Now we can witness some unusual splash of separatism in Europe


Dec 13, 2012
Now we can witness some unusual splash of separatism in Europe. I strongly suspect we owe it partly to some outward influence. At least in our Bretagne I saw it with own eyes this summer. I like to spend my vacations there staying in Saint-Malo at my friend's spacious house. People in Bretagne have always felt themselves somewhat different from rest of France. They have always taken too much interest into their ancient history, Celtic traditions and all that you know. But this time I was a bit perplexed to hear lots of stuff on the necessity of "the succession of Bretagne from France as soon a possible". They used to repeat one and the same phrase... well... something like that "without that damned Paris we could do much better due to tourism only". You see, even a year ago I didn't happen to hear smth of the sort in Bretagne!
Don't you think British intelligence is involved into that separatism madness in Bretagne? They can't make order in their own house with Ireland and Scotland getting more and more independent. And now I guess London has a watering mouth for our Bretagne now. First, it is to get independence and then join the UK. Smart going, it would be!
probably. how are british soldiers in afghanistan securing a gas pipeline for america making sure I can sleep safely in my bed at night btw ?

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