Now we have Texiit

Since I consider Lincoln's greatest mistake to NOT let the south secede (we'd be talking today about building a "beautiful" wall along the Mason-Dixon line), I STRONGLY urge Texans to secede....and perhaps cast their alliance with Mexico? (LOL)

(right wingers should realize that without Texas' electoral votes they'd NEVER win the presidency?)
And the figurative descendants of the Texans who got their asses kicked at the Alamo and Goliad

Texians. They were Texians.

If Texas wants out, let them get the fuck out. Pay $1.615 trillion for their proportion of the public debt, and begone with you.
The Mexicans, the Texians, and the Tejanos were all Texans. Climb down.

Nah, I have homes in Texas (hill country, the pinies) and I don't want to get a passport. :)
The far right are not known for their collective or personal intelligences.
And the figurative descendants of the Texans who got their asses kicked at the Alamo and Goliad

Texians. They were Texians.

If Texas wants out, let them get the fuck out. Pay $1.615 trillion for their proportion of the public debt, and begone with you.
The Mexicans, the Texians, and the Tejanos were all Texans. Climb down.

Nah, I have homes in Texas (hill country, the pinies) and I don't want to get a passport. :)
my grandparents had a ranch in boerne, it's very nice there. i like texas.
The Mexicans, the Texians, and the Tejanos were all Texans. Climb down.

Texans are residents of the US state of Texas. Citizens of the Republic of Texas were Texians. Just ask any Texan.
Study the history, bub. The Republic of Texas = Texans after 1836. Texian and Tejanos as terms fade almost immediately.

1 - The term Tejano is still in widespread use to this day. You're a fucking idiot.

2 - I lived in south Texas for years. I was surrounded by the history. I used to pass the Alamo on a daily basis. Have you ever talked to a native Texan about the state's history? Ever asked them about the Texas History courses they were legally required to pass in order to graduate HS? They don't know how to use a condom but by god will they ramble on about ever nuance about their history they've been indoctrinated with. By the way, you're a fucking idiot.
And the figurative descendants of the Texans who got their asses kicked at the Alamo and Goliad

Texians. They were Texians.

If Texas wants out, let them get the fuck out. Pay $1.615 trillion for their proportion of the public debt, and begone with you.
The Mexicans, the Texians, and the Tejanos were all Texans. Climb down.

Nah, I have homes in Texas (hill country, the pinies) and I don't want to get a passport. :)
my grandparents had a ranch in boerne, it's very nice there. i like texas.
Boerne is a wonderful town. I like coming in from the east into it and follow the small river run.
The Mexicans, the Texians, and the Tejanos were all Texans. Climb down.

Texans are residents of the US state of Texas. Citizens of the Republic of Texas were Texians. Just ask any Texan.
Study the history, bub. The Republic of Texas = Texans after 1836. Texian and Tejanos as terms fade almost immediately.

1 - The term Tejano is still in widespread use to this day. You're a fucking idiot.

2 - I lived in south Texas for years. I was surrounded by the history. I used to pass the Alamo on a daily basis. Have you ever talked to a native Texan about the state's history? Ever asked them about the Texas History courses they were legally required to pass in order to graduate HS? They don't know how to use a condom but by god will they ramble on about ever nuance about their history they've been indoctrinated with. By the way, you're a fucking idiot.
You are a tardo The terms may be used locally but not state wide. Yes, students need to know the terms for social studies. But as actual terms in use, they faded quickly. Please stop showing your ignorance.
But as actual terms in use, they faded quickly.

You mean to tell me that the term used to describe citizens of the Republic of Texas is not often used anymore? Gee, I wonder of that could possibly have anything to do with the fact that THERE IS NO REPUBLIC OF TEXAS ANYMORE, SO THERE ARE NO TEXIANS ANYMORE.

You know another word that's faded? Byzantine. We don't use this word to describe people anymore, because there is no Byzantine Empire anymore. In fact, the only time we talk about Byzantine's is when talking about history involving people from the Byzantine Empire.

This is why nobody likes you, Jake. You say stupid shit, and even when you have an easy and simple out you quintuple down out of ego, trying to push the envelope with arguments that are even more fucking stupid. You are the Donald Trump of USMB posters.
Listen, as the proud son of a Texan and therefore having an amplified opinion on the matter, I think it's about time to start busting up this bi-coastal "union" of ours and leave the $21T debt to those who rang it up. As an Arizonan, I'd be proud to have our state join with Texas in a new confederacy. We can add Dixie, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Utah, and Idaho and be the new America while the old USA withers away and finally suffocates under it's diversity and debt.
I would think that all those states you listed would be smart enough to not hook up with Texas.
Listen, as the proud son of a Texan and therefore having an amplified opinion on the matter, I think it's about time to start busting up this bi-coastal "union" of ours and leave the $21T debt to those who rang it up. As an Arizonan, I'd be proud to have our state join with Texas in a new confederacy. We can add Dixie, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Utah, and Idaho and be the new America while the old USA withers away and finally suffocates under it's diversity and debt.
Colorado is too overrun with potheads to join Texas, but Kentucky might be able to take its place.
Colorado is too overrun with potheads to join Texas, but Kentucky might be able to take its place.

Colorado ain't just Boulder...there's thousands of Colorado residents sick to death of what's been going on with no relief in sight.
I lived in Texas almost all of my adult life.

I have forgotten more about Texas history than you have ever learned.
"Don't mess with Texas" means, doofus, don't litter.

You are such not a Texan.

My Grandpappy was a surgeon for the Confederacy and my Pop graduated from Texas Tech. I too am a son of the prairie and have visited Texas many times....and have oil property in the Permian Basin. I prefer Arizona but have the soul of a you ain't anything but a loudmouth peckerwood. :lol:
"Don't mess with Texas" means, doofus, don't litter.

You are such not a Texan.

My Grandpappy was a surgeon for the Confederacy and my Pop graduated from Texas Tech. I too am a son of the prairie and have visited Texas many times....and have oil property in the Permian Basin. I prefer Arizona but have the soul of a you ain't anything but a loudmouth peckerwood. :lol:
You may be a'wl trash, but you are not an oil man. I remember we played West Texas A&M twice, beat them easily. Played Tech and they beat us into the mud.
That would be you on Fish Wharf.

El Paso, Temple, Fort Hood, Nacogdoches, Tyler, Burnet, Jasper, and still own homes in Texas.

I spend the winters in the Hill Country. don't know grits from tits (manboobs) and you and I both know it. :eusa_snooty:

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