NOW Tries to Regain a Bit of Credibility


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009
After Republican women faced name-calling for allegedly being a "whore," a "b----" and now something akin to a prudish slut, the National Organization of Women has said it's had enough, and five days before the midterm election has called for a stop of the "sexist, misogynist attacks."

NOW President Terry O'Neill issued a statement late Thursday after a gossip website published a report from an anonymous man -- later identified by "The Smoking Gun" website as Dustin Dominiak -- claiming that he had a one-night stand three years ago with Republican Delaware Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell.

"Today the tabloid website Gawker published an anonymous piece titled "I Had A One-Night Stand With Christine O'Donnell" that takes the routine sexual degradation of women candidates to a disgusting new low. NOW repudiates Gawker's decision to run this piece. It operates as public sexual harassment. And like all sexual harassment, it targets not only O'Donnell, but all women contemplating stepping into the public sphere," O'Neill said.

NOW Defends O'Donnell After One Night Stand Story -

Better late than never I suppose.
After Republican women faced name-calling for allegedly being a "whore," a "b----" and now something akin to a prudish slut, the National Organization of Women has said it's had enough, and five days before the midterm election has called for a stop of the "sexist, misogynist attacks."

NOW President Terry O'Neill issued a statement late Thursday after a gossip website published a report from an anonymous man -- later identified by "The Smoking Gun" website as Dustin Dominiak -- claiming that he had a one-night stand three years ago with Republican Delaware Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell.

"Today the tabloid website Gawker published an anonymous piece titled "I Had A One-Night Stand With Christine O'Donnell" that takes the routine sexual degradation of women candidates to a disgusting new low. NOW repudiates Gawker's decision to run this piece. It operates as public sexual harassment. And like all sexual harassment, it targets not only O'Donnell, but all women contemplating stepping into the public sphere," O'Neill said.

NOW Defends O'Donnell After One Night Stand Story -

Better late than never I suppose.

Now that she can not possibly win. Sure, you bet, she's one of us. Is there a puking icon here?
Good point and yes, there is.:puke3:

No mention of PDS in that condemnation though.:doubt:
Nice try but probably not enough for them. They lost all credibility back when they defended ole Slick Willie Stain-Maker on all his sexual harassment exploits. NOW is a corrupt organization. They only support some Women's rights. If you're a woman with a 'D' by your name,they'll defend your rights. If you don't have that 'D' by your name? Don't count on NOW. NOW is Bull Shit. Nuff said.
After Republican women faced name-calling for allegedly being a "whore," a "b----" and now something akin to a prudish slut, the National Organization of Women has said it's had enough, and five days before the midterm election has called for a stop of the "sexist, misogynist attacks."

NOW President Terry O'Neill issued a statement late Thursday after a gossip website published a report from an anonymous man -- later identified by "The Smoking Gun" website as Dustin Dominiak -- claiming that he had a one-night stand three years ago with Republican Delaware Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell.

"Today the tabloid website Gawker published an anonymous piece titled "I Had A One-Night Stand With Christine O'Donnell" that takes the routine sexual degradation of women candidates to a disgusting new low. NOW repudiates Gawker's decision to run this piece. It operates as public sexual harassment. And like all sexual harassment, it targets not only O'Donnell, but all women contemplating stepping into the public sphere," O'Neill said.

NOW Defends O'Donnell After One Night Stand Story -

Better late than never I suppose.

Now that she can not possibly win. Sure, you bet, she's one of us. Is there a puking icon here?

Did she EVER have a chance to win? And no, I am not talking about the primary....

Now that she can not possibly win. Sure, you bet, she's one of us. Is there a puking icon here?

Did she EVER have a chance to win? And no, I am not talking about the primary....

Maybe.... if the media had done it's job properly. Yet I see you have nothing to say on the topic. I wonder why? Perhaps you're OK with the way NOW behaved?
Now that she can not possibly win. Sure, you bet, she's one of us. Is there a puking icon here?

Did she EVER have a chance to win? And no, I am not talking about the primary....

Maybe.... if the media had done it's job properly. Yet I see you have nothing to say on the topic. I wonder why? Perhaps you're OK with the way NOW behaved?

I could care less how NOW behaved and honestly didn't even know anything about their involvement until this thread. Do you REALLY think their involvement could have cured O'Donnell's lunacy issues?
Did she EVER have a chance to win? And no, I am not talking about the primary....

Maybe.... if the media had done it's job properly. Yet I see you have nothing to say on the topic. I wonder why? Perhaps you're OK with the way NOW behaved?

I could care less how NOW behaved and honestly didn't even know anything about their involvement until this thread. Do you REALLY think their involvement could have cured O'Donnell's lunacy issues?

I know the only one who could cure yours is God Himself.
Maybe.... if the media had done it's job properly. Yet I see you have nothing to say on the topic. I wonder why? Perhaps you're OK with the way NOW behaved?

I could care less how NOW behaved and honestly didn't even know anything about their involvement until this thread. Do you REALLY think their involvement could have cured O'Donnell's lunacy issues?

I know the only one who could cure yours is God Himself.

Once again, your personal insults and attacks are getting you off track, Cali G. In case you HADN'T noticed, I am not running for office in Delaware, Christine O'Donnell is. Regardless of how poorly she is doing.
NOW lost all credibility when they defended Clinton and Kennedy while attacking Bob Packwood and John Tower.

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