Now we have Texiit

And the figurative descendants of the Texans who got their asses kicked at the Alamo and Goliad, who could only beat Santa Ana by attacking the Mexicans at nap time, continue the stupidity. The extra "i" is to get the Texcent into the sound.

"Clearly these dolts have never played the board-game Risk before. :-D"

Inspired by BREXIT, Unhinged Texans Take To Twitter to Demand Secession From The Union (IMAGES)
got their asses kicked? do realize the differences in the size of the respective armies and one was trapped inside a building.....and beating them at nap time?....are you serious jake?......have you ever heard snooze,you lose? who was stupid?....
Henry, Travis kept his little force in the Alamo in defiance of orders until he could not run. Stupid.

Bonham surrendered at Goliad instead of retreating on Houston.

Houston attack Santa Ana's smallest column at siesta time.
If Texas ever sought independence, it would not be to isolate themselves from outside influences but rather to profit from them. Simple dumb luck of timing and geography has placed Texas squarely in the path of the largest economic force of our time, globalization. It is the real force that is transforming Texas in the 21st century into the role of economic giant. Texas is one of the two fast growing state economies. Economic growth is far more important to most Texans than isolationism, and racism.
Then there is no chance of secession.
True, therefore the crazies will just beat the drums of discontent and seek to turn back the clock.
And that is why you look stupid on the board, because you get ambushed all the time. You are the board equivalent who gets caught in the live trap every night, staring out of the bars the next morning. Every single time the trap is put out, you end up in it.

Take a poll, Jackass....let's see who the folks think is the hammer and who's the nail....I dare ya.
And that is why you look stupid on the board, because you get ambushed all the time. You are the board equivalent who gets caught in the live trap every night, staring out of the bars the next morning. Every single time the trap is put out, you end up in it.

Take a poll, Jackass....let's see who the folks think is the hammer and who's the nail....I dare ya.
The ones who would support you are in the live trap with you.

That is what makes this board so much fun.
And that is why you look stupid on the board, because you get ambushed all the time. You are the board equivalent who gets caught in the live trap every night, staring out of the bars the next morning. Every single time the trap is put out, you end up in it.

Take a poll, Jackass....let's see who the folks think is the hammer and who's the nail....I dare ya.
The ones who would support you are in the live trap with you.

That is what makes this board so much fun.
Polok, go back and read why I put in the extra "i".

Tom, you are a simple cowardly wuss.

With your types supporting secession, Texas will be in the union forever.
And the figurative descendants of the Texans who got their asses kicked at the Alamo and Goliad, who could only beat Santa Ana by attacking the Mexicans at nap time, continue the stupidity. The extra "i" is to get the Texcent into the sound.

"Clearly these dolts have never played the board-game Risk before. :-D"

Inspired by BREXIT, Unhinged Texans Take To Twitter to Demand Secession From The Union (IMAGES)
got their asses kicked? do realize the differences in the size of the respective armies and one was trapped inside a building.....and beating them at nap time?....are you serious jake?......have you ever heard snooze,you lose? who was stupid?....
Henry, Travis kept his little force in the Alamo in defiance of orders until he could not run. Stupid.

Bonham surrendered at Goliad instead of retreating on Houston.

Houston attacked Santa Ana's smallest column at siesta time.

That would be what you might call, "smart tactics."
Listen, as the proud son of a Texan and therefore having an amplified opinion on the matter, I think it's about time to start busting up this bi-coastal "union" of ours and leave the $21T debt to those who rang it up. As an Arizonan, I'd be proud to have our state join with Texas in a new confederacy. We can add Dixie, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Utah, and Idaho and be the new America while the old USA withers away and finally suffocates under it's diversity and debt.

I should mention here by using the word "confederacy" I'm not implying we should all have black slaves and sip mint juleps. That is of course unless the remainder of a once-mighty UNION wants to sell themselves into slavery simply to escape the hell of a US without us. Some of us might be tempted to buy half a dozen or so former progs and make them fetch things and let us shoot apples off their heads when the mood strikes us. Oh, and wash our dogs.....that's definitely slave work. :doubt:
Not only are you cowardly, you are totally unaware. You may be socially maladapted with a touch of Asperger. Hmm . . . that may be why you like your cage.

Whereas you walk around in the chains of a fantasy world pretending you're a "middle of the road Republican" when the truth is you're a leftist pinhead. :cuckoo:
Besides, Texas was once a country....that's right...from 1836 to 1845 they were a sovereign nation onto themselves. Don't mess with Texas. :nono:
"Don't mess with Texas" means, doofus, don't litter.

You are such not a Texan.
And the figurative descendants of the Texans who got their asses kicked at the Alamo and Goliad

Texians. They were Texians.

If Texas wants out, let them get the fuck out. Pay $1.615 trillion for their proportion of the public debt, and begone with you.
And the figurative descendants of the Texans who got their asses kicked at the Alamo and Goliad, who could only beat Santa Ana by attacking the Mexicans at nap time, continue the stupidity. The extra "i" is to get the Texcent into the sound.

"Clearly these dolts have never played the board-game Risk before. :-D"

Inspired by BREXIT, Unhinged Texans Take To Twitter to Demand Secession From The Union (IMAGES)

Good grief Fake Starkey.. get a hold on yourself.
Listen, as the proud son of a Texan and therefore having an amplified opinion on the matter, I think it's about time to start busting up this bi-coastal "union" of ours and leave the $21T debt to those who rang it up. As an Arizonan, I'd be proud to have our state join with Texas in a new confederacy. We can add Dixie, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Utah, and Idaho and be the new America while the old USA withers away and finally suffocates under it's diversity and debt.

Colorado wants nothing to do with that stupid bullshit.

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