Now this is what a real speech should sound like.

Well, if CNN will stop twisting his words around, maybe he will start handing them a script. But if he hands them a script, that they will it twisted around by saying that he has handed them their pink slip to them.
What the hell does all that even mean? A well written speech is difficult to twist around. These days most major political speeches are posted online hours before they are given, we all get to see them at the same time.

Like Melania Trump was set up by Michelle Obama's speech giving Melania's speech writer, Michelle's speech, and which president Trump had fired the speech writer, . Knowingly that no one cannot memorizes anyone else speech that they has said over years ago.. That was a trap by the Obama's to humiliate the Trumps. President Trump will be a damn fool to do what they wanted him to do.

It's Obama's fault that Trump has some empty headed trophy wife instead of an actual sentient female? No actual woman with a forebrain would put up with his shit.

So misogyny is cool again as long as it's a republicans wife. Amiright?

She married him for his money, he married her for her looks and willingness to play with his wiener. They are both shallow scumbags and deserve one another, politics has no bearing on that opinion as republicans have no monopoly on convenient superficial marriages.

What attracted you to your wife? What attracted her to you? Is her willingness to play with your wiener a reason you got married?

I think its a pretty shitty thing to bring into a political discussion when there's no cheating going on, they seem happy and are raising some pretty damn good kids.
Well, if CNN will stop twisting his words around, maybe he will start handing them a script. But if he hands them a script, that they will it twisted around by saying that he has handed them their pink slip to them.
What the hell does all that even mean? A well written speech is difficult to twist around. These days most major political speeches are posted online hours before they are given, we all get to see them at the same time.

Like Melania Trump was set up by Michelle Obama's speech giving Melania's speech writer, Michelle's speech, and which president Trump had fired the speech writer, . Knowingly that no one cannot memorizes anyone else speech that they has said over years ago.. That was a trap by the Obama's to humiliate the Trumps. President Trump will be a damn fool to do what they wanted him to do.

It's Obama's fault that Trump has some empty headed trophy wife instead of an actual sentient female? No actual woman with a forebrain would put up with his shit.

So misogyny is cool again as long as it's a republicans wife. Amiright?

She married him for his money, he married her for her looks and willingness to play with his wiener. They are both shallow scumbags and deserve one another, politics has no bearing on that opinion as republicans have no monopoly on convenient superficial marriages.

Well, I hate to bringing up your boss or god personal life. But here it is.

George Soros Got Beat Up By His Ex-Girlfriend During a Deposition


George Soros Got Beat Up By His Ex-Girlfriend During a Deposition


Since we have now fallen prey to a president who has trouble putting a sentence together; whose train of thought can be derailed by a penny dropping on fhe floor, I would think that you might want to see an articulate, well presented auditory from someone who epitomizes class.

Or maybe you like Benedict Donald's rambling attempts at sanity? Your call...

LOL @ Obama speeches.

80% of the words are I, er, and um
What the hell does all that even mean? A well written speech is difficult to twist around. These days most major political speeches are posted online hours before they are given, we all get to see them at the same time.

Like Melania Trump was set up by Michelle Obama's speech giving Melania's speech writer, Michelle's speech, and which president Trump had fired the speech writer, . Knowingly that no one cannot memorizes anyone else speech that they has said over years ago.. That was a trap by the Obama's to humiliate the Trumps. President Trump will be a damn fool to do what they wanted him to do.

It's Obama's fault that Trump has some empty headed trophy wife instead of an actual sentient female? No actual woman with a forebrain would put up with his shit.

So misogyny is cool again as long as it's a republicans wife. Amiright?

She married him for his money, he married her for her looks and willingness to play with his wiener. They are both shallow scumbags and deserve one another, politics has no bearing on that opinion as republicans have no monopoly on convenient superficial marriages.

What attracted you to your wife? What attracted her to you? Is her willingness to play with your wiener a reason you got married?

I think its a pretty shitty thing to bring into a political discussion when there's no cheating going on, they seem happy and are raising some pretty damn good kids.

Well hurray for them, I didn't bring her up in this here topic, that other maniac did. Compared to how you people treated Michelle Obama my criticisms are pretty mild and much more based in reality.

A Trump speech by a mile because he doesn't spend 50% of the saying "uhhhhhhh". And Trump has better writers and speaks to the people.
Smart people say uhhhhh. It's the sound practically everyone makes when they are actually thinking while talking instead of running off at the mouth.

No smart people speak directly, do not need some speech writer and a teleprompter that they have trouble reading because they are almost illiterate. You mess-I-ass was just about the worst public speaker I have ever seen the only thing he had going for him was his charisma. The substance of every speech he made was We need to do this, but they wont let me, We need to do that but Bush messed it up, We need to do another thing but they won't let me so I am gonna do it anyway by the way I took theirs and gave it to YOU so vote for me and I'll give more of their stuff to you... He is and always has been the most vile treasonous piece of shit to wear the suit.
You really think trump lied about that? Or are you saying CNN misquoted?
Please post the true quote then.
With a link.
Or you could just admit you're lying.


Is that your list of promise to dos
You liberals are the biggest losers to ever draw a breath, you are too uneducated in REAL FACTS to have an intelligent rational though. You are too intellectually challenged to be able to compile the information needed to ferret out the truth in any situation. You are too indoctrinated because of your low IQ enabling the lowest scum on earth to control your every breath. it is sad, but so funny that we hope you keep it up. I for one am trying to decide where in comic relief each of you crybaby losers stand, It is hard because all of you are so deep in a fantasy world of treason, violence, psychotic behavior, and living under the impression that you have unlimited rights that no other group has. Guess what,, BACK AT CHA In triplicate with ten times as much force!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

A Trump speech by a mile because he doesn't spend 50% of the saying "uhhhhhhh". And Trump has better writers and speaks to the people.
Smart people say uhhhhh. It's the sound practically everyone makes when they are actually thinking while talking instead of running off at the mouth.

No smart people speak directly, do not need some speech writer and a teleprompter that they have trouble reading because they are almost illiterate. You mess-I-ass was just about the worst public speaker I have ever seen the only thing he had going for him was his charisma. The substance of every speech he made was We need to do this, but they wont let me, We need to do that but Bush messed it up, We need to do another thing but they won't let me so I am gonna do it anyway by the way I took theirs and gave it to YOU so vote for me and I'll give more of their stuff to you... He is and always has been the most vile treasonous piece of shit to wear the suit.
You see, just like that, You didn't think about what to write to advance the conversation, you just vomited out a bunch of random right wing bile and now I think you are a dumbass. Trump does that same shit. Also how can someone be the worst public speaker yet have charisma????? It's kind of the same thing.
Like Melania Trump was set up by Michelle Obama's speech giving Melania's speech writer, Michelle's speech, and which president Trump had fired the speech writer, . Knowingly that no one cannot memorizes anyone else speech that they has said over years ago.. That was a trap by the Obama's to humiliate the Trumps. President Trump will be a damn fool to do what they wanted him to do.

It's Obama's fault that Trump has some empty headed trophy wife instead of an actual sentient female? No actual woman with a forebrain would put up with his shit.

So misogyny is cool again as long as it's a republicans wife. Amiright?

She married him for his money, he married her for her looks and willingness to play with his wiener. They are both shallow scumbags and deserve one another, politics has no bearing on that opinion as republicans have no monopoly on convenient superficial marriages.

What attracted you to your wife? What attracted her to you? Is her willingness to play with your wiener a reason you got married?

I think its a pretty shitty thing to bring into a political discussion when there's no cheating going on, they seem happy and are raising some pretty damn good kids.

Well hurray for them, I didn't bring her up in this here topic, that other maniac did. Compared to how you people treated Michelle Obama my criticisms are pretty mild and much more based in reality.

One thing about President Trump is that he doesn't knows how a criminal insane mind works. He never been around them behind closed doors. He cannot comprehend how deceptive that they can be. Because all of his life, the only thing that he has saw, was the good that people had presented to him. Like he will not talk about Chelsea Clinton's parents in front of Chelsea, because Chelsea and Ivanka Trump were close friends at one time. Until Hillary was spreading more lies about him that has shown that they doesn't have any respect at all, for him or his family. But Pres. Trump still trusted the speech writer after what she had done. He still cannot believe that anyone can be that evil to embarrassed his wife like that on live T.V. But I guess that he is being molded, to understand how the criminal mind works. That i why he is going through a crash course of strange events with the Hillary's clan. That pretty soon that he will find out that his friends will stab him in the back faster than his enemies. By the time he enter in his second term, that the swamp will be drained by that time.

It's Obama's fault that Trump has some empty headed trophy wife instead of an actual sentient female? No actual woman with a forebrain would put up with his shit.
So misogyny is cool again as long as it's a republicans wife. Amiright?

She married him for his money, he married her for her looks and willingness to play with his wiener. They are both shallow scumbags and deserve one another, politics has no bearing on that opinion as republicans have no monopoly on convenient superficial marriages.
What attracted you to your wife? What attracted her to you? Is her willingness to play with your wiener a reason you got married?

I think its a pretty shitty thing to bring into a political discussion when there's no cheating going on, they seem happy and are raising some pretty damn good kids.
Well hurray for them, I didn't bring her up in this here topic, that other maniac did. Compared to how you people treated Michelle Obama my criticisms are pretty mild and much more based in reality.
One thing about President Trump is that he doesn't knows how a criminal insane mind works. He never been around them behind closed doors. He cannot comprehend how deceptive that they can be. Because all of his life, the only thing that he has saw, was the good that people had presented to him. Like he will not talk about Chelsea Clinton's parents in front of Chelsea, because Chelsea and Ivanka Trump were close friends at one time. Until Hillary was spreading more lies about him that has shown that they doesn't have any respect at all, for him or his family. But Pres. Trump still trusted the speech writer after what she had done. He still cannot believe that anyone can be that evil to embarrassed his wife like that on live T.V. But I guess that he is being molded, to understand how the criminal mind works. That i why he is going through a crash course of strange events with the Hillary's clan. That pretty soon that he will find out that his friends will stab him in the back faster than his enemies. By the time he enter in his second term, that the swamp will be drained by that time.

The guy is a New York real estate developer, his success is based in part on an ability to excel in a corrupt, back-stabbing industry. Somehow this makes him good in your book. Don't even try to hold him up as some paragon of virtue. I really have nothing personal against the First Lady other than the distaste I have for anyone who participates in the high fashion industry.
Like Melania Trump was set up by Michelle Obama's speech giving Melania's speech writer, Michelle's speech, and which president Trump had fired the speech writer, . Knowingly that no one cannot memorizes anyone else speech that they has said over years ago.. That was a trap by the Obama's to humiliate the Trumps. President Trump will be a damn fool to do what they wanted him to do.

It's Obama's fault that Trump has some empty headed trophy wife instead of an actual sentient female? No actual woman with a forebrain would put up with his shit.

So misogyny is cool again as long as it's a republicans wife. Amiright?

She married him for his money, he married her for her looks and willingness to play with his wiener. They are both shallow scumbags and deserve one another, politics has no bearing on that opinion as republicans have no monopoly on convenient superficial marriages.

What attracted you to your wife? What attracted her to you? Is her willingness to play with your wiener a reason you got married?

I think its a pretty shitty thing to bring into a political discussion when there's no cheating going on, they seem happy and are raising some pretty damn good kids.

Well hurray for them, I didn't bring her up in this here topic, that other maniac did. Compared to how you people treated Michelle Obama my criticisms are pretty mild and much more based in reality.

You didn't bring her up but you sure piled on. And now your just excusing yourself claiming other people were worse. And you think it's reality based on what? That other maniac made you go all crazy and out do him? Seriously?

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