the debates, he asked for one to be shortened because he just couldn't keep going that long. Secty Clinton attended the 9/11 memorial with pneumonia but trump had to leave. He couldn't walk 700 yards with the world leaders. He got lost walking less than 10 feet from the car and looked surprised and had to be directed back.

More than old and feeble and obviously mentally ill, its looking like he has some mental vacancy going on.

Teleprompter Trump: the right temperament or low-energy Donald?
trump reads from a script.
Odd, a previous poster was complaining he kept going off script.

Which is it?
His speech writer has written that for him. You know how you can tell? it is by him looking at the sheet of paper that is telling him what to say, and how to behave and when to laugh or frown..
You act like that is a bad thing. A president's words carry so much weight that his words must be carefully chosen to avoid alienating allies, encouraging our enemies and just plain looking stupid. You guys love it when Trump speaks off the cuff but to people who have to develop government and corporate policy it's as horrifying as seeing a toddler with a gun.
No one likes someone that reads from a script. What if your spouse comes to you reading from a little piece of balled up paper that she is seriously not cheating on you?

Every president has primarily read from prepared speeches so that the newspapers could get advance copies. Other people write this stuff with varying degrees of involvement from the president. Complaining about reading prepared speeches is like complaining about the weather, only the the very worst politicians think they can just wing-it in crucial or solemn situations, like your guy.
His speech writer has written that for him. You know how you can tell? it is by him looking at the sheet of paper that is telling him what to say, and how to behave and when to laugh or frown..
You act like that is a bad thing. A president's words carry so much weight that his words must be carefully chosen to avoid alienating allies, encouraging our enemies and just plain looking stupid. You guys love it when Trump speaks off the cuff but to people who have to develop government and corporate policy it's as horrifying as seeing a toddler with a gun.
No one likes someone that reads from a script. What if your spouse comes to you reading from a little piece of balled up paper that she is seriously not cheating on you?

Every president has primarily read from prepared speeches so that the newspapers could get advance copies. Other people write this stuff with varying degrees of involvement from the president. Complaining about reading prepared speeches is like complaining about the weather, only the the very worst politicians think they can just wing-it in crucial or solemn situations, like your guy.

Well, if CNN will stop twisting his words around, maybe he will start handing them a script. But if he hands them a script, that they will it twisted around by saying that he has handed them their pink slip to them.

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