Now we have Texiit

Swimfrog and Tom Horn are silly goofs, but they are fun to have on the Board.

Texas is not leaving the union, guys.
[]You may be a'wl trash, but you are not an oil man. I remember we played West Texas A&M twice, beat them easily. Played Tech and they beat us into the mud.

You get beat into the mud every day here so you must like it. And no, I'm not an oil man...the Railroad Commission is crooked as a box of snakes and stole most of the family mineral rights.
Colorado wants nothing to do with that stupid bullshit.

Says the pinhead doper through a cloud of purple dumbass.
[]You may be a'wl trash, but you are not an oil man. I remember we played West Texas A&M twice, beat them easily. Played Tech and they beat us into the mud.

You get beat into the mud every day here so you must like it. And no, I'm not an oil man...the Railroad Commission is crooked as a box of snakes and stole most of the family mineral rights.
So you were a'wl trash and got run off. I make you look a silly goose every time you meet up with me. Tom Torn, you are fun.
Swimfrog and Tom Horn are silly goofs, but they are fun to have on the Board.

Texas is not leaving the union, guys.

Then why do you keep talking about it?
One, because silly goofs keep trying to say it could happen (is that not silly?) and because you and Tom are fun to mess with.

I love Texas. It's important to the union, and unless or party leaders in Austin figure out how to co-opt the Hispanic vote, we will have a Democratic governor and state legislature by 2024.
Swimfrog and Tom Horn are silly goofs, but they are fun to have on the Board.

Texas is not leaving the union, guys.

Then why do you keep talking about it?
One, because silly goofs keep trying to say it could happen (is that not silly?) and because you and Tom are fun to mess with.

I love Texas. It's important to the union, and unless or party leaders in Austin figure out how to co-opt the Hispanic vote, we will have a Democratic governor and state legislature by 2024.

I've not once said TX will secede.
Swimfrog and Tom Horn are silly goofs, but they are fun to have on the Board.

Texas is not leaving the union, guys.

Then why do you keep talking about it?
One, because silly goofs keep trying to say it could happen (is that not silly?) and because you and Tom are fun to mess with.

I love Texas. It's important to the union, and unless or party leaders in Austin figure out how to co-opt the Hispanic vote, we will have a Democratic governor and state legislature by 2024.

I've not once said TX will secede.
Good for you, because you are right.
I love Texas. It's important to the union, and unless or party leaders in Austin figure out how to co-opt the Hispanic vote, we will have a Democratic governor and state legislature by 2024.

Says the "middle of the road Republican". :alcoholic:
So you were a'wl trash and got run off. I make you look a silly goose every time you meet up with me. Tom Torn, you are fun.

Never got "run off" from anywhere, Slup. If you could unfuck yourself for a minute or two you'd know that.
And the figurative descendants of the Texans who got their asses kicked at the Alamo and Goliad, who could only beat Santa Ana by attacking the Mexicans at nap time, continue the stupidity. The extra "i" is to get the Texcent into the sound.

"Clearly these dolts have never played the board-game Risk before. :-D"

Inspired by BREXIT, Unhinged Texans Take To Twitter to Demand Secession From The Union (IMAGES)
got their asses kicked? do realize the differences in the size of the respective armies and one was trapped inside a building.....and beating them at nap time?....are you serious jake?......have you ever heard snooze,you lose? who was stupid?....
Henry, Travis kept his little force in the Alamo in defiance of orders until he could not run. Stupid.

Bonham surrendered at Goliad instead of retreating on Houston.

Houston attack Santa Ana's smallest column at siesta time.
Travis kept his little force in the Alamo in defiance of orders until he could not run. Stupid.
try wording it different said they got their asses kicked like they were a pussy army.....
Houston attack Santa Ana's smallest column at siesta time
its war jake.....if you have your guys all sleeping at the same time and the other guys are smart enough to take advantage of that.....i call that smart,the other guys stupid....and i notice you thought Santa anas 1500 man army attacking 150-200 guys ok but Houston attacking SA smallest troops like he was some fucking sound like a la raza member Jake....
They were a pussy army. Goliad was a surrender that should not have happened. If you want to equate SA and SH as the same same, go for it.

What I am saying, and having lived in Texas off and on for forty years, is that too many Texans have too much inflated state ego for their own good. We had Republic of Texas folks on the Board some six or seven years ago. Idiots from Overton, I think.

Travis gave Houstons army time by holding the fort. they did what they had to do. You call them a pussy army, well they had opportunities to cut and run but did not. Im 100 percent sure you would have cut and run. What does that say about you?

If yo want to see a pussy army , read up again on the battle for Mexico city . General Scotts army marched across Mexico with out logistical support defeating the Mexicans in battle after battle until they backed the Mexican army into their own capitol then defeated Santa Anna there

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